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Holographic Storage Hardware: more detail | ||||
81. Volume Holographic Optical Storage Nantechnology, From Colossal Storage - White data to an optical holographic disk drive storage product will be explained. storage hardware CDR - CD-RW - CD-ROM DVD-RW - RAM - ROM http://www.itpapers.com/cgi/PSummaryIT.pl?paperid=26202&scid=162 |
82. Resume ÂDesign and Implementation of an Embedded hardware Module for Secure for 2D storage channels such as volume holographic storage channel and multi-track http://people.sabanciuniv.edu/~keskinoz/resume.htm | |
83. Prototype Holographic Storage Device Unveiled - ZDNet UK News News hardware storage. Saturday 13th August 2005 holographic storage devices could be on sale within two years, according to US firm and Bell Labs http://news.zdnet.co.uk/hardware/storage/0,39020366,39183215,00.htm | |
84. New Codecs Not New Hardware - User Talkback - The Buzz Report: DVD Storage Is So New Codecs Not New hardware. User comments for The Buzz Report DVD storage is so Volume holographic Optical storage Nanotechnology dfranco 05/12/05 http://www.cnet.com/5208-6033-0-10.html?forumID=105&threadID=103035&messageID=11 |
85. Storage Pipeline InPhase Raises $32.1 Million For Holographic LONDON Â InPhase Technologies, a developer of holographic data storage media and Find storage Networking hardware Delve Into SAN Management Software http://informationweek.storagepipeline.com/news/163701613 | |
86. 3.4.1 The Hardware This market requires storage for data which is written and rarely read (whereas we write once and optical tape, recordable CDs, and holographic storage. http://atlas.web.cern.ch/Atlas/GROUPS/SOFTWARE/TDR/html/TDR-13.html | |
87. TREND Atomic holographic NanoTechnology Sets Pace for the Future AFM/ATF and Hard Drives for ALL IN ONE complete system hardware storage requirements. http://www.trendalaska.org/print.php?sid=81 |
88. Hardware | Technology, Project Management & Marketing News Optware, a developer of holographic data storage systems, plans to release it s While the hardware for reading/writing will be around EUR 7500 at http://weblog.cemper.com/a/c/hardware.php | |
89. Gizmodo - Peripherals been waiting for OptwareÂs holographic storage system and it looks like we have The Optware, which stores data on holographic cards, will cost about http://www.gizmodo.com/gadgets/peripherals/index.php | |
90. InPhase Nears Storage Breakthrough The idea of holographic storage has been pursued for more than four decades, but InPhase says the technology is nearing commercial reality. http://www.enterprisestorageforum.com/technology/news/article.php/3523316 | |
91. NetworkStorageForum The idea of holographic storage has been pursued for more than four decades, but InPhase says the technology is nearing commercial reality. http://www.enterprisestorageforum.com/ | |
92. Geek.com Geek News - Holographic Storage Isn't Dead Yet Few concepts seem more futuristic than holographic storage. Yet in reality, no one has succeeded in making holographic storage a success. http://www.geek.com/news/geeknews/2002Dec/bch20021209017652.htm | |
93. Holographic Storage Close To Commercial Reality - Softpedia holographic storage close to commercial reality. Prototypes of holographic storing media appeared at the beginning if this year, when Inphase http://news.softpedia.com/news/Holographic-storage-close-to-commercial-reality-1 | |
94. Oe Magazine - Tutorial The fundamental problems in achieving holographic storage have been the lack of a To write the data in a holographic storage system, a beamsplitter http://oemagazine.com/fromTheMagazine/dec03/tutorial.html | |
95. Storage Devices White Papers, Webcasts And Product Information From Top IT Vendo Research the latest storage Devices technologies, tools and techniques. hardware Peripheral hardware storage hardware http://www.bitpipe.com/rlist/term/Storage-Devices.html | |
96. Disk Storage - A CompInfo Directory Find the best sources of Internetbased information on Disk storage. hardware, Benchmarks, Reviews, News, Research, Glossary, Links and Surveys http://www.compinfo-center.com/stor/disk_storage.htm | |
97. Macworld: News: Optware Seeks US Vendors To Adopt Holographic Storage s Almaden Research Center are also developing holographic storage devices. Optware has set up a consortium called the HVD Alliance to promote its technology http://www.macworld.com/news/2005/02/04/holographic/index.php | |
98. Satellite, HD-TV, Blu-ray And HD-DVD Forum - Will Holographic Storage Be A Reali Will holographic storage be a realistic future direction? Satellite, HDTV, Blu-ray and HD-DVD Forum. Visit cdfreaks forum now to discuss Will holographic http://club.cdfreaks.com/showthread.php?t=104415 |
99. The Test Bed: Holographic Storage Gathers Pace - Computer Product Reviews And Ne holographic storage gathers pace. Japanese based Optware Corp. recently announced plans to create products based on its HVD (holographic Versatile Disc). http://labs.pcw.co.uk/2005/02/holographic_sto.html | |
100. Howstuffworks "How Holographic Memory Will Work" In this article, you will learn how a holographic storage system might be built in the next three or four years, and what it will take to make a desktop http://computer.howstuffworks.com/holographic-memory.htm | |
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