Extractions: AllRefer Channels :: Yellow Pages Reference Health Home ... Contact Us Quick Jump Adolescent Development Aging Changes in Skin Alcohol Use Body Mass Index Breast Lump Self Exam Condoms, Female Condoms, Male Contraception and Family Planning Developmental milestones Diabetic Education Drug abuse Emergency Contraception Exercise/Physical Activity Fetal Development Fitness Tips Genetics Heart Disease and Women Hormone Replacement Therapy Immune Response Immunizations/Vaccinations Infant/Newborn Development Living Will Orgasmic Dysfunction Physical Exam Frequency Pregnancy Care Puberty/Adolescence Rape Recognizing Emergencies Safe Sex Safety Sexual Problems Smoking/Tobacco Use Stress Management Weight Management 500+ More Special Topics Alternative Medicine Health News Symptoms Guide Special Topics ... Medical Encyclopedia
NPS - Therapeutic Areas: Gastrointestinal Disorders gastrointestinal disorders (GI). The gastrointestinal (GI) tract is a complex system of organs involved in the transport, digestion, and absorption of http://www.npsp.com/drug_development/ta_gi.php
Extractions: The gastrointestinal (GI) tract is a complex system of organs involved in the transport, digestion, and absorption of nutrients. It also plays an important role in the excretion of toxic chemicals, pathogens, and by-products of digestive processes, and in balancing the absorption and secretion of electrolytes and water. Gastrointestinal diseases that interfere with these processes can have severe consequences in the quality of life for the people that suffer from them. Medical treatments and nutrition adjustments are the primary interventions for gastrointestinal diseases; frequently used medications include anti-inflammatories, immunosuppressants, antibiotics, corticosteroids and antidiarrheals. The goals of treatment are to correct nutritional deficiencies, control inflammation and relieve painful symptoms. Vitamins, nutritional supplements, and balanced diets are also recommended for patients. Glucagon-like peptide-2 (GLP-2) is a hormone that regulates the growth of the mucosal lining of the small intestine, maintaining its structure and function. Although the complete physiological function and exact mechanism of action of this peptide are still being established, preclinical studies have shown that administration of GLP-2 to animals produces a significant increase in both the mass and absorptive surface area of the inner lining of the small bowel. Intestinal absorption increased following therapeutic administration of GLP-2 in animals. In addition, based on studies done to date, GLP-2 appears to have biological activity exclusively in the GI system.
About GERD Reliable information from IFFGD about this common disorder. 20002005 International Foundation for Functional gastrointestinal disorders, Inc. (IFFGD). http://www.aboutgerd.org/
Extractions: About GERD The most frequent symptoms of GERD are so common that they may not be associated with a disease. Self-diagnosis can lead to mistreatment. Consultation with a physician is essential to proper diagnosis and treatment of GERD. Gastroesophageal reflux disease, or GERD, affects at least an estimated 5% to once per day heartburn.) Heartburn and/or acid regurgitation experienced weekly has been found to occur in 19.8% of individuals. Who we are: IFFGD is a registered nonprofit education and research organization founded in 1991. News Help about Coping with Trauma or Disaster Questions about non-steroidal anti-infammatory drugs ( NSAIDs ) and the gut?
Elsevier Statements developed by the American Gastroenterological Association regarding management of gastrointestinal disorders. http://www2.gastrojournal.org/scripts/om.dll/serve?action=open&location=gast
Gastrointestinal Disorders gastrointestinal disorders Upper and Lower Diagnostic Tests for gastrointestinal disorders. For consumers, this are fact sheets for patient education. http://www.fiu.edu/~nutreldr/SubjectList/G/Gastrointestinal_Disorders.htm
Extractions: Gastrointestinal Disorders: Upper and Lower Research and Reports Resources Web Links 2002 and earlier 2002 and earlier Research and Reports Mysliwiec PA, Brown ML, Klabunde CN, Ransohoff DF. Are physicians doing too much colonoscopy? A national survey of colorectal surveillance after polypectomy.2004 ; 141: 4: 264-271. Hebuterne X. Gut changes attributed to ageing: effects on intestinal microflora. Curr Opin Clin Nutr Metab Care ... J Am Geriatr Soc. 2002 and earlier Cheskin LJ, Kamal N, Crowell MD, Schuster MM, Whitehead WE. Mechanisms of constipation in older persons and effects of fiber compared with placebo. J Am Geriatr Soc. Creelman PC. Use of breakfast cereals for constipation in elderly persons. Am Fam Physician. Evans JM, Fleming KC, Talley NJ, Schleck CD, Zinsmeister AR, Melton LJ, 3rd. Relation of colonic transit to functional bowel disease in older people: A population based study. J Am Geriatr Soc. Gill HS, Darragh AJ, Cross ML. Optimizing immunity and gut function in the elderly. J Nutr Health Aging
IFFGD Research Irritable Bowel Syndrome, GERD and other functional GI disorders are addressed by IFFGD, a nonprofit education and research organization. Providing a community of support. http://www.iffgd.org/Research/Research.html
Extractions: giResearch.org IFFGD IFFGD is a leader in the fight for more research to improve diagnostic and treatment options. We provide a voice to those affected - making the needs and concerns of those with functional GI disorders known to the physicians, nurses, therapists, and researchers who are working with patients and searching for answers. We also foster scientific exchange among leading researchers and clinicians through our biennial symposium, and we have collaborated on several projects to evaluate the prevalence of these disorders and to determine the needs of those affected. IFFGD 2005 Research Awards
Gastrointestinal Disorders Provides referrals and literature on a broad range of subjects concerning diabetes, digestive disorders, http://my.webmd.com/hw/digestive_problems/shc99gas.asp
Extractions: Support and education for persons affected by digestive motility disorders. Serves as educational resource and information base for medical professionals. Physician referrals, video tapes, large variety of educational materials, networking support, symposiums, and several publications. Dues $35/US; 42/Int'l (can be waived).
EMedicine Journal - CONSTIPATION - Acute, Subacute And Chronic Constipation; Bow Dr. Marc Basson offers a clinical overview of acute, subacute, and chronic constipation, one of the most common gastrointestinal disorders. Includes recommendations on selfdiagnosis, diet, exercise, and other lifestyle changes. http://www.emedicine.com/med/topic2833.htm
Extractions: (advertisement) Home Specialties Resource Centers CME ... Patient Education Articles Images CME Patient Education Advanced Search Consumer Health Link to this site Back to: eMedicine Specialties Medicine, Ob/Gyn, Psychiatry, and Surgery Gastroenterology Last Updated: January 10, 2005 Rate this Article Email to a Colleague Synonyms and related keywords: bowel movement , BM, anorectal disorders, diverticular disease , stool frequency, colonic dysmotility , defecation, anorectal manometry, hard stools , straining, hemorrhoid anal fissure , infrequent bowel movements, difficulty in defecation, sensation of incomplete bowel evacuation, colonic diverticular disease hemorrhoidal disease acute hemorrhoidal disease , chronic hemorrhoidal disease, acute hemorrhoidal thrombosis acute anal fissure , tenesmus, rectal tumor Hirschsprung disease Chagas disease hypothyroidism ... Parkinson disease , stool consistency, impaired colorectal motility, motility abnormality, anorectal disease, hypotonic laxative colon, laxatives colonic outlet obstruction rectal outlet obstruction neoplastic obstruction , bowel motility, laxative abuse, colonic tumor colon cancer sigmoidoscopy rectal prolapse , colonic ileus, intra-abdominal infection hypothyroidism , obstipation, Gastrografin enema, air contrast barium enema, colonoscopy , defecography, anismus, colorectal cancer large bowel obstruction , dietary fiber, fiber supplementation, stool softeners, psychiatric constipation, psychological constipation, somatic constipation
Extractions: Source Mayo Clinic Date Print this page Email to friend ROCHESTER, Minn. Mayo Clinic researchers report in the current issue of Mayo Clinic Proceedings an association between gastrointestinal disorders and sleep disturbances. The association is important because these problems cause significant health issues including greater need for general medical and mental health treatment. Related News Stories (October 9, 1997) full story Mayo Clinic Researchers Find Link Between Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS), Alcoholism And Mental Illness (November 10, 2004) Mayo Clinic researchers have found evidence to suggest a common genetic link between irritable bowel syndrome, alcoholism and mental illness. The results of this study are being presented on Monday ... full story Dog Tired? It Could Be Your Pooch (February 15, 2002) full story Mayo Researchers Find Link Between Lower Urinary Tract Symptoms And Sexual Dysfunction In Older Men (June 8, 2004)
HON Mother & Child Glossary, Gastrointestinal Disorders In Childhood HON Mother Child Glossary, gastrointestinal disorders in Childhood. The most common gastrointestinal problems in children are Infectious Gastroenteritis http://www.hon.ch/Dossier/MotherChild/child_gastro/child_gastro.html
Extractions: On this page we look at Infectious Gastroenteritis. Infectious Gastroenteritis Description Diarrhea, Infantile Gastroenteritis Diarrhea : Passage of excessively liquid or excessively frequent stools. [1] Salmonella Infections : Infections with bacteria of the genus SALMONELLA. [1] Shigella : A genus of gram-negative, facultatively anaerobic, rod-shaped bacteria that ferments sugar without gas production. Its organisms are intestinal pathogens of man and other primates and cause bacillary dysentery (DYSENTERY, BACILLARY). [1] Campylobacter Infections : Infections with bacteria of the genus CAMPYLOBACTER. [1]
Extractions: THE PHYSICIAN AND SPORTSMEDICINE - VOL 25 - NO. 11 - NOVEMBER 97 In Brief: Gastrointestinal symptoms in physically active persons can be caused by gut ischemia, dehydration, the use of tobacco and alcohol, medications, and certain foods and fluids. Exercise may also unmask underlying medical problems, the more serious being inflammatory bowel disease, ulcers, and malignancy. Athletes often ignore or are reluctant to talk about symptoms, so physicians must ask specific questions. Diagnosis requires checking orthostatic blood pressure to detect dehydration and conducting a thorough physical examination. Laboratory tests may include a complete blood count, iron studies, thyroid and occult-blood tests, and stool cultures. Treatment may include simple dietary or exercise modifications or medications. Antidiarrheal medications, however, may cause troublesome central nervous system side effects. G astrointestinal (GI) problems are common among athletes. Exercise-related symptoms in the upper GI tract can include nausea, bloating, heartburn, and acid reflux; symptoms of the lower GI tract may include diarrhea, the urge to defecate, and rectal bleeding (1). Such symptoms are often seen as a natural result of sports participation and hard training, so an athlete may ignore symptoms and seek medical care only when they become severe enough to interfere with performance. Unfortunately, GI symptoms can signal more serious conditions, such as "food poisoning," inflammatory bowel disease, or cancer, and physicians must not assume that athletes are immune to these.
Gastrointestinal Disorders And Sleep Disturbances A populationbased study on sleep uncovered an association between sleep and some gastrointestinal disorders. The authors found that people who had sleep http://ibscrohns.about.com/od/dailylife/a/sleep.htm
Extractions: var zLb=7; var zIoa1 = new Array('Suggested Reading','The Bathroom Dream','http://ibscrohns.about.com/cs/mentalhealth/a/bathroomdream.htm','Mental Health and IBD','http://ibscrohns.about.com/od/mentalhealth/'); var zIoa2 = new Array('How-Tos From Sleep Disorders','How To Improve Your Sleep','http://sleepdisorders.about.com/cs/gettingtosleep/ht/Improve_Sleep.htm','How To Cope With Night Sweats','http://sleepdisorders.about.com/cs/sweats/ht/Night%20Sweats.htm','How To Practice Self Hypnosis','http://sleepdisorders.about.com/cs/relaxation/ht/Self_Hypnosis.htm'); zJs=10 zJs=11 zJs=12 zJs=13 zc(5,'jsc',zJs,9999999,'') zfs=0;zCMt='a61' About Irritable Bowel / Crohn's Disease Daily Life Gastrointestinal Disorders and Sleep Disturbances Crohn's Disease Essentials Crohn's Disease FAQ Irritable Bowel Syndrome FAQ ... Help zau(256,140,140,'el','http://z.about.com/0/ip/417/C.htm','');w(xb+xb+' ');zau(256,140,140,'von','http://z.about.com/0/ip/496/6.htm','');w(xb+xb); Sign Up Now for the Irritable Bowel / Crohn's Disease newsletter!
Gastrointestinal Disorders And Sleep Disturbances A recent populationbased study uncovered an association between sleep and some gastrointestinal disorders. People who had sleep disturbances were more http://ibscrohns.about.com/b/a/133537.htm
Extractions: zJs=10 zJs=11 zJs=12 zJs=13 zc(5,'jsc',zJs,9999999,'') zfs=0;zCMt='a61' About Irritable Bowel / Crohn's Disease Crohn's Disease Essentials ... Help zau(256,140,140,'el','http://z.about.com/0/ip/417/C.htm','');w(xb+xb+' ');zau(256,140,140,'von','http://z.about.com/0/ip/496/6.htm','');w(xb+xb); Sign Up Now for the Irritable Bowel / Crohn's Disease newsletter! A recent population-based study uncovered an association between sleep and some gastrointestinal disorders. People who had sleep disturbances were more likely to also have irritable bowel syndrome than people who did not have sleep disturbances. How can you improve your sleep if you have a chronic disorder? Email to a Friend
Gastrointestinal Disorders gastrointestinal disorders. Radiology cases gastrointestinal system. This teaching resource, created by Dr. Taka Miyabayashi et al. of the University of http://vetgate.ac.uk/browse/cabi/faed61154cb6bf3480f2fd044869234a.html
Extractions: low graphics Plants affecting the digestive system : part 2 This full-text document provides information on plants which affect the digestive system of animals. The document discusses plants which can cause obstructions or gastrointestinal impaction, or vomiting, looking at the clinical signs, principal toxins, and treatment required. Common forms of nightshade which cause animal poisoning are also covered. This chapter is authored by AP Knight of the Veterinary Teaching Hospital at Colorado State University, and RG Walter of the Department of Biology at Colorado State University, and is taken from "A Guide to Plant Poisoning of Animals in North America" edited by AP Knight and RG Walter. Chapters of this book are published by the International Veterinary Information Service (IVIS). This chapter is also provided in PDF and can be viewed using Adobe Acrobat Reader. vomiting veterinary medicine poisonous plants obstruction ... Gastro-intestinal parasites of cats This full text document on gastro-intestinal parasites of cats is authored by DD Bowman of the College of Veterinary Medicine, Cornell University, et al. It provides information on parasites of the mouth, stomach, small intestine, and large intestine including protozoa, nematodes, trematodes, and cestodes. The document is taken from "Companion and Exotic Animal Parasitology" edited by Professor DD Bowman College of Veterinary Medicine, Cornell University. Chapters of this book are published online by the International Veterinary Information Service (IVIS). This chapter is also provided in PDF, and can be viewed using Adobe Acrobat Reader.
Gastrointestinal Disorders gastrointestinal disorders. Digestive Disease MCW HealthLink International Foundation for Functional gastrointestinal disorders (IFFGD) http://www.ability.org.uk/Gastrointestinal_Disorders.html
Extractions: Our Aims Services Stats ... Z Gastrointestinal Disorders Digestive Disease - MCW HealthLink International Foundation for Functional Gastrointestinal Disorders (IFFGD) Rome II: The Functional Gastrointestinal Disorders UNC-CH Functional Gastrointestinal Disorders Center ... Gastrosite - Designed for healthcare professionals, this site contains information about TRITEC plus clarithromycin and gastrointestinal disorders. The Endoscopy Center of Pensacola Digestive Specialists, Inc - Medical practice restricted to gastrointestinal system disorders, including esophagus, stomach, liver, gallbladder, pancreas, small intestine, and colon diseases. Self Care Community Diagnostic Tests fact sheets on six diagnostic tests involving gastrointestinal disorders. Chinese Herbal Medicine Practitioner Webmaster . Site Design by Ability "see the ability, not the disability" Acknowledgments
Gastrointestinal Disorders Gastrointestinal symptoms such as bloating, gas, and frequent indigestion The symptoms of Liver Stagnation mainly include smooth muscle disorders. http://www.herbldoc.com/GI.htm
Extractions: Gastrointestinal Disturbances Irritable Bowel Syndrone Treatment of Irritable Bowel Syndrome with Chinese Herbs from: Huang Suiping, Department of Internal Medicine, Provincial Hospital of Guangdong, Journal of Traditional Chinese Medicine 31 (3) 1990. translated and edited by Dr. Fu Kezhi (Harbin) Thirty patients suffering from irritable bowel syndrome were treated with: Tiao Gan Fang (Liver Harmonizing Formula) Bupleurum Peony Chih-ko Saussurea Atractylodes Siler Ilex Oiubiying) [Note: juibiying is not available in the West but can be substituted by another species of Ilex, such as maodongqing.S.D.] Formula modifications: Spleen Oi deficiency: add astragalus and codonopsis Dampness: add coptis The formula is made in the form of pills, 6 grams taken each time, three times daily (total 18 grams per day). Decoctions were used in a few patients if substantial modifications were deemed necessary. The proportions of herbs used in the pills or decoctions was said to be "an appropriate amount." The patients were diagnosed by traditional methods to reveal that all thirty cases were of the Liver Qi stagnation type nine cases were complicated by Spleen deficiency. All patients complained of diarrhea and accompanying abdominal pain.
Extractions: or find by letter: A-F G-L M-R S-Z Center for Motility and Functional Gastrointestinal Disorders Center for Motility Motility Clinics Center for Continence of Urine and Bowel (CUB) Center for Aero-Digestive Disorders (CADD) Research ... Contact Us Return to Gastroenterology/Nutrition Home Clinical Services Center for Motility The Motility Center at Children's Hospital Boston is a subspecialty program within the Division of Gastroenterology. Our mission is to provide state of the art care and evaluation to children with motility and functional bowel disorders, and to their families. We evaluate and manage infants, children, adolescents and young adults with a wide variety of disorders resulting from abnormal motility or sensation of the gastrointestinal tract. Patients with motility disorders are referred to our center from New England, all of the United States and from around the world. The Center also has a large educational and research component. Within the Motility Center we offer several clinical programs that specialize in treating complex issues through a multidisciplinary approach, including: Motility Clinics
Extractions: FUNCTIONAL BOWEL DISORDERS Contributed by the International Foundation for Functional Gastrointestinal Disorders (IFFGD) and edited by the Patient Care Committee of the ACG. INTRODUCTION Doctors use the word functional to describe symptoms or problems when they can find no anatomical abnormalities. The problem has to do with function of the affected organs, where things dont work or feel quite right. Symptoms of functional bowel disorders can occur anywhere in the gastrointestinal system. This chapter will focus on symptoms that occur in the mid or lower abdominal area. These disorders include functional diarrhea, functional constipation, functional abdominal bloating, functional abdominal pain syndrome and irritable bowel syndrome, which will be discussed in a separate chapter. WHAT IS FUNCTIONAL DIARRHEA? In functional diarrhea, there is frequent or urgent passage of loose or watery stool (bowel movements), but no cause can be found. The diarrhea is usually chronic, meaning it can happen on a fairly regular basis over months to years. There is no one set definition of diarrhea that fits all people. The normal pattern of bowel movements varies from one person to the next. What is normal for some may be abnormal for others. In a broad sense, the normal bowel frequency ranges from three bowel movements per day to three per week, consisting of firm stools passed with no urgency or straining. Some people are fine outside of this range.