All Showcase - Cyrptococcosis All Showcase World Directory, All Showcase cyrptococcosis. List of cyrptococcosisinformation, links and web resources. cyrptococcosis All Showcase.
Kypros-Net ESearch Cryptococcal Meningitis Comprehensive information on this yeast-like fungus opportunistic infection, from AEGIS.
Ask The Expert man who was misdiagnosed as having a manic episode, when in fact, he wassuffering from meningeal cyrptococcosis and normal pressure hydrocephalus.
Extractions: Select One Contact CME? Order? Register? Place an Ad? Print Pages? More... ADD/ADHD Alcoholism Alzheimer's Anorexia Anxiety Bipolar Disorder Borderline Bulimia Children Compulsive Dementia Depression Dissociation Drug Abuse Eating Disorders Fear Forgetfulness Hyperactivity Mania Manic-Dep Mood Disorder Narcissistic Neurology Obsessive OCD Panic Paraphilias Phobia Personality Psychosis PTSD Schizophrenia Seasonal Mood Sexual Issues Social Phobia Suicidal Tic Disorders Violence Q. I am trying to find studies/information on meningitis in young children as a possible causal factor in bipolar disorder. Do you know of any? A. I'm not aware of any studies linking meningitis in childhood to subsequent development of bipolar disorder. However, we have a semantic problem here that may complicate your question. By the rules of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, 4th ed (DSM-IV), bipolar disorder would NOT be diagnosed if the individual in question had developed a mood disorder as a direct result of some medical, neurological, or infectious disease process that had affected his/her brain. Other Resources February 2002 Back to Ask the Expert
Conditions And Diseases Specific Diseases C Cyrptococcosis - Conditions and Diseases Specific Diseases C cyrptococcosis All about Conditions and Diseases Specific Diseases C cyrptococcosis
Ask The Expert report describes a 63year-old man who was misdiagnosed as having a manic episode,when in fact, he was suffering from meningeal cyrptococcosis and normal
Extractions: Select One Contact CME? Order? Register? Place an Ad? Print Pages? Ask a Colleague? More... ADD/ADHD Alcoholism Alzheimer's Anorexia Anxiety Bipolar Disorder Borderline Bulimia Children Compulsive Dementia Depression Dissociation Drug Abuse Eating Disorders Fear Forgetfulness Hyperactivity Mania Manic-Dep Mood Disorder Narcissistic Neurology Obsessive OCD Panic Paraphilias Phobia Personality Psychosis PTSD Schizophrenia Seasonal Mood Sexual Issues Social Phobia Suicidal Tic Disorders Violence Q. I am trying to find studies/information on meningitis in young children as a possible causal factor in bipolar disorder. Do you know of any? A. I'm not aware of any studies linking meningitis in childhood to subsequent development of bipolar disorder. However, we have a semantic problem here that may complicate your question. By the rules of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, 4th ed (DSM-IV), bipolar disorder would NOT be diagnosed if the individual in question had developed a mood disorder as a direct result of some medical, neurological, or infectious disease process that had affected his/her brain. Other Resources February 2002 Back to Ask the Expert
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The World Diseases A 2 Z Names By Export2 And Dr Impex Cushing's Syndrome Cyclic Vomiting Syndrome cyrptococcosis Cystathionine Beta Synthase Deficiency D Cystic Fibrosis