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Pentecostal & Charismatic Churches Apostolic Christian Churches of America apostolic church of pentecost of canada, The Church of Pentecost Canada is a fullgospel, Holy Spirit-filled http://www.ecumenism.net/denom/pentecostal.htm
Extractions: var title_fr = 'Les églises pentecôtistes et charismatiques'; It is extremely difficult to classify pentecostal churches by their name, or even by their web presence. To truly know a church one must be involved in the community for a significant period of time. Because that has not been possible for our purposes here, the links below should be explored. Apostolic Christian Churches of America Apostolic Church of Pentecost of Canada, Inc Apostolic Faith Mission of Portland, Oregon Assemblies of God ... Church of Pentecost International "The Church of Pentecost International, which has its general headquarters in Accra, Ghana. With churches in over fifty countries in Europe, Africa, the Middle East, Asia, Australia, and North America, the Church traces its origin to 1937 when the English missionary Rev. James Mckeown began his ministry in the then Gold Coast (now Ghana)." [from the COP Canada website] Church of Pentecost Canada "The Church of Pentecost Canada is a full-gospel, Holy Spirit-filled church carrying the gospel to all parts of the world. The driving force behind the Church's growth is that the Church of Pentecost is part of the body of Christ of which Jesus Christ is the Head and the Holy Spirit is the Spiritual Administrator." [from the website] "A fellowship of ministries, churches and ministers that observe the seventh day Sabbath (Saturday). The mission of the fellowship is to glorify God by providing an atmosphere of spiritual fellowship for Sabbathkeeping ministries, churches, and ministers to participate interdependently in the common cause of advancing the gospel to all people. We embrace Yahshua (or Jesus as he is commonly called) as our savior, while adhering to the laws and statutes given to the Hebrew people by YHVH (God) through Moses and the prophets." [from the website]
Canadian Church Headquarters Directory apostolic church of pentecost of canada Inc. 200809 Manning Road NE, Calgary,AB, T2E 7M8 ph 403-273-5777; fax 403-273-8102 http://www.ecumenism.net/denom/directory.htm
Calgary Churches NE Calgary Mayland Hts, apostolic church of pentecost of canada Inc, 105, 807 Manning Rd NE.Mayland Hts, Ascension Lutheran Church, 1432 19 St NE, Lutheran http://www.calgaryarea.com/churches/churchesne.htm
Adherents.com Listed as apostolic church of pentecost of canada, Inc. Apostolic Church ofQueensland, Australia, 3276, 0.02%, , -, 1996, *LINK* Parliament of Australia http://www.adherents.com/Na/Na_31.html
Adherents.com: By Location Listed as apostolic church of pentecost of canada, Inc. Apostolic Faith Missionof Portland, Oregon, Canada, , -, 6 units, -, 1987, Melton, J. Gordon (ed. http://www.adherents.com/adhloc/Wh_55.html
Extractions: units *LINK* official organization web site From 1997 Statistics "Memorial attendance " column. Count of all who attend this once-a-year meeting, whether or not a "publisher " in full standing. Most would be considered adherents. Jehovah's Witnesses - Memorial attendance Cameroon *LINK* Jehovah's Witnesses official web site; section: "Statistics "; web page: "Worldwide Report " (viewed 16 April 1999). Table: "1998 Report of Jehovah's Witnesses Worldwide "; "Memorial attendance " column indicates attendance at yearly communion meeting. Kirdi Cameroon Dostert, Pierre Etienne.
Canadian Yearbook Links apostolic church of pentecost of canada Inc. 1192340 Pegasus Way, NE. Calgary,AB T2E 8M5. Website http//www.acop.ca/. Email acop@acop.ca http://www.electronicchurch.org/canadian.html
Extractions: Canada Canadian Denominations Click Here to see US Denominations A B C ... Z Alpine Southern Baptist Association 1392 - 9th Avenue Kamloops, BC, V2C 3X6 Phone: 250-372-2021 American Evangelical Christian Church of Canada Box 313, 103 Riverside Drive New Hamburg, ON, N0B 2G0 Phone: 519-662-9087 Fax: 519-662-9087 Email: cecc@orc.ca Anglican Catholic Church of Canada 230 - 441 MacLaren Street Ottawa, ON, K2P 2H3 Phone: 613-233-3915 Fax: 613-233-4399 Website: http://www.zeuter.com/~accc/ accc@canadamail.com The Apostolic Church in Canada 27 Castlefield Avenue, Toronto, Ontario, M4R 1G3 Tel: (416) 489-0453 Fax: (416) 489-6479 Http://www.apostolic.ca/ E-mail: castlefield@apostolic.ca Associated Presbyterian Church, Vancouver 3092 Fraser Street Vancouver, BC, V5T 3W3 Phone: 604-543-8638 Fax: Association of Free Lutheran Congregation Box 161 Outlook, SK, S0L 2N0
Links apostolic church of pentecost of canada Apostolic Faith Fellowship Pentecostal Churches of the Apostolic Faith Assoc., Inc. Progressive Church of Our http://www.apostolic.net/biblicalstudies/links.htm
Extractions: Apostolic-Voice ... Oneness Pentecostal Churches on the Web If you would like to receive a new devotional thought in your email daily, then subscribe to Deepening Thought. The ministry is great for all ages and backgrounds. It was formed by a college student and now reaching out to over 2000 members. Be a part of this work of God, and grow with us! Powered by www.egroups.com
Denominations American Baptist Churches USA Apostolic Assemblies of Christ, Inc.apostolic church of pentecost of canada Apostolic Lutheran Church of America http://www.cyber-church.us/denominations.html
Abide Christian Bible Church Links Www.abideinchrist.com apostolic church of pentecost of canada, Inc Apostolic Faith Mission of Portland,Oregon Apostolic Orthodox Catholic Church Armenian Apostolic Church http://www.abideinchrist.com/links/denomination.html
Assiniboia Apostolic Church email questions to info@apchurch.org make sure to set your book mark towww.apchurch.org an apostolic church of pentecost of canada Church. www.acop.ca http://www.apchurch.org/
LINKS TO RELIGIOUS SITES, Part 2 bullet, apostolic church of pentecost of canada http//www.acop.ca/. bullet,Italian Pentecostal Church of Canada http//www.theipcc.org/ http://www.religioustolerance.org/int_rel9.htm
Extractions: LINKS TO RELIGIOUS SITES Christian Denominations Click Here to Visit our Sponsors. Web sites by para-church organizations and individuals are located elsewhere Best of the Christian Web maintains a database of thousands of Christian web sites. Christoindex is an index of links to all of the major Christian denominations. See: http://www.geocities.com/michaeladamr/christoindex.htm Allexperts.com has groups of volunteers representing Roman Catholic, Presbyterian, Methodist, Baptist, Lutheran and Anglican churches. You can ask an expert any question on Christianity and get a free answer. See: http://www.allexperts.com/religion/ AskMeHelpDesk facilitates asking real people questions at no cost. They have hundreds of categories including religion and spirituality Click below to visit one of our sponsors: For convenience, we sort Christian denominations into four groups: the Anglican Community, Eastern Orthodox churches, Protestant denominations, and Roman Catholicism. This is one of many common classification methods. It is important to keep in mind that Fundamentalist, other Evangelical, mainline, and liberal Protestant denominations vary greatly in
A Antiochian Catholic Church in America (Semiofficial) Apostolic CatholicChurch of America (Official) apostolic church of pentecost of canada http://www.cccny.net/denominations/denominationslinks.shtml
Extractions: Denominations Main [Click] Denominations by Alphabetic Order [Click] Denominations Categorized [Click] Denominations by Alphabetic Order A. M. E. Church - Click HERE for Church List A. M. E. Zion Churches - Click HERE for Church List American Baptist Churches (Official) Click HERE for Church List The Anglican Catholic Church in Australia (Official) The Anglican Catholic Communion USA (Official) Anglican Church - Click HERE for Church List The Anglican Church, Canada Synod (Official) The Anglican Church in America (Official) The Anglican Church of Australia (Official) ... Assemblies of God (Official) - Click HERE for Church List Associate Reformed Presbyterian (Official) Associated Gospel Churches of Canada (Official) Association of Evangelical Gospel Assemblies (Official) ... Association of Vineyard Churches (Unofficial) - Click HERE for Church List Baptist Churches / American Baptist - Click HERE for Church List Baptist Churches / Free Will Baptist, The National Association of, - Click HERE for Church List Baptist Churches / Southern Baptist - Click HERE for Church List Baptist Churches / Other - Click HERE for Church List Bible Churches - Click HERE for Church List The Brethren Church (Official) Canadian Evangelical Christian Churches (Official) Catholic Churches - Click HERE for Church List The Catholic Apostolic Church in North America (Official) Catholic Charismatic Church (Official) Celtic Orthodox Christian Church (Official) ... Charismatic Episcopal Church (Official) - Click
Christian Pentecostalism In Canada - Praize Canada apostolic church of pentecost of canada (3) The Pentecostal Church that isa family building families. http//www.adafphc.com http://www.praize.ca/engine/Denominations/Pentecostalism/
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Denominations Other Church Locator Links A B C D E apostolic church of pentecost of canada Apostolic Faith Mission of Portland,Oregon Apostolic Orthodox Catholic Church Armenian Apostolic Church of http://www.zondervanchurchsource.com/clip/lists/denominations-list.shtml