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Polanyi John C: more detail | |||||
81. Board Of Directors john C. polanyi. john Charles polanyi holds the polanyi Chair of Chemistry atthe University of Toronto, Canada. His research is on the molecular motions in http://www.clw.org/about/board.html |
82. Nobelpreistraeger John C. Polanyi Vip Promi Und Vip Linkliste Inkl http://www.multifind.de/vip/Nobelpreistraeger.vip.John._.C.._.Polanyi.html |
83. Presentation Abstracts, Eighth Foresight Conference PingHe Lu, polanyi, john C., and Duncan Rogers Electron- and Photon-InducedLocalized Atomic Reaction (LAR) of Halobenzenes with Si(111) 7x7 ; Poler, http://www.foresight.org/Conferences/MNT8/Abstracts/ |
84. Electron- And Photon-Induced Localized Atomic Reaction Of Halobenzenes With Si PingHe Lu, john C. polanyi*, and Duncan Rogers john C. polanyi Departmentof Chemistry, University of Toronto 80 St. George Street http://www.foresight.org/Conferences/MNT8/Abstracts/Polanyi/ | |
85. Allegro-Chronik 25 Jahre (2005) polanyi, john C. polanyi, john C.(1986) Pople, john A. UK (1998) Rose, Irwin (2004) http://www.allegro-c.de/chronik/a28c.htm | |
86. About King's College London : News And What's On : King's College London john C polanyi (Marlow Medal 1962) was a joint winner of the Nobel Prize forChemistry in 1986 for his contributions concerning the dynamics of chemical http://www.kcl.ac.uk/phpnews/wmview.php?ArtID=18 |
87. Magyar Rádió (balról jobbra) Dudley R. Herschbach, Yuan T. Lee és john C. polanyi; 1986 Nobel-díj átadása, XVI. Gustav svéd király, (jobbra) gratulál a Nobel-díjas http://kincsestar.radio.hu/panoptikum/nobel/polanyi.php | |
88. MSN Encarta - Polanyi, John C. Translate this page polanyi, john C. (Berlino 1929), chimico canadese. polanyi fu una delle figuredi spicco Altre risorse di Encarta. Cerca in Encarta polanyi, john C. http://it.encarta.msn.com/encyclopedia_761583307/Polanyi_John_C.html | |
89. Facultad De Química - Universidad De La Habana Translate this page polanyi, john C. Estados Unidos Estados Unidos Canadá. Estudio de las interaccionesmoleculares durante las reacciones químicas. http://www.fq.uh.cu/fich.php?id=12&in_id=16 |
90. Polanyi polanyi, john C., teljes nevén john Charles polanyi (szül. 1929. jan. 29. Berlin,Németország) vegyész és tanár; a kémiai reakciók dinamikájának kutatásáért http://www.mezgazd-koszeg.sulinet.hu/diak/kemia/DATA/Tudosok/data/bh5/polanyi.ht | |
91. Canadian Who's Who 1997: Nobel Prize [sample] 1995; john C. polanyi Nobel Laureate Lectures, Univ. of Toronto 1995; Floyd E.Bartell Memorial Lectureship, Univ. of Michigan 1996; Christian Culture Award http://www.utpress.utoronto.ca/cww/polanyi.html | |
92. Société Royale Du Canada : La Médaille Henry Marshall Tory Translate this page 1977 - john C. polanyi, FRSC. (Notice bilingue) Ce doit être une source de fiertéparmi tous les Canadiens que, dans la domaine de la science fondamentale http://www.rsc.ca/index.php?lang_id=2&page_id=146 |
93. Ausgebeutete Wissenschaft Translate this page Und welchen Anteil trägt die Wissenschaft selbst dazu bei? Kulturzeit sprach miteinem, der es wissen muss john C. polanyi, Nobelpreisträger für Chemie. http://www.3sat.de/kulturzeit/themen/23271/ | |
94. Council Of Ontario Universities http://www.cou.on.ca/ocgs/HOME/Polanyi/PolanyiInformation.htm | |
95. Karl Polanyi Institute Of Political Economy The Karl polanyi Institute hosts an international conference every two years,alternating between host countries and Canada, the home of the Institute. http://artsandscience.concordia.ca/polanyi/conf/abstracts_c.html | |
96. Storia Della Chimica. Premi Nobel Per La Chimica: Polanyi http://www.minerva.unito.it/Theatrum Chemicum/NobelChimica/Polanyi.htm | |
97. List Of Abstracts First El.BA-Foresight Conference On Molecular Thin film of photosensitive proteins for light conversion applications; polanyi JohnC., Surface aligned photochemistry as a means to nanolithography http://www.fondazione-elba.org/nsito/abstract/lista.html | |
98. Learning-Org Nov 2002: Mental Models And Change LO29448 I am wrtiting of Michael polanyi and not the joint Nobel Prize (1986) winner JohnC polanyi in chemistry. The three books which i have, by the generosity of http://www.learning-org.com/02.11/0017.html | |
99. Redirect This page has moved. You will be automatically redirected to its new location in3 seconds. If you aren t forwarded to the new page, click here. http://www.chem.utoronto.ca/staff/polanyi_j.html | |
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