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61. CES CYF Network Human Resources Database Richard, Robert, Asst. Specialist Program and staff dev, LSU Siewe, Youmasu,State Specialist for Health education/Family dev. http://www.cyfernet.org/profdata/view.asp | |
62. Current Staff And Faculty MC80, Interactive Media I. MC89, Designing Human Performance TechnologyBasedStaff dev. MS, Philadelphia University; BA, indiana University of PA http://www.philau.edu/msit/faculty.html | |
63. Curriculum Vitae, Marsha K. Bass, MS Ed. MS, education indiana University, South Bend, IN; May 2000 AK Smith CareerCenter staff InService, Michigan City, IN; November 2003 http://www.educationcoffeehouse.com/vitae.htm | |
64. Missouri School District Directory: North Kansas City 74 Missouri Department of Elementary and Secondary education Comm. Rel. 11. Mrs.Nancy Clemens, Dir. staff dev. 24. Nancy Clemens, Prof. dev. Chairperson http://www.dese.state.mo.us/directory/024093.html | |
65. DTI | Development Training Institute : Training & Education SUMMARY Training and education  Few organizations budget for staff trainingand those Pat Canavan (interviewed Nancy Nye, Community dev. Consultant) http://www.dtinational.org/resources/articledisplay.asp?id=70 |
66. IU Northwest: Center For Excellence In Teaching And Learning indiana University Northwest. Professor of education. Dr. Charlotte Reed,Executive Director of the Center for Excellence in Teaching and Learning and http://www.iun.edu/~cetl/staff/creed.shtml | |
67. Department Of Adult And Continuing Education Women, Science and Knowledge, indiana University Press, 1998; Liberating Knowledge, Research Interests Higher education and Working Class Communities, http://www.gla.ac.uk/adulteducation/research/Staff Interests.htm | |
68. Curriculum Vitae - Jo Young Switzer - Manchester College Fort Wayne, indiana YWCA 2000 Women of Achievement Award Professional Studies;Teacher education; Senior staff; Retention Task Force; Search committee http://www.manchester.edu/president/vitae.htm | |
69. Communications News: A Common Dilemma: Indiana's State Government And Educationa A common dilemma indiana s state government and educational system find the because it would place an impossible burden on our engineering staff. http://www.findarticles.com/p/articles/mi_m0CMN/is_3_41/ai_114475676 | |
70. Indiana Economic Development Directory Cinergy Economic dev Network. Excellent resource indiana business information . College town cultural and educational opportunities. http://www.ecodevdirectory.com/indiana.htm | |
71. Department Of English (Text Only Site) Careers And Internships OrganizationIndiana Swimming Type of organization nonprofit Type ofinternshipresearch, OrganizationMethodist Hospital staff Training dev. http://english.iupui.edu/englishtextsite/undergraduatestudies/pastinternships.ht |
72. The IMA Links Page Educational Testing Services New Teacher Assessments the Praxis Series Training and staff dev for Mentors. Is Mentor Training Really Needed? http://www.mentoring-association.org/Links.html | |
73. School City Of Mishawaka: Human Resources The details of indiana s school accountability legislation PL 2211999 are still A staff who values continuous professional growth and improvement. http://www.mishawaka.k12.in.us/improvement.php | |
74. Dr. Dev Niyogi, Dept. Of Agronomy, Purdue Univ. dev Niyogi Assistant Professor of Agronomy and Earth and Atmospheric State Climatologist for indiana and Director State Climate Office of indiana http://www.agry.purdue.edu/staffbio/niyogi.htm | |
75. Supporting Our Role In Professional Development http//www.cusd/claremont.edu/tech/plan/staffdev.html Singapore PolytechnicEducational staff development Department http//vc.sp.edu.sg/esdd/ http://www.ncsmonline.org/NCSMPublications/2000/sec2.html | |
76. Wayne Township Distance Learning: Content Providers The indiana Academy Distance Learning Program is now able to offer DUAL CREDIT for The NASA Johnson Space Center Digital Learning education project is http://www.wayne.k12.in.us/distlearn/content_providers.htm | |
77. St. Joseph Catholic School, Decatur, Indiana To promote, encourage, and fund educational programs and extracurricular activitiesfor educational development of faculty, staff, and administration. http://www.stjosephdecatur.org/parents/HASA.asp | |
78. Texas A&M University Career Center University of Arkansas, Coordinator for Residential education. university ofCentral Arkansas indiana State University, Instructional Design Specialist http://careercenter.tamu.edu/Ssurv/survey9_college50000.shtml | |
79. Indiana University Of Pennsylvania - Technology Support And Training Department BEDU 642 Training develop in Bus/Workforce dev *Pennsylvania BusinessEducation Certification indiana, PA 15705 Telephone (724)3577782 http://www.eberly.iup.edu/ts/DegreeMEDCurriculumBusSpec.shtm | |
80. Sakai â Andrew W. Mellon Foundation - RIT indiana, MIT, and Stanford have produced course management systems Sakai hasa unique governance model thanks to the Sakai Educational Partners Program http://rit.mellon.org:8080/dev/projects/Sakai | |
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