CHILDRENS SERVICES Teachers and consultants of the program provide delivery of educational services to children who are legally blind, deafblind, Program Services/CSProgram Descrip
Extractions: CHILDRENS SERVICES The mission of Childrens Services is to provide leadership in the delivery of educational services to children who are legally blind, deaf-blind, and visually impaired by: Statement of Need and Program Objectives: To provide specialized training, adaptive materials, and services to children who are legally blind, deaf-blind, or visually impaired from birth through high school graduation or age 21 that results in successful integration into educational, social, recreational, and vocational settings. Program Description: Teachers and consultants of the program provide specialized instruction in Braille literacy, access to adapted technologies, and independent living and social skills training, with a goal of maximizing independence and inclusion in educational options. A full-scope lending library of adapted textbooks and equipment is available to ensure equal educational opportunity for students with significant visual loss. Program staff provide specialized training and consultation to teachers, parents, paraprofessionals, and local district staff that results in greater access to educational experiences for students. The Division provides reimbursement to those towns which offer services, such as certified teachers of the blind or partially sighted, to meet these program objectives.