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         Belize Culture:     more books (17)
  1. The Formation of a Colonial Society: Belize, From Conquest to Crown Colony (Johns Hopkins Studies in Atlantic History and Culture) by O. Nigel Bolland, 1977-03-01
  2. Here, Our Culture Is Hard: Narrative Ethnography, Domestic Violence, and the Young Women's Revolt in San Antonio, Belize by Laura J. McClusky, 2001
  3. Relatively Speaking: Language, Thought, and Kinship among the Mopan Maya (Oxford Studies in Anthropological Linguistics) by Eve Danziger, 2001-04-12

21. Belize Culture
belize culture. Probably the best known manifestation of Argentine popular culture is the tango a dance and music which has captured the imagination

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22. Belize Culture History And Archaeology
belize culture History and Archaeology Archaeological sites, cultural history, and other information about the past of the modern country of Belize.
zJs=10 zJs=11 zJs=12 zJs=13 zc(5,'jsc',zJs,9999999,'') About Homework Help Archaeology World Atlas ... North America Belize Homework Help Archaeology Essentials Ancient Daily Life ... Help zau(256,140,140,'el','','');w(xb+xb+' ');zau(256,140,140,'von','','');w(xb+xb);
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Belize Culture History and Archaeology
Archaeological sites, cultural history, and other information about the past of the modern country of Belize.
Recent Up a category Worldl Atlas: Belize The original web page in the World Atlas of Archaeology on the Web on Belize. Colha The archaeological site of Colha is a Maya occupation located in Belize about 60 kilometers north of Belize City. Minanha Minanha was the name of a Maya petty kingdom, located on the north Vaca Plateau of west-central Belize. Topic Index Email to a Friend
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23. Belize History & Belize Culture | IExplore
The country’s modern history really begins when Belize, formerly British Honduras, Tensions have long existed between Belize and Guatemala, because,
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Belize is formally a constitutional monarchy in which the British Monarch is Head of State, represented in Belize by a Governor General. The bicameral National Assembly is the legislature and consists of a nine-member Senate (appointed by the Governor General for a five-year term) and a 29-member House of Representatives (directly elected for a maximum five-year term). Executive power is in the hands of the Governor General, advised by the cabinet.
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24. Belize Culture, Belize
belize culture Resources The Creole, who predominate in Belize City, intermarried with Europeans, and their local English dialect is also known as World Travel Information Source Countries About Us Contact
Belize Culture
Principal Locations
  • Belize City
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    Benque Viejo del Carmen

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    Belize Culture
    Guatemala Federal Register Notice, 1991 Under section 303(a)(3)of the Cultural Property Implementation Act (19 U.S.C. 2602(a)(3)), theGovernment of Guatemala, a State Party to the 1970 UNESCO Convention, askedthe U.S. Government to impose emergency import restrictions on certainarchaeological materials from the Peten region of Guatemala. This material,identified as comprising part of Guatemala's cultural patrimony, the recordof the Maya culture found in the Peten region, was being pillaged, or isin danger of being pillaged, in crisis proportions. Notice of receipt ofthis request was published by the U.S. Information Agency (USIA) in theFederal Register on October 23, 1989 (54 FR 43213). ... [ Read More F) Canada, Mexico, and Central America

    25. Belize SeeMorePayLess Tour Package
    belize culture/ Nature / Jungle Walk Belize PayLessSeeMore Tour Explore belize culture, History, Nature, Art Food 8 Days B B D 399 US
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    Belize History in Bottles Museum Carolyn's Gallery Canoeing Fruit Orchard Tour Botanic Garden Free Gift from Gift-Shop
    Three Days Two Night Package 199 US /person Minimum 2 Persons
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    Belize Zoo Tour Belize City Tour Maya Palace Tour (Altun Ha) Four Days Three Night Package 299 US /person Minimum 2 Persons
    (From Belize Int'l Airport or Belize City) Three Night Accommodation 9 Meals Free Beverages Jungle Trail Walk Natural Artistry Museum Belize History in Bottles Museum Carolyn's Gallery

    REPORT 199 Mar 2000 THE belize culture LIST DEBATE ON JOBS, AND ETHNIC PERCEPTIONS. Produced by the Belize Development Trust
    REPORT #199 Mar 2000
    Produced by the Belize Development Trust

    Mel and Ashley are certainly philosphers. ( Debate on ethnic problems and employment) But from where I stand, the argument that townies think Chinese are taking their jobs is false. When I say townies, the majority are Creoles. When I first immigrated to the colony of British Honduras, I was one of only about six "whites" in the whole country, that were not either in the British Army, or colonial service, but simply immigrants. At that time, the CREOLES or townies dominated the country, yet even at that time with over 75% of all jobs and all businesses and control of all government services, they still complained of racial discrimination. Go figure that one out! I never could as a "white minority". The complaints have never stopped. There is more here than meets the eye. It is a cultural inheritance. An idea that townies ( Creoles ) are owed something by the government. In particular a 40 hour a week salaried job. But pray tell, where is the government going to get the money to pay for a salaried job for every townie? It doesn't exist in any history of Central European countries over the last 200 years and they are white countries. They faced the same exact problems, with agricultural economies ( non industrial) and a government composed of privileged aristocrats, royalty and those politically famous, or in the military. All of them suffered the same result, which was national bankruptcy, for trying to provide jobs to townies in an economy that could not support them.

    The arguments on the debating belize culture List have been this is not a Is it as someone on the belize culture list has said, the treating of the
    REPORT #228 April 2000
    Produced by the Belize Development Trust
    Interesting question? What makes a person run for political office? What is the motivation? Among the people currently elected as our representatives; which among them, are sincerely dedicated to the cause of building a nation of Belize? On the other hand, which of them are taking advantage solely for the purpose of making more money and perks than they can in their regular home city civilian life? Which of them have any real life experience proven ability to do well in private business, or running the business of the nation of Belize? The voting electoral system we inherited from colonial days, was the population system. The place with the most population gets the most places in the government. In our case, and that of many African countries and Latin American countries; this gives people who live in the cities the largest say in what happens to the country for the future. But is this wise? You had many people represent Belizeans in the last government that were only in office for one term. Yet they not only got a very good salary by Belizean standards, foreign travel perks and other advantages. They also got a gratuity and a lifetime pension if they would quit. Most of them did just that. Set up for life at the expense of the voters and Belizean taxpayers because they were well paid to do a job only for five years. Now, that has to be called opportunistic. What would you call it? Would you categorize such people as rogues, scoundrels and scalliwags? Selfish self-interest and all that?

    28. Belize - Robert Leon Photos - Belize
    Belize Adventure travel belize culture Belize photos Belize River Belize Telephone Company Belize travel Belizean mestizo Belizean people Belly dancer Belly
    The Robert Leon photos online gallery shows photojournalism, adventure images, reportage images, travel images, feature stories, photo essays and stock images from Worldwide destinations. This images website features realistic photojournalism about humanity and our planet, adventure travel images, images of festivals, geographic images, photos of indigenous cultures and rituals. Enter Welcome to the Robert Leon photos online image gallery of photojournalism, reportage images, travel images, feature stories, photo essays and stock images from destinations worldwide. This images website features realistic photojournalism about humanity and our planet, travel, festivals, geography, indigenous cultures and rituals. images in this website is suitable for people of all ages including children interested in photojournalism featuring the World's diverse cultures, travel images, adventure travel, exotic cultures, familiar cultures, festivals, and the Earth's geography. The images features the World's diverse cultures, travel images, adventure images, adventure travel, exotic cultures, familiar cultures, festivals, and the Earth's geography.
    Photojournalism and reportage images travel images feature stories photo essays, stock images from destinations worldwide images website features realistic photojournalism about humanity and our planet travel festivals geography indigenous cultures and rituals.

    29. Belize Luxury Culture Holidays - World's Best Responsible And Ecotourism Holiday
    belize culture holidays. Page 1. Belize holiday, tailormade This peaceful country offers brilliant diving and fishing off immaculate Caribbean islands

    30. Belize Culture And Relaxing Tour Packages
    Come and enjoy the a relaxing family friendly holiday in Belize, We offer tour packages, culture vacation and enjoyable relaxing holiday for the whole
    The Maya built breathtaking temple complexes aligned to the movement of celestial bodies. Although they remained technically a Stone Age culture, they also developed sophisticated mathematics, astronomy and calendars. The Spanish constructed some plain stone churches, but the modern architecture is predominantly British Caribbean in style.
    Belize is officially English-speaking, but the creoles (the largest ethnic group) speak their own colorful dialect as well as standard English. Spanish is the main language in the north and some towns in the west. You may also hear Mayan, Chinese, Mennonite German, Lebanese, Arabic, Hindi and Garífuna (the language of the Garinagu people of Stann Creek district) being spoken.
    The majority of Belize's population are Roman Catholics, but British influence has created a sizable and varied protestant congregation, including German Swiss Mennonites. The Mayan practice of Catholicism is a fascinating fusion of shamanist-animist and Christian ritual.
    Belize has never really developed a national cuisine. Its cooking borrows elements from the UK, the USA, Mexico and the Caribbean. The traditional staples are rice and beans. These are often eaten with chicken, pork, beef, fish or vegetables. Coconut milk and fried plaintain add a tropical flavor. Exotic traditional foods include armadillo, venison and fried paca, a controversial brow n-spotted rodent (similar to a guinea pig) that conservationist-gourmets won't touch with a ten foot cassava.

    Subject matter comes from input on the belize culture (BzCulture) Listserv, a general discussion group of Belizeans at home and abroad and many foreigners
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    DIGITAL LIBRARY SERVING THE POOR COUNTRIES OF THE THIRD WORLD April, 1999 Silvia Pinzon MLIS, Assistant Library Director of Miami-Dade Community College Hialeah Outreach Center. ( Also Dean of Library Affairs for the Belize Development Trust.) RESUME- Click here! Introduction The advent of the World Wide Web has created immense opportunities for developing countries. Direct and almost immediate access to information and experts through the Internet has many implications. The things you can do to effect development and social change through Internet library resources seem to be unlimited. Because this is such an innovative, specialized field we found very little literature on the subject. This article is a first-hand account of the creation of a digital library to serve the needs of a developing country: Belize. A Little About Belize In co-operation with some Belizeans on a Belize list serve (, we decided to start a digital library to serve the needs of the small country of Belize. Belize is an English-speaking, Central American independent nation on the western edge of the Caribbean Sea. Its total area is 22,960 square kilometers, or slightly larger than Massachusetts. In 1973, the country changed its name from British Honduras to Belize in anticipation of obtaining its independence from England. Belize became an independent nation in 1981. The original inhabitants of the region were the Maya. Many Maya ruins, like Caracol, Lamanai, and Xunantunich, are being uncovered today. The country's population is composed mainly of Creoles, Mestizos, Garifuna (of African and Carib ancestry), and Maya. According to the U.S. Bureau of the Census, International Database, the estimated total population for 1998 was 230,160, at an average annual growth rate of 2.4 for 1990-2000.

    32. Belize First Magazine - Preferred Links
    belize culture Mailing List. This is an active mailing list which unfortunately sometimes deteriorates into personal attacks and nonBelize postings.
    Preferred Links
    Possibly no destination in the world and certainly no other country the size of Belize has so many informative and interesting Web sites as Belize. In fact, Belize may soon have more Web home pages than actual homes ... or tourists.
    ( Quarterly Internet magazine on Belize you'll find something of interest on Belize in every issue.
    San Pedro Sun
    Like the newspaper, this home page is friendly, chatty, informative, and upbeat.
    Ambergris Caye
    Everything you always wanted to know about San Pedro. Caye Caulker ( Helpful and well-done new site on Caye Caulker. This site doesn't yet show up on some search engines.
    ( This reinvigorated site covers all aspects of Belize travel and life. ( The forum here attracts more Belizeans than most of the travel-related sites. Placencia (

    33. Caribbean CHOICE - Your Gateway To The Caribbean!
    Belize Flag belize culture History. Belize can be truly described as a multiethnic and multi-lingual society. This society consists of Creole, Garifuna,
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    Belize can be truly described as a multi-ethnic and multi-lingual society. This society consists of Creole, Garifuna, Spanish, English, Mestizo, Lebanese, Chinese, Maya and East Indian. The largest group is made up of Mestizos, which account for over 40% of the population. The Mestizos are descendents of mixed blood Mexicans and Yacatec Mayans who fled from the Yucatan in the mid 1800's. The second largest of these groups are the Creole, which comprise about 30% of the population. Creoles are the descendants of the early British settlers cohabitating with African slaves from Jamaica. Two thirds of the Creole population lives in Belize City the capital of Belize. They are featured in political parties, the media and the civil service.

    34. PlanetRider Travel Directory > Caribbean > Islands > Belize
    Or peruse a simple lodging list, short descriptions of belize culture, and basic info on attractions. Only a few photos. Pop Web site in new window A Belize
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    Click on the link, or icon to pop site in new window. TRAVEL RESEARCH SITES (rated and reviewed by our editors) Rating
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    Web Site 1 Balloon=Good 2 Balloons=Better 3 Balloons=Best Belize by Naturalight "The consummate guide" for Belize is impressive! Here, you'll find the answers to all your travel needs. With info on eco-travel, hotels, attractions, and a virtual tour. Do not miss the links to the Belize Zoo and Belize Audubon Society. Belize's Virtual Mall BelizeMall isn't just any mallit's huge. Beautiful photos accent great essays on everything from people to economy. Also, lots of links, a business directory, news, and weather info. Don't get stuck on Mayan Tic Tac Toe like, um, we did. Central American Sea Kayak Expedition 2000: Belize Ready for some adventure? Check out this fascinating, 5,000-mile expedition from Baja California to Columbia. Luke and Jean-Phillipe document lifestyle, culture, and stories about sea survival. Don't miss the scary "Shark Encounter" and local recipes! Lonely Planet: Destination Belize Lonely Planet doesn't cough up everything from their printed Belize guide, but sections like "Off the Beaten Track" and "Activities" are helpful to the adventurer. If you like it, you can buy the book online.

    35. - Your Guide For Belize Hotels, Belize Culture, Caribbean Crui
    The Forums provide first hand information about Belize, belize culture, Belize Hotels, Caribbean Cruise and Caribbean Vacations.
    Belize Online Community User Name Remember Me? Password Register FAQ Members List Calendar ... Mark Forums Read
    Welcome to the Belize Online Community. If this is your first visit, be sure to check out the FAQ by clicking the link above. You may have to register before you can post: click the register link above to proceed. To start viewing messages, select the forum that you want to visit from the selection below. Forum Last Post Threads Posts Culture Belize Culture Discussions about the arts, literature, life and times in Belize. Looking for Artwork by 10:30 AM Belizean to Belizean A place for Belizeans to meet and exchange information about who, what and where. Help!!! by Evelien 02:34 PM Travel Belize Travel Central General questions about travel to and in Belize. Looking for artwork by jabogdon 07:22 PM Getting to Belize Discussions and tips about how to get to Belize (i.e. driving through Mexico). Getting to Belize by paxers 01:32 PM Accomodations in Belize Discussions and questions about places to stay in Belize (i.e. what is Corozal Town like?). Short term rentals by paxers 10:37 AM Belize Travelogues Post your adventures and trip reports here. These are great sources of information for others.

    36. Belize - - Mailing List Info.
    BelizeCulture Mailing List To join this popular Mailing List Send an email For example, the belize culture mails can be filtered to automatically go
    MAILING LISTS INFO What are Mailing Lists? Internet mailing lists are (usually) just communities of people sharing information via e-mail. For example, people interested in Belize can join a mailing list and discuss issues facing Belize. Belize Reporter - Online version
    Get news from the Belize Reporter sent to your email box each week day.
    Click here to join. Belizean Mailing List:
    A new Mailing List created by where Belizeans and others interested in Belize can discuss topics on anything about Belize. Since this list is new and looking for new members, people new to the Net can feel comfortable in starting a new tone for discussions. Click here to join! Belize-Culture Mailing List:
    To join this popular Mailing List: Send an email to and put the word "subscribe" in the body of the email. (No quotes) Follow the confirmation instructions received to unsubscribe. After you've subscribed you may post a message to the list by sending an email to . Add this address to your email address book.

    37. Belize, Central America - Travel Tourism And Vacation Information For Visitors
    The site has information on where to stay, belize culture, ancient treasures and natural assets. 3 more Articles Resources below
    zJs=10 zJs=11 zJs=12 zJs=13 zc(5,'jsc',zJs,9999999,'') About Travel Mexico / Central America for Visitors Belize, Central America Travel Go Mexico Essentials Packing List for Travelers to Mexico ... Help zau(256,140,140,'el','','');w(xb+xb+' ');zau(256,140,140,'von','','');w(xb+xb);
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    Belize, Central America, Travel Tourism and Vacation Information
    A selection of online travel related resources to the country of Belize, Central America, with information on accommodations, attractions, history, culture, geography and more. Belize travel tourism vacation information for visitors.
    Recent Belize, Central America Among other attractions, Belize offers visitors the longest barrier reef in the Western Hemisphere, tropical islands with pristine beaches and lush foliage, many historical Maya archeological sites and some truly exotic wildlife. Find out more here. Belize - A Virtual Tour If you are looking for an "off the beaten track" vacation, Belize may be the place to go. Visit this site and take a virtual tour of Belize - the small Central American country with the longest barrier reef in the Northern Hemisphere.

    38. NICH
    and services of institute committed to the preservation of belize's ancient and historical era monuments and artifacts.......



    39. Belize.Net
    Search engine and portal site for travel, business, government, education, news, arts and culture information about belize.

    40. Belize! Caribbean Travel, Reef Diving, Mayan Culture!
    Extensive source of travel, business, and country information about belize.
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    Welcome to Your Belize portal
    The democratic English speaking country of Belize lies west of the Caribbean Sea on the Central American isthmus. Belize hosts protected areas of coral reef and tropical rainforests, alive with hundreds of bird species, colorful fish, exotic plants and animals. Added features of this nature lover's paradise are inland granite basins at the base of cascading falls whose waters flow through limestone caves en route from the Maya Mountains and tall swaying palm trees bordering sun-drenched beaches of offshore island cayes dotting the Caribbean. Joining these two "sides" of Belize are a network of rivers, giant Maya pyramids, caves strewn with Maya pottery, coastal towns and villages.

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