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21. IIM - Advanced Search Rural, Urban, indigenous peoples, Women, Theories and Critiques of Development Sri Lanka, SubSaharan africa, SUB-SAHARAN africa AND INDIAN OCEAN http://www.iim.qc.ca/cgi-bin/formEN2.cgi | |
22. IIM - Advanced Search HEALTH AND MEDICAL CULTURES, Human Development, indigenous peoples, Industry Sri Lanka, SubSaharan africa, SUB-SAHARAN africa AND INDIAN OCEAN http://www.iim.qc.ca/cgi-bin/formEN2A.cgi | |
23. EBALL EBALL = Electronic Bibliography for african Languages and Linguistics. In africa s indigenous peoples first peoples or marginalised minorities ?, http://goto.glocalnet.net/maho/eballsamples/sample_w310.html | |
24. Bibliography Morgan WTW (1972) East africa Its peoples and Resources. Body symbols andthe power of regeneration among the zaramo of Tanzania. http://herkules.oulu.fi/isbn9514264312/html/b979.html | |
25. WMI Catalouge with slaves and melded with Spanish and indigenous elements to By the Nguni ismeant the peoples along the SE Nyakyusa, Gogo, Hehe, zaramo, Nyamwezi, Haya. http://heartheworld.org/ShoppingCart/Catalogue.asp?Action=Sort&View=Sorted&Sort= |
26. WMI Catalouge By the Nguni is meant the peoples along the SE Nyakyusa, Gogo, Hehe, zaramo, Nyamwezi,Haya. the melding of three cultures African, indigenous and European http://heartheworld.org/ShoppingCart/Catalogue.asp?Action=Sort&View=Sorted&Sort= |
27. GUS Epprecht, M. (1998) The ÂUnsaying of indigenous Homosexualities in ZimbabweMapping a 81 Schapera, I. (1930) The Khoisan peoples of South africa, http://www2.rz.hu-berlin.de/sexology/GESUND/ARCHIV/GUS/AFRICA.HTM | |
28. Paradoxia In Africa Among the Yorubaspeaking peoples, girls of better class were almost always Epprecht, M. (1998) The Unsaying of indigenous Homosexualities in http://www2.rz.hu-berlin.de/sexology/GESUND/ARCHIV/GUS/AFRICAOLD.HTM | |
29. Thaddeus Sunseri | Reinterpreting A Colonial Rebellion: Forestry And Social Cont Though the rebellion failed to oust Germans from East africa, it led the of the RufijiMatumbi forest complex.11 Among the zaramo and related peoples, http://www.historycooperative.org/journals/eh/8.3/sunseri.html | |
30. Connie Popek, Bookseller At Antiqbook.com WITH MAPS) The Battle for North africa 119640 STRAYER WILLIAM C. - Native Americans The indigenous People of North The Medicine Man Among the zaramo of Dar http://www.antiqbook.com/boox/connie/books50000.shtml | |
31. Music Of Tanzania Mtindo Taarab History Of Tanzanian Popular The origin of the style is zaramo wedding music. includes songs in Hehe and Swahiliand uses indigenous rhythms 1 africa, Europe and the Middle East, pp 681689 http://www.masterliness.com/a/Music.of.Tanzania.htm | |
32. Metafro Infosys - Swahili), lufambo, rufumbo, ufambo (Pare, Zigua, zaramo). Title The indigenous treesof Ethiopia.Second africa. Country Ivory Coast (We people). Vernacular name http://www.metafro.be/prelude/Localizer/view_symptom?si=H(051) |
33. AAVIA ~ Tanzania indigenous ethnic groups 160 672,000; Bena 670,000; Kami 670,000; Shambala 664,000;zaramo 627,000; Nyakyusa 7 peoples Sandawe 80,000; the original San (Bushmen http://www.adoptavillageinafrica.com/tanzania2.htm | |
35. Fortune N-S The Khoisan peoples of South africa; Bushmen and Hottentots. of the vocabulariesof three unpublished african languages Gindo, zaramo, and Angazidja. http://web.uflib.ufl.edu/cm/africana/fortune3.htm | |
36. Cities Feeding People in africa is assessing the use of indigenous african food crops, introduced inhabitants of Dar es Salaam, the zaramo, Ndengereko, and others were http://web.idrc.ca/openebooks/706-x/ | |
37. SOMALI BANTU - Their History And Culture The mixing of the coastal Bantuspeaking African peoples with these Arab As a result, many indigenous Africans lost the customary coping methods that http://www.culturalorientation.net/bantu/sbhist.html | |
38. East Africa Living Encyclopedia The Swahili were, and are, an urban people living in stone towns up and The zaramo are a Bantu group that inhabit the area around Dares-Salaam and http://www.africa.upenn.edu/NEH/tethnic.htm | |
39. Lalonde, Andre (1991) African Indigenous Knowledge And Its Abstract The nature of indigenous and postcolonial traditional rural regions of African tribal groups KenyaMaasai; TanzaniaPare, zaramo, http://www.indiana.edu/~iascp/abstracts/321.html | |
40. Kenya And Africa Links - Traditional Music & Cultures Of Kenya africa links peoples and languages (general sites) Science IndigenousKnowledge (superb) http//members.aol.com/afsci/africana.htm http://www.bluegecko.org/kenya/links/ | |
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