Flat Chest Kitten (FCK) Defect In cats, the two most common are pectus excavatum ( funnel chest ) and flatchest (FCK). There are over a dozen reports about pectus excavatum in the http://www.catvet.homestead.com/FCK.html
Extractions: A number of chest wall deformities have been described in cats and dogs in the veterinary literature. In cats, the two most common are pectus excavatum ("funnel chest") and flat chest (FCK). There are over a dozen reports about pectus excavatum in the literature, including papers describing surgical correction, but very little about FCK. It is important to understand the difference between the two conditions so they can be identified correctly. In pectus excavatum, the chest cavity is narrower top to bottom as the sterum is displaced upward. In severe cases, the lack of space compresses the heart and lungs. Common signs in moderate to severely affected cats include exercise intolerance, trouble breathing, cough, weight loss or failure to gain weight. In FCK, the ribcage is angled sharply at the costochondral junction, causing the ventral part of the chest to be flattened. FCK varies from very mild to very severe and life-threatening. The condition is not apparent at birth, but becomes obvious within the first few weeks of life. Mildly affected kittens may appear perfectly normal as adults. Moderate to severely affected kittens will have difficulty breathing and poor weight gain. The worst affected kittens will die.
Jornal Brasileiro De Pneumologia - Key words funnel chest. Anthropometry/methods. Albrecht A, Horst M. Long termresults of operative funnel chest correction. Valuation by subjective and http://www.scielo.br/scielo.php?pid=S1806-37132004000600003&script=sci_arttext&t
Jornal Brasileiro De Pneumologia - Translate this page Albrecht A, Horst M. Long term results of operative funnel chest correction.Valuation by subjective and objective criteria including moire-topography. http://www.scielo.br/scielo.php?pid=S1806-37132004000600003&script=sci_arttext&t
Extractions: @import url("http://www.meetup.com/templates/default_v2/site.css"); @import url( http://www.meetup.com/templates/default_v2/images.css ); To organize a local Hurricane Support Meetup for free, email us All Pectus Deformities Meetup Groups What's this? Add to your site google_color_bg = 'eef6fe'; google_color_border = 'D6E3F6'; google_color_line = 'bdd0ee'; google_alternate_color = 'eef6fe'; google_hints = "Pectus Deformities"; Country United States of America Canada Great Britain Australia Afghanistan Albania Algeria American Samoa Andorra Angola Anguilla Antarctica Argentina Armenia Aruba Australia Austria Azerbaijan Bahamas Bahrain Bangladesh Barbados Belarus Belgium Belize Benin Bermuda Bhutan Bolivia Bosnia-Herzegovina Botswana Brazil Brunei Bulgaria Burkina Faso Burundi Cambodia Cameroon Canada Cape Verde Cayman Islands Central Africa Chad Chile China Colombia Comoros Congo Congo (Dem. Rep.)
Pectus Info Pages: Our Experience we knew that Gina s condition was commonly called funnel chest , and idlebrowsing under funnel chest brought up Pectus excavatum and led us http://www.users.bigpond.com/conover/PE/pe3.htm
Extractions: bronchiolitis , infant bronchitis. As can happen in tiny babies, the congestion made breathing harder, and in trying to get enough air through the blocked passages, the spaces between the ribs were retracted. She didn't seem very ill, she wasn't feverish , irritable or unable to feed. When I noticed the retraction I took her to the Children's Hospital. She and I stayed in hospital overnight for observation but she had no treatment. I don't recall noticing that her breastbone was depressed at this time, but not long afterward it became obvious. croup . Her first attack of croup happened when we were camping in the bush, and we ended up taking her to hospital where she spent the night in an oxygen tent. Later attacks weren't so bad and were resolved by using a vaporiser. shortness of breath, heart pounding painfully against her breastbone, dizziness, faintness, tingling in lips, fingers and toes and even midriff . She'd break out in a sweat and get red in the face but her lips and nails would go very pale. mild increase in beat is going to feel uncomfortable and be noticed. This began to happen to Gina much of the time she ate.
United States Patent Application: 0050143638 0006 Elsewhere (see The funnel chest. Stages and Shape Correction, Dr. Hans PeterHummer, Zuckschwerdt Verlag, Munich, Bern, Vienna, 1985, pages 10, 11, http://appft1.uspto.gov/netacgi/nph-Parser?Sect1=PTO2&Sect2=HITOFF&p=2&u=/netaht
Dorlands Medical Dictionary foveated chest, funnel chest, pectus excavatum. keeled chest, pectus carinatum.paralytic chest, a long and narrow chest with emaciation so that the ribs http://www.merckmedicus.com/pp/us/hcp/thcp_dorlands_content.jsp?pg=/ppdocs/us/co
Anaesthesia.de In patients with funnel chest operation 23 epidural anesthesia resulted in a Morimoto A, Inokuchi M, Shin T Anesthesia for funnel chest operation. http://www.anaesthesia.de/economic_aspects.htm
Extractions: Economic aspects of acute pain therapy have been mainly investigated in patients with postoperative pain. Evidence increases that in these patients more sophisticated analgesic techniques e.g. regional analgesia, patient controlled analgesia, multimodal analgesia, significantly improve the quality of patient care compared to conventional pain regimens. Increases of personnel costs together with recent cost reductions of PCA pumps now make PCA cost effective. Several recent studies have demonstrated that in specific subgroups improved analgesia in the direct postoperative period prevents from complications and facilitates early discharge from the PACU and ICU and even may reduce hospital stay. In chronic pain only few data seem to be proven. Inpatient therapy is more expensive than outpatient therapy with similar outcome results. The limited effectiveness of several invasive methods in pain therapy do not justify the high price in any case. Analgesic therapy may differ by a factor of up to 1 : 30 between different opioids. There is a lack of clear investigations focussing on costs related to outcome or pain relief.
Extractions: Nuss Procedure for Pectus Excavatum Overview Causes and Symptoms Pectus excavatum is caused by excessive growth of the connective tissue that joins the ribs to the sternum (called the costosternal cartilage). This results in the inward movement, or depression, of the sternum that can range from mild to severe. The symptoms are often related to the severity of the depression. Some individuals do not experience any untoward symptoms at all. If the depression is deep, it can affect the heart and the lungs. Some symptoms that may occur include: Pectus excavatum can also cause individuals to become self-conscious, anxious, and even experience psychological difficulties. Diagnosis Diagnosis is made using the following (the need for these varies by individual): Complete health history Thorough physical examination Chest X-ray, Computerized Tomography (CT) scan, or Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) of the chest.
Mikromed - Funnel Chest Return to Main Menu Show All funnel chest Implants More information aboutMikromed Ltd. Contact PLATES CROSSBARS. funnel chest reconstruction http://www.mikromed.pl/katalog/mostek_eng/poprzeczki.htm
Extractions: Cosmetic Surgery Lipo-transplantation Burn Cases (photo) Doctor Tetsuo SHU ... W¦QÁÌÆÒlà¨Cyɨâ¢í¹¾³¢ »ÝAèåWÅ·B¨Cyɨâ¢í¹¾³¢B 50th Anniversary Congress of International Academy of Cosmetic Surgery 5th World Congress of Asian Pacific Academy of Cosmetic Surgery Live Surgical Demonstrations : November 21, 2005 Examination for Board-Certified Cosmetic Surgeon of International Board of Cosmetic Surgery: November 15-17, 2005 Welcome Message AJbnðwï Workshop (2005/11/20) (Aesthetic Lipodissolve) [NVbvÌÚ×Æóu¿à Lecturers Workshop Registration Fee Registration Form (on line) Registration Form (FAX / Mail) [NVbvR[XXPW [ Schedule Scientific Pre Program Organizing committee November 15-17, 2005
Extractions: Sympathectomy This is a minimally invasive surgical procedure that is done to treat hyperhidrosis. Hyperhidrosis Thymectomy This is a surgical procedure done to remove part or all of the thymus gland. It is frequently performed in conjunction with medical therapy for myasthenia gravis or a thymoma. The thymus gland is located in the upper chest under the breastbone. It is composed of small lobes and is shaped somewhat like a butterfly wing over the windpipe. Hormones produced by the thymus gland are thought to affect the immune system and neuromuscular transmission although its exact role in Myasthenia Gravis is not completely understood. A thymectomy may be performed in one of two ways, the transsternal approach or the transcervical approach. Your surgeon will discuss with you which approach would be best. Mediastinal resections This is a surgical procedure done to resect or remove tumors in the mediastinum. The mediastinum is the area between the right and left pleural cavities(where the lungs are) and contains the heart, great vessels, lower esophagus and trachea, multiple lymph nodes and thymus gland. Types of tumors that may occur here include lymphomas (Hodgkin's and Non-hodgkin's), germ cell, mesenchymal and neural tumors. Referral to the
¡Û ¾È³çÇϼ¼¿ä! Funnel Chest ¿À¸ñ°¡½¿ÀÔ´Ï´Ù. ¡Û Translate this page The summary for this Korean page contains characters that cannot be correctly displayed in this language/character set. http://www.funnel.co.kr/
Extractions: @import "/css/style.css"; Home About the Hospitals Donate or Volunteer Contact Us ... 2002 Press Releases December 13, 2002 A new minimally invasive procedure offers patients suffering from pectus excavatumcommonly known as funnel chestbetter results than conventional surgery. In the Chicago area, the procedure is being performed at the University of Chicago Children's Hospital (UCCH). Pectus excavatum is a congenital malformation of the chest cavity. Thousands of children suffer from it. Patients with this deformity experience shortness of breath, the result of compressed lungs. Conventional surgery for pectus excavatum required the breastbone to be broken and repositioned. A short bar was then wired to the ribs. Patients were left with a large chest scar. It took weeks to recover from the surgery. Postoperative complications, such as a stiff chest, were common. Now, UCCH offers a new approach based on a technique known as the Nuss procedure. This minimally invasive surgery (MIS) requires only a one-inch incision made on each side of the chest. A thoracoscope and a surgical steel U-shaped bar are threaded underneath the rib cage. The bar is then rotated 180 degrees to move the chest into the normal position. Patients are released from the hospital within a few days with only small scars on their chest. Donald Liu, MD, chief of pediatric surgery at UCCH, performed the first Nuss procedures at UCCH last summer. Liu will perform the procedure on two more patients on Friday, Dec. 13, 2002.
Ordlista Kölbröst, funnel chest / Pectus excavatum, Bröstbenet buktar utåt så en ås Pectus excavatum, Pectus excavatum funnel chest , Bröstbenet buktar inåt så http://user.tninet.se/~dyh684a/Ordlista/Ordlista.htm
Extractions: A Adventitia Förkortning av tunica adventitia, som är det yttersta bindvävslagret i en kärlvägg eller annat tubformat organ Anemi Anaemia Blodbrist = nedsatt halt av blodfärgämne i blodet Aneurysm Aneurysm Artärbråck Angiografi Angiography Kärlröntgen, kontraströntgen av blodkärl Angiokardiografi Hjärtkärlsröntgen Anomali Anomaly Oregelbundenhet, avvikning från det normala Antikoagulation Anticoagulation Förhindrande av blodets levrande Aorta Aorta Stora kroppspulsådern Aortaaneurysm Aortic aneurysm Utvidgning av aortan Aorta ascendens Aorta ascendens Uppåtgående delen av aortan Aorta descendens Aorta descendens Nedåtgående delen av aortan Aortadilatation Aortic dilatation Utvidgning av aortan Aortadissektion Aortic dissection Aortaväggen brister så att väggens lager skiljs åt Aortainsufficiens Aortic insufficiency Läkage på aortaklaffen Aortaklaff Aortic valve Klaffen mellan vänster kammare och aortan Aortakoarktation Coarctation of the aorta Aortaförträngning Aortaruptur Aortic rupture Aortadissektion som brister genom hela kärlväggen Araknodaktyli Arachnodactyly Onormalt långa och smala fingrar och tår Artrit Arthritis Ledgångsinflammation Artros Arthrosis Tidig förslitning av en led Asymtomatisk Asymptomatic Symtomfri, fri från sjukdomstecken
TUD - Die TU Dresden - Wissenschaftliche Zeitschrift 3/2002 Translate this page The minimally invasive repair of funnel chest A new technique for correctionof pectus excavatum. Pradel, Winnie Die interdisziplinäre Behandlung von http://web-redaktion.tu-dresden.de/die_tu_dresden/verwaltung/dezernat_5/sachgebi
Extractions: @import url(http://web-redaktion.tu-dresden.de/jscalendar/calendar-system.css); Direkt zum Inhalt English Suche ... Login Pers¶nliche Werkzeuge Startseite Wissenschaftliche Zeitschrift Ausgaben der Wissenschaftlichen Zeitschrift Wissenschaftliche Zeitschrift 3/2002 Sektionen Die TU Dresden Studium Forschung Weiterbildung ... Aktuelles Die TU Dresden Medizin â neue Verfahren, Methoden und Therapien Preface Zellbiologische Verfahren und Werkstoffe Lange Zeit gab man sich damit zufrieden, Zellen unter Bedingungen zu halten, die lediglich vom Medium der Temperatur und dem CO Cytobiological Methods and Materials Scientists were for a long time satisfied to be able to hold cells under conditions which were defined only roughly by way of the temperature and CO Poll, R¼diger; Rabenau, Matthias:
Extractions: Drug-resistant pulmonary tuberculosis at present time. pp. 59 Summary: Multidrug-resistant (MDR) tuberculosis is becoming a global problem. Research in basic directions of microbial changeability, monitoring and study of clinical aspects of MDR tuberculosis (TB) are needed to improve MDR tuberculosis control measures. The purposes of the study were: to investigate levels and spectrum of MDR TB in various regions of Belarus; to find out biological properties of Mycobacterium tuberculosis (Mb.t) Mb.t Mb.t. Danilova L. L, Murashko N. V.
ã¯RüeOÈ@æVï`Ì¡Ã@`Rl¹ië Translate this page The summary for this Japanese page contains characters that cannot be correctly displayed in this language/character set. http://www.daikanyama-clinic.jp/J_routokyou.htm