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         Herpes:     more books (100)
  1. The Truth About Herpes by Stephen L. Sacks, 1986
  2. Genital herpes vaccine protects subset of women. (Women Who are HSV-1 and -2 Seronegative).: An article from: Family Practice News by Kathryn DeMott, 2002-04-01
  3. Herpes Suffers get H.E.L.P.
  4. Ignorance at root of herpes prevalence.(Clinical Rounds): An article from: Skin & Allergy News by Timothy F. Kirn, 2005-08-01
  5. Herpes (Positive Health Guide) by Adrian Mindel, Orla Carney, 1991-02
  6. Herpes simplex.(diagnosis and treatment): An article from: Dermatology Nursing by Barbara Bielan, 2001-10-01
  7. Include Topical Steroid in Herpes Labialis Tx.: An article from: Family Practice News by Mitchel L. Zoler, 2000-02-15
  8. Serologic test a must for suspected genital herpes: three are FDA approved. (Clinical Rounds).: An article from: Family Practice News by Erik L. Goldman, 2003-06-01
  9. Immunity to and Prevention of Herpes Zoster (Archives of Virology Series) (Springer Life Sciences.)
  10. Valacyclovir as good as Acyclovir for prevention of ocular herpes.(Infectious Diseases): An article from: Skin & Allergy News by Robert Finn, 2007-10-01
  11. Gale Encyclopedia of Cancer: Herpes simplex by Ph.D. Malini M. Vashishtha, 2002-01-01
  12. Type-specific herpes simplex virus assays useful during pregnancy: obstetric management.(Women's Health): An article from: Family Practice News by Miriam E. Tucker, 2003-10-01
  13. Herpes Genitalis: Medical Subject Analysis With Reference Bibliography by Miriam L. Rice, 1987-11
  14. Positif 50 Years: Selected writings from the French Film Journal by Vincent Amiel, Robert Benayoun, et all 2002-11-15

61. Medbroadcast Home
Support and information on HIV, herpes and Hepatitis. Provides clear and concise information on transmission, symptoms, testing, vaccines, medications, and dietary issues related to these diseases.
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62. New York Daily News - Daily Dish & Gossip - Lloyd Grove's Lowdown: Simmons & Co.
Bush herpes. Brown then interrogates Bush s about his various sex partners Didyou pay them for that sex? Bush No, I did not.
var MenuLinkedBy='AllWebMenus [2]', awmBN='528'; awmAltUrl=''; Current Archive Lloyd Grove is The Daily News' newest gossip columnist, joining us from The Washington Post, where he wrote the widely read 'Reliable Source' column. E-mail:

Past Columns Now you can visit our complete archive of Lloyd Grove's columns. Click below for the complete lineup and a free sneak preview of each column, plus info on our affordable purchase options!

Where's the place to be for aspiring socialites seeking to calm their raging status anxiety? Apparently, it's still the flashy island of St. Bart's. Lowdown's St. Bart's social correspondent, hip-hop and fashion mogul Russell Simmons , filed this report yesterday from the celeb-strewn Caribbean isle, where he and wife Kimora Lee have been renting the fabulous Rothschild estate: "We came down here on the 20th. We planned this party for the 29th. But I woke up in the morning and thought everybody's had so much fun. Not me, though - I've been staying home. But I was afraid to have that much fun at my house, you know? I was worried it would be too much work. But Kimora's younger than me, and she's got more energy. She put it together. She got everything organized. The staff, the music, everything. "I just didn't want the effort. I came back at about 9:30 p.m., and everything was all set up.

63. CNN - Thinking About Cosmetic Resurfacing? Think Herpes Prevention - November 4,

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Thinking about cosmetic resurfacing? Think herpes prevention
November 4, 1999 Web posted at: 11:22 AM EST (1622 GMT) Read what doctors have to say about herpes or ask your own questions. In this story: Recommendations More on peels More on herpes RELATEDS By Deb Levine, M.A. (WebMD) Laser skin resurfacing, a popular cosmetic procedure to reduce fine facial lines and wrinkles, can reactivate the herpes simplex virus (HSV) and result in severe facial outbreaks, doctors have reported in recent years. It's become common for doctors to suggest that anyone with a history of herpes either type I, primarily manifested as cold sores, or type II, usually the genital type take a preventive course of anti-viral medication before undergoing the so-called laser peel.

64. EMedicine - Herpes Simplex : Article By Larry I Lutwick, MD
herpes Simplex herpes simplex viruses (HSVs) are ubiquitous, extremely host-adaptedpathogens that can cause a wide variety of illnesses.
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Herpes Simplex
Last Updated: May 6, 2005 Rate this Article Email to a Colleague Synonyms and related keywords: HSV herpes simplex type 1 HSV-1 herpes simplex type 2 ... Herpesviridae , Alphaherpesvirinae, trigeminal ganglia, sacral nerve root ganglia, perinatal infection, encephalitis primary herpes gingivostomatitis acute herpetic gingivostomatitis acute herpetic pharyngotonsillitis ... herpetic proctitis , sacral neuralgia, neonatal herpes primary mucocutaneous HSV infections , recurrent mucocutaneous HSV infections AUTHOR INFORMATION Section 1 of 10 Author Information Introduction Clinical Differentials ... Bibliography
Author: Larry I Lutwick, MD , Director, Division of Infectious Diseases, Veterans Affairs New York Harbor Health Care System, Professor, Department of Internal Medicine, State University of New York at Downstate Coauthor(s): Meena Seenivasan, MD

65. Genital Herpes - VALTREX
Contains information about genital herpes and treatment options from Glaxo Wellcome.
Don't waste another day. Discover how VALTREX can help reduce the number of outbreaks and reduce the risk of spreading genital herpes
Individual results may vary.
Important Information About VALTREX

There is no cure for herpes. Even with treatment, it may be possible to spread herpes.
When daily VALTREX is used to reduce the risk of spreading genital herpes, safer sex practices should be used.
It is not known if VALTREX reduces the risk of spreading genital herpes in same sex couples.
VALTREX is intended for healthy adults and is available by prescription only. To avoid a potentially serious complication, tell your doctor if your immune system is not normal because of advanced HIV disease, bone marrow or kidney transplant. Common side effects are headache, nausea, and abdominal pain.
Please see additional important information about
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66. CNN - Cause Of Young Elephants' Deaths Identified As Herpes - February 18, 1999

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Cause of young elephants' deaths identified as herpes
Elephants spread the infection when housed together in zoos
February 18, 1999
Web posted at: 10:55 p.m. EST (0355 GMT) WASHINGTON (CNN) The cause of a mysterious disease that has been killing young elephants in zoos and breeding centers across North America has been identified as a herpes virus. Two slightly different versions of the virus a distant relative of the viruses that cause chickenpox and cold sores in humans are believed responsible. One virus is found among African elephants, the other among Asian elephants. Researchers now think the viruses turn fatal when African elephants transmit the virus to Asian elephants and vice versa. "The herpes virus that I found in the Asian elephants that have died is the same virus that is in African elephants. But it doesn't cause any disease in them," says

67. EMedicine - Herpes Simplex : Article By Lawrence C Brilliant, MD
herpes Simplex The herpes simplex viruses comprise 2 distinct types, HSV-1 andHSV-2. HSV-1 causes oral lesions in approximately 80% of cases and genital
(advertisement) Home Specialties Resource Centers CME ... Patient Education Articles Images CME Patient Education Advanced Search Consumer Health Link to this site Back to: eMedicine Specialties Emergency Medicine Infectious Diseases
Herpes Simplex
Last Updated: January 6, 2005 Rate this Article Email to a Colleague Synonyms and related keywords: HSV-1 HSV-2 oral lesions genital lesions ... encephalitis , genital disease, newborn infection neonatal HSV , trigeminal ganglia, sacral ganglia, sexually transmitted disease STD herpetic whitlow herpes gladiatorum ... maternal-fetal transmission AUTHOR INFORMATION Section 1 of 11 Author Information Introduction Clinical Differentials ... Bibliography
Author: Lawrence C Brilliant, MD , Clinical Assistant Professor, Department of Primary Care and Community Services, Hahnemann University; Attending Physician, Department of Emergency Med, Doylestown Hospital Lawrence C Brilliant, MD, is a member of the following medical societies: American College of Emergency Physicians Editor(s): Robin R Hemphill, MD

68. Herpes
Retningslinier for forebyggelse af overf¸rsel af herpesvirus til b¸rn under f¸dslen.

    Herpes genitalis i graviditeten
    Gynækologisk-Obstetrisk Afdeling
    Baggrund: Perinatal infektion med herpes simplex virus (HSV) medfører risiko for neonatal herpes, som stadig har høj dødelighed og stor risiko for sequelae hos overlevende. Generelt medfører en primær herpes genitalis stor risiko for neonatal smitte, hvorimod recidiverende herpes-udbrud kun udgør en meget lille smitterisiko for den nyfødte. De kliniske retningslinier retter sig derfor først og fremmest mod forebyggelse og behandling af neonatal smitte efter en primær maternel herpes infektion. I modsætning hertil er kontrol af evt. tiltag ved recidiverende herpes kontroversiel, men da tilstanden af mange gravide opfattes som et problem, og da perinatal smitte ikke kan udelukkes, retter retningslinierne sig også imod denne tilstand. Definitioner:
  • Primær herpes: 1. udbrud af herpes type I eller II. Non- primær herpes: 1. gangs udbrud af herpes type I eller II, med antistoffer mod den anden herpestype. Recidiverende herpes: udbrud af herpes type I eller II med antistoffer mod den aktuelle herpestype.

69. Herpes Simplex
herpes simplex infections commonly cause either cold sores around the mouth orblisters in the genital area (also known as genital herpes).

Parents Infections Sexually Transmitted Diseases
Signs and Symptoms:
Herpes simplex infections commonly cause either cold sores around the mouth or blisters in the genital area (also known as genital herpes). The two strains of HSV (named type 1 and type 2) each cause different signs and symptoms and differ as to where the herpes lesions occur. Cold sores around the mouth are most often caused by the herpes simplex virus - type 1 (HSV-1 or gingivostomatitis). HSV-1 is usually transmitted from person to person by saliva or direct contact. People may have several episodes of cold sores during a lifetime, and in young children the first (primary) episode can be more bothersome. In primary HSV-1, blisters form on the lips and on the inside of the mouth, and these blisters soon develop into painful ulcers. The gums become red and swollen, and the tongue may develop a white coating. Other symptoms may include fever , muscle aches, eating difficulties, a generally ill feeling, irritability, and swollen neck glands. These symptoms may last from 3 to 14 days. After this primary episode subsides, the HSV-1 virus usually lies dormant in nearby nerves. When the HSV-1 reactivates again, it causes classic cold sores around the mouth. The term "reactivation" means that a virus that was lying dormant (meaning it was present but not active) starts to create symptoms again. In this case, the symptoms may begin with tingling and numbness in the mouth area, followed by a blister that eventually breaks and forms a crust. Cold sores caused by reactivation of HSV-1 usually follow some type of stress, either to the mouth area alone or to the whole body, including a cold or other infection; a stressful period of life; unusually long exposure to sunlight; hormone changes in pregnancy; during

70. Herpes
Om symptom, f¶rebyggande behandling, smitta och behandling av k¶ns och munherpes.

71. Genital Herpes
You ve probably heard lots of discouraging news about sexually transmitted diseases.The good news is that STDs can be prevented. For information about how

Teens Sexual Health
What Is It?
Genital herpes (pronounced: hur -peez) is caused by a virus called herpes simplex (HSV). There are two different types of herpes virus, which are called HSV-1 and HSV-2. Most forms of genital herpes are HSV-2, however, a person with HSV-1 can transmit the virus through oral sex to another person's genitals. HSV-1 causes the cold sores or fever blisters that appear on or around the mouth, lips, or nose of many people. Most people have a cold sore at one time or another. It can be transmitted (passed from person to person) by sharing eating utensils or from kissing someone with a cold sore. The other type of herpes, HSV-2, is a sexually transmitted disease . It causes herpes sores in the genital area, and it is transmitted through intimate sexual contact (vaginal, oral, or anal sex), especially from unprotected sex. Because the virus does not live outside the body for long, you cannot catch genital herpes from an object, such as a toilet seat. What Are the Symptoms of a Genital Herpes Outbreak?
An individual who has been exposed to the genital herpes virus may not be aware of the infection and may never have an outbreak of sores. However, if a person does have an outbreak, the symptoms can cause significant discomfort. A person would first notice itching or pain, followed by sores that appear a few hours to a few days later. The sores, which may appear on the vagina, buttocks, anus, scrotum, or penis, start out as red bumps that soon turn into red, watery blisters. The sores may make it very painful to urinate. The sores then open up, ooze fluid or bleed, and then heal within the next 2 to 4 weeks. The entire genital area may feel very tender or painful, and the individual may have flu-like symptoms including fever and swollen lymph nodes. If a person has an outbreak in the future, the outbreaks will tend to be less severe and shorter in duration, with the sores healing in 3 to 4 days.

72. Henderson Morley
Offers herpes information, vaccines, diagnosis and treatments from this herpes pharmaceutical research organization. UK Based.
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73. Herpes Simplex (cold Sores)
Fact sheet on symptoms, development, treatment and prevention of cold sores.

74. Herpes Simplex (cold Sores). DermNet NZ
Authoritative facts about the skin from the New Zealand Dermatological Society.
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DermNet NZ
Authoritative facts
about the skin from the New Zealand Dermatological Society Incorporated Home For patients For doctors ... Site map Search:
Herpes Simplex
Herpes simplex is a common viral infection that presents with localised blistering. It affects most people on one or more occasions during their lives. There are two main types of herpes simplex virus (HSV), although there is considerable overlap.
  • Type 1, which is mainly associated with facial infections (cold sores or fever blisters) Type 2, which is mainly genital ( genital herpes
First or primary attacks of Type 1 infections occur mainly in infants and young children, which are usually mild or subclinical. In crowded, underdeveloped areas of the world up to 100% of children have been infected by the age of 5. In higher socioeconomic groups the incidence is lower, for example less than half of university entrants in Britain have been infected. Type 2 infections occur mainly after puberty, often transmitted sexually. The initial infection more commonly causes symptoms.
How do you get the infection?

75. Koi Herpes Virus
Documentation of the Craven vs. Tewin Fish Farm and Fisheries Limited court case. Inlcudes articles.
Koi Herpes Virus
Home Koi Articles The Court Case Reassurance ... Letters of Interest
This site contains the transcripts of the court case between Ronald Craven (the Claimant) and Tewin Mill Fish Farms and Fisheries Ltd (the Defendant).
You can read all about it, starting with The Court Case , and following through with the Witness Statements The Experts Statements and the Judge's Comments . The background to all of this can be read in the Pre-trial Corrspondence , and of course don't miss the Letters of Interest , which show the fate of the defendant following the case. NEW STORY
Virus lands carp in troubled water. Read the story
"What to do if you suspect you have this disease"

Quarantine and it's Importance
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76. HerpeSite - Herpes Support Online
HSV (herpes Simplex Virus) is not just a sexually transmitted disease. herpes hasbeen around for thousands of years, and reportedly ran rampant during the



Transmission, Risk of Transmission, Latency
The H Files: Real stories of love and success

NEW FEATURE!!! Relationships and Getting Back to Dating Again
Welcome to HerpeSite. Here, we hope you'll find information that will help not only you, but others you may come across online or elsewhere in your life. You may find people in your family, in your circle of friends, and in your work that may share the Herpes virus. You or someone you know may have an intimate relationship with someone who is infected. Knowledge can help you in support of yourself and others, and will empower you to make appropriate decisions about treatments, lifestyle, and management of HSV infection. It is strongly recommended that anyone who may suspect a possible infection with Herpesvirus immediately consult with a knowledgeable Health care professional. People should seek the advice of a qualified medical practitioner for accurate diagnosis, testing, and to discuss suitable treatment options. In light of the fact that there is ongoing scientific research, evolving developments in medical theory and treatments, and much conflicting information about Herpes in the media and elsewhere, it is also advisable to continue personal research on any and all aspects of HSV that pertain to each individual's situation. We are currently in the process of redesigning HerpeSite! Please check back soon for additional updates and links. We will have an expanded section on Relationships and Dating, as well as outstanding new resources for HSV support, general health, and nutritional resources.

Preven§£o e detec§£o do cancer ginecologico. Papiloma v­rus e herpes v­rusorienta§µes sobre colposcopia, diagn³stico e tratamento.

78. Herpes Virus In Cats
It is not uncommon to have both feline herpes virus (rhinotracheitis) and I think that calicivirus is less common than feline herpes virus 1 (FHV1).
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Infectious Disease - Herpes Virus or Rhinotracheitis
Herpes, eye drops and other medication

Herpes, arthritis and possibly other problems

Long term effects of serious herpes infection

Herpes, IBD and Giardia
... Herpes Virus also see Herpes in Catteries, shelters and multicat households also see Eye problems also see Infectious disease also see Respiratory problems also see Allergy
Herpes and eye drops and medication Question: Dear Dr.Richards, One of my 3 cats have recently been diagnosed with feline herpes. She

79. Genital Herpes Acne Treatment Nail Fungus Stds
Provides information on sexually transmitted disease, HIV, condyloma and genital herpes treatment.
Condyloma and genital warts treatment information
Click here to ENTER
We provide condyloma and genital warts treatment information, and stds info. We are dedicated to searching out botanical treatments, based not on folklore, but scientific data. If we can't find clinical or other scientific studies to support efficacy, we won't sell the product! We are members of the American Botanical Council and the NNFA, which assures you that we are making the finest products available. If your browser does not support frames please click here
genital herpes

acne treatment

nail fungus
genital wart treatment
nail fungus stds
Unfortunately for western society, healthcare has become a big business. If a company discovers healing hiv properties, venereal dandruff shampoo hiv they cannot patent dandruff venereal shampoo plant nature. How protect themselves genital warts huge profits? Big vaginal drug companies isolate what they symptoms symptoms hiv believe disease effective compound patent aids disease std's symptoms human papillomavirus process symptoms warts dandruff shampoo isolating cosmetics compound. Unfortunately venereal warts consumer, isolation deoderant process vaginal destroys beneficial symptoms effects. The aids symptoms leading sexually makeup hiv prescription medication std's prescribed hpv by Dermatologists venereal for warts, podophyllin, comes from disease the Podophyllum root, std's known. Why acne wart

80. Infectious Disease - Canine Herpes Virus
I would like to know about herpes virus in dogs, Is it true that the bitch Answer It is true that herpes virus infection in the last three weeks of
Please note: The information on our site is for everyone to read. Please use it as often as you like.
However, Ask Dr Mike is available only to subscribers of our Vetinfo Digest. Please do not send questions if you are not a subscriber.
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The income from the subscriptions helps defray the cost of maintaining the site and allows us to keep the large amount of information on www.vetinfo .com free to our readers.
Infectious Disease - Herpes Virus

Herpes virus titer

Neonatal Herpes Virus

Canine Herpes Virus (CHV)
also see Infectious Disease
also see Reproduction
Herpes virus in dogs Question: Hi Dr. Mike, I would like to know about herpes virus in dogs, Is it true that the bitch has to be exposed to the virus for the first time in the last three weeks of gestation or first three weeks after whelping for the puppies to succumb to the disease? also should this bitch be bred again and will the stud dog be

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