Extractions: Local school system personnel are responsible for developing and implementing assistive technology intervention programs for students with disabilities who require assistive technology in order to access the general education curriculum or to benefit from their special education programs. Unfortunately, many college and university programs do not offer coursework in assistive technology as a part of their teacher preparation programs and many educators begin their careers without the skills necessary to provide assistive technology services to students with disabilities. Subsequently, many state, regional, and local education agencies have developed assistive technology initiatives that offer professional development opportunities for teachers and related service providers. The mission of many of these programs is to improve instruction through increasing educator knowledge of assistive technology and to increase student achievement through enhancing access to appropriate assistive technology devices and services. The Georgia Department of Education, Division for Exceptional Students has developed an innovative statewide program to provide professional development and technical support services to local school system personnel in the area of assistive technology. This initiative which is known as the Georgia Project for Assistive Technology (GPAT) provides a range of technical support and professional development services to local school system personnel. A key focus of the project is collaboration with instructional technology initiatives within the state to promote equity of access to technology for students with disabilities and their teachers. In this session, key components of GPAT will be discussed. A major part of the session will be strategies for duplicating project services at the state, regional, and local levels.
Faculty And Staff education Psy.D., georgia School of Professional Psychology ProfessionalInterests Individual, multicultural, student development http://www2.gsu.edu/~wwwcou/faculty.htm
Continuing Education For Georgia georgias staff development Services at (404) 6562433 georgia Department ofEducation. School Improvement Department. Mr. Edward Mitchell http://www.renlearn.com/professionaldevelopment/states/georgia.htm
Extractions: Georgia Renaissance Learning, Inc. is an approved provider of Staff Development Units in Georgia for the Staff Development Seminars listed below. A prior approval form is required to be completed before attending a seminar (please reference links below). Upon successful completion of the seminars listed, attendees will receive a course completion form confirming their contact hours and SDU credit(s). Verification of course approvals can be confirmed by contacting one of the following: A pproved Professional Development: 538: Reading Renaissance Practicum Approved Course Submission: 538 Course Submission Prior Approval Form : Math Renaissance Practicum Approved Course Submission: 940 Course Submission Prior Approval Form *Please print this form and contact your District Superintendent or Staff Development Coordinator for their signature.
Embassy Of The U.S. In Georgia US Ambassador to georgia Richard Miles, Chief of staff of the georgian Armed For International education Announce Professional development Programs http://georgia.usembassy.gov/
Extractions: Ambassador Tefft Introduces National Democratic Institute Parliamentary Interns To The Parliament Of Georgia On September 20, 2005, Ambassador Tefft and the Speaker of Parliament, Nino Burdjanadze, officially introduced the new group of NDI parliamentary interns to the Parliament of Georgia. It became evident with last years program that NDI parliamentary interns are an important resource for the Parliament of Georgia ( more National Democratic Institute Is Continuing Parliamentary Internship Program Thanks To USAID Assistance Tbilisi â On September 20, 2005, U.S. Ambassador to Georgia Mr. John Tefft and Chairwoman of the Parliament of Georgia Ms. Nino Burdjanadze will officially present new NDI parliamentary interns to the Parliament of Georgia. Last year was good proof of the importance of this program and it became evident that NDI parliamentary interns are important resource for the Parliament of Georgia. Interns will participate in the committee activities as researchers, prepare reports for the MPs on important issues and will help parliamentarians to respond to the citizensâ questions in a timely manner. Interns will also work in the parliamentary factions, in the Speakerâs Cabinet and in the Legal Department (
STATE OF GEORGIA TEACHER CERTIFICATION REQUIREMENTS Special georgia Requirements. Special education (OCGA §202-201 ). (10)quarter hours of acceptable college (or georgia staff development) credit within http://www.academploy.com/cert/certga.htm
Extractions: Atlanta, Georgia For forms please contact the above office at (404) 657-9000 Outside the Metro Atlanta area (in Georgia only) you may call (800) 869-7775 Instructions for Form 70 B Long Form Application for Certification The Professional Standards Commission utilizes a complete package application procedure. The application is considered complete when all required signed documentation and fees have been received. It is the responsibility of the applicant to submit a complete package. If a transcript is being sent directly to the Certification Section by the college, the application package will be held for 30 days, at which time the incomplete package will be returned for correction or completion. If a transcript is being sent directly to the Certification Section by the college, you should check the appropriate box in item 3 on the application form. Applicants for certification in Georgia must meet (or have met) certain Special Georgia Requirements including course work in the identification and education of children with special education needs, course work in the teaching of reading (certain fields), the appropriate assessment (currently the Teacher Certification Test), and recency of study/experience (see below for explanations). An applicant who qualifies for professional certification in Georgia but lacks one or more of the special requirements can receive a conditional one-year certificate upon the request of a Georgia employer. If the applicant lacks a special requirement and is not employed in Georgia, no certificate will be issued until the applicant is either employed or has satisfied all special requirements. All application materials will be returned with a letter of eligibility.
Staff Bios And Photos staff Bios and Photos. State Board of education State Board of education Member Recipient, georgia Association of Supervision and Curriculum development http://www.ncpublicschools.org/staffbios.html
Extractions: Janice Davis , Interim Officer and Deputy Superintendent Priscilla Maynor Vanessa Jeter , Director, Communications and Information Lou Fabrizio , Director, Accountability Services Kathy Sullivan , Director, Human Resources/Quality Professional Michael Thornton , Director, Personnel Relations Financial and Business Services
Faculty - College Of Education And Human Development Interprofessional collaboration, staff development, school restructuring, Ph.D., University of georgia Adult education, human resource development http://education.umn.edu/faculty/default.html
Extractions: Fax: 612-626-7496 Search the college University College Related links Administration and staff Guide to college expertise Teaching award recipients Endowed professorships Curriculum and Instruction Educational Policy and Administration Educational Psychology Institute of Child Development ... Work and Human Resource Education Music education Youth development leadership Curriculum and Instruction, Dept. of
TLC - Staff Resources and Organizational development at the University of georgia. Jon Nichols, staff Support Associate, staff education and The Learning Center http://www.mc.uky.edu/LearningCenter/discover/staff.htm
Extractions: on June 13, 2005. She comes to us from the University of Georgia where she served as the Coordinator for Service and Support Staff Development for the Department of University Housing (2001-2005). In this role she was responsible for planning and teaching staff development classes, leading and overseeing quality initiatives, and coordinating an adult basic education program (GED, computer literacy, adult literacy, English as a Second Language, etc). Prior to her work at the University of Georgia, Rachelle worked at Lexington Medical Center, a 300 bed facility in West Columbia, South Carolina (1997-2001). At Lexington Medical Center she was responsible for determining educational needs, establishing non-clinical educational goals, coordinating and facilitating educational activities, facilitating process improvement teams, and teaching classes on a variety of topics. Rachelle holds a Master of Science degree from Miami University in Oxford, Ohio and a Bachelor of Arts degree from Emory University in Atlanta, Georgia. She is currently completing her PhD in Human Resources and Organizational Development at the University of Georgia.
World Education - Projects By Region - Georgia World education provides training and technical assistance in literacy, studies under NCSALL research on effective staff development approaches and on http://www.worlded.org/weiinternet/Projects/ListProjects.cfm?Select=State&ID=GA
Arts Education Council Bios the georgia Coalition for Arts education/georgia Alliance for Arts education, His areas of expertise include program development, leadership, staff http://ww3.artsusa.org/services/arts_education/arts_education_005.asp
Extractions: Since 1979, Thomas Cahill has served as the executive director of New Yorks Studio in a School Association. This organization places professional artists in New York City public schools and community centers. He currently serves as co-chair of the New York City Department of Education Visual Arts Curriculum Committee. His professional experience demonstrates his commitment to the field of arts education and advocacy. Tom currently serves as the Chair of the Councils Professional Development Committee. Ayanna Hudson Higgins Ayanna Hudson-Higgins is the arts education director for the Los Angeles County Arts Commission. Her work includes a 10-year strategic plan to provide K12, sequential arts education to 1.7 million students in Los Angeles County schools through policy changes, advocacy, and educational initiatives. She received her M.A. in educationwith a specialization in risk and preventionfrom Harvard University. She serves on numerous committees and boards representing the Commission nationally on arts education issues. Ayanna is Chair of the Councils Strategic Communications Committee.
Population Education: Professional Development For Teachers Pine Jog Environmental education Center. georgia Atlanta Public Schools Workshops are facilitated by our education staff and members of our network of http://www.populationeducation.org/pages/0,servicedetail,servicedetail,00.ecs?co
Georgia NGS Geographic education Program. georgia Geographic Alliance Others areheld at the school district level on staff development days or included in http://teachearth.com/states/Georgia.htm
Extractions: http://w ww.nationa lgeographic.com/education/index.html The National Geographic Societyís Geography Education Program has established a network of state geographic alliancesógrassroots organizations composed mainly of K-12 teachers and university geographersódedicated to improving and promoting geography education. These alliances support professional development for teachers, development of classroom materials, and efforts to make geography a part of state and local curricula. http://www.griffin.peachne t.edu/bae/ The Georgia Automated Environmental Monitoring Network was established in 1991 by the College of Agriculture and Environmental Sciences of the University of Georgia. The objective of the AEMN is to collect reliable weather information for agricultural and environmental applications. Each station monitors air temperature, relative humidity, rainfall, solar radiation, wind speed, wind direction, and soil temperature at 2, 4, and 8 inch depths every 1 second. Data are summarized at 15 minute intervals and at midnight a daily summary is calculated. A microcomputer at the Georgia Experiment Station initiates telephone calls to each station periodically and downloads the recorded data.
JSD Spring 1997 Journal of staff development, Spring 1997 (Vol. 18, No. 2) Job Fuller E.Callaway Professor of Urban education at georgia State University. http://www.nsdc.org/library/publications/jsd/jsds97spks.cfm
Extractions: Journal of Staff Development , Spring 1997 (Vol. 18, No. 2) JSD: The National Commission on Teaching and America's Future's report, What Matters Most: Teaching and America's Future, argues that every teacher has the right to a competent teacher. If you were a superintendent of schools, what would you do to ensure, in a timely way, that there was a competent teacher in every classroom? Hilliard: I would borrow a strategy from Atlanta which grouped schools into three categories. One group was the high achievers. Supervision was withdrawn from them and given to the schools in the middle that were trying to become high achievers. The lowest performing schools became a high priority for the superintendent. In a very short time, some of the low performing schools began to experience fairly dramatic improvements in student achievement. The school was viewed as the unit to create the momentum to bring along the faculty. While that didn't solve the total problem of uneven instruction, a rigorous accountability system could be used, combined with support for individual teachers. If low performing teachers did not change, hard decisions would have to be made about whether they should continue.
Extractions: Skip Navigation You Are Here ENC Home Professional Development Funding Opportunities Guidebook of Federal Resources ... State Resources Search the Site More Options Don't lose access to ENC's web site! Beginning in August, goENC.com will showcase the best of ENC Online combined with useful new tools to save you time. Take action todaypurchase a school subscription through goENC.com Classroom Calendar Digital Dozen ENC Focus ... Ask ENC Explore online lesson plans, student activities, and teacher learning tools. Find detailed information about thousands of materials for K-12 math and science. Read articles about inquiry, equity, and other key topics for educators and parents. By Your Own Design Federal Resources Funding Opportunities Comprehensive Grant Sites ... Frequently Asked Questions Access information about federal programs available in this state by choosing an agency from the list below.
Georgia Governor Sonny Perdue | Press Releases The georgia Department of education recently honored him with the Top Dog in education and Links, Inc. She is a former director of staff development, http://www.gov.state.ga.us/press/2005/press857.shtml
Extractions: Wednesday, September 21, 2005 Commission for a New Georgia www.legis.state.ga.us/legis/2005_06/versions/sb34_AP_19.htm Stuart N. Bennett, Brooks , GA Bennett is the chief deputy state superintendent for policy and external affairs for the Georgia Department of Education. He is a member of the board of directors for the Georgia Accrediting Commission and an executive committee member of the Georgia Council on Economic Education. The Georgia Department of Education recently honored him with the Top Dog Award. He earned a bachelor's degree in history, a master's degree in social studies education and a specialist's degree in social studies education from the State University of West Georgia. He and his wife, Phyllis, have a son. Joy Smith Berry , 74, Atlanta , GA - Berry recently retired from her position as executive director for the Georgia Human Relations Commission. Previously, she served as an education specialist coordinator in the Governor's Office of Planning and Budget. She is a member of the Georgia Board of Education, Committee on Quality Teaching and the Reading Leadership Team. Berry earned a bachelor's degree from Hunter College , a master's degree in educational leadership from Pace University and has completed post masters study at Yeshiva University . Michael P. Bull, Ph. D., 52, Gainesville , GA
SDP - Staff SDP Yale Faculty Profiles Learning, Teaching and development (LT D) expands the focus of the Yale Child an education Specialist degree in educational Administration from georgia http://info.med.yale.edu/comer/about/profiles.html
Extractions: James P. Comer, M.D., M.P.H., the Maurice Falk Professor of Child Psychiatry at the Yale University School of Medicine's Child Study Center, has been a Yale medical faculty member since 1968. During these years, he has concentrated his career on promoting a focus on child development as a way of improving schools. His efforts in support of healthy development of young people are known internationally. Dr. Comer, perhaps, is best known for the founding of the Comer School Development Program in 1968, which promotes the collaboration of parents, educators, and community to improve social, emotional, and academic outcomes for children that, in turn, helps them achieve greater school success. His concept of teamwork has improved the educational environment in more than 500 schools throughout America.
Official Code 20-2-230 The primary purpose of the staff development sponsored or offered by local The georgia education Leadership Academy is authorized, in cooperation with http://www.ganet.org/cgi-bin/pub/ocode/ocgsearch?number=20-2-230&Code_Number_Sub
ECS Literacy Programs -- Profile Of Georgia Reading First Administrative Agency, georgia Department of education First program arerequired to complete 30 hours of staff development during the school year. http://www.ecs.org/dbsearches/Search_Info/Literacy_ProgramProfile.asp?ProgID=5
Georgia Staff Development Council: Members The mission of the georgia staff development Council is to promote the development of of staff development, Personnel, Curriculum, Special education, http://www.gasdc.org/pages/members.html
Extractions: 2005 GSDC Members: make your selection here Board Members Members by Name (PDF) Membership Application (PDF) Email us for more info 2005 GSDC Director Districts You are invited to join the only professional association in Georgia that has the development of human resources as its exclusive focus - the Georgia Staff Development Council. The mission of the Georgia Staff Development Council is to promote the development of educational personnel in order to improve student learning by providing leadership, by modeling and disseminating effective staff development practices and by serving as the state network for individuals and organizations responsible for growth of others. Who is eligible to join GSDC? Superintendents, Assistant Superintendents, Directors and Coordinators of Staff Development, Personnel, Curriculum, Special Education, Chapter I and other district level programs, Principals, Assistant Principals, Lead Teachers, Classroom Teachers, Consultants, Teacher Trainers, RESA and GLRS Personnel, College and University Personnel and State Department of Education Personnel.