Extractions: Feedback old master n. A distinguished European artist of the period from about 1500 to the early 1700s, especially one of the great painters of this period. A work created by one of these artists. Thesaurus Legend: Synonyms Related Words Antonyms Noun old master - a great European painter prior to 19th century maestro master - an artist of consummate skill; "a master of the violin"; "one of the old masters" painter - an artist who paints Bosch Hieronymus Bosch Jerom Bos - Dutch painter (1450-1516) Alessandro di Mariano dei Filipepi Botticelli Sandro Botticelli - Italian painter of mythological and religious paintings (1444-1510) Breughel Breughel the Elder Bruegel Brueghel ... Pieter Brueghel the Elder - Flemish painter of landscapes (1525-1569) Caravaggio Michelangelo Merisi da Caravaggio - Italian painter noted for his realistic depiction of religious subjects and his novel use of light (1573-1610) Cimabue Giovanni Cimabue - painter of the Florentine school; anticipated the move from Byzantine to naturalistic art (1240-1302)
Extractions: Feedback Bruges (br zh) A city of northwest Belgium connected by canal with the North Sea. It was founded in the 9th century and was a leading member of the Hanseatic League in the 13th century. Today the old city is a popular tourist center known as "the City of Bridges." Population: 117,000. Thesaurus Legend: Synonyms Related Words Antonyms Noun Bruges - a city in northwestern Belgium; connected by canal to the North Sea; the old city is a popular tourist attraction City of Bridges Hanseatic League - a commercial and defensive confederation of free cities in northern Germany and surrounding areas; formed in the 13th century and most powerful in the 14th century city metropolis urban center - a large and densely populated urban area; may include several independent administrative districts; "Ancient Troy was a great city"
The Stendhal Syndrome - MoviesOnline! of her surreal visions after fainting in front of brueghel s The Flight of Icarus. Is somebody missing from our The Stendhal syndrome cast list? http://www.moviesonline.ca/film500.htm
Extractions: The title affliction causes sufferers to react to paintings in extreme and bizarre ways. In the case of police detective Anna Manni, she swoons and feels herself entering hallucinatory versions of the artwork she sees. This Italian psychothriller contains dark elements of horror as Manni tries to capture a murderous serial rapist. The lady detective is first seen walking the art-filled hallways of the Uffizi Gallery in Florence. The great paintings have a terrible effect upon her and she ends up having one of her surreal visions after fainting in front of Brueghel's "The Flight of Icarus." She sees herself falling through the painting's deep ocean and is only saved by the hands of Alfredo, a stranger who saw her fall. She returns woozily to her hotel. Her memory has temporarily lapsed, and once in her room she finds herself similarly mesmerized by a painting on the wall, but eventually she remembers her assignment. Unfortunately, when she meets up with Alfredo again, he attacks and rapes her. He then forces her to watch while he rapes and murders another. She manages to escape and make it back to Rome where she begins seeing a psychiatrist. Her former lover Marco also makes sure she is guarded 24-hours a day. Unfortunately for Anna it is not enough, and Alfredo strikes again.
Neurosurgery - UserLogin nigra to produce a parkinsonian syndrome and microelectrode recordings in Engraving by Pieter brueghel (courtesy of Koninklijke Bibliotheek Albert http://www.neurosurgery-online.com/pt/re/neurosurg/fulltext.00006123-200503000-0
Bicat.net - Een Duister Fenomeen Vol Mentale Valkuilen Ah, leuk een mongo eh, down syndrome thema! Ben benieuwd hoe lang het duurt voor de bromde Stichting Erfgoed brueghel om 0434 PM (op 0103-2005) http://www.bicat.net/archives/00001317.htm
Extractions: vorige bral: "Types - De ex-Pat" Huiswaarts volgende bral: "Niemand" Roemer had moeite gehad het handschrift volledig te ontcijferen. De aanhef had geen probleem opgeleverd en tot en met de fraaie passage die de verantwoordelijkheid van de Regering behandelde, waren er slechts twee of drie woorden geweest die hij eerst bij tweede lezing in hun context kon bevatten. Daarna had de emotie de schrijver echter blijkbaar te zeer aangegrepen. Waarschijnlijk eindigde de schriftuur met een van harte gemeende passage die de meeste hoogachting en het volkomen respect van de concipiant voor het staatshoofd en haar familie tot uitdrukking moest brengen, maar wat er stond en wie het geschreven zou kunnen hebben... Roemer schudde zijn hoofd. Eigenlijk zat er nog wel wat in ook. Zeker was dat het gesticht deprimeerde, niet vanwege de nabijheid van de spoorbaan en de dreiging die daarvan uitging, maar simpelweg doordat het in deze omgeving moeilijk was mens te zijn, althans zich mens te voelen. De gesprekken met de behandelende geneesheren maakten overduidelijk dat men er hier niet was om problemen bij de horens te vatten, maar om te wachten tot de medicijnen eindelijk aansloegen. Een snaar zonder spanning maakt geen geluid.
Malattie Rare E Genetiche Lettera "B" Translate this page Berry-Kravis and Israel Sindrome diBerry-Kravis and Israel syndrome{} syndrome de{601144}D * brueghel, Síndrome debrueghel, Síndrome de{} http://www.fmfpc.altervista.org/B.htm
Arquivos Brasileiros De Oftalmologia - Benign Essential Blepharospasm Translate this page Síndrome de brueghel ou distonia oromandibular idiopática é Spontaneous remission in patients with essential blepharospasm and Meige syndrome. http://www.scielo.br/scielo.php?script=sci_arttext&pid=S0004-27492002000500017
Project MUSE The costumes variously suggested brueghel and Eastern Europe of about 1900; here it clearly meant Oh, I see, it s that kind of sleepwalking syndrome. http://muse.jhu.edu/journals/shakespeare_quarterly/v053/53.1potter.html
Extractions: It was something of a letdown to find that in 2001 "Shakespeare's Globe" was to be only " Shakespeare's Globe," gesturing toward other dramatists only in playreadings that were fewer and less well-advertised than in previous years (at least, this is my explanation for my failure to get to any of them). Two thousand and one was also the year when, for some reason, the company apparently agreed not to treat the Globe as a set in its own right but to use it as if it were any other theater, apart from the fact that it happened to have a couple of big pillars on its stage. Perhaps they were tired of reading reviews that described their productions as antiquarian. At any rate, all the directors seem to have been encouraged to do whatever they liked to conceal the fact that they were performing on a reconstructed Renaissance stage. Barry Kyle, whose program note observes that King Lear does not seem much like a "Globe play," converted the baroque tiring-house front into a stockade located in some outpost of empire. Mike Alpers's
Sleep, Appetite, And Obesity—What Is The Link? Increased serum leptin levels in obesity and metabolic syndrome support the view that these The Land of Cockaigne, by Pieter brueghel the Elder http://www.pubmedcentral.nih.gov/articlerender.fcgi?artid=535424
: The AMEDEO Literature Guide dystonia with blepharospasm (brueghels syndrome) a patient history. Osseointegrated implants in a patient with PapillonLefevre syndrome. http://www.amedeo.com/medicine/dei/dei2001.htm
ARTOTEKA represents the syndrome of the contempt of world contemptis mundis. By means of these works Brunovský updated the piece by Pieter brueghel senior, http://www.artoteka.com/tve1.html
Extractions: Albín Brunovský and The Book Illustration The work of Albín Brunovský, one of the famous slovak graphic artists, has been interpreted only from the phenomenological side of fine art as an independent and isolated artistic expression separated from the other artistic disciplines and political aspects, too. In general, recent points of view on the development of the artist s personality can be characterised as follows. The beginning of his independent work during the sixties is supposed to be linked to a tra ining given by V. Hloník who made familiarised with surrealism. The surrealistic fantasy of Brunovský was based on the destruction of realistic objects, especially figures, and their reconstruction into illogical groups of the new realities with hidden social and moral meanings. After the author s visit to Italy in 1968 new aspects started to prevail in his work, mainly manneristic variations of the naturals motifs with fragments of figures were also influenced by the order of a monumental painting in some hotel. The work from 1972 1975 is even called the temporary period on his way to the reality of home by the author s monographist ¼. Peterajová. After 1975 the fantasy and photographic realism started, and is believed to have been under the influence of