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41. California Earthquake-Measurement Field Sites California earthquakemeasurement Field Sites. This map of California shows theStanford field sites as solid circles and some of the most notable faults as http://www-star.stanford.edu/~acfs/Field_sitesMap.html | |
42. Aftenposten Norway, Norwegian News In English earthquake measurement was Rocknes impact Instruments at the GeophysicalInstitute at Bergen University reveal three powerful measurements in the area http://www.aftenposten.no/english/local/article714926.ece | |
43. Electronic Desktop Project - Virtual Earthquake You are to locate the epicenter of an earthquake by making simple measurement on In order to get this certificate, you must make careful measurements http://www.sciencecourseware.com/VirtualEarthquake/ | |
44. FEMA For Kids: Disaster Connection - Kids To Kids The intensity of an earthquake can be measured. One measurement is called theRichter scale. earthquakes below 4.0 on the Richter scale usually do not cause http://www.fema.gov/kids/quake.htm | |
45. EVPP 110 Lecture earthquake measurement. Richter scale; measures vibrational amplitude of earthÂs earthquake- measurement. Mercalli scale; does NOT measure energy http://mason.gmu.edu/~klargen/110lectphysicalenvironmentplatetectonicsfall03.htm | |
46. Locating And Measuring Earthquakes - Putting Down Roots In Earthquake Country In fact, earthquakes are very complex. Measuring their size is something like Seismologists have since developed a new measurement of earthquake size, http://www.earthquakecountry.info/roots/measuring.html | |
47. Geodynamics: Earthquake Processes earthquake Processes. Cascadia Subduction Zone. measurement of Subduction ZoneDeformation; Current measurement Techniques; Cascadia earthquake Activity http://www.pgc.nrcan.gc.ca/geodyn/eqpro.htm | |
48. InforMARE - Press Review earthquake measurement was Rocknes impact. Instruments at the GeophysicalInstitute at Bergen University reveal three powerful measurements in the area http://www.informare.it/news/review/2004/aftenposten0046.asp | |
49. Research Products Borcherdt, RD, 1997, earthquake groundmotion measurement for public safety,Proc., 29th Joint Meeting UJNR Panel on Wind and Seismic Effects, Tsukuba, http://nsmp.wr.usgs.gov/publications/research_products.html | |
50. Hot News There was a local avalanche earthquake on 3 Oct 2001, measurement of SO2emission using COSPEC within this week noted an average of SO2 was 80 ton per http://www.vsi.esdm.go.id/news/632.html | |
51. MSN Encarta - Earthquake Even with precise instrumental measurement of past earthquakes, however, As an example, after the 1906 San Francisco earthquake, the measurements showed http://encarta.msn.com/encyclopedia_761571674_5/Earthquake.html | |
52. MSN Encarta - Print Preview - Earthquake They measure the pattern of an earthquake with a machine called a seismograph . Even with precise instrumental measurement of past earthquakes, however, http://encarta.msn.com/text_761571674___33/Earthquake.html | |
53. Urban Legends Reference Pages: Legal (Shake's Peers 'n' Gov) (The Mercalli scale is a measurement derived from observable earthquake damage;the Richter scale is based on seismometer readings. http://www.snopes.com/legal/fema.htm | |
54. "Seizing" Up The Quake: The Measurement Seizing Up the Quake The measurement By Trista L. Pollard How do they knowwhat magnitude the earthquake registers on the Richter scale? http://www.edhelper.com/ReadingComprehension_37_22.html | |
55. Measurement The benefit of this type of measurement is that it gives a consistent and uniformmeasure of the size of an earthquake of any magnitude anywhere in the http://scign.jpl.nasa.gov/learn/eq8.htm | |
56. Earthquake & Seismic Information Page WHAT IS THE DIFFERENCE BETWEEN THE RICHTER AND MERCALLI SCALES OF EARTHQUAKEmeasurement? What is the ModifiedMercalli Scale measurement? http://www.wreg.com/Global/story.asp?S=242861 |
57. Measurement (from Earthquake) --Â Britannica Student Encyclopedia measurement (from earthquake) A seismograph records the pattern of shock waveson a revolving drum of paper. These wavy lines show the strength of the http://www.britannica.com/ebi/article-199870 | |
58. FIELD-Q Measuring instruments were installed both on the east and the west caissons and measurement during earthquake is a dynamic measurement that starts http://taisinkouwandata.ceri.go.jp/english/index3.html | |
59. Maryland Geological Survey: Earthquakes In Maryland measurement of the severity of an earthquake can be expressed in several ways, Magnitude is an objective measure of earthquake severity and is closely http://www.mgs.md.gov/esic/brochures/earthquake.html | |
60. Earthquakes Magnitude is a measure of energy released in an earthquake by measuring theamplitude of ground motion with a seismograph. This measurement is given on the http://www.gsa.state.al.us/gsa/eq2/eq.html | |
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