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Libya History: more books (100) | ||
141. ICOE English Centre, English Language School Offers twelve levels, beginner to advanced, of English language courses in Tripoli, libya. http://www.icoelibya.com/ |
142. CNN.com - Libya Offers $25 Million To Ransom Hostages - August 5, 2000 CNN http://www.cnn.com/2000/WORLD/meast/08/05/lebanon.philippines.hostages.ap/index. | |
144. CNN.com - Libya Starts To Release Egyptian Fishermen - December 7, 2000 CNN http://cnn.com/2000/WORLD/meast/12/07/egypt.libya.reut/index.html | |
145. Animal Info - Libya Threatened species, environmental and social data. http://www.animalinfo.org/country/libya.htm |
146. North Africa Search Engine Directory: Regional_countries/Libya libya sahara akakous desert geography practical information government languagehistory tripoli city economy tourist tours libyan tourism information. http://www.marweb.net/Regional_countries/Libya/page3.htm | |
147. Libya Rock Art A study of prehistoric rock art in libya. http://www.libyarockart.com | |
148. Libyana-History Learn about Libyan culture. Samples of arts, crafts, poetry, food, and music fromLibya. Includes discussion forum and chat room. http://www.libyana.org/history/main.htm | |
149. Tripoli World Trade Center Information about products and services from libya. http://www.wtctp.com/ | |
150. Topix.net - Libya News Headline links from media sources around the world. http://rss.topix.net/rss/world/libya.xml | |
151. CIA - Chiefs Of State And Cabinet Members Of Foreign Governments Libya List of names and titles, with date last updated. http://www.cia.gov/cia/publications/chiefs/chiefs103.html | |
152. CNN.com - Starr: Libya Has Scientific Expertise On WMD - Dec. 19, 2003 CNN http://cnn.com/2003/WORLD/africa/12/19/otsc.starr/index.html | |
153. Libya National, subnational, and historical flags. http://flagspot.net/flags/ly.html | |
154. CNN.com - UK Moves To End Libya Sanctions - Aug. 19, 2003 CNN http://cnn.com/2003/WORLD/europe/08/18/uk.libya/index.html | |
155. CNN.com - U.N.: Libya Nuke-free In 3 Months - Feb. 24, 2004 CNN http://cnn.com/2004/WORLD/africa/02/24/iaea.libya.ap/index.html | |
156. Libya Maps - Perry-Castañeda Map Collection - UT Library Online Country, city and thematic maps from the PerryCasta±eda Library Map Collection at the University of Texas, along with links to maps on other web sites. http://www.lib.utexas.edu/maps/libya.html | |
157. CNN.com - U.S.: Libya ships Out nuke Matter - Mar 7, 2004 CNN http://cnn.com/2004/WORLD/africa/03/07/libya.ship/index.html | |
158. CNN.com - White House Delays Easing Of Libya Travel Ban - Feb. 24, 2004 CNN http://cnn.com/2004/US/02/24/libya/index.html | |
159. CNN.com - France Hails Libya Jet Bomb Deal - Jan. 9, 2004 CNN http://cnn.com/2004/WORLD/europe/01/09/france.libya.uta/index.html | |
160. Libya Postpones Bulgarian Medics' HIV Trial CNN http://cnn.com/2001/WORLD/meast/05/13/libya.trial.reut/index.html |
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