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Holographic Storage Hardware: more detail | ||||
41. Atomic Holographic NanoTechnology Sets Pace For The Future and Hard Drives for ALL IN ONE complete system hardware storage requirements. All holographic storage technology except Colossal storage Corp. use a http://www.citi.org.za/Snippet/1000/1007/1296.html | |
42. Storage Pipeline Setting Standards For Holographic Storage Optware s road map shows holographic storage systems with capacities growing from Find storage Networking hardware Delve Into SAN Management Software http://www.storagepipeline.com/news/60403851 | |
43. [IT News] Holographic Memory Becomes A Reality holographic storage is coming to market, and it will provide video http//www.computerworld.com/hardwaretopics/hardware/story/0,10801,101244,00.html? http://www.cyberarmy.net/forum/hardware/messages/247834.html | |
44. Inphase Technologies Unveils Holographic Drive Prototype (Hardware) holographic data storage? Could it be fore real? Yes it is folks. holographic data storage developer Inphase Technologies has launched the world s first http://channels.lockergnome.com/hardware/archives/20050105_inphase_technologies_ | |
45. So Much In Store From virtual tape to holographic drives, storage customers have a lot to consider. Another hardware development worth noting is the growing interest in http://www.fcw.com/fcw/articles/2004/0816/feat-store-08-16-04.asp | |
46. Holographic Storage On The Horizon holographic storage may be closer than it appears, say component vendors. Quantum s DX100 won storage Magazine s Best Backup hardware Product of the http://www.eweek.com/article2/0,1895,1653764,00.asp |
47. HVD: Coming To A Storage Device Near You Quantum s DX100 won storage Magazine s Best Backup hardware Product of the Year, holographic storage drives and other products based on holographic http://www.eweek.com/article2/0,1895,1759947,00.asp | |
48. InPhase Technologies: Press Release: MASSTECH GROUP TO SUPPORT INPHASE TECHNOLOG holographic storage is coming to market, and it will provide video professionals Masstech Group Inc. is a developer of software and embedded hardware http://www.inphase-technologies.com/news/masstech_group.html | |
49. InPhase Technologies: Press Release: Pegasus Teams Up With InPhase Technology To to extend its hardware support with holographic storage devices. InPhase Technologies, the leading developer of holographic storage drives and media, http://www.inphase-technologies.com/news/pegasus.html | |
50. Guardian Unlimited Onlineblog Hardware Archives 100GB HVD holographic discs coming this year? holographic storage drives and other products based on holographic storage technology may come to market http://blogs.guardian.co.uk/online/archives/cat_hardware.html |
51. Atomic Holographic NanoTechnology Sets Pace For The Future :: TREND :: The Techn and Hard Drives for ALL IN ONE complete system hardware storage requirements. All holographic storage technology except Colossal storage Corp. use a http://trendalaska.org/modules.php?op=modload&name=News&file=article&sid=81 |
52. Exposure-schedule Study Of Uniform Diffraction Efficiency For DSSM Holographic S HJ Coufal, D. Psaltis, and GT Sincerbox, holographic data storage, Data storage via Volume Holography The Lucent Technologies hardware Platform, http://www.opticsexpress.org/abstract.cfm?URI=OPEX-12-6-984 |
53. I4U News - Future NanoTechnology: 3D Atomic Holographic Storage Hard Drives for ALL IN ONE complete system hardware storage requirements. All holographic storage technology except Colossal storage Corp. use a http://www.i4u.com/article481.html | |
54. Toshiba Buys Into Optware’s Holographic Storage Plans - Engadget - Www.eng anyone having to have brand new hardware/software go obsolete in less than a year. Basically, I d rather have this holographic storage stuff come out 6 http://www.engadget.com/entry/1234000603050948/ | |
55. NEW NANOTECHNOLOGY TO SOLVE FUTURE DIGITAL DATA STORAGE PROBLEMS As the inventor of Atomic Volume holographic Optical storage and a 30 year Hard Drives for all in one complete system hardware storage requirements. http://www.voyle.net/Guest Writers/Michael E. Thomas/Atomic_press.htm | |
56. Holographic Data Storage Enters The Spotlight - 7/18/2005 - Design News - CA6255 Advances in polymer science are part of an upcoming holographic storage medium But some of the system s hardware components have cost too much to make http://www.designnews.com/article/CA625548.html?industryid=22209 |
57. Group Aims To Drastically Up Disc Storage | CNET News.com Enterprise hardware storage Servers Utility computing That s the goal of the holographic Versatile Disc (HVD) Alliance. http://news.com.com/Group aims to drastically up disc storage/2100-1041_3-556259 | |
58. TalkBack: This Is MOOT With Holographic Storage Coming Out | Reader Response On| Enterprise hardware storage Servers Utility computing holographic storage will dominate the storage scene and we will forget about DVD, http://news.com.com/5208-12-0.html?forumID=1&threadID=6132&start=0 |
59. $32 Million Program To Develop Holographic Storage Begins hardware technologies needed for practical holographic data storage systems In the past, efforts to develop holographic storage systems have taken http://www.stanford.edu/dept/news/pr/95/951113hdss.html | |
60. Hardware Section Article Two Scientists worldwide are working on holographic storage technologies once a sci-fi pipe dream - that use lasers and a doped crystalline medium. http://www.samara.co.zw/pcworld/hardware.htm |
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