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21. Declaration Of The Jury Of Conscience World Tribunal On Iraq - Istanbul June 23 In the War on iraq the three principles of customary international law have been rights and of the international Covenant on Political and civil rights http://www.wagingpeace.org/articles/2005/06/27_jury-of-conscience-declaration.ht | |
22. Crimes Of War Project > Iraq Special Edition As an example, it established UNMIK as an international civil authority in Kosovo Human rights News, April 12, 2003. Liberation and Looting in iraq http://www.crimesofwar.org/special/Iraq/news-iraq5.html | |
23. News Dissector Blog > Print > On Civil Rights And Iraq Wrongs On civil rights And iraq Wrongs What if anything will this scandal mean forprison reform and the new international Criminal Court? On the face it, http://www.newsdissector.com/blog/wp-print.php?p=790 |
24. The Cat's Dream - About XXI Century The Constitution, the Bill of rights, civil liberties and human rights. While the war against iraq was approaching, many international organizations http://www.thecatsdream.com/productions/xxi/ | |
25. Delegate From Iraqi Civil Resistance Speaks To Weekly MDS / Support Struggles Fo You have attended the international Criminal Tribunal for iraq (ICTI) Tokyo I hope more other civil rights groups will join this worldwide campaign. http://www.mdsweb.jp/international/i871/i871_45m.html | |
26. Amnesty International Amnesty international. Category civil rights/Human rights The head of AmnestyinternationalÂs delegation to iraq, Mahmoud Ben Romdhane, has stated that http://www.ngowatch.org/amnesty.htm | |
27. LEIU Conference Sparks Local Civil Liberties Debate The demographics of the civil rights movement within the United States are The international Human rights Law Group has been a prominent player in the http://courses.washington.edu/com361/Iraq/Protests/leiu.html | |
28. Civil Liberties Tensions Mount international observers were deployed in iraq by Amnesty international, Tamburinisaid the international Covenant on civil and Political rights (ICCPR), http://courses.washington.edu/com361/Iraq/Protests/tensions.html | |
29. Q A Wrangling Over Iraq S Constitution - New York Times Do you expect that, as in Iran, there will be issues in iraq over the applicationof family The Struggle for civil rights. The Struggle for civil rights http://www.nytimes.com/cfr/international/slot1_072705.html |
30. 4. International Covenant On Civil And Political Rights New York, 16 December 19 4. international Covenant on civil and Political rights New York, 16 December 1966 iraq, 18 Feb 1969, 25 Jan 1971. Ireland, 1 Oct 1973, 8 Dec 1989 http://www.ohchr.org/english/countries/ratification/4.htm | |
31. Religious Freedom In Iraq It should reflect iraq s international human rights obligations, though, iraq is a signatory to the international Covenant on civil and Political rights http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/discussion/2005/08/08/DI20050808010 | |
32. Iraq Must Avoid A Rollback Of Rights Current drafts would limit iraq s international human rights obligations to in civil law placing iraq s judiciary in the company of those in Iran, http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/article/2005/08/03/AR2005080302035. | |
33. American Civil Liberties Union : Torture FOIA Army and Navy records, investigations of detainee abuse in iraq (3/7/05) Press international Covenant on civil and Political rights (ICCPR) http://www.aclu.org/International/International.cfm?ID=13962&c=36 |
34. United Nations Human Rights Website - Treaty Bodies Database - Ratification - Ir international Covenant on civil and Political rights iraq. Status Ratification.State party. Date of signature, 18/02/69. Date of receipt of instrument http://www.unhchr.ch/tbs/doc.nsf/0/80256404004ff315c125638b005e5f2c?OpenDocument |
35. America Responds To Terrorism--Web Links, Research, Resources, Sources iraq Journal A collection of links from international journalists and activists civil rights and Military Tribunals Video discussion from University of http://www.crf-usa.org/terror/terrorism_links.htm | |
36. Pakistan Link - Letter & Opinion The CCRA is a statewide civil rights coalition currently made up (thus far) PeterÂs views on iraq, international Law violations are well known and were http://www.pakistanlink.com/Community/2004/Feb04/13/01.html | |
37. Iraq: Interim Constitution, 8 March 2004 in cooperation with international civil society organizations or otherwise . Noniraqis within iraq shall enjoy all human rights not inconsistent http://www.al-bab.com/arab/docs/iraq/const2004.htm | |
38. A Statement From The International Action Center/ The Election In Iraq: However, this election changes nothing on the ground in iraq. without freeelections, civil liberties, civil rights, union rights, or rights for women. http://www.iacenter.org/iraqelection.htm | |
39. Amnesty International: No Shortcut To Genuine Security - Global Issues Section Crackdown on civil rights; War on Freedom The war on iraq dominatedthe international agenda for the past year, but away from the eyes of the http://www.globalissues.org/Geopolitics/WarOnTerror/ShortCut.asp?p=1 |
40. Zoe On The Issues - Human Rights - Congresswoman Zoe Lofgren - 16th District Of Human civil rights/ WomenÂs Issues Immigration iraq I also voted fora bill that should generate a wider international response to the genocide in http://www.house.gov/lofgren/iss_human-rights.shtml | |
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