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         Polanyi John C:     more detail
  1. Science and Society: The John C. Polanyi Nobel Laureates Lectures
  2. DANGERS OF NUCLEAR WAR by Franklyn & Polanyi, John C. Griffiths, 1979
  3. The Dangers of Nuclear War: A Pugwash Symposium by Franklyn Griffith, John C. Polanyi, 1979-06
  4. The Dangers of Nuclear War by Griffiths FranklynandPolanyi John C, 1979
  5. John C. Polanyi Award / Prix John C. Polanyi.: An article from: Canadian Chemical News
  6. Science and Society The John C. Polanyi Nobel Laureates Lectures by Martin & Martin Moscovits Moscovits, 1996-01-01
  7. Comments on Schaniel and Neale's comments on Hamilton. (response to article by William C. Schaniel and Walter C. Scheele in this issue, p. 884) (Notes ... An article from: Journal of Economic Issues by David Hamilton, 1994-09-01
  8. Comment on "The Meaning of Anthropology for Economic Science: A Case for Intellectual Reciprocity." (Notes and Communications): An article from: Journal of Economic Issues by William C. Schaniel, Walter C. Neale, 1994-09-01

81. Board Of Directors
john C. polanyi. john Charles polanyi holds the polanyi Chair of Chemistry atthe University of Toronto, Canada. His research is on the molecular motions in

82. Nobelpreistraeger John C. Polanyi Vip Promi Und Vip Linkliste Inkl

83. Presentation Abstracts, Eighth Foresight Conference
PingHe Lu, polanyi, john C., and Duncan Rogers Electron- and Photon-InducedLocalized Atomic Reaction (LAR) of Halobenzenes with Si(111) 7x7 ; Poler,
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Presentation Abstracts
Eighth Foresight Conference on Molecular Nanotechnology
(after keynote, arranged alphabetically by corresponding author)
Index of full papers
Keynote Speaker:
  • Raymond Kurzweil : "The Twenty First Century: A Confluence of Accelerating Revolutions"
Invited Speakers:

84. Electron- And Photon-Induced Localized Atomic Reaction Of Halobenzenes With Si
PingHe Lu, john C. polanyi*, and Duncan Rogers john C. polanyi Departmentof Chemistry, University of Toronto 80 St. George Street
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Electron- and Photon-Induced Localized Atomic Reaction (LAR)
of Halobenzenes with Si(111) 7x7
Ping-He Lu, John C. Polanyi , and Duncan Rogers
Department of Chemistry, University of Toronto,
Toronto, Ontario M5S 3H6 Canada This is an abstract for a presentation given at the
Eighth Foresight Conference on Molecular Nanotechnology

There will be a link from here to the full article when it is available on the web. Electron- and photon-induced reaction of chlorobenzene (ClPh) [ref. 1], 1,2-dichlorobenzene (1,2-diClPh) and 1,4-dichlorobenzene (1,4-diClPh) [ref. 2] adsorbed on silicon (Si(111)7x7) has been shown by Scanning Tunneling Microscopy (STM) to result in 'Localized Atomic Reaction' (LAR), imprinting Cl as chemically-bound Cl-Si on the surface. For the ClPh adsorbate, voltage pulses of -4V from the STM tip served to demonstrate LAR restricted to the region of electron impact. Delocalized electron impact, customarily used in this laboratory, imprinted the pattern of 'parent' ClPh(ad) on the surface as 'daughter' Cl-Si. The imprint was found to be on the same area of the unit cell as the parent ClPh(ad), but at an

85. Allegro-Chronik 25 Jahre (2005)
polanyi, john C. polanyi, john C.(1986) Pople, john A. UK (1998) Rose, Irwin (2004)
25 Jahre allegro
Nobelpreis Chemie Jahr Nobelpreis Chemie
Berg, Paul; Gilbert, Walter; Sanger, Frederick Fukui, Kenichi [Japan]; Hoffmann, Roald [USA] Klug, Aaron Taube, Henry Merrifield, Robert B. Hauptman, Herbert A.; Karle, Jerome Herschbach, Dudley R.; Lee, Yuan Tseh; Polanyi, John C. Cram, Donald J.; Lehn, Jean-Marie; Pederson, Charles Deisenhofer, Johann; Huber, Robert; Michel, Hartmut Altman, Sidney; Cech, Thomas Corey, Elias J. Ernst, Richard Marcus, Rudolph A. Mullis, Kary B.; Smith, Michael Olah, George A. Crutzen, Paul J.; Molina, Mario J.; Rowland, F. Sherwood; Smalle, Richard E.; Curl, Robert F.; Kroto, Harold W. [UK] Boyer, Paul D.; Skou, Jens C. [D¤nemark]; Walker, John E. [UK] Kohn, Walter; Pople, John A. [UK] Zewail, Ahmed H. Heeger, Alan J.; MacDiarmid, Alan G.; Shirakawa, Hideki [Japan] Knowles, William S.; Noyori, Ryoji [Japan] Fenn, John B.; Tanaka, Koichi [Japan] Agre, Peter; MacKinnon, Roderick Ciechanover, Aaron; Hershko, Avram; Rose, Irwin Alphabetische Liste
Agre, Peter (2003)
Altman, Sidney (1989)
Berg, Paul (1980)

86. About King's College London : News And What's On : King's College London
john C polanyi (Marlow Medal 1962) was a joint winner of the Nobel Prize forChemistry in 1986 for his contributions concerning the dynamics of chemical

87. Magyar Rádió
(balról jobbra) Dudley R. Herschbach, Yuan T. Lee és john C. polanyi; 1986 Nobel-díj átadása, XVI. Gustav svéd király, (jobbra) gratulál a Nobel-díjas
Szolgáltatások Kincsestár Enévjegy RádióMail Rádió Web Polányi János - Polanyi, John Charles - (Berlin, 1930.január 23. - ) Polányi Mihály és Kemény Magda fia. Egyetemi tanulmányait Manchesterben végezte, ezután angliai, amerikai és kanadai egyetemeken dolgozott, 1962 óta a Torontói Egyetem professzora. Az 1986-évi Nobel-díjat - D.R. Herschbachhal és Yuan T.Leevel megosztva - " az elemi kémiai folyamatok dinamikájával kapcsolatos felfedezéséért " nyerte el. Sajnos a magyar kultúrával kevés a kapcsolata, legfeljebb csak néhány szót tud magyarul. A Magyar Tudományos Akadémia 2001-ben választotta tiszteleti tagjává.
(Beck Mihály: A magyar Nobel-díjasok) Galéria
Polányi János 1931-ben...
és 1958-ban
II. Elizabeth királynõvel
(Ottawa, Ontario; 1967)
Lash Miller kémiai laboratóriumában
a Torontoi Egyetemen - 1982
(Foto: Harry Palmer Calgary)
(balról jobbra) Dudley R. Herschbach, Yuan T. Lee és John C. Polanyi; 1986 - Nobel-díj átadása
XVI. Gustav svéd király,
(jobbra) gratulál a Nobel-díjas Polányi Jánosnak - 1986 (Foto: Brian Willer, Maclean's)

88. MSN Encarta - Polanyi, John C.
Translate this page polanyi, john C. (Berlino 1929), chimico canadese. polanyi fu una delle figuredi spicco Altre risorse di Encarta. Cerca in Encarta polanyi, john C.

89. Facultad De Química - Universidad De La Habana
Translate this page polanyi, john C. Estados Unidos Estados Unidos Canadá. Estudio de las interaccionesmoleculares durante las reacciones químicas.

90. Polanyi
polanyi, john C., teljes nevén john Charles polanyi (szül. 1929. jan. 29. Berlin,Németország) vegyész és tanár; a kémiai reakciók dinamikájának kutatásáért
Polanyi, John C., teljes nevén John Charles Polanyi (szül. 1929. jan. 29. Berlin, Németország) vegyész és tanár; a kémiai reakciók dinamikájának kutatásáért Dudley R. Herschbachhal és Yan T. Leevel megosztva 1986-ban kémiai Nobel-díjat kapott. Az egyik legkiválóbb magyar értelmiségi család tagja, apja, Polányi Mihány kémikus és filozófus, nagybátyja, Polányi Károly közgazdász és társadalomfilozófus, a Galilei Kör alapítója volt. Angliában nevelkedett, a Manchesteri Egyetemen szerzett tudományos fokozatot (Ph.D., 1952., D.Sc., 1964.), és 1952-ben a Kanadai Nemzeti Kutatási Tanácsnál (National Research Council of Canada) vállalt kutatói állást. A Torontói Egyetemen tanított 1956-tól, egyetemi tanári kinevezését 1974-ben kapta meg. Polanyi dolgozta ki az infravörös kemilumineszcencia módszerét, amely azon a megfigyelésen alapszik, hogy a gerjesztett molekulák infravörös fényt bocsáthatnak ki. A kémiai reakció során kibocsátott fény változásának spektroszkópiai elemzésével Polanyi nyomon követte a kémiai kötések kicserélôdését. Munkájával hozzájárult a többletenergia kémiai folyamatokban lejátszódó eloszlásának tisztázásához. Vissza az Arcképtárba

91. Canadian Who's Who 1997: Nobel Prize [sample]
1995; john C. polanyi Nobel Laureate Lectures, Univ. of Toronto 1995; Floyd E.Bartell Memorial Lectureship, Univ. of Michigan 1996; Christian Culture Award
Where did Canadian Nobel Prize winners go to school?
John Charles POLANYI, educator
POLANYI, John Charles, C.C., Ph.D., D.Sc., LL.D., F.R.S., F.R.S.C.; educator; b. Berlin, Germany 23 Jan. e. Manchester Grammar Sch. Eng; Manchester Univ. B.Sc. 1949, M.Sc. 1950, Ph.D. 1952, D.Sc. 1964; Hon. D.Sc.: Univ. Waterloo 1970, Memorial Univ. Nfld. 1976, McMaster Univ. 1977, Carleton Univ. 1981, Harvard Univ. 1982, Rensselaer Polytech. Inst. 1984, Brock Univ. 1984, Lethbridge 1987, Victoria 1987, Ottawa 1987, Sherbrooke 1987, Laval 1987, Univ. of Manchester 1988, York Univ. 1988, Montreal 1989, Acadia Univ. 1989, Weizmann Inst. 1989, Bari (Italy) 1990, British Columbia 1990, McGill 1990, Queen's 1992, Free Univ. Berlin 1993, Laurentian 1995, Univ. of Toronto 1995, Liverpool, Eng. 1995; Hon. LL.D.: Trent Univ. 1977, Dalhousie Univ. 1983, St. Francis Xavier Univ. 1984, Concordia 1990, Calgary 1994; m. Anne Ferrar Davidson 1958; children: Margaret, Michael; UNIV. PROF., UNIV. OF TORONTO 1974 and Prof. of Chem. 1962 ; Postdoctoral Fellow, Nat. Rsch. Council Can. 1952-54;

92. Société Royale Du Canada : La Médaille Henry Marshall Tory
Translate this page 1977 - john C. polanyi, FRSC. (Notice bilingue) Ce doit être une source de fiertéparmi tous les Canadiens que, dans la domaine de la science fondamentale

93. Ausgebeutete Wissenschaft
Translate this page Und welchen Anteil trägt die Wissenschaft selbst dazu bei? Kulturzeit sprach miteinem, der es wissen muss john C. polanyi, Nobelpreisträger für Chemie.
Ausgebeutete Wissenschaft Wie Forschungsergebnisse missbraucht werden

94. Council Of Ontario Universities
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95. Karl Polanyi Institute Of Political Economy
The Karl polanyi Institute hosts an international conference every two years,alternating between host countries and Canada, the home of the Institute.
Home Events Publications Essays, Commentaries, and Reviews ... The Karl Polanyi Research Network
9th Int. Conference Abstracts
Selected Abstracts
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Duncan Cameron
Karl Polanyi explains the first and second world wars as the consequence of the collapse of the three great social mechanisms that governed relations among nations and within societies in Europe: first, the balance of power, and the model of great power diplomacy established by the victors in the Napoleonic wars at the Congress of Vienna in 1815; second, the "self-regulating" market that emerged out of European feudalism, and was championed by English industrialists, and by political economists Adam Smith and David Ricardo; and third, the international gold standard which regulated international trade and finance, notably by imposing deflationary policies on nations experiencing persistent balance of payments deficits.
This has deadly consequences for the rest of the world, who it hardly bears mentioning were not envisaged as the beneficiaries of the post 1945 structure.

96. Storia Della Chimica. Premi Nobel Per La Chimica: Polanyi Chemicum/NobelChimica/Polanyi.htm
Theatrum Chemicum Personae: John C. Polanyi John C. Polanyi n. 1929 Premio Nobel per la chimica 1986 con Dudley R. Herschbach e con Yuan T. Lee Premio Nobel 1985 Premio Nobel 1987 Nel 2001 John C. Polanyi ha promosso un appello in difesa della pace e dell'ambiente. L'appello fu firmato da 110 premi Nobel. Nel punto centrale della dichiarazione dei 110 premi Nobel si legge: "La sola speranza per il futuro riposa nella collaborazione internazionale, legittimata dalla democrazia. È tempo di voltare le spalle alla ricerca unilaterale di sicurezza, in cui noi cerchiamo di rifugiarci dietro ai muri. Dobbiamo invece insistere nella ricerca dell'unità d'azione per contrastare sia il surriscaldamento del pianeta che un mondo armato". John Charles Polanyi, una scheda biografica John Charles Polanyi è nato a Berlino nel 1929 da genitori ungheresi. Nel '33 si trasferisce con la famiglia in Gran Bretagna, dove consegue la laurea nel '49 e il Ph.D. nel '52, presso l'Università di Manchester. Dal '52 al '54 è in Canada, paese che diventerà sua patria di adozione, ricercatore al National Research Council di Ottawa, e dal '54 al '56 alla Princeton University. Nominato lettore all'Università di Toronto nel '56, vi diviene poi assistente, associato e quindi professore di Chimica, incarico che tuttora (1994) ricopre.
La sua attività di ricerca si concentra sui moti molecolari delle reazioni chimiche nei gas e sulle superfici e nel 1986 gli viene assegnato il premio Nobel per la Chimica (con

97. List Of Abstracts First El.BA-Foresight Conference On Molecular
Thin film of photosensitive proteins for light conversion applications; polanyi JohnC., Surface aligned photochemistry as a means to nanolithography
List of Abstracts First El.B.A.-Foresight Conference on Molecular Nanotechnology

98. Learning-Org Nov 2002: Mental Models And Change LO29448
I am wrtiting of Michael polanyi and not the joint Nobel Prize (1986) winner JohnC polanyi in chemistry. The three books which i have, by the generosity of
Mental Models and Change LO29448
From: AM de Lange (
Date: Replying to LO29432
Dear Organlearners,

>"Your remark made me think of Michael Polanyi, famous for
>his "tacit knowing". On the topic of the subconscious he was
>I wonder why he avoided the subconscious?"
Greetings dear Philip,
I am wrtiting of Michael Polanyi and not the joint Nobel Prize (1986)
winner John C Polanyi in chemistry.
The three books which i have, by the generosity of Fred Nichols after our univeristy's library scrapped their books of Polanyi as out of date, are "Personal Knowledge", "The Tacit Dimension" and "Science, Faith and Society". The first two have indexes and in none of them do the words

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