Extractions: Le 14 mars 2003, le ministère de la Santé et des Soins de longue durée a alerté les fournisseurs de soins de santé de l'existence de quatre cas de pneumonie atypique, dont deux ont entraîné la mort des personnes atteintes, au sein d'une famille de Toronto. Ces cas ont fourni un lien épidémiologique du syndrome respiratoire aigu sévère en Ontario. Le 26 mars, le SRAS était déclaré une urgence provinciale. Le ministère de la Santé et des Soins de longue durée a pris des mesures pour enrayer la propagation du SRAS en isolant les personnes qui y avaient été exposées, en limitant les visites dans les hôpitaux et en adoptant de nouvelles procédures de contrôle de l'infection à tous les niveaux du système de santé. L'Organisation mondiale de la santé a confirmé que des cas de SRAS lui avaient été signalés dans 31 pays, dont la Chine, Taiwan, Hong Kong, Singapour, le Viêt-Nam, les États-Unis et certaines régions du Canada. L'urgence provinciale a été levée le 17 mai 2003. Cette expérience a permis d'établir des pratiques améliorées afin de faire face à de nouvelles infections, comme le SRAS, dans la collectivité et dans le système de santé. Les leçons qui ont été tirées contribueront à assurer une vigilance permanente ainsi que des normes plus rigoureuses dans les hôpitaux, les cabinets de médecins, les cliniques et dans la gestion de tous les types de maladies infectieuses. Toutefois, les responsables de la santé publique et les fournisseurs de soins de santé prennent des précautions supplémentaires afin de réduire les possibilités de réapparition du SRAS durant la saison de la grippe. La réapparition du SRAS en Ontario est plus susceptible de se produire par l'importation du virus d'une source étrangère. En d'autres termes, la propagation du virus est plus susceptible d'être causée par une personne infectée venant d'une région touchée par le SRAS, à l'extérieur du Canada, et qui aurait un contact étroit avec quelqu'un en Ontario.
Welcome Information about the organization as well as CLS. Includes FAQs, news, links, parent and foundation contact details. http://clsfoundation.tripod.com/
Extractions: (advertisement) Home Specialties Resource Centers CME ... Patient Education Articles Images CME Advanced Search Consumer Health Link to this site Back to: eMedicine Specialties Emergency Medicine Pulmonary Last Updated: January 31, 2005 Rate this Article Email to a Colleague Synonyms and related keywords: adult respiratory distress syndrome, ARDS, severe acute respiratory syndrome, SARS AUTHOR INFORMATION Section 1 of 11 Author Information Introduction Clinical Differentials ... Bibliography Author: Steven A Conrad, MD, PhD , Chief, Department of Emergency Medicine; Chief, Multidisciplinary Critical Care Service, Professor, Department of Emergency and Internal Medicine, Louisiana State University Health Sciences Center Steven A Conrad, MD, PhD, is a member of the following medical societies: American College of Chest Physicians , American College of Critical Care Medicine, American College of Emergency Physicians American College of Physicians International Society for Heart and Lung Transplantation Louisiana State Medical Society ... Society for Academic Emergency Medicine , and Society of Critical Care Medicine Editor(s): Mark S Slabinski, MD
TeamHartley Xlinked Lymphoproliferative syndrome (XLP) or Duncans syndrome. A family site with resources and news for 4 sons who suffer from this disease. http://www.teamhartley.co.uk
Nail Patella Syndrome Worldwide - The home page of NailPatella syndrome Worldwide, the only non-profit serving the needs of people with Nail-Patella syndrome. Includes information on the syndrome and the work of the organization. http://www.nailpatella.org
Extractions: Nail Patella Syndrome (also called Fong's Disease, Hereditary Onycho-Osteodysplasia ['HOOD'] is characterized by several typical abnormalities of the arms and legs as well as kidney disease and glaucoma. It has been recognized as a hereditary condition for over 100 years and is inherited in an autosomal dominant manner. That is, the risk of transmission is 50% per pregnancy, irrespective of gender (just like flipping a coin). Approximately 20% of cases are sporadic, being the result of a new mutation. The incidence is approximately 1 in 50,000 and occurs throughout the world in all ethnic groups. NPS Annual Conference
Magnesium Reviews Mitral Valve Prolapse as a symptom of a magnesium deficiency as well as Anxiety and Psychiatric Disorders, Asthma, Fibromyalgia, Chronic Fatigue syndrome and many other disorders. http://www.ctds.info/5_13_magnesium.html
Extractions: Con nective Tissue Disorder Home Search Site Map ... Links Magnesium is a must. The diets of all Americans are likely to be deficient........Even a mild deficiency causes sensitiveness to noise, nervousness, irritability, mental depression, confusion, twitching, trembling, apprehension, insomnia, muscle weakness and cramps in the toes, feet, legs, or fingers. Adelle Davis, writing in Let's Have Healthy Children Read my Magnesium (Mg) is a trace mineral that is known to be required for several hundred different functions in the body. A significant portion of the symptoms of many chronic disorders are identical to symptoms of magnesium deficiency. Studies show many people in the U.S. today do not consume the daily recommended amounts of Mg. A lack of this important nutrient may be a major factor in many common health problems in industrialized countries. Common conditions such as mitral valve prolapse, migraines, attention deficit disorder, fibromyalgia, asthma and allergies
SOVERNET—Vermont’s Sovereign Connection Article by Kenneth Pope, Ph.D. outlined here; also includes links to a number of other resources pertaining to FMS issues. http://www.sover.net/~schwcof/popelet.html
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NINDS Forwarding Page Compiled by the National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke (NINDS). http://www.ninds.nih.gov/health_and_medical/disorders/brown-sequard.htm
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Mycosis Fungoides Foundation MFF is a nonprofit patient advocacy organization that is dedicated to supporting patients with mycosis fungoides, sezary syndrome, and other forms of cutaneous T-cell lymphomas. Find fact sheets, support, a newsletter, clinical trials, and information. http://www.mffoundation.org
Extractions: How We Got Here Foundation Goals Ongoing Projects Board of Directors ... Contact Us The Mycosis Fungoides Foundation (MFF) is an independent, non-profit patient advocacy organization dedicated to supporting patients with mycosis fungoides, Sezary syndrome and other forms of cutaneous T-cell lymphomas by: The Mycosis Fungoides Foundation, in collaboration with Dr. Marie-France Demierre of Boston University of Medicine, has developed a survey to understand the multiple ways that cutaneous T-cell lymphoma (CTCL) impacts the quality of patients' lives. Dr. Demierre and her colleagues have shown that CTCL can seriously affect patients' quality of life and these findings have important implications in how physicians treat CTCL. Further information is needed, however, and so we are seeking your help. The survey only takes a few minutes to take and should be completed only by patients who have been diagnosed with CTCL or by a caregiver on behalf of the patient. All survey information will be processed anonymously and remain completely confidential. It is intended that the result of the survey will be published in medical literature. Please click here to take the survey online.
MOEBIUS SYNDROME SUPPORT NETWORK HOMEPAGE Bringing together information from and links to medical and lay support for those affected by Moebius syndrome. http://www.ciaccess.com/moebius/
Extractions: What is Moebius Syndrome? Moebius Syndrome is a rare disorder characterized by lifetime facial paralysis. People with Moebius Syndrome can't smile or frown, and they often can't blink or move their eyes from side to side. In some instances, the syndrome is also associated with physical problems in other parts of the body. The Moebius Syndrome Foundation is a nonprofit organization started by parents and people with Moebius Syndrome. We've come together to do what we can to fight back - by spreading the word among the medical and lay communities and by supporting research into the causes, treatments, and possible cures for Moebius Syndrome. Moebius Syndrome is extremely rare. Two important nerves - the sixth and seventh cranial nerves - are not fully developed, causing eye muscle and facial paralysis. The movements of the face - blinking, lateral eye movements, and facial expressions are controlled by these nerves. Many of the other 12 cranial nerves may also be affected, including the 3rd, 5th, 8th, 9th, 11th and 12th.
Velo-Cardio-Facial Educational Foundation Details about this organization as well as an extensive fact sheet about the disease. Includes details about support groups, a mission statement and contact information. http://vcfsef.org/
Extractions: More news to follow soon! Stay tuned for web updates. Welcome to the Official Web Site of the Velo-Cardio-Facial Syndrome (VCFS) Educational Foundation , Inc. The Foundation is an international not-for-profit organization dedicated to providing support and information to individuals who are affected by Velo-Cardio-Facial syndrome, their families, physicians and other practitioners. The Foundation is independent of and not affiliated with any particular institution. VCFS also known as the Shprintzen Syndrome, DiGeorge Sequence and, regrettably, Catch 22 is caused by the deletion of a small segment of the long arm of chromosome 22 (specified as 22q11.2 deletion), and is one of the most common genetic disorders in humans. Velo-Cardio-Facial syndrome is characterized by cleft palate, heart abnormalities, learning disabilities, and over 180 other clinical findings. Please see the VCFS Fact Sheet for details.
Sotos Syndrome Support Association Online community for education of professionals and families and to exchange ideas, gather research, and help one another cope. Quarterly newsletters, reference library, annual meetings, and conferences are available to members and professionals. http://www.well.com/user/sssa/
Extractions: (Since: 15 September 1995) Translate this page with InterTran (tm) Deutsch Français Español Portuguese Japanese (Shift JIS) Finnish Italiano Svensk Russian/Ðóññêèé (CP 1251) Nederlands Brasileiro Danske Íslenska Norsk Croatian/hrvatski (CP 1250) Hungarian/Magyar (CP 1250) Polish/polski (CP 1250) Czech/ceski (CP 1250) Bulgarian (CP 1251) Romanian Serbian/srpski (Latin) Slovenian/slovenski (CP 1250) Greek/Åëëçíéêüò Welsh/'n Cymraeg Please MOVE AND HOLD your MOUSE CURSOR over the little DOWN ARROWS in the translated web page in order to see a pop-up window with ALTERNATIVE TRANSLATIONS. The Sotos Syndrome Support Association is very proud to bring you our Website. It has been compiled from the contributions of members of this association. We hope that it adds value to your understanding of this syndrome and the people who are affected by it. Please drop us a note and let us know what you think.
SPAZIO WEB - Errore Paper by Dr. Nazzareno Freni. Conclusions reached after a 30 year investigation into a pathology of which no traces are listed in international medical literature. http://members.xoom.virgilio.it/frenzo/sequesen.htm
Extractions: On appelle syndrome épileptique la réunion de plusieurs signes cliniques (types de crises épileptiques, retentissement sur le développement mental et moteur) et électroencéphalographiques débutant à un certain âge. Voici la liste des principaux syndromes épileptiques, décrits par le Pr Dulac (sauf mention contraire) : Fiches rédigées par Olivier Dulac (sauf mention contraire),
Peptide Natriurétique De Type B démontré dans ce contexte. Toutefois, il représente un facteur pronostique http://www.esculape.com/cardiologie/bnp.html
Extractions: Comme les autres peptides natriurétiques, le BNP exerce trois actions Une vasodilatation : effet "nitré" Il favorise la diurèse et la natriurèse : effet furosémide Il s'opposenr à l'activité du système rénine angiotensine quand elle est excessive : effet IEC Le BNP apporte donc une réponse physiologique et proportionnelle à l'insuffisance ventriculaire gauche. Le taux plasmatique BNP s'élève avec l'âge, est légèrement plus élevé chez les femmes et le traitement hormonal substitutif l'agmente de 20 % environ. Enfin, il peut être également augmenté en cas de valvulopathies, hypertension artérielle pulmonaire primitive, cirrhose hépatique, hyperthyroïdie, maladie de Cushing, insuffisance rénale, hypoxie et tumeurs cérébrales.
The UDGD Spot - Undiagnosed Genetic Disorders Resources and information for families of children with genetic disabilities or syndromes that are still awaiting a diagnosis. http://www.camp-a-roo.com/UDGD/
Extractions: My name is Mary Bouldin and one of my children has an undiagnosed genetic disorder. As soon as I realized that I had a child with special needs I began to comb the web for information. I quickly ran into a problem. There are literally 1000's of genetic disorders known now and who knows how many will be discovered in the coming years? I found myself weeding through endless web pages looking for information. Thomas Benlan - our genetic mystery. The more common syndromes generally offered this frustrating. I have just opened a chat room at mIRC named #Undiagnosed_Disorders. For you advanced users, I am on irc.dal.net. This chat program is quite simple to use if you are not familiar with it - just click here to get started with a program that will allow you to chat very rapidly on a plethora of topics with people world-wide!
Institut De Veille Sanitaire Le point de la situation au 1er avril 2003, par le l'Institut de veille sanitaire fran§ais (IVSN). http://www.invs.sante.fr/display/?doc=presse/2003/le_point_sur/sras_asie_010403