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81. PPSI Cholesterol Saturated fat is the chief culprit in raising blood cholesterol levels. These fats should be used in place of other fats in your diet whenever possible. http://www.ppsinc.org/chol/chol05.htm | |
82. World Cocoa Foundation - Encouraging Sustainable, Responsible Cocoa Growing long been used as a neutral control in studies designed to measure increases in serum cholesterol caused by other fats high in saturated fatty acids117 http://www.chocolateandcocoa.org/Process/Health/cholesterol.asp | |
83. Feature Article Lipids include total cholesterol, HDL (good) cholesterol, LDL (bad) cholesterol, triglycerides and phospholipids (other forms of fat in the blood). http://www.infoaging.org/feat12.html | |
84. Choosing Low-fat, Low-cholesterol Foods - Swedish Medical Center, Seattle, Washi Trans fats appear to raise blood cholesterol more than other unsaturated fats, but not as much as saturated fats. Trans fats are formed when vegetable http://www.swedish.org/18039.cfm | |
85. Cholesterol And Heart Health cholesterol is a lipid (that is, a fatlike substance) that is essential other ways of reducing consumption of saturated fat include eating lean red http://www.nutritionaustralia.org/Food_Facts/FAQ/cholesterol_faq.asp | |
86. Diabetes Forecast December 2003 - Research Profile - American each participant s blood sugars, cholesterol, and other measures of metabolism. That has happened with fat, when it was said that fat was bad. http://www.diabetes.org/diabetes-forecast/dec2003/research.jsp |
87. Cholesterol And Diet Information cholesterol, Diet and other Risk Factors. You can lower your cholesterol level by switching to a lowerfat diet thus reducing intake of animal fat and http://www.annecollins.com/cholesterol-diet.htm | |
88. Diabetes Forecast: Diet Vs. Diet: To "low-carb" Or Not To "low-carb" - Research each participant s blood sugars, cholesterol, and other measures of metabolism. Different types of fat were not distinguished from one another. http://www.findarticles.com/p/articles/mi_m0817/is_12_56/ai_110400492 | |
89. The Dr. Rath Health Foundation | Responsibility For A Healthy World However, cholesterol and all other blood risk factors are considered only Thus, elevated blood levels of cholesterol and other blood risk factors are http://www4.dr-rath-foundation.org/NHC/cholesterol/cellular_solutions.htm | |
90. RESEARCH: PECAN-RICH DIET AS EFFECTIVE AS LOWER-FAT AHA DIET containing pecans can help control cholesterol levels and other biomarkers of heart A pecan-rich diet containing 40 percent of daily energy as fat, http://agnews.tamu.edu/dailynews/stories/HORT/May1201a.htm | |
91. Scientist Questions Benefits Of Low Fat Diets 3/27/02 Highfat foods raise blood cholesterol. Dr. Ancel Keys was one of the main Physicians and other health professionals as well as anyone threatened with http://www.mercola.com/2002/mar/27/low_fat_diets.htm | |
92. Health/Conditions And Diseases/Nutrition And Metabolism Disorders/Cholesterol An other Sections. Membership Research Tools Medical Tutorials Medical Software Specialized Centers. Headlines. The Medical Website Directory http://www.thedoctorslounge.net/dir/Health/Conditions_and_Diseases/Nutrition_and | |
93. Cholesterol & Saturated Fat - Ask The Dietitian Got questions about cholesterol, Saturated Fat or Heart Disease? Any vegetables or fruit other than avocado are very low in fat if boiled, http://www.dietitian.com/choleste.html | |
94. Heart Healthy Eating: Cholesterol, Fat, Fiber, & Sodium Eating mostly saturated fat will raise blood cholesterol levels. Some kinds of fiber help lower blood cholesterol levels; other kinds help regulate your http://www.ext.vt.edu/pubs/nutrition/348-898/348-898.html | |
95. Choose A Diet Low In Fat... Saturated fat raises blood cholesterol more than other forms of fat. Reducing saturated fat to less than 10 percent of calories will help you lower your http://www.nal.usda.gov/fnic/dga/dga95/lowfat.html | |
96. Corr: The Low Fat/low Cholesterol Diet Is Ineffective other trials of secondary prevention have to a greater or lesser extent tried Low fat, low cholesterol diet in secondary prevention of coronary disease. http://www.omen.com/corr.html | |
97. Mike's Calorie And Fat Gram Chart For 1000 Foods Has calorie and fat gram chart for 1000 foods sorted by carbohydrates, cholesterol, protein, and fat listed alphabetically. Provides health and fitness http://www.caloriecountercharts.com/ | |
98. CNN - Margarine Matters: Research Shows Low-trans Fat Spreads May Be Best - Nove Trans fat was once thought to be better than butter s saturated fat. Avoiding trans fatty acids will lower the bad form of cholesterol or LDL, he said http://www.cnn.com/HEALTH/9811/10/butter.vs.margarine/ | |
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