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         Lithuania History:     more books (100)
  1. Lithuania: The Rebirth of a Nation, 1991-1994: The Rebirth of a Nation, 1991-1994 by Alexandra Ashbourne, 1999-08-28
  2. After the Deluge: Poland-Lithuania and the Second Northern War, 1655-1660 (Cambridge Studies in Early Modern History) by Robert I. Frost, 2004-03-11
  3. Soviet occupation and annexation of the Republic of Lithuania, June 15- Aug. 3, 1940 by Algirdas M Budreckis, 1968
  4. A history of the Lithuanian military forces in World War II 1939 - 1945 by Henry L Gaidis, 1998
  5. The agony: A literary approach to history by Jurgis Gliaudys, 1985
  6. The Emergence of Modern Lithuania by Alfred Erich Senn, 1975-06
  7. Everyday life after communism: Some observations from Lithuania (The Carl Beck papers in Russian & East European studies) by Maeve W McMahon, 2002
  8. An outline of Lithuanian history by Stasys Samalavicius, 1995
  9. The Holocaust in Lithuania 1941-1945: A Book of Remembrance Vol. I
  10. Significance of Ruthenian & Muscovite elements in Lithuanian history by Thomas George Chase, 1944
  11. Soviet Genocide in Lithuania by Joseph Pajaujis-Javis, 1980-06
  12. The history of the Lithuanian nation and its present national aspirations, by Antanas Jusaitis, 1919
  13. The story of captive Lithuania: An informal survey by Joseph Kajeckas, 1969
  14. Lithuania: The Indestructible Soul by Harold C. Wilson, 2002-09-01

41. Castles Of Lithuania - Voruta
The web site, devoted to the history of Lithuania in the Middle Ages. Back Castles of lithuania history of Voruta Next
News of the project "Wooden Castle" Lietuviškai CASTLES OF LITHUANIA The Castle of Voruta History of Voruta News Research reports ... Poetry
The Castle of Voruta
The castle of Voruta was one of the most important castles during the reign of the first and the only crowned King of Lithuania Mindaugas (1238–1263). Here Mindaugas defended himself in 1251, in time of the internal war. Later Voruta disappeared and its location became a matter of dispute among historians. The hillfort of Šeimyniškėliai near Anykščiai (which was called Varutė Hill by the local people) is the most reliable site of the castle of Voruta.
The archaeological investigations of the hillfort started in 1990 (chief – Gintautas Zabiela). In 1997 the mayor of the Anykščiai region Saulius Nefas suggested an idea of building a wooden castle on the Šeimyniškėliai (Voruta) hillfort. It was supported by a large number of representatives of intelligentsia not only in Anykščiai, but also in the whole of Lithuania. After long discussions with both the community and experts of cultural heritage protection, the construction of the castle on the entirely excavated hillfort was approved.
On February 26, 1999, in the Ministry of Culture of the Republic of Lithuania a declaration concerning the construction of the wooden castle was signed.

42. HSTEU / SCAND 454 Baltic History, Lectures & Readings
2 lithuania history Shtromas, A Soviet Publication JBS 192 (handout). Thurs Authoritarian Politics; International Politics.
HOME Schedule: Week 1 (Mar 29-31)
Week 2 (Apr 5-76)

Week 3 (Apr 12-14)

Week 4 (Apr 19-21)
Week 10 (May 31-Jun 2)
HSTEU/SCAND 454: Baltic History
Spring Quarter 2005 Class Schedule and Readings
Week 1 (March 29-31): Introduction
Tuesday: The Baltic Today. Geography; Population; Politics; Economy; Culture. Reading:
Baltic States (three books!); read three prefaces: Es xi-xxv; La xi; Li xii-xv.
Optional reading: Rampolla, Guide to Writing History
Thursday: The Baltic before 1900.
Es 1-9; La 1-8; Li xvii-xxxii
Landsbergis Chapters 1-2 and pages 353-368
Eksteins "Prologue" Optional reading: Baltic history timeline/encyclopedia Historical maps
Week 2 (April 5-7): The turn of the century
Tues Socialist and Nationalist movements Es 9-14; La 9-14; Li xxxii-xxxvii
Eksteins Chapters 1-2 Landsbergis Chapters 3-4 Thurs WW I, Wars for Independence La 14-18; Li 8-19

43. Lithuania Travel Information | Lonely Planet Destination Guide
lithuania owes much to the rich cultural currents of central Europe it once artist community, disturbing history and a beautiful baroque old town.
@import "/worldguide/css/dmStyle.css"; @import "/worldguide/css/dmStyle_structure.css"; @import "/worldguide/css/dmStyle_theme.css"; worldguide shop thorn tree forum travel services ... travel links Explore Lithuania
A gregarious old town of party folks and folksy arts.
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Dating from the 14th century, this magnificent red-brick castle was recently renovated in 1955... more >
WORLDGUIDE Introduction See Image Gallery Transport Money Essential Info RELATED Thorn Tree Forum Postcards Travel Links Lithuania owes much to the rich cultural currents of central Europe: it once shared an empire with neighbouring Poland that stretched from the Baltic Sea almost to the Black Sea. Its capital Vilnius boasts a Baroque Old Town that is the largest in Eastern Europe and praised as the 'New Prague'.
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44. Lithuania : History
In 1447, under Casimir IV, the son of Jogaila, lithuania and Poland were permanently In the summer of 1944 the Soviets reoccupied lithuania, which was
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/ History
Special thanks to the Microsoft Corporation for their contribution to my site. The following information came from Microsoft Encarta Some scholars believe that Lithuanians inhabited the Baltic area as early as 2500 BC; others believe they migrated to the Baltic area about the beginning of the 1st century AD. The first reference to them by name was in AD 1009 in a medieval Prussian manuscript, the Quedlinburg Chronicle.
The Medieval Jogailan Empire
With the rise of the medieval lords in adjacent Prussia and Russia, Lithuania was constantly subject to invasion and attempted conquest. As a result, a loose federation of Lithuanian tribes was formed in the early Middle Ages.
In the 13th century AD, when the Teutonic Knights, a German militaristic religious order, were establishing their power, the Lithuanians resisted; in about 1260 they defeated the order. About a century later a dynasty of grand dukes called the Jogailans established, through conquest, a Lithuanian empire reaching from the Baltic to the Black seas.
The Lithuanian Prince Gediminas occupied Belarus and western Ukraine; his son, Grand Duke Algirdas, added the territory between Ukraine and the Black Sea.

45. Lithuania : History : Legends
history. Once upon a time the Grand Duke of lithuania Gediminas was hunting in the holy woods of the Valley of Sventaragis. Tired after the successful day
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Once upon a time the Grand Duke of Lithuania Gediminas was hunting in the holy woods of the Valley of Sventaragis. Tired after the successful day hunt the Grand Duke settled for night there. He fell asleep soundly and had a dream. A huge iron wolf was standing on top a hill and the sound of hundreds of other wolves inside it filled all surrounding fields and woods. Upon wakeup, the Duke asked the pagan priest Lizdeika to reveal the secret of the dream. And he told: "What is destined for the ruler and the state of Lithuania, let it be: the iron wolf means a castle and a town which will be established by the ruler on this site. The town will be the capital of the Lithuanian lands and the dwelling of rulers the and glory of their deeds shall echo throughout the world".

46. Lithuania Early History - Flags, Maps, Economy, Geography, Climate, Natural Reso
lithuania Early history Flags, Maps, Economy, Geography, Climate, Natural Resources, Current Issues, International Agreements, Population,

  • Country Ranks
    Early History
    Source: The Library of Congress Country Studies
      < BACK TO HISTORY CONTENTS Lithuanians belong to the Baltic group of nations. Their ancestors moved to the Baltic region about 3000 B.C. from beyond the Volga region of central Russia. In Roman times, they traded amber with Rome and around A.D. 900-1000 split into different language groups, namely, Lithuanians, Prussians, Latvians, Semigallians, and others. The Prussians were conquered by the Teutonic Knights, and, ironically, the name "Prussia" was taken over by the conquerors, who destroyed or assimilated Prussia's original inhabitants. Other groups also died out or were assimilated by their neighbors. Only the Lithuanians and the Latvians survived the ravages of history. Traditions of Lithuanian statehood date from the early Middle Ages. As a nation, Lithuania emerged about 1230 under the leadership of Duke Mindaugas. He united Lithuanian tribes to defend themselves against attacks by the Teutonic Knights, who had conquered the kindred tribes of Prussia and also parts of present-day Latvia. In 1251 Mindaugas accepted Latin Christianity, and in 1253 he became king. But his nobles disagreed with his policy of coexistence with the Teutonic Knights and with his search for access to western Europe. Mindaugas was killed, the monarchy was discontinued, and the country reverted to paganism. His successors looked for expansion toward the Slavic East. At that early stage of development, Lithuania had to face the historically recurring question dictated by its geopolitical positionwhether to join western or eastern Europe.
  • 47. Lithuania: From Ancient Times To World War I - A Part Of Randburg
    Thus, he became the first and only king in Lithuanian history. Grand Duke Gediminas (Gedimin), who ruled the country from 1316 to 1341,
    Search Randburg - Search Iceland
    From ancient times to World War I
    The Baltic tribes established themselves on what is presently known as Lithuanian territory during the 7th-2nd centuries BC. Many centuries passed, however, before the name of Lithuania appeared in records for the first time, in AD 1009, in the Annals of Quedlinburg. During the period 1236-63, Duke Mindaugas (Mindowe) united the Lithuanian ethnic lands and established the state of Lithuania, which was able to offer resistance against the eastward expansion of the Teutonic Knights. In 1253, Mindaugas embraced Christianity for political reasons, and accepted the crown from the Pope of Rome. Thus, he became the first and only king in Lithuanian history. Grand Duke Gediminas (Gedimin), who ruled the country from 1316 to 1341, started the long-term expansion of Lithuania into the lands of the eastern Slavs. He founded the modern capital city of Vilnius and started the Gediminaiciai dynasty, whose representatives became members of many European monarchies. A Gediminaitis, Jogaila (Jagiello), in becoming the King of Poland in 1386, started the 400-year common history of Lithuania and Poland, which was marked by several agreements and unions. As a result of this union, Christianity finally came to Lithuania.

    48. Lithuania-Ireland: Regionalisation And Policy Compared
    Same size, same population, but different history and policy.
    Lithuania-Ireland: regionalisation and policy compared
    Lithuania and the Republic of Ireland are of similar size, and in the mid-1990's they had almost exactly the same population. Population density in Lithuania was then slightly higher, 57/km as against 53/km in Ireland. Unlike, for instance, the Netherlands, this is low enough to speak of classic regions with central cities: there are no large overlapping commuter zones. Urbanisation was lower in Ireland, still only 54% in 2002, with urban defined as settlements of 5 000 or more. Both countries became independent after the First World War, but their different histories affected population and urbanisation. Recent economic growth in Ireland is creating a new urban pattern there, sharply distinct from that of Lithuania. The total population is also diverging - now under 3,5 million in Lithuania but almost 4 million in Ireland. There are five major differences in the population and urbanisation history of Lithuania and Ireland. The first is that Lithuania was a front-line area in both the First and Second World Wars. Ireland has been stable and neutral for 80 years. The Second World War saw Soviet occupation, German occupation, the extermination of the large Jewish minority, return to the Soviet Union, expulsion of the remaining German minority, nationalist guerrilla activity until 1951, political deportations under Stalin, and the "voluntary" transfer of Poles to Poland. The scale of violent death in Lithuania far exceeds that of the Irish War of Independence (1916-1921), and the 30 years of violence in Northern Ireland.

    Includes a history of diplomatic relations between the Republic of lithuania and the Kingdom of Sweden.
    EN LR atstovybës Naujienos Ávadas Naujienos Ambasados darbuotojai Konsulinë informacija ... Saulës sekmadieninë mokykla Stokholme. Nuo ðiol visà informacijà apie SAULËS mokyklos veiklà galite rasti naujai sukurtoje mokyklos internetinëje svetainëje: Mokymosi galimybës Lietuvoje , ketinantiems gráþti ið uþsienio á Lietuvà, arba besiruoðiantiems iðvykti ið Lietuvos.Tautiniø maþumø ir iðeivijos departamento prie Lietuvos Respublikos Vyriausybës informacija
    *** Dël duomenø apie Lietuvos Respublikos pilieèio gyvenamàjà vietà patikslinimo tvarkos galiojimo pratæsimo.
    Pagal LR gyvenamosios vietos deklaravimo ástatymo ( Þin., 1998, Nr. 66-1910 ) 7 str. nuostatas, nuo 2003 m. sausio 1 d., Lietuvos Respublikos pilieèiai, iðvykstantys ið Lietuvos Respublikos ilgesniam kaip ðeðiø mënesiø laikotarpiui, gyvenamàjà vietà privalo deklaruoti per 7 darbo dienas iki iðvykimo. Atkreipiame dëmesá á tai, kad pilieèiai turëtø patikslinti duomenis apie savo gyvenamàjà vietà jei to nepadarë iðvykdami ið Lietuvos ir uþsienio valstybëje jau yra ar planuoja bûti ilgesná nei ðeðiø mënesiø laikotarpá. Praðome Ðvedijoje esanèius LR pilieèius kreiptis á Lietuvos Respublikos ambasados konsuliná skyriø dël duomenø apie savo gyvenamàjà vietà patikslinimo. Daugiau informacijos apie minëtà deklaravimà rasite ambasados interneto puslapio meniu punkte Konsulinë informacija /Gyvenamosios vietos deklaravimas.

    50. Lithuania - History (Grades 6-8)
    lithuania history By Ekaterina Zhdanova-Redman. 1 lithuanian history is rich and complex. The history of lithuania is very important to modern lithuanians
    Sample Lithuania - History (Grades 6-8) Worksheet
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    Lithuania - History
    By Ekaterina Zhdanova-Redman Lithuanian history is rich and complex. The history of Lithuania is very important to modern Lithuanians. They refer to history often in conversations, stories, and songs. And while the country itself is not big, a lot has happened to this tiny nation in the last thousand years.
    Lithuania was first mentioned in 1007 AD, in the Annals of Quedlinburg. The Annals were a set of historical documents written by monks. Despite being mentioned in the Annals, the country of Lithuania was not actually a country until 1236. It was then that the Grand Duke Mindaugus united lands owned by native Baltic tribes into the country of Lithuania. In 1253, Mindaugus accepted Christianity and a crown from the Catholic Pope. In doing so, he became the first and only king in Lithuania's history.
    About 130 years later, a Lithuanian named Jogaila became king of neighboring Poland. This began 400 years of close cooperation between Lithuania and Poland. This cooperation led to a great deal of shared history and culture between the two countries. Lithuania grew for the next 50 years or so. It took in lands from neighboring Byelorussia, Ukraine, and Russia.

    51. President Of The Republic Of Lithuania - History
    history. Presidents of the Republic of lithuania the first presidential election campaign in the country s history was held in lithuania.



    Antanas Smetona

    Aleksandras Stulginskis
    ... Contacts Search
    print version History Presidents of the Republic of Lithuania: On 16 February 1918 in Vilnius, the Council of Lithuania declared Lithuania an independent state. The institution was later renamed into the Council of the State and assumed management of restored Independent Lithuania as of late 1918. On 4 April 1918, the Council of the State established the office of President and elected Antanas Smetona President of the Republic of Lithuania. On 15 May 1920, the Constituent Seimas declared Lithuania a democratic Republic. On 10 June 1920 the Provisional Constitution was declared, providing for the election of the President of the Republic by the Seimas. Chairman of the Seimas Aleksandras Stulginskis served as acting President until the election. On 1 August 1922, the Constitution was adopted and election of the 1 st Seimas announced. On 13 November of the same year, the 1

    52. President Of The Republic Of Lithuania - History
    The years of the history of the Palace can be counted since the issuance of the After lithuania was included into the Russian empire at the end of the


    Legal framework Team ... Contacts Search
    print version History The years of the history of the Palace can be counted since the issuance of the edict by Grand Duke Jogaila on 17 February 1387.
    After Lithuania converted to Christianity in 1387, Grand Duke Jogaila founded the Vilnius Diocese and donated to it a plot of land next to " Goshtautas' park on the edge of the city of Vilnius". It indicates that the land of the Bishop must have been included into the territory of the present Palace complex. The first Bishop of Vilnius, Andrius Vasila (1388-1398), built a palace that was decorated, rebuilt and expanded by its successive hosts. Documents on the Bishop Palace testify that in 1536-1555, during the days of Bishop Paulius Olshenishkis who was one of the most wealthy bishops, the Palace was the next most impressive edifice after the Royal Castle. In the 16th century, the Palace was surrounded by a huge park which surpassed even the renown in Central Europe parks of the Radziwills in plants and equipment.
    The last to live in the Palace was Bishop Masalskis (1730-1762). Upon his order the Palace complex was partially reconstructed by the Lithuanian architect Stuoka-Gucevichius.

    53. Lithuania - History Of Lithuanian Flags
    King Jogiella also introduced a second symbol in to Lithuanian history the Vytis. The Vytis, which means hero (in German Held , in Hungarian Vitez
    Lithuania - History of Lithuanian Flags
    Last modified: by dov gutterman
    Keywords: lithuania
    Links: FOTW homepage search write us mirrors ... Ancient Lituanian Flag See also:
    The following material represents a synopsis of the history of Lithuanian flags:
    Not much is known about Lithuanian flags prior to the 1200's. The earliest available records talk about "yellow Gediminas towers" on a "red field. This is a clear reference to King Gediminas of Lithuania who ruled from 1316 to 1341. The earliest described Lithuanian flag contains a block shaped outline of the Voruta castle, home of King Gediminas during his reign. Of interest however is that archeological diggings have unearthed Lithuanian bracteate's dating from King Mindaugas'es reign (1234 - 1263) in Gotland and elsewhere showing the same outline on the coins as is attributed to King Mindaugases flags.
    The earliest known mention of Lithuanian flags is in the "Chronicon Dubicense"; it cites an "insignia Lithwanorium" in the text but does not go on to describe it. Logic would state that it must have been one of the "towers of Gediminas". Ample documentation exists regarding the Lithuanian flags which participated in the Tannenberg battle of 1410 against the Teutonic Knights. Lithuanian units from the Aukstaitija province flew the red and yellow towers of Gediminas.
    Aside from the towers of Gediminas (also called gates of Gediminas), which now are identified with all things Lithuania, there are two other "national" symbols which have adorned Lithuanian flags since the early Middle Ages - the Apostolic cross and the Vytis.

    However, lithuania s history is not limited by the 20th century alone, lithuania s history of the 19th century is the history of an occupied country and
    Lessons of History: Is Lithuania a Newly Born State?
    The Lithuanian state is proud of its over 700-year history. Sometimes, however, Lithuania is referred to merely as a country separated from the Soviet Union or even as a newborn state. One might get the wrong impression that Lithuania was once an integral part of the Soviet Union and had to separate somehow, for unknown reasons. In a few years Lithuania will celebrate 1,000 years since the first recorded mention of Lithuania was made in 1009 in the Quedlinburg Annals. From 1392 to 1430, Lithuania was the largest state in Europe, stretching from the Baltic Sea to the Black Sea. The loss of independence in 1940 was a consequence of the 1939 Molotov-Ribbentrop Pact, a trade-off between Nazi Germany and the Soviet Union. This pact resulted in the complete annexation of Lithuania by the Soviet Union. On March 11, 1990, after 50 years of Soviet control, Lithuania re-established its statehood. Thus, it can by no means be considered a newborn state.It is important to remember that many Western countries refused to recognize the incorporation of Lithuania and other Baltic States into the Soviet Union, and the Lithuanian diplomatic missions were active in the United States, Britain, Vatican City, Uruguay, Brazil, Canada and Colombia all the way until the re-establishment of independence.
    On February 16, 1918, the Lithuanian Council declared the re-establishment of independent democratic Lithuanian state with its capital in Vilnius. However, Lithuania's history is not limited by the 20th century alone, as its roots lie much deeper.

    science play a particular, and at times even a decisive, role in lithuania s history. The history of the University of Vilnius, established in 1579,
    They say that culture is the mainstay of the survival of Lithuania. The state, which was powerful during the Middle Ages but later weakened, was reborn with the same name in the 20th century, solely thanks to the fact that its main ethnic group, the Lithuanians, had managed to preserve their national identity, in other words their culture, language, literature, art and traditions. Lithuanian ethnic customs and traditions are reflected through rural architecture, clothing, dances, songs, legends and tales. The unique method of Lithuanian singing, the sutartine , is known all over the world. The unique tradition of a national song festival, which takes place every five years, is alive in Lithuania. The festival brings together hundreds of thousands of performers and listeners. The folklore festivals keep gaining in popularity every year. The international folklore festival, Baltica, is also well known. A carnival-type religious holiday, Uzgavenes (Shrove Tuesday), which marks the start of Lent (40 days before Easter), found its way to the cities from the villages and became a big occasion for children. Since the 14th century, the 24th of June has been celebrated in observance of the Feast of St John, or Rasa Day. Lithuanian arts became particularly abundant under the conditions of the independent state, between the two world wars. Lithuanian stained-glass art, paintings and sculpture may be ascribed to the most outstanding manifestations of that period. Religious art is an important part of Lithuanian art, too. Most examples of this art have survived within churches of all styles and epochs. Another aspect of religious art can be found in the Lithuanian countryside tradition. Carved wayside crosses and statuettes of Christian saints of wood, most frequently wooden (oak), still stand in the central regions of Lithuania, in the open air, adorning the landscape.

    56. Romuva: The Name
    Romuva history (Text by Audrius Dundzila, Ph.D) Romuva was completely disbanded in lithuania under Soviet Occupation, and many members were executed or
    W orld C ongress of E thnic R eligions
    (Text by Audrius Dundzila, Ph.D)
    Back to the Lithuania page
    Lithuanian Religion does not have a founder or any single source, and it predates recorded history. It is one of the oldest religions of the world, and the oldest one in Lithuania. It evolved from the natural and native beliefs of its indigenous people.
    Three formative periods developed the present-day religion. After the last Ice Age, the first nomads in the region of present-day Lithuania practiced a hunting-gathering oriented religion. Once the region became agrarian, the settlers practiced their version of Old European religion. After a wave of cultural changes spread across Europe, the inhabitants practiced their form of Indo-European religion. Each religious transformation incorporated elements from its predecessors. Baltic Religion evolved primarily from these three antecedents. Each Baltic nation developed its own ethnic variant of Baltic Religion.
    Baltic Religion underwent several known reforms. Sovijus (dates unknown) is attributed with introducing cremated burials, which eventually gained widespread acceptance. In Lithuania, Duke Ðventaragis (ca. 5th-6th Centuries) relocated cremations to sacred grounds and extended them to the nobility.
    In Prussia, the Chief Prophet Prutenis (?-573) and his younger brother King Vaidevutis (?-573) unified the Prussians into a theocratic state, reformed the pantheon, and built the Romuva temple at Nadruva with the Gods Patrimpas (Dievas), Perkûnas and Patolas (Velnias) as the presiding trinity.

    57. Lithuanian History
    Lithuanian historical chronology, from the region s main Englishlanguage news publication.
    Tourist Guide Lithuanian History
    A Brief Chronology

    An Introduction

    Getting Oriented

    Real Estate

    Map Lithuania Vilnius Nightclubs Rave/Dance Music ... Yellow Pages
    Other Lithuanian-related tourist articles: Letter from Little Lithuania The Stalin World Theme Park Magical Curonion Spit Zappamania in Lithuania ... Links For a more detailed chronology, including comments from historians and journalists on different eras in Baltic history last century, see CITY PAPER's 20th Century Timeline. 2000 B.C. Lithuanian ancestors settle along the Baltic coast. 1009 A.D. Lithuania is first mentioned in chronicles. Lithuanians already have a reputation as fierce warriors. While much of Europe has already converted to Christianity, Lithuania is still pagan and will remain so for several hundred more years. Lithuanians believed fire embodies the divine. A sacred flame is kept at a Vilnius temple tended to by vestal virgins. If they break their vows of chastity or the flame goes out, the penalty is death. Lithuania is united by Mindaugas and later crowned king. Unification helps Lithuania fend off German crusaders.

    58. Lithuania - History
    Only the lithuanians and the Latvians survived the ravages of history. At that early stage of development, lithuania had to face the historically
    Lithuania Table of Contents
    Early History
    Lithuanians belong to the Baltic group of nations. Their ancestors moved to the Baltic region about 3000 B.C. from beyond the Volga region of central Russia. In Roman times, they traded amber with Rome and around A.D. 900-1000 split into different language groups, namely, Lithuanians, Prussians, Latvians, Semigallians, and others. The Prussians were conquered by the Teutonic Knights, and, ironically, the name "Prussia" was taken over by the conquerors, who destroyed or assimilated Prussia's original inhabitants. Other groups also died out or were assimilated by their neighbors. Only the Lithuanians and the Latvians survived the ravages of history. Traditions of Lithuanian statehood date from the early Middle Ages. As a nation, Lithuania emerged about 1230 under the leadership of Duke Mindaugas. He united Lithuanian tribes to defend themselves against attacks by the Teutonic Knights, who had conquered the kindred tribes of Prussia and also parts of present-day Latvia. In 1251 Mindaugas accepted Latin Christianity, and in 1253 he became king. But his nobles disagreed with his policy of coexistence with the Teutonic Knights and with his search for access to western Europe. Mindaugas was killed, the monarchy was discontinued, and the country reverted to paganism. His successors looked for expansion toward the Slavic East. At that early stage of development, Lithuania had to face the historically recurring question dictated by its geopolitical positionwhether to join western or eastern Europe.

    59. Lithuania - Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia Pages and forum on the history of lithuania (in lithuanian, English, Russian); lithuanian Central Internet Gates - Main lithuanian portal
    From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.
    The Republic of Lithuania Lithuanian Lietuva ; full - Lietuvos Respublika ) is a republic in northeastern Europe. One of the three Baltic States along the Baltic Sea , it shares borders with Latvia to the north, Belarus to the southeast, Poland to the south, and the Kaliningrad Oblast of Russia to the southwest. Lietuvos Respublika Flag Coat of Arms National motto : Vienybė težydi (Let the unity bloom) Official language Lithuanian Capital Vilnius ...
    65,200 km²

    Negligible Population
    July 2005 est.

    Ranked 125th
    55.2/km² GDP (PPP)
    July 2005 est.

    Ranked 74th (total)

    $49.1 billion
    Ranked 49th (per capita)

    Independence From Imperial Russia 16 February 12 July From Soviet Union 11 March 6 September Currency ... Litas (Lt) = 100 Centų (Ct) Euro from 2007 Time zone summer EET UTC ... Calling Code
    Main article: History of Lithuania First mentioned in a medieval German manuscript, the Quedlinburg Chronicle , on February 14 , Lithuania became a significant state in the Middle Ages . The official crowning of Mindaugas as King of Lithuania in Voruta on July 6 marked Lithuania's birth, as warring

    60. Lithuania - History
    In the 14th century, lithuania began its eastward and southern expansion, Gediminas built the Grand Duchy of lithuania, which extended from the Baltic
    Lithuania Lietuva Lithuanians have lived along the shores of the Baltic Sea since long before the Christian era. Protected by the forests, Lithuanian tribes fiercely resisted German efforts to subdue them in the 13th century, and united under the leadership of Mindaugas, who was crowned king by Pope Innocent IV in 1253. In the 14th century, Lithuania began its eastward and southern expansion, going into Belarusian lands. Gediminas built the Grand Duchy of Lithuania, which extended from the Baltic Sea to the Black Sea, with its capital at Vilnius. In 1386, Jagiello, Gediminas' grandson, married the Queen of Poland, thus uniting the two kingdoms. Lithuania withstood a series of attacks from the Teutonic Order, which continued to combat the Lithuanian-Polish union - despite the fact that the latter were Christian - until the Battle of Tannenberg in 1410, in which they suffered a crushing defeat. This defeat was a harsh blow to German supremacy in the Baltic region. A new pact between Lithuania and Poland, signed in 1413, reaffirmed the principle of union while respecting the autonomy of both States. With the coronation of Ivan III of Muscovy as the sovereign of all Russia, a new and greater threat emerged for historic Lithuania. Nevertheless, the Lithuanian-Polish union reached its peak in the 16th century, when it was unrivalled in Europe as a political system (see Poland), only to fall in the 17th century, in the course of a series of devastating wars with Sweden, Russia and Turkey and the peasant rebellions within.

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