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41. Indigenous Multipurpose Trees Of Tanzania: Uses And Economic Benefits For People Local Names mkole (BENDE, GOGO, LUGURU, zaramo); mkolengoda (BONDEI, SHAMBAA,ZIGUA); Common Names mkulo, East African camphor wood, camphor http://www.fao.org/docrep/X5327e/x5327e07.htm | |
42. Indigenous Multipurpose Trees Of Tanzania: Uses And Economic Benefits For People Translate this page TT (TANGANYIKA TERRITORY) TT COAST (TAN. TER.-COAST) VIDUNDA WANJI WEMBA YAOZANAKI zaramo yellow wood, east african - PODOCARPUS LATIFOLIUS http://www.fao.org/docrep/X5327e/x5327e1z.htm | |
43. August 2003 Letter The 100 Least Reached People Groups of Southern africaÂIt Can Be Done. missionaries working with the zaramo and Datoogapeople, for the next year. http://www.worldmissioncentre.com/DirReport/DR200308.htm | |
44. DRESS CODES AND PRESTIGE STAFFS: CONSTRUCTING POLITICAL AUTHORITY WITH STAFFS IN The continued use of staffs resembling zaramo kome is testimony that traditional to the world and with the benefits of the indigenous people in mind. http://www.ijele.com/issue4/mshana.html | |
45. Ninemsn Encarta - Search View - African Art And Architecture African Art and Architecture, the art and architecture of the peoples of the African It is now understood to be the capital of a large indigenous state http://au.encarta.msn.com/text_761574805__1/African_Art_and_Architecture.html | |
46. Joshua Project - Peoples By Country Profiles They are one of the most homogenous people groups in africa, speaking a common language,adhering to a single faith, and sharing a cultural heritage. http://www.joshuaproject.net/peopctry.php?rop3=109392&rog3=TZ |
47. WMI Catalouge RegionSouthern africa. browse by region style artist By the Nguni is meant the peoples along the SE coast of africa, who are known as Xhosa, http://www.worldmusicinstitute.org/ShoppingCart/Catalogue.asp?Action=Sort&Sort=R |
48. WMI Catalouge africa, Asia, Middle East, Southeast Asia Bows, Flutes, Lutes, Percussion,Reeds, Sacred, Sufi, Nyakyusa, Gogo, Hehe, zaramo, Nyamwezi, Haya. 1950. http://www.worldmusicinstitute.org/ShoppingCart/Catalogue.asp?Action=Sort&Sort=S |
49. Department Of African Languages And Cultures - Warsaw University Skubis Jolanta Cykl ¿ycia i ¶mierci u ludu zaramo Afryki Wschodniej (The Lifeand Death Cycle Among zaramo of East africa) supervisor Prof. A. Wrzesiñska. http://www.orient.uw.edu.pl/en/afrykanistyka/events.htm | |
50. AIO Keywords List Mali The African country, for Mali of India, use Mali (Indian people); Mali empire Tribal peoples see Adivasi (India), Ethnic groups, indigenous peoples http://aio.anthropology.org.uk/aio/keywords.html | |
51. Africa Mozambique, Flag of Mozambique, Portuguese (official), indigenous dialects note Kiswahili (Swahili) is the mother tongue of the Bantu people living in http://www.ethiotrans.com/africa.htm | |
52. African Art European Missionaries and zaramo Artists in Tanzania A Question of Patronage A critical assessment of how African peoples make newly introduced http://www.h-net.org/~artsweb/conferences/Triennial04/Final Program.htm |
53. Powell's Books - East African Expressions: Of Christianity By Isaria N. Kimambo historians, anthropologists, political scientists, and church people. of Christianityamong the zaramo a case Mlahagwa Family life, indigenous culture and http://www.powells.com/cgi-bin/biblio?show=Trade Paper:Used:0821412744:15.00 |
54. Fortune N-S childhood; a description of indigenous education in unpublished African languagesGindo, zaramo, and Angazidja Stevick, Earl W. Helping people learn English; a http://www.uflib.ufl.edu/cm/africana/fortune3.htm | |
55. African Art Bibliography, By Subject Architectures of Nigeria Architectures of the Hausa and Yoruba peoples and of Art and Identity among the zaramo of Tanzania. Ph.D., State University of http://peregrin.jmu.edu/~delancmd/AfricanArtBibSubject.html | |
56. African Art Bibliography, By Nation peoples of Cote d Ivoire. Art and Identityamong the zaramo of Tanzania. Ph.D., State University of New York at Binghamton http://peregrin.jmu.edu/~delancmd/AfricanArtBibNation.html | |
57. The African Commune > African Art And Architecture Ethiopia, the Bongo of Sudan, the zaramo of Tanzania be the capital of a largeindigenous state centred of rich traditions of woodcarving among peoples such as http://www.theafricancommune.com/print.php3?id_article=825 |
58. Stylus - Development And Third World Studies From Nordic Africa Institute The Inconvenient indigenous. Remote Area Development in Botswana, Donor Assistanceand the First People of the Kalahari. Sidsel Saugestad http://styluspub.com/books/books.aspx?type=pubcat&str=NAI&id=8 |
59. EBALL EBALL = Electronic Bibliography for african Languages and Linguistics. The peoples of the Happy Valley (East africa) the aboriginal races of Kondoa http://goto.glocalnet.net/maho/eballsamples/sample_w500.html | |
60. LOUIS COLLINS BOOKS ABAA: Search Results For Africa africa Her History, Lands and People Told With Pictures. WILIAMS (John A.) . indigenous african Architecture w/ English translation by Sigrid MacRae. http://www.collinsbooks.com/cgi-bin/lcb455/view/Africa.html | |
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