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81. Measuring Earthquakes Seismologists use two main devices to measure an earthquake a seismograph and a The original scale was modified to measure earthquakes at any distance, http://skywalker.cochise.edu/wellerr/students/measure-quake/paper.htm | |
82. Index.html Indonesia/Nicobar/Andaman Mw=9 earthquake 2004 Materials and background info . and strain and tilt measurements related to monitoring earthquakes, http://cires.colorado.edu/~bilham/ | |
83. Nearctica - Education - Subjects - Earthquakes Also read about measuring the intensity of an earthquake and the future ofearthquake prediction. The San Andreas Fault. Sandra Schulz and Robert Wallace. http://www.nearctica.com/educate/subject/equake.htm | |
84. Nearctica - Geology - Earthquakes Also read about measuring the intensity of an earthquake and the future ofearthquake prediction. Recommended. The San Andreas Fault. http://www.nearctica.com/geology/quake/quake.htm | |
85. FAQs On Pacific Northwest Earthquakes The Richter magnitude of an earthquake is calculated by measuring the Intensity of an earthquake is a measure of the amount of ground shaking at a http://www.pnsn.org/INFO_GENERAL/faq.html | |
86. WA Earthquake Hazards - How Are Earthquakes Measured? HOW ARE earthquakeS MEASURED? taken from Washington State earthquake Hazards , The intensity of an earthquake is a measure of the amount of ground http://www.pnsn.org/INFO_GENERAL/NQT/how_are.html | |
87. Nepalnews.com Mercantile Communications Pvt. Ltd. (News Feature September 2004) The massive earthquake (measured 8.4 on the Richter scale) that hit in 1934 (popularlyknown as `Nabbe Saalko BhuichaloÂ) cost lives of over 8500 people in http://www.nepalnews.com.np/archive/2004/dec/news_features_dec04_02.htm | |
88. EQ Causes And Measurements Prof. Stephen A. Nelson. earthquakes Causes and Measurements A better measureof the size of an earthquake is the amount of energy released by the http://www.tulane.edu/~sanelson/geol204/eqcauses.htm |
89. Earthquakes Module 5 Environmental Geology Detecting, Locating, and Measuring earthquakes but it is not required here.)Write down how important facts about an earthquake are measured. http://wapi.isu.edu/envgeo/EG5_earthqks/eg_mod5.htm | |
90. Richter Earthquake Scale Richter and Mercalli earthquake Scales describing earthquake force. of theresulting earthquake damage and not actually measured on instruments. http://www.mistupid.com/geology/richter.htm | |
91. NOAA News Online (Story 2365) NOAA SCIENTISTS ABLE TO MEASURE TSUNAMI HEIGHT FROM SPACE The massive tsunamitriggered by an undersea earthquake in the Indian Ocean literally rippled http://www.noaanews.noaa.gov/stories2005/s2365.htm | |
92. Frictional Motion Study Could Provide Tool For Earthquake Prediction An earthquake is felt (and is measured seismically) as a sudden, rapid movement,or sliding, of tectonic plates in a frictional action, says Fineberg. http://www.physorg.com/news1337.html | |
93. Georgia Tech: Seismic Site Characterization And Geotechnical Earthquake Hazards and geotechnical earthquake engineering including laboratory and in situmeasurement of Structural Dynamics and earthquake Engineering recommended http://www.pe.gatech.edu/conted/servlet/edu.gatech.conted.course.ViewCourseDetai |
94. Earthquakes earthquake Intensity Measure of an earthquake s destructive power (size and earthquake Magnitude - Quantitative measure of the energy released by an http://www.geo.ua.edu/intro03/quakes.html | |
95. Recording Earthquakes They hope that by collecting data about past earthquakes they can help predictfuture His measurement is known as the Richter magnitude; although many http://www.chemistry.org/portal/a/c/s/1/feature_tea.html?DOC=teachers\tea_seismo |
96. Centre For The Observation And Modelling Of Earthquakes And Tectonics to measure strain accumulation across faults occurring between earthquakes, Wright TJ, B. Parsons, EJ Fielding, measurement of interseismic strain http://comet.nerc.ac.uk/news_watervapour.html | |
97. EIS: Educational Outreach Strategy Involves Students In Earthquake Hazard Resear NASA has been making precise geodetic measurements to assess earthquake hazardassociated with the subduction zone process in Alaska since 1984. http://www.agu.org/sci_soc/articles/sauber.html | |
98. Calculating Depths Of Deep Earthquakes The depth to very deep earthquakes is usually established by measuring thedifference in arrival time of the P and pP wave. This is something you can do http://lasker.princeton.edu/ScienceProjects/curr/deepeq/deepeq.htm | |
99. Earthquakes! One of its flaws is its imprecision in measuring the biggest earthquakes, thosein the range of 8 or 9. Different methods of measuring magnitude have http://www.infoplease.com/spot/earthquake1.html | |
100. FEMA For Kids: Young Americans Prepare: Becoming Disaster Ready The Richter Scale is a measure of the magnitude of earthquakes. The scales usemeasurements from a seismograph an instrument used to record earthquakes http://www.fema.gov/kids/98wdeq.htm | |
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