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Holographic Storage Hardware: more detail | ||||
61. DoctorVAR.com - Storage/SSPs storage hardware and software needs are among the top IT priorities for midmarket firms 2004 holographic storage on the horizon. Evan Koblentz, eWeek http://www.doctorvar.com/modules/Storage/index.php?pagenum=6 |
62. Compliance Is Not An Option, But Storage Media Is But before we make plans to replace magnetic disks with holographic technology, Lawrence figures that for every $1 spent on storage hardware, http://www.intranetjournal.com/articles/200403/pij_03_16_04a.html | |
63. Storage Devices Definition hardware Peripheral hardware storage hardware holographic storage Technology A Viable Solution to The Mass storage Requirements of Multimedia http://www.bitpipe.com/tlist/Storage-Devices.html | |
64. ACM Digital Library NetWorker holographic storage records and reads millions of bits simultaneously, into the complete storage solution, hardware OEMs, original design manufacturers, http://portal.acm.org/ft_gateway.cfm?id=1065370&type=html |
65. Techworld.com - Holographic Storage Hurried Up A holographic storage demonstration by Optware showed a digital movie being played from hardware support. Binary compatibility. Realtime performance. http://www.techworld.com/storage/features/index.cfm?featureid=810&Page=2&pagePos |
66. Storage Devices White Papers, Webcasts And Case Studies hardware Peripheral hardware storage hardware . storage Devices holographic storage Technology A Viable Solution to The Mass storage Requirements http://itresearch.forbes.com/rlist/term/Storage-Devices.html | |
67. Holographic Data Storage - Software, Hardware, Services And Research Papers Sear Your search for keyword holographic Data storage returned 188 results. The Google Search Appliance is a hardware and software package that requires no http://datawarehousing.knowledgestorm.com/search/keyword/ksdatawarehousing/Holog | |
68. Usage Of Holographic Data Storage In Medicine - Software, Hardware, Services And Your search for keyword Usage Of holographic Data storage In Medicine returned 231 The Google Search Appliance is a hardware and software package that http://datawarehousing.knowledgestorm.com/search/keyword/ksdatawarehousing/Usage | |
69. Clay S Blog The new holographic storage technology offers speed gains over DVD of about 40X. And its capacity is a whopping 3.9 TB (terabytes). The physical disk format http://ilc.tulane.edu/staff/clay/index.cfm?getCategory=Hardware Review |
70. Trends: GPU, CPU And Storage Heaven Cheap storage. Optware holographic 30GB Card. This is roughly the size of a The cell which gives the chip its name doesn t refer to the hardware, http://www.byz.org/~rbanks/movableType/webLog/trends/archives/cat_507_gpu_cpu_an | |
71. KeepMedia | Design News: Holographic Data Storage Enters The Spotlight Advances in polymer science are part of an upcoming holographic storage medium, But some of the system s hardware components have cost too much to make http://www.keepmedia.com/pubs/DesignNews/2005/07/18/934338?extID=10026 |
72. InformationWeek Storage Gartner Wants Storage Teams At Every He also thinks storage hardware inside the systems won t change much, Optical storage like holographic technology is the storage of the future, http://www.informationweek.com/story/showArticle.jhtml?articleID=10300599&_loopb |
73. EETimes.com - Media 3-D Storage In Three Years Berg believes holographic storage advances will soon outstrip 13 more patents related to holographic recording hardware and drive servo from Holoplex http://www.eet.com/story/OEG20030327S0034 | |
74. HOLOGRAPHIC DISCS During that time, hardware advances carried out independent of holography have made To make holographic storage competitive, though, Hermes said, http://www.opticaldisc-systems.com/2002SepOct/HOLOGRAPHIC72.htm | |
75. Digital Data Storage Video storage libraries present a big hardware opportunity. Development of new technologies such as digital optical tape, holographic storage, http://www.atp.nist.gov/press/97-04dds.htm | |
76. EETimes.com - InPhase Raises $32.1 Million For Holographic Storage LONDON Â InPhase Technologies, a developer of holographic data storage media and drives, hardware, software design on collision course, panel finds http://www.eetimes.com/news/semi/showArticle.jhtml?articleID=163701237 |
77. First Public Demonstration Of World's First Holographic Drive Prototype holographic storage appears to be the perfect answer, said Ron Tarasoff, the ease of use and integration of holographic technology by hardware OEMs, http://www.physorg.com/news3719.html | |
78. HHE:Â MASS STORAGEÂ Â SOURCE: Tom's Hardware Guide Mass Storage: Mass Storage FNF 3D holographic storage 40000 Terabits/cu.cm. FNF Tom s hardware Guide Mass storage Mass storage Articles In Chronological Overview - Articles http://www.hi.is/~joner/eaps/massm6.htm | |
79. P2pnet.net - The Original Daily P2p And Digital Media News Site As the inventor of 3D Volume holographic Optical storage Nanotechnology, Hard Drives for ALL IN ONE complete system hardware storage requirements. http://p2pnet.net/story/842 | |
80. Spymac 4 :: Forums I thought I read in MacAddict that holographic storage would one day replace magnetic hard RoomNavigation, Computing, -Intel Switch, -hardware Central http://www.spymac.com/forums/showthread.php?threadid=154055 |
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