Amish-R-Us.Com Provides information on attractions, shopping, food and lodging in amish country.
Extractions: Welcome to the heart of the world's largest old order Amish community, located in scenic Berlin, Ohio. Whether you're visiting our community for the first time or you're here to enjoy it all over again, we would like to make your stay here as pleasant and memorable as possible. We can supply you with lodging, restaurants, attractions, and shopping till you drop.
Amish Friendship Bread - The Story And Recipe amish Friendship Bread. This is more than a recipe it is a way of thinking. This is a genuine starter bread. You make the bread and you give friends both
Extractions: The Taste of Memory About Food and Wine This is more than a recipe - it's a way of thinking. In our hi-tech world almost everything comes prepackaged and designed for instant gratification. So where does a recipe that takes ten days to make fit in? Maybe it's a touch stone to our past - to those days not so very long ago when everything we did took time and where a bread that took 10 days to make was not as extraordinary as it seems today. The recipe comes to us from Mrs. Norma Condon of Los Angeles. Amish Friendship Bread is a great bread for the holidays. When you've made your bread, you can give your friends a sample and the starter that made it! Then your friends can make their own and pass it along to their friends. This is why the bread is called "friendship bread". It makes a great homemade birthday and Christmas present. Church groups and hospitals have spread a lot of love and cheer by making Amish Friendship Bread for their members. Many people make it regularly just because it tastes so good! Amish Friendship Bread is a genuine starter bread. If you know someone with a starter, you are in luck. For those of you without access to a starter, we've done our research and found a great option. It's a special starter in powder form that can be activated with flour and water; it's safe, very inexpensive and we can send it to you.
MHSC Information on amish history and more recent developments within amish communities. Free Recipes - Dessert Recipes: Amish Apple Dumplings Thousands of great free recipes and cooking information. Search by keyword ingredient. Add recipes. Create cookbooks and recipe web sites.
Amish In The City Links This site has links to news and information about UPN Networks amish in the City Show.
Extractions: Amish Country: 2005 Wall Calendar This page will direct you to the latest news and best sites about the UPN Network's Amish in the City show About Amish in the City This show follows Amish youth in a rite of passage known as rumspringa which means "running wild". Amish people at the age of 16 leave their homes and communities and test the outside world and enjoy the things forbidden in the Amish world. They must then determine whether or not to return to the Amish life. This show will follow five Amish and five non-Amish living together in this process. Register for our FREE Reality TV Newsletter! Cancel anytime you like and we won't share your address with anyone else. News Articles about UPN Networks Amish in the City 10/13/04 Thoughts on "Amish in the City" Reality TV Calendar 10/7/04 An Interview With Kevan Reality TV Calendar 9/30/04 A Memo To UPN From The RTVC Readers Reality TV Calendar 9/27/04 The Final Episode is Finally Recapped ... Click here for previous news articles Websites - Amish in the City Amish in the City Official Site Reality TV Links - Amish in the City Reality TV Calendar - Amish in the City TV Tome - Amish in the City Clubs/Forums for Amish in the City BB5BBQ Forum: Amish in the City Fans of Reality TV - Amish in the City Forum Yahoo Group Amish in the City This site is not affiliated with the UPN Network, the Amish in the City show or its producers
Pennsylvania German Cuisine About a dozen recipes, such as ShooFly Pie and Fastnachts.
Free Amish Porn 3, amish Pleasures, What turns the amish on? Find out here as you explore all ofthe amish pleasures. 8240. 4, amishParadise, Trillions of amish pics of
Extractions: FREE PORN! FOR THE AMISH! MWAHAHAHAHAHAHA! That's right, the Homepage of Champions is the home of the oneand only TOP AMISH PORN SITES: Rank Site Name: Site Description: # of hits: Hot Amish Weddings The hot, steamy going-ons of an Amish wedding, and other XXX ritualsof Amish life. Be sure to check out the "Honeymoon" section! AnAmish woman's diary Read all the details of an Amish woman's life. 1000+ XXX stories! Amish Pleasures What turns the Amish on? Find out here as you explore all ofthe Amish pleasures. AmishParadise Trillions of Amish pics of Amish doing what they do! Truly anAmish paradise. Amish Dolls Amish can't use plastic for their inflatable playthings, so dolls area very hot item! See 400+ pics of Amish men and women with their dolls. Please visit our sponsors! Hottest cyborg porn ever! And of course, The Homepage of Champions!
Amish Products From Pennsylvania Amish Country Carries amish goods including peanut butter, jellies, breads, cake mixes, and canned specialties. Mail order deliveries in U.S only.
Extractions: Search: Lycos Tripod Murderball Share This Page Report Abuse Edit your Site ... Next SHOOFLY PIE * DUTCH BLITZ CARD GAME * STRAW HATS * DOLLS * ROOT BEER * BONNETS * FUNNEL CAKE * BEEF JERKY * PRETZELS * WATKINS PRODUCTS * LANTERNS * WASH BOARDS * COOKBOOKS * QUILTS Welcome to Vintage General Store We are located in Lancaster County Pennsylvania, the heart of the Pennsylvania Dutch Country. Lancaster County is home of the nation's largest Plain Sect Communities. Over 75,000 Plain People, members of the Amish, Mennonite and Brethren faiths, live in Lancaster County. The Amish settled here in the 1700's drawn to Pennsylvania by the promise of religious freedom. The Old Order sects still live without electricity or automobiles and speak a German dialect known as Pennsylvania Dutch. Most are farmers but many operate home businesses and make crafts and other unique products. We carry many of these products or products popular with the Plain People. So, step into our Store and shop with our Amish, Brethren and Mennonite neighbors. VINTAGE GENERAL STORE PRODUCT LIST ALL PRICES INCLUDE SHIPPING COST WITHIN THE CONTINENTAL UNITED STATES.
The Amish Village Store Offers authentic folk art and handicrafts made by local amish. Photos, descriptions, prices, ordering and contact details.
Extractions: Located in the heart of Amish Country, Lancaster County, Pennsylvania. Our Amish Village store carries authentic folk art and handicrafts made by local Amish. Some of our items include handmade pot holders, wall hangings, quilts, aprons, pillows, and other needlework. Including wooden items made by Amish such as hobby horses, baskets, toy horse and buggies, and napkin holders. We have a line of homemade jams and jellies consisting of various real fruits, such as tomato, rhubarb, apple cider, strawberry, blueberry, peach, and apricot.
Extractions: Amish Country Treasures has a new look but we still offer the best of the Amish craftsmanship. Living in the heart of the Amish country, we are ina unique position to find the best of the best. With the help of our Amish neighbors we are able to offer a collection of many new and time tested keepsakes. Amish Country Treasures
Relinfo: Amish - Index Artikel ¼ber den Gr¼nder, die Lebensweise, Gebote und Verbote dieser Gruppierung. Find out information on places to go and things to do, articles, news, and a discussion forum.
Extractions: Dining Room and Kitchen Furniture Oak Dining Room Tables Cherry Dining Room Tables ... Log In Welcome To Amish Furniture and Crafts! Quality Handcrafted Furniture and Crafts! Each piece of furniture on our site is handcraftedby Amish and Mennonite crafts people. We offer quality solid wood furniture and home decor made of Oak, Cherry, Maple, Walnut and Quarter Sawn Oak. Adding New Items Everyday!!! We will be adding furniture and crafts on a daily
Arcola Amish For more information Visit the Illinois amish Interpretive Center in downtown The Old Order amish, the most conservative segment of the Mennonites, Page/arc-amish.html
Plain Prey Discussion of the problem of medical fraud perpetrated against the amish.
The Amish why the amish have resisted the adoption of this communications technology. According to Umble, the amish lived according to the concept captured in the
Extractions: In The Amish and the Telephone: Resistance and Reconstruction (1992), Diane Zimmerman Umble elaborated on reasons why the Amish have resisted the adoption of this communications technology. According to Umble, the Amish lived according to the concept captured in the German word Gelassenheit , "a word the Anabaptists used to convey the ideal which each member is to strive for. Roughly translated, Gelassenheit means submission-yielding to higher authority: God, the church, elders, parents, community or tradition. In practice, Gelassenheit demands obedience, humility, submission, thrift and simplicity" (p. 185). "Faith permeates every aspect of social practice and provides the context in which social relationships are managed" (p. 185). It is in this context that telephone service, introduced to the Lancaster County area of Pennsylvania in 1879, was officially banned within the Amish community in 1909. "Contrary to the spirit of Gelassenheit ", the telephone was seen as contributing to "individualism and pride" and was banned as something that conflicted with the harmonious and separatist traditions of the sect (p. 189). Umble went so far as to suggest that a church split in 1910, in which one-fifth of the membership was lost, was largely due to the ban on the installation and ownership of the telephone. It is interesting to note that use was not, and is not, banned. Today "community phones" can be found in separate structures where several families can have access to this "necessary" communication tool without the disruption of social order. "Located at the end of lanes, beside barns, or in the garage of a non-Amish neighbor, these telephones have unlisted numbers, are used primarily for outgoing calls, and are shared by six or seven Amish families in a particular neighborhood" (p. 184). Separation from "the world" is maintained while limited connection is permitted.