ANTI AHMADIYYA MOVEMENT IN ISLAM HOMEPAGE ahmadiyya divine reform or pious fraud in the name of Islam? Indepth articles keep you informed about ahmadiyya (Lahorism, Qadianism).
Introducing The Movement The Lahore ahmadiyya Movement presenting Islam as peaceful, tolerant, rational, The ahmadiyya Anjuman Isha`at Islam (ahmadiyya Association for the
Extractions: Search the website The Ahmadiyya Anjuman Isha`at Islam (Ahmadiyya Association for the propagation of Islam) founded in Lahore, Pakistan, is an international Muslim movement which exists for the purpose of presenting the religion of Islam, in its pure and original form, to the whole world. This is Islam as taught in the Holy Quran and as illustrated in practice by the Holy Prophet Muhammad. We strongly believe that both non-Muslims and Muslims today desperately need to receive the true message of Islam, which shows that it is a tolerant, rational, progressive, compassionate, peace-loving
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Ahmadiyya Muslim Students Organization - University Of Texas At What is the ahmadiyya Movement in Islam? For more information about the ahmadiyya Movement in Islam, visit the official web site at www.alislam If you are looking for the official website of the Worldwide ahmadiyya Muslim The ahmadiyya Muslim Community Worldwide is shocked to learn that on July
Religious Persecution Of Ahmadiyya Muslim Community Dealing with the issues of religious persecution faced by ahmadiyya Muslims in Pakistan. Contain news, photographs and contact information
Extractions: Recommend Us Email this Page eGazette What's New A brief Note Write a letter Download Reports Monthly Newsreports Annual Newsreports Media Reports Individual Case Reports ... Universal Declaration of Human Rights Article 19. Everyone has the right to freedom of thought, conscience and religion; this right includes freedom to change his religion or belief, and freedom, either alone or in community with others and in public or private, to manifest his religion or belief in teaching, practice, worship and observance. Breach of Faith Human Rights Watch report on Persecution of the Ahmadiyya Community in Bangladesh - PDF Format Review of Religions One of the most outstanding, monthly English magazine, Review of Religions has been in publication since 1902. The objective of this publication is to educate, enlighten and inform its readers on religious, social, economic and political issues with particular emphasis on Islam. The contributors to this magazine are from various walks of life discussing on comparative religious issues, contemporary social and political issues, latest scientific discoveries and much more. A must read.
Ahmadiyya Muslim Forum A discussion board for members of the ahmadiyya community, covering topics like Islam, current events, and Ahmadi belief and practice.
Qadianism Statements of Islamic scholars about Qadianism (ahmadiyya).
A.A.I.I.L. Ahmadiyya Anjuman Isha'at-e-Islam Lahore (Lahore ahmadiyya Anjuman Isha'ate-Islam Lahore's (Lahore ahmadiyya Movement for the Propagation of Islam) OFFICIAL Website. We present Islam as peaceful
Extractions: Bismillah alRehman alRaheem Beste Broeders en Zusters, Assalamoalaikum wa Rehmatullah wa Barakatohu In 1974, Islamitische wetenschappers uit 124 landen over de gehele wereld ontmoetten elkaar in Mekka ( Makkah al-Mukarramah ) onder de voorzitterschap van Rabita- al-Alam al-Islami . Zij namen unaniem een resolutie aan, waarin MIRZA GHULAM AHMAD QADIANI en zijn volgelingen ( Ahmadi(yyah) Movement/ Qadianis/ Ahmadis/ Mirzais/ Lahoris) als afvallige ongelovige worden beschouwd en hebben ze uit de schoot van de Islam geworpen. Sinds de laatste 100 jaar zijn alle religieuze wetenschappers uit Mekka,Madina( al Madinah al Munawwarah MODUS OPERANDI (In het Algemeen): Volgelingen van MIRZA GHULAM AHMAD QADIANI noemen zichzelf AHMADI(YYAH) MOSLIMS. Zij gaan speciaal naar gebieden, waar Moslims nog nooit gehoord hebben over MIRZA GHULAM AHMAD QADIANI en zijn Ahmadi(yyah) Movement. Zich voor doen als (Soenni) moslims , gebruik makend van hun uitgestrekte middelen van bestaan en het aanbieden van financiele en andere materiele aansporingen, weten zij massa arme onwetende moslims te misleiden in verschillende delen van de wereld, vooral in Centraal en West-Afrika, het Verre Oosten en de Centraal Aziatische Moslim Republieken. Deze Moslims meestal behorend bij de Ahle Sunnah wal Jamaah hebben nog nooit gehoord van MIRZA GHULAM AHMAD QADIANI en zijn beweging.
What Is Qadianism? What is Qadianism. ahmadiyya movement in, or against, Islam? How does Qadianism (ahmadiyya) differs from Islam?
Muslim Television Ahmadiyya International Satellite television service for the Ahmadi community; includes their program schedule, and information about the organization.
Persecution Of Ahmadis In Pakistan - A Summary The ahmadiyya Movement in Islam is a religious organization, The ahmadiyya Movement was established in 1889 by Hadrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmad of Qadian.
Extractions: The Ahmadiyya Movement in Islam is a religious organization, international in its scope, with established branches in 160 countries in Africa. Americas, Asia, Australia, Europe and Oceania. At present, its total membership exceeds 30 million worldwide. The Ahmadiyya Movement was established in 1889 by Hadrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmad of Qadian. The movement he started is an embodiment of the benevolent message of Islam - peace, universal brotherhood and submission to the will of God, in its pristine purity. It strongly rejects terrorism in any form and for any reason. ANTI-AHMADIYYA MOTS IN 1953 AND 1974 The religious establishment in Pakistan does not approve of the reformatory nature of the Ahmadiyya Movement, and they consider it heretic. Politicians have often found it politically attractive to support the mulla in his anti-Ahmadiyya agitation. The first countrywide violence erupted in 1953. A high level judicial inquiry subsequently found and declared that political considerations and exigency were the main cause of the spread of the Anti-Ahmadiyya violence. Many years later, Mr. Bhutto found it politically advantageous in 1974 to have the Ahmadis declared a non-Muslim minority. This was done after another countrywide violent anti-Ahmadiyya agitation conceived and engineered by the government and carried out by
Bait-ul-Futuh Western Europe's largest mosque, opened October 2003 in London. The ahmadiyya Muslim Community provides particulars, photographs and a press release.
Extractions: Area: Entire site is situated on 5.2 acres Capacity: Can accommodate up to 10,000 worshippers in three prayer halls Facilities: Includes gymnasium, offices, library and television studios. Cost: Location: Conveniently located next to Morden South Railway Station and 150 yards from Morden Tube Station. More...
Bürgerbewegung "pro Schlüchtern - Ohne Ahmadiyya-Moschee!" Informiert aktuell ¼ber den Stand des B¼rgerbegehrens, mit Informationen zur Religionsgemeinschaft ahmadiyya und weiterf¼hrenden Links zu Internetpublikationen.
Extractions: zum Ausdrucken Bürgerbewegung "pro Schlüchtern" Mit ihren Beschlüssen, das Reitstück nicht mehr als Gebiet für kirchliche Zwecke auszuweisen und für Niederzell einen Bebauungsplan zu entwickeln, hätten die Stadtverordneten Mut und Verantwortung bewiesen. Sie hätten als wahre Volksvertreter dem überwältigenden Mehrheitswillen der Schlüchterner Bürgerinnen und Bürger Rechnung getragen, indem sie einem Moscheebau für ganz Schlüchtern die Grundlage entzogen, heißt es in einer Presseerklärung der Bürgerbewegung pro Schlüchtern". Bis auf die Vertreter der FDP hätten CDU, SPD, BiSS, Reps sowie die Bürgermeisterkandidaten Manfred Hendel und Falko Fritzsch gezeigt, dass sie sich in der Moscheefrage nicht nur von Lippenbekenntnissen leiten ließen. Sie hätten alles Mögliche unternommen und auch schließlich über die Parteigrenzen hinweg dafür gesorgt, einen Kalifatstützpunkt der Ahmadiyya- Glaubensgmeinschaft zu verhindern, der gleichzeitig ein Missionszentrum zwischen Fulda und Hanau gewesen wäre. Es sei Ihnen dafür zu danken, im Interesse der Stadt Schlüchtern gehandelt zu haben. Die Bürgerbewegung pro Schlüchtern" werte es auch als großen Erfolg für sich und die vielen Bürgerinnen und Bürger, die sie unterstützt hätten, dieses erste große Ziel erreicht zu haben. Es gelte jedoch weiterhin, wachsam zu sein und die weitere Entwicklung aufmerksam zu beobachten, heißt es abschließend.
Extractions: May peace and blessings of Allah be upon you! Love for all, Hatred for none What is Ahmadiyya Muslim Community? The Holy Prophet of Islam Muhammad (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him), foretold the coming of a divine reformer who would perform a revival of Islam , bring the faith back to the principles of Quran and Sunnah, and will bring together other religions into the fold of Islam. He would do so with peaceful exhortation, and God would show great heavenly signs for him. That person has been given many names including Jesus son of Mary , Prophet of Allah (peace be upon him) and Imam Mahdi or the Guided Imam (peace be upon him). All religious denominations today are anxiously awaiting that reformer. That divine reformer has arrived. His name is Mirza Ghulam Ahmad (on whom be peace) and he laid the foundation of a new community in Islam in 1889, which he named as the Ahmadiyya Muslim Community, now with branches in over 181 countries and total membership exceeds 200 million worldwide. For more information about the Ahmadiyya Muslim Community, visit the official web site at
Extractions: C. A STUDY OF THE AHMADIYYA MOVEMENT Mirza Ghulam Ahmad of Qadian During the latter part of the last century the Muslims of the Punjab area in north-west India began to take notice of a Muslim writer from the village of Qadian named Mirza Ghulam Ahmad. This man wrote a number of treatises attacking Christianity and Hinduism and in 1880 began an extensive work entitled Barahin-i-Ahmadiyah which defended Islam from the onslaughts of Christian missionaries and the Arya Samaj, a militant Hindu organisation. At first this work, published in four volumes, was favourably received by the Muslims and it appeared that a mujaddid , a worthy defender of Islam, had risen. These sentiments, however, soon gave way to almost universal opposition as the Mirza began to make one extravagant claim after another for himself. He arrogated to himself the title of "promised Messiah", that is, one raised in the Spirit of Jesus whom the Muslims believed would return to earth but whom the Mirza said was buried at Srinagar, a town in the Punjab. He also claimed to be the Mahdi as well as a prophet of Allah and even a re-incarnation of Krishna, one of the leading Hindu idols! With the declaration that he was masih maw'ud (the Promised Messiah)
Ahmadiyya Was Mirza Ghulam the prophesied Messiah of the Bible? A Christian response to ahmadiyya claims.
Extractions: Hadhrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmad, Was he the prophesied Messiah of the Bible We find some claims in this booklet in the section The second Advent of Jesus that the Messiah Jesus has already come by Dr Aziza Rahman! We find this claim very artificial and superficial when we read further into the text which states: (The text of the booklet is in Itlaic) Most people who await Jesuss return believe that he will descend physically in his own body from heaven and yet, all the signs indicate that the time is right no one has seen him. Why does he not come? Why does God not send him when the world is in such a dire need of him. The answer to this is very simple. God has sent him; but he has sent him in a manner that few had the foresight and wisdom to understand. He further goes on to claim that the Messiah Jesus would not be himself the Jesus who lived two thousand years ago, but another person who would come in the likeness of Jesus. He then goes on to quote II Kings 2:11 Elijah/Elias ascended into heaven in a chariot drawn by horses and the Jews were expecting his return to earth which would precede the coming of the Messiah promised to them. Our answer: There are a lot of claims made in the above short paragraph.