Extractions: Follow Ups Post Followup Forum 2 Posted by Mario from IP on July 21, 2005 at 18:09:10: A 45-year-old man comes to the office complaining of shooting pains in his legs for the past two weeks. He describes these pains as transient and agonizing. He also has had urinary incontinence for the last four to six months. He drinks alcohol heavily. On physical examination, his gait is unsteady and wide-based. The unsteadiness is exacerbated by eye closure. The vibration and position sense in his legs is decreased, and his deep-tendon reflexes are diminished. His pupils are small, slightly irregular, poorly reactive to light, and more responsive to accommodation. What is the most likely cause of his problem? (A) Wernicke's encephalopathy
Biology Definitions Starting With H - Biology Dictionary 1634. holmesadie syndrome, Number of views 56. 1635. holocrine glands, Number ofviews 176. 1636. Holoenzyme, Number of views 201. 1637. holographic http://www.biology-online.org/d/h-81.htm
Extractions: Sign in to access your control panel and messenger! sitemap archives testimonials RxPG Forums Alt+C Accomodation forum AFMC Africa AIIMS AIMECA AIPGE Alerts AMU Anaesthesia Anatomy Andhra Arunanchal Assam Attachments Australia Bangladesh BHU Bihar Biochemistry Biophysics Biostatistics Books Canada Cardiology CaRMS China CIP Ranchi CMC Ludh. CMC Vel. CRS CV Dermatology DM DNB DNB Part 2 DPG Egypt Embryology EMI EMQ Endocrinology ENT Features Fiji FMGE Forensic Gastro Genetics Germany Goa GPVTS GRE Gujarat Gulf Gyn Obs Haryana Hematology Himachal Histology I MBBS IAS IELTS II MBBS III MBBS IMG Internship Interviews Ireland ISQ Jamia Jharkhand JIPMER Karnatka Kerala M.Ch Maharasht MAHE Malaysia Manipur Match MBA MCCEE MCCQE 1 MCCQE 2 Medicine Microbiology MMST MPPG MRCGP MRCOG MRCP 1 MRCP 2 MRCPath MRCPCH MRCPsych 1 MRCPsych 2 MRCS Nagging Q Nepal Nephrology Nethralaya Neuroanatomy Neurology NHS NIMHANS NZREX Offbeat OIMG Ophtha Orissa Ortho OSCE OSCE PEP Paces Paediatrics Pakistan Parasitology Pathology PG Zone PGIMER Pharmacology Philipines Physiology PLAB 1 PLAB 2 Pneumology Post PLAB PrePG PSM Psychiatry Punjab Radiology Rajasthan Rheumatology Romania Russia SA Salgunan SBA Serbia SGPGI SHO Club Site Sri Lanka Surgery TamilNadu TNPSC TOEFL Toxicology UK Jobs UK Visa UPPG UPSC CMS US Visa USMLE 1 USMLE 2 CK USMLE 2 CS USMLE 3 West Bengal RxPG Sections Aerospace Medicine AFMC AIIMS AIPGE AMCRE Anaesthesia Anatomy Andhra Pradesh PG Arunanchal Pradesh PG Assam PG Australia BHU Bihar PG Biochemistry Bioinformatics Biophysics Biostatistics Canada Cardiology CGFNS Chattisgarh PG CIP Ranchi Clinical Skills CMC - Ludhiana CMC - Vellore
Eponymous Syndromes@Everything2.com A list of medical syndromes with eponymous names holmesadie syndrome Holt-Oram syndrome Horner s syndrome Hunter s syndrome Hurler s syndrome http://everything2.com/index.pl?node_id=494751
Portal Toolkit Invalid Site URL Kimber J, Mitchell D, Mathias CJ Chronic cough in the holmesadie syndromeassociation in the five cases with autonomic dysfunction. http://www.co-ophthalmology.com/pt/re/coophth/fulltext.00055735-199912000-00005.
Dorlands Medical Dictionary holmesadie syndrome, Adie s s. Holt-Oram syndrome, autosomal heart disease ofvarying severity, usually an atrial or ventricular septal defect, http://www.merckmedicus.com/pp/us/hcp/thcp_dorlands_content.jsp?pg=/ppdocs/us/co
All Showcase - Health Disease And Health Conditions holmesadie syndrome (4). Homocystinuria (4). Horner Syndrome (8). HughesSyndrome (15). Huntington s Disease (26). Hydranecephaly (6). Hydrocele (2) http://www.allshowcase.com/Health_and_Fitness/Conditions_and_Diseases/H/
Nutranews holmesadie syndrome Horner s syndrome Human necrotizing splenitis Hydrocephalus Progressive facial hemiatrophy (Parry-Romberg syndrome) http://www.samento.com.ec/nutranews/story002.html
Extractions: Lyme Borreliosis Katrina Tang, M.D., HMD, founder and Director of Research at the Sierra Integrative Medicine Clinic in Reno, Nevada, states that Lyme disease eludes many doctors because of its ability to mimic many other diseases. According to an informal study conducted by the American Lyme disease Alliance (ALDA), most patients diagnosed with Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (CFS) are actually suffering from Lyme disease . In a study of 31 patients diagnosed with CFS, 28 patients, or 90.3%, were found to be ill as a result of Lyme. Dr. Paul Fink, past president of the American Psychiatric Association, has acknowledged that Lyme disease can contribute to every psychiatric disorder in the Diagnostic Symptoms Manual IV (DSM-IV). This manual is used to diagnose psychiatric conditions such as attention deficit disorder (ADD), antisocial personality, panic attacks, anorexia nervosa, autism and Aspergers syndrome (a form of autism) to name a few. Lyme Borreliosis causes, mimics, is manifested as, is misdiagnosed as or is a contributing factor to many conditions. The following list of over 300 conditions was compiled by means of a non exhaustive search of published scientific literature and includes:
The Eyecare Trust - Adie S Pupil - Raising Awareness Of Eye Care Adie s pupil, sometimes called the holmesadie syndrome, is an unusual neurologicdisorder in which the ability of the pupil to constrict is impaired, http://www.eyecare-information-service.org.uk/item_view.php?item_id=60&content_i
Articles - List Of Eponymous Medical Signs holmesadie syndrome. Homan s sign. Hooverâs sign. Howship-Romberg sign.Hutchinson freckle. Hutchinson pupil. Hutchinson s sign. Hutchinson s teeth http://www.1-electric.com/articles/List_of_eponymous_medical_signs
Year 2001 Primary Author Q-T Title holmesadie syndrome and Lyme disease. Author Stricker, RB; Winger, EE.Year 2001. Journal Lancet. Volume 357. Issue 9258. Pages 805 http://www.ndrf.org/ANS Res 2000 Q-T.htm
Extractions: Be sure to visit the NDRF Reference Page where you can learn more about the NDRF Patient Handbook, Videos and other reference materials. Title : [Acupuncture correction of autonomic nervous system disorders in patients with bronchial asthma] Author : Rakhov, D. A.; Rebrov, A. P. Year Journal : Klin Med (Mosk) Volume Issue Pages Accession Number: Abstract : Acupuncture was added to medicines in the treatment of 192 patients suffering from bronchial asthma with autonomic dysfunction. The effect was assessed by changes in rhythmogram, external respiration function, psychological status. It was found that corporal acupuncture not only improves bronchial permeability but also reduces psychovegetative disorders. The effect of acupuncture was not related to that of placebo. URL Title : Midodrine prevents orthostatic intolerance associated with simulated spaceflight Author : Ramsdell, C. D.; Mullen, T. J.; Sundby, G. H.; Rostoft, S.; Sheynberg, N.; Aljuri, N.; Maa, M.; Mukkamala, R.; Sherman, D.; Toska, K.; Yelle, J.; Bloomfield, D.; Williams, G. H.; Cohen, R. J.
Extractions: Medical Dictionary Search Engine September is National Mesothelioma awareness month! Mesothelioma is hard to detect, easily mis-diagnosed, and always fatal. Have your doctor check you for Mesothelioma or Pleural Mesothelioma today! Browse Dictionary by alphabet A B C D ... Z Displaying all terms starting with letter HO Ho September is National Mesothelioma awareness month! Mesothelioma is hard to detect, easily mis-diagnosed, and always fatal. Have your doctor check you for Mesothelioma or Pleural Mesothelioma today! Asbestos is a mineral widely used in the past because of its resistance to fire and heat. Loose asbestos fibers can lodge in the surrounding tissues of the lungs and cancerous tissues can develop into Pleural Mesothelioma. The disease may be treated with drugs like Alimta or Cisplatin, but it is essential for everyone to know the symptoma and get tested for Mesothelioma Home
** Dr. Raphael Stricker CV ** WILDER Network ** holmesadie syndrome and Lyme disease. Lancet 2001;357805 (Letter). 111.Stricker RB, Steinleitner A, Bookoff CN, Winger EE. Update and critical analysis http://www.wildernetwork.org/rstrickerCV5.html
Publications Müller NG, Prass K, Zschenderlein R (2005) AntiHu antibodies, sensory neuropathy,and holmes-adie syndrome in a patient with seminoma. Neurology 11164-5. http://user.uni-frankfurt.de/~nmueller/Webside/CogNeu-Dateien/Page519.htm
Extractions: Müller NG, Knight RT (in press) The functional neuroanatomy of working memory. Contributions of human lesion studies. Neuroscience. Karnath HO, Baier B, Nagele T. (2005) Awareness of the functioning of one's own limbs mediated by the insular cortex? J Neurosci, 3;25(31):7134-8. Müller NG, Mollenhauer M, Rösler A, Kleinschmidt A (2005) The attentional field has a Mexican hat distribution. Vision Res 45:1129-1137. Baier B, Karnath HO (2005) Incidence and diagnosis of anosognosia for hemiparesis revisited. J Neurol Neurosurg Psychiatry 76:358-361. Hein G, Schubert T, von Cramon DY (2005) Closed head injury and perceptual processing in dual-task situations. Exp Brain Res 160:223-234. Hein G, Parr A, Duncan J (in press) Within modality and cross modality attentional blinks in a simple discrimination task. Perception and Psychophysics. Müller NG, Prass K, Zschenderlein R (2005) Anti-Hu antibodies, sensory neuropathy, and Holmes-Adie syndrome in a patient with seminoma. Neurology 11:164-5. Hein G, Schubert T (2004) Aging and input processing in dual-task situations. Psychol Aging 19:416-432. Eger E, Schyns P, Kleinschmidt A (2004) Differential sensitivity to facial identity across spatial scales in fusiform and occipital face responsive regions. NeuroImage
Health Topics - Quest Diagnostics Patient Health Library Hodgkin s disease, childhood Treatment Patient Information Cancer.gov holmes-adie syndrome Holocarboxylase Synthetase Deficiency http://www.questdiagnostics.com/kbase/list/ht/h.htm
Extractions: HA HAE HAF Deficiency Hageman Factor Deficiency Hageman Trait ... Hammer toes Top Hammer, Claw, and Mallet Toes Hand Washing Hand, Finger, and Wrist Injuries Hand, Finger, and Wrist Problems, Noninjury ... Hashimoto's Thyroiditis Top Hashimoto-Pritzker Syndrome HAV Antibody Tests Hay fever Hay Well's Syndrome ... Hay-Wells Syndrome of Ectodermal Dysplasia HE Head Injury, Age 3 and Younger Head Injury, Age 4 and Older Headaches Headaches, Migraine ... Hearing Aids Top Hearing Impairment Hearing Loss Heart Attack and Unstable Angina Heart Block, Congenital ... Helping teens who are grieving Top Helping your child develop healthy self-esteem Helping your child use a metered-dose inhaler (MDI) with a mask spacer Helping your child with ADHD accomplish tasks at home Hemangiectatic Hypertrophy ... Hemophilia Top Hemophilia A Hemophilia B Hemorrhagic Capillary Toxicosis Hemorrhagic Dystrophic Thrombocytopenia ... Hepatocellular cancer: Screening - Patient Information [Cancer.gov] Top Hepatolenticular Degeneration Hepatophosphorylase Deficiency Glycogenosis Hepatorenal Glycogenosis Hepatorenal Syndrome ... Hereditary Ataxia, Friedrich's Type
Referenz 517a Kimber J., Mitchell D., Mathias CJ Chronic cough in the holmesadie syndromeassociation in five cases with autonomic dysfunction. J. Neurol. Neurosurg. http://www.thieme.de/specials/mattle/lit11abstr/abs517a.html
Extractions: (Neurologie, 11. Auflage) Kimber J., Mitchell D., Mathias C.J.: Chronic cough in the Holmes-Adie syndrome: association in five cases with autonomic dysfunction. J. Neurol. Neurosurg. Psychiatry 65, 583-586 (1998). Division of Neuroscience and Psychological Medicine, Imperial College School of Medicine, National Hospital for Neurology and Neurosurgery, London, UK. The Holmes-Adie syndrome consists of unilateral or bilateral tonic pupils with near light dissociation and tendon areflexia. It is associated with autonomic disturbances affecting sudomotor and vasomotor function. Five such patients are reported on who also had a troublesome chronic dry cough, which was of unknown aetiology and was resistant to a range of treatments. The cough may be related to involvement of afferent or efferent pathways in the vagus. Chronic cough may be an accompaniment in the Holmes-Adie syndrome, like other forms of autonomic dysfunction.