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61. Science Blog -- New Technology To Help Measurement And Study Of Earthquakes New Technology To Help measurement and Study of earthquakes The continuous,earthquakerelated measurements from the GPS network will allow scientists http://www.scienceblog.com/community/older/1996/A/199600304.html | |
62. Science Blog - New Technology To Help Measurement And Study Of Earthquakes The continuous, earthquakerelated measurements from the GPS network will allow The GPS measurements will also be useful during and after earthquakes. http://www.scienceblog.com/community/older/archives/C/archsf580.html | |
63. How To Map An Earthquake: A Guide From Ordnance Survey earthquake damage. Seismologists have always needed a way to measure how strongthe earthquake was at different places, and this measure is called intensity http://www.ordnancesurvey.co.uk/oswebsite/education/schools/classroom/mapearthqu | |
64. USGS Earthquake Hazards Program-FAQ - Frequently Asked Questions How are earthquakes measured? How is the magnitude of an earthquake determined? A earthquake size, as measured by the Richter Scale is a well known, http://earthquake.usgs.gov/faq/meas.html | |
65. Earthquake Glossary A measure of the size of an earthquake based on the area of fault rupture, theaverage amount of slip, and the force that was required to overcome the http://earthquake.usgs.gov/4kids/eqterms.html | |
66. The South-East Asia Earthquake And Tsunami Blog earthquake and Tsunami Alert Andaman Islands. An earthquake measuring 7.2 onthe Richter scale, with its epicentre 135 kms west of Car Nicobar has been http://tsunamihelp.blogspot.com/ |
67. EARTHQUAKE MAGNITUDES earthquake data set 2 consists of a single earthquake measured at many differentstations. Calculate mb or Ms for each station. http://lasker.princeton.edu/ScienceProjects/curr/eqmag/eqmag.htm | |
68. Earthquakes In Japan The Japanese shindo scale for measuring earthquakes is more commonly used inJapan than the Richter scale. Shindo refers to the intensity of an earthquake http://www.japan-guide.com/e/e2116.html | |
69. Virtual Earthquake - An Introduction In order to locate the epicenter of an earthquake you will need to examine its On each of these seismograms you will have to measure the S P time http://www.sciencecourseware.com/VirtualEarthquake/VQuakeExecute.html | |
70. 10(m) Earthquakes The strength of an earthquake can be measured by a device called a seismograph.When an earthquake occurs this device converts the wave energy into a http://www.physicalgeography.net/fundamentals/10m.html | |
71. Glossary Of Terms: E Measurements indicate that the average Earth albedo is approximately 30 %. earthquake Focus; Point of stress release in an earthquake. http://www.physicalgeography.net/physgeoglos/e.html | |
72. NSL: Living With Earthquakes In Nevada In fact, earthquakes are very complex. Measuring their size is something like Seismologists measure different earthquake dimensions with different http://www.seismo.unr.edu/ep/nvguide/sbg4.html | |
73. Richter Magnitude large number of earthquakes, and developed a calibrated system of measuring Richter showed that, the larger the intrinsic energy of the earthquake, http://www.seismo.unr.edu/ftp/pub/louie/class/100/magnitude.html | |
74. Modified Mercalli Intensity Of the two ways to measure earthquake size, magnitude based on instrumentalreadings and intensity based on qualitative effects of earthquakes, http://www.eas.slu.edu/Earthquake_Center/mercalli.html | |
75. Geodynamics: Cascadia Subduction Zone measurement of Subduction Zone Deformation. Locked Subduction Zone Subductionthrustearthquakes or mega-earthquakes are known to be one stage of a http://www.pgc.nrcan.gc.ca/geodyn/cascadia.htm | |
76. ScienceMaster - JumpStart - Earthquakes - Frequently Asked Questions How do you measure the shaking that you feel during an earthquake? Measuringearthquakes. How are EQs recorded? By a seismographic network. http://www.sciencemaster.com/jump/earth/quakes_faq.php | |
77. Tech Topics: Earthquakes: Measuring Earthquakes photos, and descriptions of seismographs, which have measured earthquakes overtime. A seismograph takes the motion of an earthquake and turns it into a http://www.thetech.org/exhibits/online/topics/32a.html | |
78. University Of Bergen Magazine 2002 - When The Earth Quakes An earthquake measuring 6.0 on the Richter Scale is equivalent to a single Hiroshima The most powerful earthquake ever measured (in Chile in 1960) had a http://www.uib.no/elin/elpub/uibmag/en01/earthquake.html | |
79. SpiNet | 1960 Chilean Earthqauke This makes MW a more accurate measurement of an earthquakes characteristics.Chile, an example The magnitude of earthquakes is difficult to measure, http://www.scieds.com/spinet/historical/chile_mag.html | |
80. Ground Shakers' Earthquakes There are two main types of scales that are used to measure earthquakes.The Richter scale, and the Mercalli scale. The Richter scale is one of the scales http://library.thinkquest.org/03oct/00433/measurement.htm | |
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