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41. Malaysia : AllMalaysia.info Has All You Want To Know About Malaysia Comprehensive online guide and gateway for tourists provided by The Star newspaper. Features state by state attractions, hotels, restaurants, transportation, services, shopping, travelogues, government, education, community, health, calendar of events, postcards, news, Malaysians abroad and travel tips. http://allmalaysia.info/ | |
42. Radio Television Malaysia (RTM) government TV station broadcasting TV1 and TV2 channels. Offers information about the station, facilities and awards. http://www.rtm.net.my | |
43. Welcome To CKTEN Kuala Lumpur based retirement program organized by the Malaysian government for foreign citizens. Details of income requirement and immigration assistance provided. http://www.ckten.com.my | |
44. Tourism Malaysia : Updates On Tsunami Aftermath In Malaysia The malaysian government continuously monitors quakes and tremors off coastalSumatra. , malaysia extends relief and financial aid to neighbouring http://www.tourism.gov.my/tsunami/ | |
45. Mtbc.org.my - MALAYSIAN TENPIN BOWLING CONGRESS National governing body of the Sport of Tenpin Bowling in malaysia and recognised as such by the malaysian Olympic Committee and the government. http://www.mtbc.org.my/ | |
46. Malaysia Government And Politics malaysia government and Politics, malaysia government and Politics homepage,malaysia government and Politics web, malaysia government and Politics http://search.newmalaysia.com/Malaysia/Government_and_Politics/ |
47. Malaysia Government And Politics Law malaysia government and Politics Law, malaysia government and Politics Law homepage, malaysia government and Politics Law web, http://search.newmalaysia.com/Malaysia/Government_and_Politics/Law/ |
48. Multimedia Super Corridor A government sponsored initiative to create a hitech business corridor in malaysia. Includes information on companies, events, and press releases. http://www.mdc.com.my/ | |
49. Welcome To StudyArab.com - Your Gateway To Education In Malaysia A government supported website to promote malaysian education to the Arab audience. Provides information on Arab study opportunities in malaysia. http://www.studyarab.com/ |
50. Integrated Environmental Consultants Offers environmental, planning and engineering consultancy services to government and private clients in Brunei and East malaysia. Describes expertise in areas including EIA, ESI, GIS, Autocad, landscape planning, and oil spill contingency plans. http://iec-brunei.com | |
51. Amnesty International - Malaysia The Internal Security Act. Calls on the government of malaysia to respect and uphold fundamental human rights, which are currently being violated by the ISA, used against people peacefully expressing their religious and political beliefs. http://web.amnesty.org/library/Index/ENGASA280062003 |
52. CNN.com - Government To Take Helm Of Malaysia's Renong Group - July 20, 2001 CNN http://cnn.com/2001/BUSINESS/asia/07/20/malaysia.renong/index.html | |
53. Malaysian News Site Feels Government Pressure CNN http://cnn.com/2001/TECH/internet/02/16/malaysia.web.site.reut/index.html |
54. CNN - Malaysia Bans Government Subscriptions To Three Publications - February 18 CNN http://www.cnn.com/WORLD/asiapcf/9902/18/malaysia.ban.01/index.html | |
55. Malaysia Airlines - Corporate And Government Travel Officials of the Malaysian government, the Malaysian Federal government and Members of societies under Malaysian government ministries, eg Puspanita, http://hq.malaysiaairlines.com/mys/eng/flying_with_us/planning_your_trip/corpora | |
56. Government Turns On Malaysia's Arcades As Threat To Morality CNN http://cnn.com/2001/ASIANOW/southeast/01/07/malaysia.videowar.ap/index.html |
57. Malaysia (08/05) Today the government of malaysia seeks to make the leap to a knowledgebasedeconomy. The government of malaysia has taken an active role in guiding the http://www.state.gov/r/pa/ei/bgn/2777.htm | |
58. BOI Technology Holding Sdn Bhd Provides specialist oil spill consulting and contracting services to government, petroleum and other industries throughout malaysia, South East Asia, and U.A.E. Services, video, news, corporate profile, subsidiary companies, organisation chart, system and product range. Located in Kawasan Industri Ringan Taman Kempas. http://www.boitech.com |
59. CNN - Anwar Defense Charges Government Persecution - June 11, 1999 CNN http://www.cnn.com/WORLD/asiapcf/9906/11/malaysia.anwar/index.html | |
60. Think Tank's Ideas Shifted As Malaysia Ties Grew (washingtonpost.com) Immediately after the attacks, the Malaysian government offered to cooperate withthe United States in the war on terrorism, including allowing increased US http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/articles/A59539-2005Apr16.html | |
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