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Polanyi John C: more detail | |||||
61. Encyclopedia: John C. Polanyi Other descriptions of john C. polanyi. john Charles polanyi (born January 23,1929) is a German/Canadian chemist. He was born in Berlin, http://www.nationmaster.com/encyclopedia/John-C.-Polanyi | |
62. Provost - Professor John C. Polanyi office of the vice president and provost University of Toronto. http://www.provost.utoronto.ca/English/Professor-John-C.html | |
63. USF Department Of Chemistry - Home Page Nobel Laureate Dr. john C. polanyi to Speak at Seminar, February 7, 2005. We arepleased to announce Dr. john C. polanyi, 1986 Nobel Prize Winner in http://www.cas.usf.edu/chemistry/new/ | |
64. News Releases - ExpressNews - University Of Alberta Dr. john polanyi is the recipient of the 1986 Nobel Prize in Chemistry for and the john C. polanyi Lecture Award of the Canadian Society for Chemistry. http://www.expressnews.ualberta.ca/newsreleases.cfm?id=6618 |
65. NPQ By john C. polanyi. john polanyi won the Nobel Prize for chemistry in 1986.He is presently a professor at the University of Toronto and a member of the http://www.digitalnpq.org/global_services/nobel laureates/03-22-01.HTML | |
66. NPQ john C. polanyi, a Nobel laureate at the University of Toronto, was involved inframing the recent Nobel statement. STOCKHOLM Some Nobel prize winners http://www.digitalnpq.org/global_services/nobel laureates/12.07.01polanyi.html | |
67. Polanyi To Give UW Hagey Lecture In recognition of his contributions to science, the $2 million john C. polanyi Chairin Chemistry was set up in his honor at U of T last July 1. http://www.newsrelease.uwaterloo.ca/archive/news.php?id=310 |
68. Giving To The University Of Toronto The 1986 Nobel Prize winner in Chemistry, john C. polanyi, Established in1987, the john C. polanyi Chair in Chemistry serves as a lasting tribute to http://www.giving.utoronto.ca/chairs/showchairs.asp?ID=50 |
69. Giving To The University Of Toronto Professor john C. polanyi john C. polanyi Chair in Chemistry Professor DoreenRao - Elmer Iseler Chair in Conducting Professor Douglas Reeve - Frank http://www.giving.utoronto.ca/chairs/listholders.asp | |
70. List Of People By Name: Po: Information From Answers.com List of people by name Po List of people by name A B C D E F G H polanyi, john C., (born 1929), German/Canadian chemist; polanyi, Karl, http://www.answers.com/topic/list-of-people-by-name-po | |
71. Innovation Canada | La Liberté Savante Et L'avenir De Nos Universités | John C Par john C. polanyi. L exploration scientifique n est pas qu une http://www.innovationcanada.ca/13/fr/articles/avenir-de-nos-universites.html | |
72. Polanyi, John Charles. The Columbia Encyclopedia, Sixth Edition. 2001-05 polanyi, john Charles. The Columbia Encyclopedia, Sixth Edition. 200105. Lawrence, DH, Masters, EL, Sandburg, C. Sassoon, S. Whitman, W. Wordsworth, W. http://www.bartleby.com/65/po/Polanyi.html | |
73. Pictures Of Dr.Polanyi Dr. john C. polanyi at UOIT, May 6, 2004. Dr. WRSmith, Dr. JCpolanyi, and. Dr.G. Polonsky. Dr. JCpolanyi and Dr. M.Finlayson http://www.science.uoit.ca/NewsEvents/Nobel_Pictures.htm | |
74. John C. Polkinghorne Informationen über Leben und Werk von Sir john Charlton Polkinghorne. D.Scott, Michael polanyi (SPCK 1996); JM Soskice, Metaphor and Religious Language http://www.theologie-examen.de/polkinghorne/Literatur_zu_Theologie_und_Naturwiss | |
75. The Lemelson Center For The Study Of Invention Innovation William D. Phillips, john polanyi, john Pople, Gerardus t Hooft, Robert C.Richardson, OV 771.29B, polanyi, john (Chemistry 1986) DUB, 6/27/00 http://invention.smithsonian.org/resources/fa_nobel_index.aspx | |
76. Q&A: What Woke University Of Toronto Chemist John Polanyi On The Morning Of Oct. john C. polanyi. john polanyi in his study at home in 1985, the year before hewon the Nobel Prize in Chemistry. (photo Harry Palmer) http://www.newsandevents.utoronto.ca/bios/02/history41.htm | |
77. Polanyi Karl - Books, Journals, Articles @ The Questia Online Library REVOLUTION Edited by john LEWIS KARL polanyi DONALD K. KITCHIN Editorial Board . Sato 1986 Elie Wiesel Dudley R. Herschbach Yuan T. Lee john C. polanyi http://www.questia.com/search/polanyi-karl | |
78. Polanyi Michael - Books, Journals, Articles @ The Questia Online Library Herschbach Yuan T. Lee john C. polanyi Ernst Ruska Gerd Binnig Heinrich DehmeltWolfgang Paul J. Michael Bishop Harold E. Varmus Camilo. http://www.questia.com/search/polanyi-michael | |
79. A Dictionary Of Scientific Quotations john C. polanyi. Excerpt from the keynote address to the Canadian Society john C. polanyi In Martin Moskovits (Ed.), Science and Society, the john C. http://naturalscience.com/dsqhome.html | |
80. Polanyi, John Charles (1929- ), Chimiste Canadien Translate this page john Charles polanyi (1929- ). Chimiste canadien dorigine allemande. excité àla température de 4980 °C. Un détecteur infrarouge permet à polanyi de http://isimabomba.free.fr/biographies/chimistes/polanyi.htm | |
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