Extractions: Bucy, Paul Clancy ( b American neurologist. Bucy held successive positions as professor of neurology and neurosurgery at the medical schools of the University of Chicago, University of Illinois, and Northwestern University. His last position was clinical professor of neurology and neurosurgery of the Bowmen-Gray Medical School in Winston-Salem, North Carolina. Specific topics of his research included spinal cord injury, the structure and function of the cerebral cortex, and intracranial neoplasms.
Extractions: WWW Medical.WebEnds.com Temporal Lobectomy Behavior Syndrome; Kluver Bucy Syndrome; Syndrome, Kluver-Bucy A neuro behavior al syndrome associated with bilateral medial temporal lobe dysfunction. Clinical manifestations include oral exploratory behavior ; tactile exploratory behavior ; hypersexuality; BULIMIA MEMORY DISORDERS; placidity; and an inability to recognize objects or faces. This disorder may result from a variety of conditions, including CRANIOCEREBRAL TRAUMA ; infections; ALZHEIMER DISEASE ; PICK DISEASE OF THE BRAIN ; and CEREBROVASCULAR DISORDERS
Disabilityexchange.org - Taxonomy kluverbucy syndrome. print Print this Page. What is Klüver-Bucy Syndrome?Klüver-Bucy syndrome is a rare neurological disorder that causes individuals to http://www.disabilityexchange.org/taxonomy/index.php?fid=3&path=3_773
Extractions: Although the behavioral abnormalities of the Kluver-Bucy syndrome are well known, an investigation of the endocrine parameters had not been undertaken previously. The authors report normal reproductive cyclicity (including preserved feedback mechanisms) and growth hormone and cortisol secretion patterns in female rhesus monkeys with the syndrome. It is concluded that the abnormal behavior seen in the Kluver-Bucy syndrome is not associated with abnormalities of the reproductive mechanisms.
Southern Medical Journal - UserLogin kluverbucy syndrome as a Result of Minor Head Trauma. Southern Medical Journal.96(7)726, July 2003. Asensio, Juan A. MD, FACS. Fulltext PDF (77 K) http://www.smajournalonline.com/pt/re/smj/fulltext.00007611-200303000-00031.htm
Southern Medical Journal - UserLogin kluverbucy syndrome as a Result of Minor Head Trauma. Southern Medical Journal.96(3)323, March 2003. Olson, David A. MD. Fulltext http://www.smajournalonline.com/pt/re/smj/fulltext.00007611-200307000-00028.htm
IIDRSI Kluver-Bucy Syndrome Translate this page Translation to french syndrome de Kluver-Bucy. Term, syndrome de Kluver-Bucy.Definition, Syndrome caractérisé par des tendances orales, un affect émoussé, http://www.med.univ-rennes1.fr/iidris/index.php?action=contexte&num=5324&mode=mu
Log In Problems KlüverBucy syndrome (KBS) has been described as a disconnection of the temporallobes from the rest of the brain. Findings include blunted affect, bulimia, http://www.medscape.com/viewarticle/444337
Log In Problems Bilateral temporal lobe lesions (especially with hippocampal damage) cause recentmemory impairment and behavioral disturbances. http://www.medscape.com/viewarticle/444160
Promiscuous Sexual Behavior As Extended Phenotype Of HIV kluverbucy syndrome is described below as involving a profound reduction inthe animals aggression and fear, a hypoemotionality, a tendency to over react http://www.geocities.com/jim_bowery/aidsrabies.html
Extractions: The author grants the right to copy without modification. As with rabies, it appears some sexually transmitted diseases have evolved the ability to alter the amygdala of their victims so as to facilitate their transmission. In the case of rabies, the amygdala alterations generate aggressive behavior, matching the mode of transmission of the virus which tends to be via bites. Sexually transmitted diseases should produce different changes in the amygdala enhancing, not aggressive, but rather sexual behavior. Here is evidence that increased indiscriminate sexual behavior is an extended phenotype of the Human Immunodeficiency Virus affected by amygdalar damage in the infected population: Kluver-Bucy syndrome is described below as involving: "a profound reduction in the animals aggression and fear, a hypoemotionality, a tendency to over react to any visual stimulus, hypersexuality and an excessive oral tendency (i.e. mouthing any objects). The monkeys also tended to eat meat and feces." Note further that " destruction of the amygdala alone was sufficient enough to produce the symptoms of the Kluver-Bucy syndrome."
Cognitive And Behavioral Neurology - UserLogin The partial kluverbucy syndrome has been associated with bilateral Kluver-Bucysyndrome and psychiatric illness. Br J Psychiatry 1990; 157439-41. http://www.neuneubeneu.com/pt/re/cbneuro/fulltext.00010291-200212000-00003.htm
Extractions: Vol Page [Advanced] This Article Submit a response Alert me when this article is cited Alert me when eLetters are posted Alert me if a correction is posted Services Email this link to a friend Similar articles in this journal Similar articles in PubMed Alert me to new issues of the journal ... Cited by other online articles PubMed PubMed Citation Articles by Anson, J. A. Articles by Kuhlman, D. T. Journal of Neurology, Neurosurgery, and Psychiatry, 1993, Vol 56, 311-313 JA Anson and DT Kuhlman Division of Neurological Surgery, University of New Mexico Hospital, Albuquerque 87131. In both animals and humans, Kluver-Bucy syndrome is produced by bilateral temporal lobectomy. It is characterised by hypersexuality, visual agnosia, strong oral tendencies, dietary changes, and hypermetamorphosis. Recurrent
Bizarre Magazine or how you can shag cars and get sympathy. kluverbucy syndrome Kluver-BucySyndrome is often used to explain the behaviour of people who have sex with http://www.bizarremag.com/reviewed.php?gid=1519&id=1528
LIMBIC SYSTEM TEST MULTIPLE CHOICE QUESTIONS 1. That Which Is All of the following would be found in the kluverbucy syndrome except The kluver-bucy syndrome is characterized by docility, psychic blindness http://web.indstate.edu/thcme/anderson/mclimbic.html
Extractions: LIMBIC SYSTEM TEST MULTIPLE CHOICE QUESTIONS 1. That which is characteristic of frontal lobectomy patients is: A. Decreased 3-dimensional and artistic abilities B. Extremely high moral values. C. Improved memory recall. D. Increased ability to deal with day to day as well as future decisions. E. Increased violent behavior. 2. All of the following would be found in the Kluver-Bucy syndrome except: A. Hyperorality. B. Hyposexuality. C. Psychic blindness. D. Obesity. E. Altered endocrine responses. 3. All of the following are true except: A. The stria terminalis arises from the habenula. B. The fornix originates in the hippocampal formation. C. The cells of origin of the MFB are chiefly in the septal or anterior olfactory area. D. The MFB gives off axons to the hypothalamic nuclei. E. The MFB afferents are related to emotional drives. 4. Which is not true in regard to the hippocampus: A. The area CA1 is that region adjacent to the subiculum. B. The most medial portion of the entorhinal cortex receives input from the olfactory system and projects to the hippocampus by means of the perforant pathway. C. The pyramidal cell is the only output.
Anatomic Basis Of Kluver-Bucy Syndrome Carroll Et Al. 11 (1 SIR Classic KlüverBucy syndrome (KBS) has been considered a direct consequenceof bilateral anterior temporal horn damage resulting from disease or http://neuro.psychiatryonline.org/cgi/content/full/11/1/116
Entrez PubMed Although kluverbucy syndrome in adults is commonly associated with neurodegenerativeconditions, Kl http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/entrez/query.fcgi?cmd=Retrieve&db=PubMed&list_uids=8