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         Herpes:     more books (100)
  1. Managing Herpes: Living and Loving With HSV by Charles Ebel, 2007-07-13
  2. Dr. Ruth's Guide to Talking About Herpes by Ruth K. Westheimer, Pierre A. Lehu, 2004-09-27
  3. Making Peace with Herpes: A Holistic Guide to Overcoming the Stigma and Freeing Yourself from Outbreaks by Christopher Scipio, 2006-04-12
  4. The Truth About Herpes by Stephen L. Sacks, 1997-05
  5. Controlling Herpes Naturally: A Practical Guide to Treatment & Prevention by Michele Picozzi, 2006-01-17
  6. Controlling Herpes Naturally: A Holistic Approach to Prevention & Treatment by Michele Picozzi, 1998-01
  7. HEROES SAINTS AND VILLAINS(HSV) - A walk through this socially transmitted disease by the real experts. The heroes saints and villains of HSV 1 and 2 by Christy Charles, 2007-08-05
  8. The Updated Herpes Handbook by Terri Warren, Ricks Warren, 2005-04-30
  9. Never an outbreak: The new breakthrough method that stops the herpes virus and eliminates all outbreaks by William Fharel, 1996
  10. Understanding Herpes, 2nd Ed (Understanding Health & Sickness Series) by Lawrence R. Stanberry, 2006-04
  11. Never an Outbreak: 2nd Edition 2005. The Breakthrough Method That Stops the Herpes Virus and Eliminates All Outbreaks.
  12. Melissa Extract: The Natural Remedy for Herpes by Jan de Vries, 1998-01-11
  13. No Cure for Herpes? The Big Lie by The Editors, 2007
  14. Herpes: A Nutritional Approach (Today's Health Series, No 7) by Louise Tenney, 1987-06

161. Neonatal Herpes Simplex Virus Infections - March 15, 2002 - American Family Phys
Neonatal herpes simplex virus (HSV) infections are transmitted from an infected herpes simplex virus infections should be considered in all neonates who

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AAFP Home Page
Journals Vol. 65/No. 6 (March 15, 2002)
Neonatal Herpes Simplex Virus Infections CAROLINE M. RUDNICK, M.D., PH.D., St. Anthony's Medical Center, St. Louis, Missouri
GRANT S. HOEKZEMA, M.D., St. John's Mercy Medical Center, St. Louis, Missouri A patient information handout on herpes in pregnancy, written by the authors of this article, is provided on page 1143.
A PDF version of this document is available. Download PDF now (5 pages /75 KB). More information on using PDF files. N eonatal herpes simplex virus (HSV) infections are transmitted from an infected mother, usually vertically, during delivery. The incidence of infection is approximately one per 3,000 to 20,000 live births. A woman who experiences a primary episode of genital HSV during the third trimester and who has not completed seroconversion by the onset of labor has a 33 percent chance of transmitting the virus to her infant. In contrast, a woman experiencing a secondary reactivation of HSV during the intrapartum period has approximately a 3 percent chance of transmitting the virus to her infant.

162. The Diagnosis And Management Of Genital Herpes: The Silent Epidemic
Transcripts and slides from presentations in a program for medical professionals. Includes discussions of controversies and how to counsel patients.

Log In September 22, 2005
The Diagnosis and Management of Genital Herpes: The Silent Epidemic CME Faculty: Gary A. Richwald, MD, MPH; Terri J. Warren, RN, MSEd, MSN, ANP

Release Date: October 31, 2002 Valid for credit through October 31, 2003
This activity has expired.
CME in this activity indicates that it was developed according to ACCME guidelines and was certified for credit by one or more accredited CME or CE providers. Medscape cannot attest to the timeliness of expired CME activities.
This CME activity is based on transcripts and slides of presentations as delivered by the faculty at the "The Diagnosis and Management of Genital Herpes: The Silent Epidemic" symposium held at the Donald E. Stephens Convention Center, Rosemont Conference Center in Rosemont, Illinois on June 22, 2002.
Contents of This CME Activity
  • Managing Herpes Infections
    The Herpesvirus Group
    Roadway to Infection With Herpesviruses Sexually Transmitted Diseases and Herpesvirus Infection What Do Prevalence Patterns Show? Detecting the Many Versions of Herpes Controversial Issues in Sexually Transmitted Disease Testing Treatment Regimens Counseling Patients With Genital Herpes Basic Questions About Confronting Herpes Manner More Important In Some Ways Than Substance More Options to Help Patients Cope
  • These educational activities, certified by accredited providers, were not prepared by Medscape's editors, but are made available on our site as a service to our audience. Authors are routinely instructed by the provider to disclose significant financial relationships and mention of investigational drugs and unapproved indications. Medscape has received a fee for posting these activities. Direct questions or comments to:

    163. Management Of Herpes Zoster (Shingles) And Postherpetic Neuralgia - April 15, 20
    With postherpetic neuralgia, a complication of herpes zoster, About 20 percentof patients with herpes zoster develop postherpetic neuralgia.

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    AAFP Home Page
    Journals Vol. 61/No. 8 (April 15, 2000)
    Management of Herpes Zoster (Shingles) and Postherpetic Neuralgia
    Eisenhower Army Medical Center, Fort Gordon, Georgia
    A patient information handout on shingles, written by the authors of this article, is provided on page 2447. H erpes zoster results from reactivation of the varicella-zoster virus. Unlike varicella (chickenpox), herpes zoster is a sporadic disease with an estimated lifetime incidence of 10 to 20 percent. The incidence of herpes zoster increases sharply with advancing age, roughly doubling in each decade past the age of 50 years. Herpes zoster is uncommon in persons less than 15 years old. In a recent study, patients more than 55 years of age accounted for more than 30 percent of herpes zoster cases despite representing only 8 percent of the study population. In this same study, children less than 14 years old represented only 5 percent of herpes zoster cases. The normal age-related decrease in cell-mediated immunity is thought to account for the increased incidence of varicella-zoster virus reactivation. Patients with disease states that affect cell-mediated immunity, such as human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) infection and certain malignancies, are also at increased risk. Chronic corticosteroid use, chemotherapy and radiation therapy may increase the risk of developing herpes zoster.

    164. Irregular Or Heavy Vaginal Bleeding
    Food tips and ulcerherpes comparison charts that may help also tips for sore, swollen toes, and food-combo tips for digestion.
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    Food Tips and Ulcer-Herpes Comparison Charts That May Help
    Urgent Note: Computer Monitors/LCDs/CRTs/Laptops Can Be Primary Cause
    of Bleeding, Migraine Headaches, Pain, Dizziness, Nausea, etc. (see this
    My sites are ongoingly updated as I discover experiential truths vs. the tidal wave of societal static.
    Z ABOUT MYSELF: As for myself, not too long ago, I went through a long period of despair due to my excessive bleeding and urinary tract infections which included heavy urethral bleeding... During that bleak period, so-called "professionals" (online and off) and misguided others threw all sorts of harsh DECOY warnings my way (I say "decoy" since they were proven off-base)
    have been proven via hair analysis to be above the 95th percentile for heavy metal toxicity). Ad nauseum, ad nauseum, ad nauseum...
    NONE of them helped me. What finally

    165. Log In Problems
    CME Valacyclovir Suppresses HIVAssociated Recurrent Genital herpes National Guideline for the Management of Genital herpes
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    166. About Genital Herpes
    A brief guide through relevant information.
    About Genital Herpes
    Educate yourself! Main Menu
    Genital herpes is caused by the herpes simplex type 2 virus, sometimes referred to as "hsv" or "hsv 2." It is estimated that one in four American adults are infected with the virus that causes genital herpes, although an estimated eighty percent remain unaware that they are infected because symptoms are often very mild or nonexistent. Unfortunately, there is no cure for genital herpes at this time. However, there are treatment options available. This website is intended to be a quick guide. For medical advice, see a medical professional.
    Herpes Information Quick Answers
  • Herpes Symptoms
  • Herpes Pics
  • Transmitting Herpes
  • Herpes Simplex
    Genital Herpes Treatment Facts and Myths
  • Herpes Cure
  • Herpes Vaccine
  • Herpes Medication
  • Herpes Diet Other Information Common Issues
  • Herpes Pregnancy
  • Herpes Dating
  • Herpes Resources
  • Other Resources Note: Genital is often misspelled as genitle, gential, or genatal. Herpes is often misspelled as herpies.
  • 167. [Clinical Preventive Services] Screening For Genital Herpes Simplex
    Primary genital herpes simplex virus (HSV) infection occurs in approximately In pregnant women, the rate of genital herpes reported as a maternal risk
    Guide to Clinical Preventive Services, Second Edition
    Infectious Diseases

    Screening for Genital Herpes Simplex RECOMMENDATION
    Routine screening for genital herpes simplex virus (HSV) infection by viral culture or other tests is not recommended for asymptomatic persons, including asymptomatic pregnant women. There is insufficient evidence to recommend for or against the examination of pregnant women in labor for signs of active genital HSV lesions, although recommendations to do so may be made on other grounds (see Clinical Intervention). See Chapter 62 for recommendations on counseling to prevent sexually transmitted diseases. Burden of Suffering
    Accuracy of Screening Tests

    History and physical examination are not adequate screening tests for either active (i.e., transmissible) or latent genital HSV infection, because most infected persons are asymptomatic;4,5,15 their clinical manifestations may resemble a number of other causes of genital ulcerations;16 and viral shedding in association with recurrent disease may be asymptomatic.3,17 Antibody testing can accurately distinguish HSV-seropositive from HSV- seronegative persons and therefore may be useful to detect asymptomatic carriers at potential risk for transmitting disease, as well as persons susceptible to primary infection. Commercial assays are insensitive to recent infections, however, and they are unreliable for distinguishing HSV-2 from HSV-1 antibodies.35,36 Antibody test results do not indicate whether the virus is currently capable of being transmitted.

    168. Health And Medical Information Produced By Doctors -'s description of the condition including outlines of symptoms and the herpes virus theory.

    169. The Big Picture Book Of Viruses - Herpesviruses
    herpes Simplex Virus, A graphic showing the assembly of VP26 in HSV1 inferred from herpes simplex virus infection becomes latent, that is it becomes
    The Big Picture Book of Viruses: Herpesviridae
    ICTVdB Description: Taxonomy: Host:
      Virus infects vertebrates.
      Virions contain one molecule of linear double stranded DNA. Total genome length is 120000-220000 nt. Guanine + cytosine ratio 35-75 %.
      Virions enveloped; slightly pleomorphic; spherical; 120-200 nm in diameter. Surface projections of envelope distinct; spikes; dispersed evenly over all the surface. Nucleocapsids isometric. Nucleocapsid surrounded by the tegument that consists of globular material which is frequently asymmetrically distributed and may be variable in amount. Nucleocapsids sometimes penetrated by stain (although intact envelope impermeable to stain); 100-110 nm in diameter. Symmetry icosahedral. Nucleocapsids appear to be angular. Surface capsomer arrangement obvious. 162 capsomers per nucleocapsid (capsomeres hexagonal in cross-section with a hole running half-way down the long axis). Core consists of a fibrillar spool on which the DNA is wrapped. The ends of the fibers are anchored to the underside of the capsid shell. Incomplete virus particles often present; they are capsids lacking the envelope.
    (Note: for more information about the taxonomy and structure of this virus family, see the ICTV database below.)

    170. Herpes - Pics .com - Photographs Of Genital Herpes, Genital Herpes Symptoms, Hom
    Photographs, symptoms, natural and home remedies.
    Herpes - Pics .com - Photographs of Genital Herpes -
    Genital Herpes Symptoms - Home Remedies For Herpes Cold Sores -
    and a new product that is a possible Herpes Cure .
    Frequently Asked Questions Herpes Pics New - Herpes Cure ? Herpes facts ... Home CAUTION ........ Some of the herpes pictures are extremely graphic and may shock *** Site Directory Herpes Facts Herpes Pics FAQ's Herpes Facts To most people the word "herpes" means genital herpes, a virus that is transmitted Herpes Treatments through sexual contact. However herpes is in fact a family of viruses that is Herpes Cure ? extremely widespread. Herpes News / Articles Conventional Treatments Herpes simplex virus types 1 and 2 (HSV-1 and HSV-2), varicella-zoster virus, cytomegalovirus, and Epstein-Barr virus and diseases ranging from chicken pox to Home Remedies/Cold Sores mononucleosis are all caused by viruses in this family.

    171. GENITAL HERPES - What You Need To Know About STI - Sexually Transmitted Infectio
    If you are having sex, or thinking about having sex, you need to know how toavoid sexually transmitted infections (also called sexually transmitted
    Sex is a normal and healthy part of our lives How to know if you have an infection What are my chances of catching an STI? No STI for me! ... Where to go for help
    Genital herpes is an STI that causes painful sores on and around the genitals. The same family of viruses also causes "cold sores" around the mouth. Genital herpes is most commonly spread by direct contact with open sores, usually during sex. If you touch herpes sores, wash your hands with soap and water to avoid spreading the infection. Although it is rare, pregnant women can pass this infection to their baby during or after child birth. Herpes infection in infants can be life-threatening. Herpes is not spread by toilet seats, bathtubs, swimming pools or hot tubs. It is possible to pass the virus to your sex partners even when you have no sores, so safer sex using a condom is always important. However, remember that the areas of skin not covered by the condom are not protected. You can get genital herpes through oral sex even from cold sores.

    172. ADAP Drugs: Famcyclovir
    Used to treat shingles (herpes zoster) as well as herpes simplex virus infections. (Famvir)
    famciclovir (Famvir) Drug description
    Famciclovir is used to treat shingles (herpes zoster) as well as herpes simplex virus infections which can cause painful blisters and lesions. Famciclovir reduces the severity of outbreaks and prevents the development of new blisters. Famciclovir has also been shown to be effective for preventing genital herpes outbreaks. Managing side effects
    Famciclovir has few side effects. The main side effects seen in studies were headache and nausea. Dosage
    For shingles the recommended dosage is 500 mg every 8 hours for 7 days. For genital herpes simplex infections, the recommended dose is 125 mg twice a day for 5 days. The dosage used to prevent genital herpes outbreaks is 500 mg twice a day. In people with reduced kidney function, the dosage should be reduced. The amount of dose reduction is dependent on how well the kidney is functioning. How long it may take to work
    Famciclovir is usually given for 7 days to treat shingles and 5 days to treat genital herpes simplex infections. Managing side effects and drug interactions
    Other drugs such as probenecid that are processed through the kidneys may increase the amount of famciclovir in the body. This might increase the chances of getting side effects from famciclovir.

    173. Herpes Zoster (Shingles) | The New Mexico Aids Info Net
    A description of shingles (herpes zoster), including transmission, symptoms,diagnosis and treatment.

    174. Page Not Found | | The New Mexico Aids Info Net
    A nontechnical fact sheet on herpes zoster (shingles).
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    Newest Fact Sheets 461. Enfuvirtide (Fuzeon) 447. Atazanavir 411. AZT (Retrovir) Monthly E-mail Updates If you would like to receive this monthly update by personal e-mail, please provide your e-mail address below, and click on the "Subscribe" button. To remove your e-mail from the mailing list, enter it below and click on the "Unsubscribe" button. e-mail Address:
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    175. WebMD Health - 404 Error
    Offers information about this antiviral medication used to treat cold sore infections caused by the herpes simplex virus.

    176. - Herpes And LASIK, PRK, LASEK, Epi-LASIK, P-IOL, RLE, Etc.
    Nonprofit LASIK patient advocacy network of evaluated LASIK doctors and detailedLASIK laser eye surgery information.
    Herpes and
    LASIK, PRK, LASEK, Epi-LASIK, P-IOL, RLE, etc. If you have herpes simplex virus (HSV) you may not be an appropriate candidate for refractive surgery. Even if you have not had an outbreak in years, any surgery can cause a reoccurrence. The reactivation and replication of latent HSV can be induced by a variety of stimuli including fever, trauma, emotional stress, sunlight, even menstruation. The body may consider refractive surgery as trauma and react accordingly. Reactivation is more frequent and severe in immunocompromised patients. If you have herpes simplex keratitis, you probably should not have refractive surgery. Even dormant herpes simplex keratitis can be reactivated by refractive surgery. Patients with HSV have had refractive surgery without reoccurrence or problems, however this is a significant elevated risk factor. Discuss the potential problems with both your general doctor and your refractive surgeon. Consider and Choose With Confidence Last updated Tuesday, August 16, 2005

    Contains information about ways to prevent and treat genital herpes.
    Your resource for information on genital herpes symptoms and treatment
    What is Genital Herpes? Contracting Genital Herpes Herpes Symptoms Managing Herpes ... Glossary
    Do you have itching, burning, tingling or sores in the genital area that keep coming back?
    If so, you may have genital herpes. One in 5 Americans have it, and many don't even know it. For many people, treatment with an antiviral medicine can help relieve the symptoms and, when taken daily, can even lead to fewer outbreaks.
    You are not alone...
    More than 45 million of your fellow citizens have some form of the herpes virus in their bloodstreams. Our society is beginning to come to terms with herpes and it is no longer the shameful stigma that it once was.
    What is Genital Herpes?
    If you have an unexplained rash, blisters, redness, itching or burning in the area of your genitals, you may have genital herpes.
    Find out more
    Contracting Genital Herpes
    The herpes virus is transmitted from one person to another. Learn about the most common ways of acquiring the diseases.
    Find out more
    Herpes Symptoms
    It is possible to have herpes simplex virus in your bloodstream and not have any outward symptoms.

    178. Welcome To Herpes Diagnosis
    herpes Diagnosis. Diagnosing herpes Guidelines for Health Care Providers Key points to discuss with patients about herpes
    This web site is devoted to providing the latest available information on the diagnosis and therapy of herpes, an infection that involves nearly 25% of the adult U.S. population.

    179. Eye Research Clinical Trials
    Promotes eye research translating results into patient care. Research scientists specialize in areas of interest such as research for diabetic retinopathy, macular degeneration, ocular herpes and keratoconus.
    Research Overview Macular Degeneration Diabetic Retinopathy Ocular Herpes Keratoconus Molecular Ophthalmology Refractive Laser Infants and Children Clinical Trials Our Scientists
    Clinical Research
    Ophthalmic Clinical Research Center
    Retina Clinical Trials

    Age-Related Macular Degeneration

    Laser Vision Correction
    Discovery Fund's Ophthalmic Clinical Research Center
    Launched in early 2000, patients in Los Angeles now have an opportunity to be part of cutting-edge clinical research into new devices and drugs to treat eye problems. Helping patients with eye disorders through their participation in quality research studies is the mission of the Ophthalmic Clinical Trials Center. Since its opening, the Clinical Trials Center has contracted with a number of ophthalmic companies to undertake research projects of great importance to the general public. Along with the Morris S. Pynoos Ophthalmology Research Laboratories at the University of California, Irvine, our team of researchers is paving the way for a unique relationship to unfold - the combination of basic science and clinical research to promote the understanding and management of eye disorders that currently lack effective treatment. Topics for future clinical trials include dry eyes, laser vision correction to prevent "lazy eye" in children, bifocal intraocular lenses, intraocular lenses to correct high myopia and hyperopia, and contact lenses and solutions. For more information, please go to the

    herpes Simplex Virus type 1 and type 2; VaricellaZoster Virus Cytomegalovirus Epstein-Barr Virus Human herpesvirus 6 Human herpesvirus 7
    HERPESVIRUSES The family of herpesviruses is very large, and its members infect most animal species.
    There are 7 herpesviruses which are known to infect humans:

    It is a characteristic of all herpesviruses that, following primary infection, the virus establishes a latent infection in the host and may reactivate at any stage. Reactivation is frequently, but not always, associated with further disease.
    Structure of the virion
    All herpesviruses are morphologically identical. They have a large double stranded DNA genome . The VIRION consists of an icosahedral nucleocapsid of about 100 nm in diameter, which is surrounded by a lipid bilayer envelope . Between the capsid and the envelope is an amorphous layer of proteins, termed the tegument Click here to view electron microscope images of the virus. Return to :
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