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101. BBC NEWS | Have Your Say | Malaysia Haze: Your Experiences Up to this point, I have not heard the malaysian government nor ASEAN slam Nothing much can be done in malaysia except urging the government to assist http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/talking_point/4141676.stm | |
102. Australian Government - National Security - 04 February 2003 Australia and malaysia join to fight money laundering and the financing of of the malaysian government by the Governor of Bank Negara malaysia Tan Sri http://www.nationalsecurity.gov.au/agd/WWW/nationalsecurityHome.nsf/Page/News_Me |
103. Appendix 3 National ICT Approaches: Malaysia Case Study The Malaysian government has also defined attractive policies for foreign The Malaysian government s Master Plan for the telecommunications industry http://www.opt-init.org/framework/pages/appendix3Case5.html | |
104. Search The Web For Government Regional Asia government (3); Regional Europe United Kingdom government (1573) Malaysian Parliament Official site providing information on senate, http://www.sino.net/ODP/?/Regional/Asia/Malaysia/Government/ |
105. AHRC - PETITION TO THE MALAYSIAN GOVERNMENT Just recently the Malaysian government arrested 15 Muslim persons under the Internal PETITION TO THE MALAYSIAN government to release all ISA detainees, http://www.ahrchk.net/ua/malaysia/petition.htm | |
106. :: Welcome To Sarawak Online :: Sarawak and Sabah are separated from West malaysia (Peninsular malaysia) by the already made available by the malaysian government to foreign investors. http://www.sarawak.gov.my/ | |
107. In Malaysia, A Battle Erupts In AIDS Fight - Asia - Pacific - International Hera The Malaysian government has announced a plan to distribute condoms, needles andmethadone treatment for drug users, igniting opposition from the http://www.iht.com/articles/2005/07/03/news/malay.php | |
108. Behind The US Reaction To The Anwar Conviction In Malaysia She rejected claims by Malaysian government ministers that the Within theMalaysian government, Anwar Ibrahim, who was finance minister as well as http://www.wsws.org/articles/2000/sep2000/mal-s05.shtml | |
109. Mcsl.mampu.gov.my/ myGovernmentLaman myGovernment, Lamanlaman Web Kerajaan malaysia, Internet SenaraiTawaran-Tawaran Pekerjaan (Jabatan Hal Ehwal Veteran Angkatan Tentera malaysia) http://mcsl.mampu.gov.my/ |
110. Tourism Malaysia Official Homepage Official site by malaysia Tourism Promotion Board (malaysian Ministry Of Culture,Arts And Tourism). Includes industry contacts, festivals, local songs, http://www.tourism.gov.my/ | |
111. JARING Internet service provider in malaysia, managed by Mimos Bhd. Local portal withnews and events, happenings and resourceful links. http://www.jaring.my/ | |
112. Government Malaysian government. Ministries. SMPKE, Prime Minister s Dept Kemeterian DalamNegeri Ministry of Finance Ministry of Agriculture (MOA) http://www.borneo-online.com.my/my_gov.htm | |
113. BNM :: Statistics Malaysian government Securities Indicative Prices. Notice This service has beenmoved to the FAST website at https//fast.bnm.gov.my/fastweb/ from July http://www.bnm.gov.my/index.php?ch=12&pg=444 |
114. The Malaysian Bar - Web Links Malaysian government Portal The mygovernment Public Service Portal as the onestopsource for government information and services. http://www.malaysianbar.org.my/component/option,com_weblinks/catid,31/Itemid,23/ | |
115. Malaysian Government Ban On The Importation Of Logs From Indonesia Malaysian government Ban On The Importation Of Logs From Indonesia. The governmenthas made a decision to impose a total ban on the importation of logs from http://www.mtc.com.my/coverage04.htm | |
116. Malaysian Government Site Spreads Anti-Mahathir Virus Malaysian government Site Spreads AntiMahathir Virus KUALA LUMPUR, MALAYSIAMalaysia s national budget speech, available online at a government Web http://www.niser.org.my/news/2000_11_03_01.html | |
117. Joint Communique Of The Government Of The People S Republic Of The Malaysian government decides to close down its consulate in Taipei. 4.The government of the People s Republic of China recognizes the government of http://www.fmprc.gov.cn/eng/wjb/zzjg/tyfls/tyfl/2631/t15501.htm |
118. FT.com / World / Asia-Pacific - Future Of National Carmaker Divides Malaysian Go Future of national carmaker divides Malaysian government By John Burton inSingapore Published July 21 2005 0300 Last updated July 21 2005 0300 http://news.ft.com/cms/s/7fea51d2-f983-11d9-81f3-00000e2511c8.html | |
119. Microsoft Joins Low-cost PC Scheme In M'sia - Business - News - ZDNet Asia To achieve the goal, the Malaysian government has tasked Pikom, a local ITassociation, to develop a lowcost desktop for the masses, said Butt Wai Choon, http://asia.cnet.com/newstech/industry/0,39001143,39170268,00.htm | |
120. Irene Fernandez: Health And Human Rights Activist Imprisoned In Malaysia The report issued to the Malaysian government called for inspection of the Along with crippling Tenaganita, PHR fears that the Malaysian government has http://www.phrusa.org/campaigns/colleagues/malaysia_2005-01-31.html | |
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