Extractions: Facial Paresis: Left Sir Charles Bell Male = Female Recurrence: 7% Side: Right in 63% Increased incidence: Diabetes; Pregnant females Pathogenesis Clinical Features Onset Paralysis: Progresses to maximal defecit over 3 to 72 hours Pain (50%): Near mastoid process Excess tearing (33%) Other: Hyperacusis; Dysgeusia
Extractions: Text Size A A A Front Page ... Genetic Disorders : Mobius Syndrome Mayo Clinic Develops New Coma Measurement System (September 8, 2005) full story Nitric Oxide Could Extend Fertility (September 8, 2005) Biochemistry , an American Chemical Society journal. full story Flipped, Expelled, Copied, And Shrunk: Researchers Document Dramatic Genome Alterations During Primate Evolution (September 6, 2005) Genome Research presents a series of studies that provide insight into the evolution and variation of primate genomes. The issue will appear online and in print on September 1, concomitant with the publication of the chimpanzee genome sequence in the journal Nature full story Discovery Will Aid Identification Of Misregulated Genes In Rett Syndrome (September 4, 2005) Molecular Cell that the "Rett Syndrome protein", MeCP2, only binds to genes with a specific sequence of nucleotide bases. This knowledge will aid in the identification of the genes that are regulated by the gene MECP2. This work was supported, in part, by the Rett Syndrome Research Foundation (RSRF). full story Big Differences In Duplicated DNA Distinguish Chimp And Human Genomes (September 2, 2005)
Extractions: Text Size A A A Front Page ... Conditions and Diseases : Congenital Disorders Detecting Brain Infections Without Surgery (September 7, 2005) full story Marijuana-derived Drug Suppresses Bladder Overactivity And Irritation In Animal Models (September 6, 2005) full story A New Player In The Battle Against Hepatitis Prevents Inflammation And The Death Of Liver Cells (September 5, 2005) full story Pinpointing The Cause Of A Neurodegenerative Disorder (August 30, 2005) full story Gender Hormones May Lend To Social Disorder Therapies (August 29, 2005) full story Scientists Listen To Brain Patterns Of Tone-deafness (August 29, 2005) full story Neurotransmitter Orexin Associated With Pleasure And Reward Pathways In The Brain (August 28, 2005) full story Researchers Find Evidence For 'Tanning Addiction' (August 27, 2005)
%601471 FACIAL PARESIS, HEREDITARY, CONGENITAL; HCFP1 (1967) observed congenital facial diplegia in 3 generations of a family.Masaki (1971) reported father and a son and daughter with bilateral facial http://srs.sanger.ac.uk/srsbin/cgi-bin/wgetz?[omim-ID:601471] -e
%157900 MOEBIUS SYNDROME; MBS (1977) observed congenital facial diplegia and flexion finger contractures in 7members of 3 Neuro, congenital facial diplegia; Cranial nerve VI palsy; http://srs.sanger.ac.uk/srsbin/cgi-bin/wgetz?[omim-ID:157900] -e
Neurology -- Sign In Page congenital facial diplegia due to nuclear lesion. Rev Neurol Psychiatry 1903;1149155 . The spectrum of congenital facial diplegia (Möbius syndrome). http://www.neurology.org/cgi/content/full/64/4/649
Extractions: This Article Abstract Figures Only Full Text (PDF) ... Alert me if a correction is posted Services Email this article to a friend Similar articles in this journal Similar articles in PubMed Alert me to new issues of the journal ... Download to citation manager PubMed PubMed Citation Articles by Verzijl, H. T.F.M. Articles by Padberg, G. W. Related Collections Cranial neuropathy
Neuroguide.com - Human Neurological Diseases congenital facial diplegia. * Mobius Syndrome Information (NINDS) CongenitalFacial Diplegia, Corticobasal Degeneration, Cranial Arteritis http://www.neuroguide.com/cgi-bin/pdistoc.pl?file=CongenitalFacialDiplegia
Neuroguide.com - Human Neurological Diseases Unexplained Facial Pain Medical resources for the treatment of Trigeminal congenital facial diplegia, Corticobasal Degeneration, Cranial Arteritis http://www.neuroguide.com/cgi-bin/pdistoc.pl?file=trigeminal
Extractions: Het Moebius syndroom is een aangeboren aandoening. Het wordt gekenmerkt door een uitdrukkingsloos gezicht. Twee van de twaalf hoofdzenuwen werken niet goed, namelijk de zenuwen die de oogbewegingen en gezichtsexpressie besturen. Vaak werken ook andere zenuwen niet helemaal goed. Er zijn nog andere symptomen die bij het Moebius Syndroom kunnen voorkomen, zoals: kaakvervormingen, afwijkingen aan de tong, slikproblemen, scheelkijken, klompvoeten en handafwijkingen. Soms gaat Moebius samen met een verstandelijke beperking of, in een enkel geval, autisme. Moebius gaat soms samen met de Pierre Robin sequentie Diagnose
Mobius Syndrome . This book has been created forcongenital facial diplegia Syndrome; Congenital Oculofacial Paralysis; MobiusSyndrome; Moebieus Sequence. http://www.icongrouponline.com/health/Mobius_Syndrome.html
Extractions: E B O O K Electronic File * E-Book version sent via e-mail in 2 business days Pages Price $28.95(USD) ISBN Published Synopsis A comprehensive manual for anyone interested in self-directed research on . Fully referenced with ample Internet listings and glossary. Related Conditions/Synonyms Congenital Facial Diplegia Syndrome; Congenital Oculofacial Paralysis; Mobius Syndrome; Moebieus Sequence Description Table of Contents Introduction Overview Organization Scope Moving Forward PART I: THE ESSENTIALS Chapter 1. The Essentials on Mobius Syndrome: Guidelines Overview What Is Mobius Syndrome? Is There Any Treatment? What Is the Prognosis? What Research Is Being Done? Selected References For More Information More Guideline Sources Vocabulary Builder Chapter 2. Seeking Guidance
The Laryngoscope - UserLogin Although unlikely, an incomplete congenital facial diplegia could conceivably bemissed The spectrum of congenital facial diplegia (Moebius syndrome). http://www.laryngoscope.com/pt/re/laryngoscope/fulltext.00005537-199804000-00011
Mobius Syndrome Mobius syndrome, congenital facial diplegia with restriction of lateral eyemovements, was first described by von Graefe in 1880 (von Graefe 1880). http://www.medlink.com/PublicCIP.ASP?access=public&UID=MLT000HD&code=
Mobius Syndrome Synonym(s) congenital facial diplegia. What is Mobius Syndrome? Mobius syndrome,a rare genetic disorder characterized by facial paralysis, http://www.clevelandclinic.org/health/health-info/docs/1300/1307.asp?index=6064&
Journal Of Craniofacial Surgery - UserLogin Henderson J. The congenital facial diplegia syndrome clinical features, pathologyand Engler R, Oetgen W, Hyman L. congenital facial diplegia (Moebius http://www.jcraniofacialsurgery.com/pt/re/jcransurg/fulltext.00001665-200309000-
Entrez PubMed A 13year-old boy with autosomal-dominant congenital facial diplegia was evaluatedby electrophysiol http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/entrez/query.fcgi?cmd=Retrieve&db=PubMed&list_uids=2
Entrez PubMed Pathogenetic considerations on congenital facial diplegia Article in ItalianDi Tizio A, D Ambrosi D. MeSH Terms Abducens Nerve/abnormalities* http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/entrez/query.fcgi?cmd=Retrieve&db=PubMed&list_uids=5
Extractions: This survey of medical eponyms and the persons behind them is meant as a general interest site only. No information found here must under any circumstances be used for medical purposes, diagnostically, therapeutically or otherwise. If you, or anybody close to you, is affected, or believe to be affected, by any condition mentioned here: see a doctor. Akinesia algera; arthrogryposis; congenital abducens-facial paralysis; congenital bulbar paralysis; congenital facial diplegia; congenital facial paralysis; congenital nuclear agenesis; congenital nuclear aplasia; congenital occulofacial paralysis; congenital paralysis of the sixth and seventh nerves; infantile nuclear aplasia; nuclear agenesis syndrome; oculofacial paralysis syndrome; In this very rare syndrome, the abducens and facial nerves, which originate in the brain stem, may not develop from birth. It is characterized by congenital palsy of the external rectus and facial muscles, usually bilateral, associated with paralysis of the sixth and seventh nerves. The patient has a masklike expression and is unable to abduct the eyes beyond midpoint. Involvement of the jaw may cause feeding problems.
Leslie med8589 327 The spectrum of congenital facial diplegia (Moebius syndrome).med75-79 327 Moebius syndrome. med93-95 326 Congenital syndromes of oculomotor http://neuro-www.mgh.harvard.edu/neurowebforum/ChildNeurologyArticles/Leslie.htm
Extractions: Although previuosly it was thought that there was an agenesis ( failure to develop )of the control centers for the cranial nerves ( especially cranial nerve VI and VII) some of the recent research seems to call this into question. If there is complete agenesis this means that there is no possibility of the facial paralysis improving or worsening. One recent report describes muscle recruitment measured by EMG studies in two Moebius patients following treatment with simple physical therapy. In another report there is described improvement in facial paralysis using biofeedback techniques (the patients were both children). The Miami Project in FL seems to be the center that is doing the most research with biofeedback training in muscle paralysis. There is also a research center in England who claims to have gotten improvement in muscle hypotonia and facial paralysis using a type of tactile kinesthetic stimulation using "brushing technique" wirth a number of Moebius patients (mostly children). As of yet their research is unpublished. There are likewise reports of a Moebius patient's paralysis worsening and thought to be caused by a superimposed Bell's Palsy. When I was younger I recieved treatment at the Michigan State University
Extractions: A syndrome of congenital facial paralysis, frequently associated with abducens palsy and other congenital abnormalities including lingual palsy, clubfeet, brachial disorders, cognitive deficits, and pectoral muscle defects. Pathologic findings are variable and include brain stem nuclear aplasia, facial nerve aplasia, and facial muscle aplasia, consistent with a multifactorial etiology. (Adams et al., Principles of Neurology, 6th ed, p1020) Synonyms and Source Vocabularies: