Kidney Cancer - Urologychannel Several types of cancer can afflict the kidneys. Renal cell carcinoma (RCC), themost common form, accounts for approximately 85% of all kidney cancers.
Extractions: Several types of cancer can develop in the kidneys. Renal cell carcinoma (RCC), the most common form, accounts for approximately 85% of all cases. In RCC, cancerous (malignant) cells develop in the lining of the kidney's tubules and grow into a mass called a tumor. In most cases, a single tumor develops, although more than one tumor can develop within one or both kidneys. Early diagnosis of kidney cancer is important. As with most types of cancer, the earlier the tumor is discovered, the better a patient's chances for survival. Tumors discovered at an early stage often respond well to treatment. Survival rates in such cases are high. Tumors that have grown large or spread (metastasized) through the bloodstream or lymphatic system to other parts of the body are more difficult to treat and present an increased risk for mortality.
NATIONAL KIDNEY CANCER ASSOCIATION (800) 850-9132 Headquarters for this membership organization made up of patients, family members,physicians, researchers, and other health professionals.
MedlinePlus: Kidney Cancer Links format topics provided by the US National Library of Medicine.
The NCI Kidney Cancer Web Page Carcinoma of the kidney affects some 27000 individuals in the United States eachyear. Until recently relatively little attention was paid to the genetics
Extractions: at the National Cancer Institute Carcinoma of the kidney affects some 27,000 individuals in the United States each year. Until recently relatively little attention was paid to the genetics and histology of renal carcinomas. In the past 10 years major advances have been made in the understanding of the genetic basis of human kidney cancer. The National Cancer Institute has become a leading center for research on the genetic basis of kidney cancer. We created this Web page to detail the research (with the very latest described in the "What's New" page), as well as the members of the multidisciplinary team of clinicians and scientists at the National Cancer Institute who study and treat patients with kidney cancer. We wish to inform the public of the Familial Kidney Tumor Program based at the National Cancer Institute in the hopes of encouraging persons having more than one family member afflicted with kidney cancer to register their families. Introduction , overview of clinical and research efforts at the National Cancer Institute Basic Science Research , looking for genetic changes in kidney cancer The Birt Hogg Dube syndrome Does Kidney Cancer Run in Families?
Latest Kidney Cancer Treatments Cancer Group Institute provides the latest information on the most effectivetraditional and alternative cancer treatments available.
Extractions: Normally, in an adult kidney cells divide rapidly, to replace those lost to old age and injury, The division and growth of these cells is under tight control by the genes inside the cells. Kidney cancer starts when control of this division is lost, and so a cell starts to divide "out of control". Kidney cancer starts in just one cell. A change occurs in the genes of this cell which screws up the controls that prevent haphazard division, and it starts dividing like crazy, forming a tumor. A tumor simply means a swelling and is not necessarily cancerous. When the cells in the tumor just grow in their local area, and do not spread elsewhere, then the tumor is benign. However, when the tumor's cells have the ability to spread elsewhere in the body, this is a malignant (cancerous) tumor. A malignant tumor can metastasize (spread) to any area of the body, cause symptoms there, and eventually kill the patient. Where are the Kidneys Located?
Extractions: The kidneys are part of the urinary tract. They are a pair of organs found just above the waist on each side of the spine. The kidneys remove waste products from the blood and produce urine. As blood flows through the kidneys, they filter waste products, chemicals, and unneeded water from the blood. Urine collects in the middle of each kidney, an area called the renal pelvis. Urine then drains from the kidney through a long tube, the ureter, to the bladder, where it is stored. The kidneys also make substances that help control blood pressure and regulate the formation of red blood cells. What is cancer? Cancer is a group of diseases. More than 100 different types of cancer are known and there are several types of kidney cancer. They all have one thing in common: cells become abnormal. These abnormal cells grow and destroy body tissue and can spread to other parts of the body. Healthy cells that make up the body's tissues grow, divide, and replace themselves in an orderly way. This process keeps the body in good repair. If cells lose the ability to control their growth, they grow too rapidly and without any order. They form too much tissue. The mass of extra tissue is called a tumor. Tumors can be benign or malignant.
Is A Kidney Cancer Vaccine Right For You? Information about the use of Oncophage, an experimental vaccine treatment for this condition by the pharmaceutical firm, Antigenics.
Extractions: Home Understanding Kidney Cancer Treatment Options Clinical Trials Oncophage ... Resources Welcome to, a site specially designed to bring you information about kidney cancer treatment options and research studies vaccine treatment Is a kidney cancer vaccine right for you? Only your doctor can answer that question. But being informed can help you and your doctor make the best decisions to manage what lies ahead. To continue, click on one of the links below or find answers to specific questions
Extractions: CancerGuide: Special Kidney Cancer Section About CancerGuide Cancer Basics Research Your Options Clinical Trials ... Specific Cancers Kidney Cancer Kidney Cancer Home What's New in this Section Kidney Cancer Section Map Must Read Kidney Cancer Resources Guide to Staging and Grading RCC Subtypes Major Areas Disease Confined to the Kidney Metastatic or Recurrent Disease Other Interesting Topics Hereditary Kidney Cancer Put Your Tumor On Ice! 2004 ASCO Meeting Notes Statistics ... Inspirational Stories Welcome To Steve Dunn's Kidney Cancer Page This is a intensive guide to the best and the latest for kidney cancer patients compiled by a fellow patient, and long term survivor of widely metastatic kidney cancer, Steve Dunn. My intent is to give you insight into therapies and strategies which will help you to maximize your odds of survival. This kidney cancer section is a special section of CancerGuide , my general guide to researching your options in cancer treatment. Are You in the Right Place? (Types of Kidney Cancer)
Kidney Cancer Symptoms offers a wealth of information on kidney cancer symptoms, diagnosis, and treatment. Find the latest news and research on symptoms of
Extractions: CancerGuide: Special Kidney Cancer Section About CancerGuide Cancer Basics Research Your Options Clinical Trials ... Specific Cancers Kidney Cancer Kidney Cancer Home What's New in this Section Kidney Cancer Section Map Must Read Kidney Cancer Resources Guide to Staging and Grading RCC Subtypes Major Areas Disease Confined to the Kidney Metastatic or Recurrent Disease Other Interesting Topics Hereditary Kidney Cancer Put Your Tumor On Ice! 2004 ASCO Meeting Notes Statistics ... Inspirational Stories Welcome To Steve Dunn's Kidney Cancer Page This is a intensive guide to the best and the latest for kidney cancer patients compiled by a fellow patient, and long term survivor of widely metastatic kidney cancer, Steve Dunn. My intent is to give you insight into therapies and strategies which will help you to maximize your odds of survival. This kidney cancer section is a special section of CancerGuide , my general guide to researching your options in cancer treatment. Are You in the Right Place? (Types of Kidney Cancer)
Kidney Cancer - Symptoms And Diagnosis Lists and describes the symptoms and diagnosis for kidney cancer
CancerGuide: Hereditary Kidney Cancer The vast majority of kidney cancer cases are not hereditary, The Hereditarykidney cancer Program at the National Cancer Institute is looking for kidney
Extractions: CancerGuide: Special Kidney Cancer Section About CancerGuide Cancer Basics Research Your Options Clinical Trials ... Specific Cancers Kidney Cancer Kidney Cancer Home What's New in this Section Kidney Cancer Section Map Must Read Kidney Cancer Resources Guide to Staging and Grading RCC Subtypes Major Areas Disease Confined to the Kidney Metastatic or Recurrent Disease Other Interesting Topics Hereditary Kidney Cancer Put Your Tumor On Ice! 2004 ASCO Meeting Notes Statistics Practical Aspects ... Inspirational Stories Hereditary Kidney Cancer The vast majority of kidney cancer cases are not hereditary, but a few percent of renal cell cancers are caused by hereditary syndromes. The purpose of this article is to help you tell whether there is reason to suspect you might have hereditary kidney cancer, and to suggest what to do if so. I do not go into detailed treatment recommendations. Special Notice
Symptoms Of Kidney Cancer - Symptoms of kidney cancer including signs, symptoms, incubation period, duration, and correct diagnosis.
Kidney Cancer Information Centre : CancerBACUP Information on cancer of the kidney. kidney cancer information centre. General.The kidneys What is cancer? References. Causes diagnosis
Extractions: The organization of patients, families, doctors, and health professionals involved in kidney cancer. Click here for live help Toll Free 800.850.9132 Fax 847.332.2978 Donate Show Support: Wear Green! Why Join? ... Chat Room About Kidney Cancer In a majority of cases, we don't know what causes kidney cancer. Surgery is the standard treatment for contained kidney cancer. Various surgical options may be available. Radiation and chemotherapy are not very effective in treating kidney cancer. Biologic therapies are used more frequently.