Godfrey Hounsfield - Linix Encyclopedia hounsfield received numerous awards in addition to the nobel Prize. deGodfreyhounsfield plGodfrey N. hounsfield frGodfrey Newbold hounsfield http://web.linix.ca/pedia/index.php/Godfrey_N._Hounsfield
Extractions: Sir Godfrey Newbold Hounsfield 28 August 12 August ) was an English electrical engineer who shared the 1979 Nobel Prize for Physiology or Medicine with Allan McLeod Cormack for his part in developing the diagnostic technique of computerized axial tomography (CAT). His name is immortalised in the Hounsfield scale , a quantitative measure of radiodensity used in evaluating CAT scans. The scale is defined in Hounsfield units (symbol HF ), running from air at -1000 HF, through water at HF, and up to bone at +1000 HF. edit While on an outing in the country, Hounsfield came up with the idea that one could determine what was inside a box by taking X-ray readings at all angles around the object. He then set to work constructing a computer that could take input from X-rays at various angles to create an image of the object in "slices". Applying this possibility to the medical field led him to propose what is now known as computerized axial tomography. At the time, Hounsfield was not aware of the work that Cormack had done on the theoretical mathematics for such a device. Hounsfield built the prototype head scanner and tested it first on a preserved human brain , then on a fresh cow brain from a butcher shop, and later on himself. In
DDIR'sNEWwebBoard Volume 7, March 2005. Kudos, Links Odds n Ends sir godfrey Hounsfieldreceived the nobel Prize for Medicine in 1979 for his work on developing http://www1.od.nih.gov/OIR/NewWebBd/KudosEtc.htm
Extractions: Deputy Director for Intramural Research, National Institutes of Health Volume 7, March 2005 Fond Farewells . . . Parting is a sweet sorrow when we lose outstanding colleagues to well-deserved retirement or great new positions. We recently recited farewells to J. Carl Barrett, Scientific Director of NCI's Center for Cancer Research, who has gone to Novartis. Lance Liotta, Chief of the Laboratory of Pathology in NCI and my predecessor as Deputy Director for Intramural Research has accepted a position at George Mason University. Most acute for my own office are the retirements of Alan Sandler, Director of the Office of Human Subjects Research, and Olive Childers, Liaison for Administration in our Office of Intramural Research. Our deep thanks to Carl, Lance, Alan, and Olive for their years of dedicated, imaginative, and energetic service to NIH. Robert S. Balaban, Ph.D. Awarded Hounsfield Medal: Anita Roberts Wins Leopold Griffuel Prize : NCI's Anita Roberts has been awarded the Leopold Griffuel Prize from the French Association for Cancer Research Roberts, who is Chief of the Laboratory of Cell Regulation and Carcinogenesis. will be in good company. Previous award winners include former U.S. Surgeon General C. Everett Koop, former NCI directors Sam Broder and Vince DeVita, and NCI investigators (or former investigators) Steve Rosenberg and Bob Gallo. (Forgive us for recycling this picture from a nine-year-old issue of
PREMI NOBEL Per La MEDICINA godfrey N. hounsfield. 1980. Baruj Benacerraf. Jean Dausset I premi nobel.La vita, le scoperte ei successi dei premiati in fisica, chimica, medicina, http://www.windoweb.it/guida/medicina/premi_nobel_per_la_medicina.htm
Extractions: Cerca nel sito Benvenuto su WINDOWEB! La Grande Enciclopedia Web Storia Informatica dal 1600 ad oggi Foto per il desktop Quiz I migliori siti per lo Shopping online Immagini e pensieri: dalla poesia al cinema Dossier su grandi temi ....e molto altro ancora! Regali utili e graditi? cd dvd libri cesti natalizi Polizza auto/moto? passa al risparmio V oli e vacanze? confronta i prezzi Costi banca? come guadagnarci Gioca e vinci: scommesse calcio e altri sport Cambio stagione? rinnova il guardaroba Ancora quella suoneria? stupisci gli amici! Farmacia discreta? ricevi a casa o in ufficio Prestiti personali? calcola preventivo Prima pagina Medicina Nobel Medicina L'assicurazione online costa meno Premi Nobel per la Medicina Emil Adolf Von Behring Ronald Ross Niels Ryberg Finsen Ivan Petrovich Pavlov Robert Koch Santiago Ramón y Cajal Camillo Golgi Charles Louis Alphonse Laveran Paul Ehrlich Ilya Ilyich Mechnikov Emil Theodor Kocher Albrecht Kossel Allvar Gullstrand Alexis Carrel Charles Robert Richet Robert Barany non è stato assegnato non è stato assegnato non è stato assegnato non è stato assegnato Jules Bordet Schack August Steenberger Krogh non è stato assegnato Archibald Vivian Hill Otto Fritz Meyerhof Frederick Grant Banting
Extractions: List of (An annual award for outstanding contributions to chemistry or physics or physiology and medicine or literature or economics or peace) Nobel Prize laureates in (The branch of the biological sciences dealing with the functioning of organisms) Physiology or (The branches of medical science that deal with nonsurgical techniques) Medicine from 1901 to the present day. Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine, 1900s Year Name Topics (Click link for more info and facts about Emil Adolf von Behring) Emil Adolf von Behring "for his (Watery fluid of the blood that resembles plasma but contains fibrinogen) serum therapy to treat (Acute contagious infection caused by the bacterium Corynebacterium diphtheriae; marked by the formation of a false membrane in the throat and other air passages causing difficulty in breathing) diphtheria (Click link for more info and facts about Ronald Ross) Ronald Ross "for research on (An infective disease caused by sporozoan parasites that are transmitted through the bite of an infected Anopheles mosquito; marked by paroxysms of chills and fever) malaria (Click link for more info and facts about Niels Ryberg Finsen) Niels Ryberg Finsen "for his light treatment of lupus vulgaris" (Russian physiologist who observed conditioned salivary responses in dogs (1849-1936)) Ivan Petrovich Pavlov "for work on the physiology of the (The system that makes food absorbable into the body) digestive system (German bacteriologist who isolated the anthrax bacillus and the tubercle bacillus and the cholera bacillus (1843-1910))
Nobel2000-1901__?()__kaoyan.com kaoyan.com ?() Nobel20001901 ALAN M.CORMACK and sir godfrey N. hounsfield for the development of computer http://bbs2.kaoyan.com/archive/24/169294.htm
Premi Nobel De Medicina O Fisiologia - Viquipèdia (Redirigit des de Premi nobel de Medicina). Guanyadors del premi nobel de godfrey N. hounsfield 1978 Werner Arber, Daniel Nathans, Hamilton O. Smith http://ca.wikipedia.org/wiki/Premi_Nobel_de_Medicina
Medicina - Klickeducação Translate this page Veja a relação completa dos ganhadores do prêmio nobel em todas as categorias . 1979 - Allan M. Cormack, godfrey N. hounsfield http://aol.klickeducacao.com.br/Conteudo/Referencia/historia_geral/Item_View/0,1
Extractions: assinatura do portal Busca Escola de Professor: cursos on-line de capacita§£o de professores. KlickEscolas: ambiente virtual e servi§os on-line exclusivos para toda escola ... Clique aqui para degustar nosso conteºdo Biblioteca Viva Artes Biografia Biologia Cultura Brasileira ... Tecnologia Biblioteca Viva / Sociedade Vers£o para Impress£o Medicina
Caskets On Parade - Book Of The Dead: "Ho" - "Ht" Holtom formed the peace symbol from the semaphore signals for `N `D artist electrical engineer sir godfrey Newbold hounsfield concurrent inventor of http://www.msu.edu/~daggy/cop/bkofdead/obits-ho.htm
Premiu Nobel De Medicina - Uiquipedia 1979 Allan M. Cormack, godfrey N. hounsfield 1978 Werner Arber, Daniel Nathans, Premiu nobel Premiu nobel de Física Premiu nobel de Química http://ast.wikipedia.org/wiki/Premiu_Nobel_de_Medicina
Extractions: editar editar editar editar editar ... Christiaan Eijkman , Sir Frederick Gowland Hopkins Charles Jules Henri Nicolle Julius Wagner-Jauregg Johannes Andreas Grib Fibiger ... Jules Bordet Destin¡u al Fondu Especial d'esta secci³n del premiu Destin¡u al Fondu Especial d'esta secci³n del premiu Destin¡u al Fondu Especial d'esta secci³n del premiu
Nobelova Cena Za Lekaøstvi 1979 Allan M. Cormack, godfrey N. hounsfield; 1980 Baruj Benacerraf, Jean Dausset, nobelova cena Alfred nobel Nekolikanásobní laureáti http://www.converter.cz/nobel/lekarstvi.htm
Extractions: Úvodní strana Nobelova cena Nobelova cena za lékaøství (medicínu) - seznam laureátù: 1901 Emil von Behring 1902 Ronald Ross 1903 Niels Ryberg Finsen 1904 Ivan Pavlov 1905 Robert Koch 1906 Camillo Golgi, Santiago Ramón y Cajal 1907 Alphonse Laveran 1908 Paul Ehrlich, Ilya Mechnikov 1909 Theodor Kocher 1910 Albrecht Kossel 1911 Allvar Gullstrand 1912 Alexis Carrel 1913 Charles Richet 1914 Robert Bárány 1915 Nobelova cena za lékaøství nebyla udìlena 1916 Nobelova cena za lékaøství nebyla udìlena 1917 Nobelova cena za lékaøství nebyla udìlena 1918 Nobelova cena za lékaøství nebyla udìlena 1919 Jules Bordet 1920 August Krogh 1921 Nobelova cena za lékaøství nebyla udìlena 1922 Archibald V. Hill, Otto Meyerhof 1923 Frederick G. Banting, John Macleod 1924 Willem Einthoven 1925 Nobelova cena za lékaøství nebyla udìlena 1926 Johannes Fibiger 1927 Julius Wagner-Jauregg 1928 Charles Nicolle 1929 Christiaan Eijkman, Sir Frederick Hopkins 1930 Karl Landsteiner 1931 Otto Warburg 1932 Edgar Adrian, Sir Charles Sherrington 1933 Thomas H. Morgan
RTP Translate this page Um dos factores mais importantes do nobel da Fisiologia ou Medicina é a vitóriado saber e do 1979 - Allan M. Cormack, godfrey N. hounsfield http://www.rtp.pt/index.php?article=18102&visual=5
Premios Nobel Translate this page Mas información sobre Premios nobel 1979- Alan M. Cormak (EUA3)- godfrey N.hounsfield (RU) desarrollo de la TAC (tomografía axial computadorizada), http://bib0.unsl.edu.ar/bibls/nobel.html
Nobelprijs Voor De Fysiologie Of Geneeskunde - Wikipedia 1979 Allan M. Cormack, godfrey N. hounsfield 1963 sir John Carew Eccles (Aus),Alan Lloyd Hodgkin (GB), minnanNobel Senglí-ha?k I-ha?k Chióng http://nl.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nobelprijs_voor_de_Fysiologie_of_Geneeskunde
Extractions: Zie ook: Nobelprijs en Alfred Nobel Richard Axel en Linda Buck "voor hun ontdekking van geurreceptoren en de opbouw van het reukzintuigsysteem bij mensen". Paul Lauterbur en Peter Mansfield "Voor hun ontdekkingen op het gebied van de magnetische resonatietomografie Sydney Brenner H. Robert Horvitz John E. Sulston "voor hun ontdekkingen betreffende de genetische regulatie van de orgaanontwikkeling en de geprogrammeerde celdood". Leland H. Hartwell (VS), Timothy Hunt (GB), Paul M. Nurse (GB) "voor hun ontdekking van belangrijke regulatoren in het celdelingsproces Arvid Carlsson Paul Greengard Eric Kandel "voor hun ontdekkingen over de signaaloverdracht in het zenuwstelsel G¼nter Blobel "voor de ontdekking dat eiwitten intrinsieke signalen hebben die hun transport en plaats binnen de (biologie) regelen". Robert F. Furchgott Louis J. Ignarro Ferid Murad "voor hun ontdekkingen met betrekking tot stikstofoxide (NO) als signaalmolecuul in het cardiovasculaire systeem". Stanley B. Prusiner "voor zijn ontdekking van prionen - een nieuw biologisch infectieprincipe".
Vincituri Dû Nobel Pâ Midicina (alfabbeticu) - Wikipedia Elencu in òrdini alfabbèticu di li pirsunalità primiati cu lu nobel pi la midicina . 2002 godfrey N. hounsfield, 1979 Bernardo Alberto Houssay, 1947 http://scn.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vincituri_dû_Nobel_pâ_midicina_(alfabbeticu)
Medicine Year Winners 1901 Behring, Emil Adolf Von 1902 Ross Burnet, sir Frank Macfarlane Medawar, Peter Brian. 1961, Békésy, Georg von 1979, Cormack, Allan M. - hounsfield, godfrey N. http://www.cartage.org.lb/en/themes/GeogHist/histories/prizewinners/nobelprize/m
Extractions: Winners Behring, Emil Adolf von Ross, Ronald Finsen, Niels Ryberg Pavlov, Ivan Petrovich ... Bárány, Robert The prize money was allocated to the Special Fund of this prize section The prize money was allocated to the Special Fund of this prize section The prize money was allocated to the Special Fund of this prize section The prize money was allocated to the Special Fund of this prize section Bordet, Jules Krogh, Schack August Steenberg The prize money was allocated to the Special Fund of this prize section Hill, Archibald Vivian Meyerhof, Otto Fritz Banting, Frederick Grant Macleod, John James Richard ... Einthoven, Willem The prize money was allocated to the Special Fund of this prize section Fibiger, Johannes Andreas Grib Wagner-Jauregg, Julius Nicolle, Charles Jules Henri Eijkman, Christiaan ... Domagk, Gerhard The prize money was 1/3 allocated to the Main Fund and 2/3 to the Special Fund of this prize section The prize money was 1/3 allocated to the Main Fund and 2/3 to the Special Fund of this prize section The prize money was 1/3 allocated to the Main Fund and 2/3 to the Special Fund of this prize section Dam, Henrik Carl Peter
On Honor: Hounsfield The summary for this Greek page contains characters that cannot be correctly displayed in this language/character set. http://users.hol.gr/~pastagr/epikaira/Hounsfield.htm
Enciclopedia :: 100cia.com 1941 la cuantía íntegra del premio nobel de Medicina fue entregada a la http://100cia.com/enciclopedia/Premio_Nobel_de_Medicina
Extractions: Buscar: en Google en noticias en Enciclopedia Estás en: 100cia.com > Enciclopedia Premio Nobel de Medicina Premios Nobel Química Economía Literatura Medicina Paz Física Sydney Brenner H. Robert Horvitz John E. Sulston Leland H. Hartwell R. Timothy Hunt Paul M. Nurse ... Günter Blobel Peter C. Doherty Rolf M. Zinkernagel Edward B. Lewis
Extractions: (Redirigido desde Premio Nobel de Medicina editar Premios Nobel Qumica Economa Literatura Medicina Paz Fsica Paul Lauterbur and Sir Peter Mansfield Sydney Brenner H. Robert Horvitz John E. Sulston Leland H. Hartwell R. Timothy Hunt Paul M. Nurse ... G¼nter Blobel Stanley B. Prusiner Peter C. Doherty Rolf M. Zinkernagel Edward B. Lewis