What Are You Afraid Of? Heights, Acrophobia, altophobia, hypsophobia, hypsiphobia. Hell, Hadephobia,stygiophobia. Hereditary disease, Patroiophobia. High places, looking up at http://thinks.com/words/phobias.htm
Extractions: Home Words and Wordplay If you have an irrational fear of... You're suffering from... Accidents Dystychophobia Air (and drafts) Aerophobia, airphobia, pneumatophobia Airplanes Aeronausiphobia Amnesia Amnesiphobia Animals Zoophobia Animals, wild Agrizoophobia Ants Myrmecophobia Atomic energy (or nuclear weapons) Nucleomitophobia Automobiles Motorphobia, ochophobia Automobiles (riding in) Amaxophobia Bad men Scelerophobia Bald, becoming Peladophobia, phalacrophobia Bathing Ablutophobia Beards Pogonophobia Bed, going to Clinophobia Bees Apiphobia, apiophobia, melissophobia Birds Ornithophobia Blood Hematophobia, hemaphobia, hemophobia Blushing Erythophobia, ereuthophobia Books Bibliophobia Bound, being Merinthophobia Body odor Bromidrosiphobia Bridges, crossing Gephyrophobia, gephydrophobia Bulls Taurophobia Buried alive, bing Taphephobia, taphophobia Cancer Carcinophobia, carcinomatophobia, cancerphobia, cancerophobia Cats Ailorphobia, aelurophobia, elurophobia, gatophobia, galeophobia, felinophobia
Freedom From Fear Forever The fear of heights, (acrophobia or altophobia), 2. The fear of loss of control, 3.The fear of tight spaces (claustrophobia), 4. The fear of turbulence, http://www.freedomfromfearforever.com/page2a.html
Singles - Online Dating! Very Seductive! You don t want to meet somebody who seems a good match, but suffers fromaltophobia (fear of heights). List your hobbies and interests http://www.itsvery.net/dating.html
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Extractions: The reason that I believe Hypnosis can boast about its high success rate in eliminating phobias is that it deals with them quickly and efficiently. Most phobias are down to our sub-conscious mind not understanding fully. It does not understand that a small spider cant hurt us or that it is safer to travel by air than road.
-phobia - Enpsychlopedia Acousticophobia Fear of noise. Acrophobia, altophobia - Fear of heights.Aerophobia - Fear of drafts, air swallowing or airborne noxious substances. http://psychcentral.com/psypsych/-phobia
Extractions: home resource directory disorders quizzes ... support forums Suffixes -cide -cycle -cracy ... -philia -phobia -scope -stan -ville -ware The English suffix -phobia is technically used to describe irrational, disabling fear as a mental disorder, and commonly misused to describe hatred of a particular thing or subject. Everyday language has misused the use of this suffix as a mild or irrational fear with no serious substance; however, its origin is from areas of psychiatry which study serious phobias which disable a person's life. For more information on the psychiatric side of this, including how psychiatry groups phobias as "agoraphobia", "social phobia", or "simple phobia", see phobia The following is a list of words ending in -phobia , or a list of fears that have been given names. In most instances the words listed here are neologisms (made-up words) coined to demonstrate a grasp of Greek word roots rather than descriptions of an actual condition. Only a few of the following terms occur in the medical literature. In many cases, the naming of phobias is a word game Most of these terms were devised by adding the suffix -phobia to a Greek word for the object of the fear (some use a combination of a Latin root with the Greek suffix, which some consider linguistically impure).
Extractions: home resource directory disorders quizzes ... support forums Monk is a television show about an obsessive-compulsive detective named Adrian Monk (played by actor Tony Shalhoub ). The show, which is currently in its fourth season, debuted in and is produced by the USA Network . Created by Andy Breckman , writer of Rat Race , the critically acclaimed series has been a popular hit. It has won several major awards (see below) despite the fact that it airs on basic cable . The show is also credited with significantly raising USA Network's profile. Contents showTocToggle("show","hide") 1 Series overview edit Adrian Monk was originally a detective of the San Francisco Police Department. After the murder of his wife, Trudy, a case which he could not solve (indeed, perhaps the only case he has never been able to solve), Monk caved in to his obsessive-compulsive tendencies which previously his relationship had helped him deal with. He refused to leave his house for three years. Monk's personal nurse, Sharona Fleming ( Bitty Schram ), helped get him back on his feet. Occasionally, Sharona's son Benjy (
Phobiaguide.com - Phobias altophobia, Fear of heights. Amathophobia, Fear of dust. Amaxophobia, Fear ofriding in a car. Ambulophobia, Fear of walking. Amnesiphobia, Fear of amnesia. http://www.phobiaguide.com/phobias/A.html
Extractions: Ablutophobia Fear of washing or bathing. Acarophobia Fear of itching or of the insects that cause itching. Acerophobia Fear of sourness. Achluophobia Fear of darkness. Acousticophobia Fear of noise. Acrophobia Fear of heights. Aeroacrophobia Fear of open high places. Aeronausiphobia Fear of vomiting secondary to airsickness. Aerophobia Fear of drafts, air swallowing, or airbourne noxious substances. Agateophobia Fear of insanity. Agliophobia Fear of pain. Agoraphobia Fear of open spaces or of being in crowded, public places like markets. Fear of leaving a safe place. Agraphobia Fear of sexual abuse. Agrizoophobia Fear of wild animals. Agyrophobia Fear of streets or crossing the street. Aichmophobia Fear of needles or pointed objects. Ailurophobia Fear of cats. Albuminurophobia Fear of kidney disease. Alektorophobia Fear of chickens. Algophobia Fear of pain. Alliumphobia Fear of garlic. Allodoxaphobia Fear of opinions. Altophobia Fear of heights. Amathophobia Fear of dust. Amaxophobia Fear of riding in a car. Ambulophobia Fear of walking. Amnesiphobia Fear of amnesia.
Extractions: Click here to take control of your fears now The Phobia List There are many hundreds of named phobias, and this is the most complete phobias list of which we know. Although there are many hundreds of different phobias, all phobias are in fact very similar: a particular stimulus, be it spiders, snakes, or pretty well anything else triggering the phobic individuals fear response when it isn't appropriate. This list covers common phobias such as fear of spiders, fear of flying, fear of heights, etc but also lists even the most obscure phobias. Visit the website for more detailed information on each phobia listed below. This information courtesy of Change That's Right Now
VirtualTourist.com - Pehsan's Pulau Langkawi Travel Page hey pehsan this place is great.yr.friend suffers from altophobia i dont believe this. such a robust guy. well every thing is possible. these fishes are http://members.virtualtourist.com/m/65c9a/1392b3/
Improve Sex After Menopause Other than the usual fears such as agoraphobia (fear of leaving your home) andaltophobia (fear of heights), here are some that I found interesting http://www.recordonline.com/archive/2004/11/24/rnpatti2.htm
Extractions: Finally, something for women. Girls, help is on the way! The testosterone patch is being called the female equivalent to Viagra. Menopausal women may be able to improve their sex lives by wearing this patch. Women who participated in the clinical studies were undergoing natural (not surgically induced) menopause, and were distressed about their low sex drives.
Adult Collection! - Home altophobia Fear of Heights. Tell your friend of this article Comment on theArticle . tHe aRtiCles. Ways to be famous in college http://www.yokeho.com/education/e21.php
Extractions: The word "phobia" is a term that refers to a group of symptoms brought on by feared objects or situations. A phobia is a persistent, irrational fear that causes a person to feel intense anxiety. People develop phobias about many things like darkness, social situations, spiders, or blood. Agoraphobia, one of the most common phobias, involves the fear of open places. A person with agoraphobia feels anxious in places where it would be hard to escape, like being in a crowd, standing in line, being on a bridge or traveling in a car. In extreme cases, they are so immobilized by fear that they become a prisoner in their own home. Phobias are the most common form of anxiety disorders, which affect people of all ages, at all income levels and in all geographic locations, according to a study by American the National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH), between 5.1 and 21.5 percent of Americans suffer form Phobias. Broken down by age and gender, the NIMH study found phobias were the most common psychiatric illness among women in all age groups and the second most common illness among men older than 25. In some people, the response to a phobia can be fairly mild. For example, a person who has a phobia about flying might simply avoid airplanes. In other people, the phobia causes, or arises from, full-blown panic attacks with symptoms such as shortness of breath, sweating, irregular heartbeats and the shakes. Just why a person develops a particular phobia is not always clear. There appear to be both biological and psychological reasons. Psychologists classify phobias with other anxiety-caused problems and theorize they are a response to separation or loss. Heredity appears to play a role, and so does brain chemistry.
The Anxiety Community - Glossary altophobia (Also Batophobia, Hypsiphobia) Fear of heights. Amygdala - A smallalmond-shaped structure in the brain which plays a role in emotions and fear http://anxietyhelp.org/glossary.html
Extractions: A B C D ... Z Acrophobia - An abnormal fear of high places. Agitation - A unpleasant state of extreme arousal, increased tension, and irritability. Can be caused by anxiety Agoraphobia Fear of being in places or situations from which escape may be difficult or embarrassing or in which help may not be available in the event of a panic attack. Alprazolam Xanax ) A medication, member of the benzodiazepine family, used to treat anxiety and panic disorder. Altophobia - (Also Batophobia, Hypsiphobia) Fear of heights. Amygdala - A small almond-shaped structure in the brain which plays a role in emotions and fear control. Anticholinergic - A group of common side effects of the older group of antidepressants , including dry mouth, constipation, difficulty urinating and blurry vision. Anticiptory Anxiety - The fear of having an anxiety attack, which is often a trigger by itself; " fear of fear Antidepressant - A medication used to treat depression , or to elevate mood. Types of antidepressants include tricyclic antidepressants , monoamine oxidase inhibitors ( MAOI ) and selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors ( SSRI Antisocial PD (ASPD) - A personality disorder characterized by a pervasive pattern of disregard for and violation of the rights of others.
1,001 Diversions - .: Office Diversions :. Acrophobia, altophobia, Fear of heights. Aerophobia, Fear of drafts, air swallowingor airborne noxious substances. Aeroacrophobia, Fear of open high places http://officediversions.com/discover/modules/news/article.php?storyid=398
The Phobia List: So What Are You Afraid Of, Pilgrim? altophobia Fear of heights; Amathophobia Fear of dust; Amaxophobia Fear ofriding in a car; Ambulophobia Fear of walking; Amnesiphobia Fear of amnesia http://www.geocities.com/brodavelister/etcetera/phobias.htm
Extractions: Or, by the way the mouth of our desperate protagonist forms an open O, I wonder if he or she might have just had a bite of a PBJ sandwich that was mistakenly believed to be Jelly-only, and it just so happens that Our Poor Dear has an inexplicable fear of having peanut butter stuck to the roof of his or her mouth. And yes, there's a word for that, too: Arachibutyrophobia. And another thing: Have you noticed that I've been referring to the painting's subject as "he or she"? That's because, to me at least, the character is of indeterminate gender. And, yes, that also may be part of Munch's ingenious intent to make the subject universal, so that each of us whether male or female or someone somewhere in between might be able to more closely identify with the image. But then, too, perhaps The Screamer
Koan Zen. Zen And Ch'an Buddhism In Psychotherapy From time to time, a client insists on the same thing his altophobia, the fearof heights. He perfectly describes the anguish and the symptoms which catch http://www.geocities.com/liehtzu.geo/KoanZen.html
Extractions: The koan is a device that may allow a disciple to attain enlightenment. A koan has to be pondered on, and it is largely used in Ch'an Buddhism, and, later on, in Japanese Zen as well. A koan presents itself as a kind of enigma, in such terms: "I can't understand!" It is a challenge to the mind, rather than to intellect. Various sentences have furnished the material to a koan, in Ch'an and Zen. It might regard masters' phrases, a verbal intercourse between a teacher and his disciples, passages from the Sutras, and so on. In certain circumstances, someone has been enlightened. A koan is a "case", that attests the entering in another plan of reality. He who meditates on the koan can re-live the same experiences of its protagonists. A disciple has to give the koan a central relevance all of his life: he has to constantly concentrate on it, avoiding letting thought from wandering elsewhere. As it is easy to comprehend, this task is very hard to perform. There are three important collections of koan in Ch'an and Zen: "The Barrier Without a Door" (Chinese: Wu-men kuan ), "The Blue Cliff Record" (
NSLP - NSLP Newsbriefs suffer from phobias, which may include aeruophobia, fear of flying; altophobia,fear of heights; and even astraphobia, fear of thunder and lightning. http://www.nslp.org/newsbriefs/nb20040723.htm
Garjen Software Forums - Login I don t like heights. let me look that one up Acrophobia, altophobia or Batophobia!altophobia sounds more like you re afraid of choir singers though. Wink http://www.garjen.co.uk/cgi-bin/YaBB/YaBB.pl?board=chat_cat;action=display;num=1
University Of Kentucky - Information Technology Student Newswire The typical phobias are altophobia, arachnophobia, and claustrophobia. These arefears of height, spiders, and closed spaces. However, there are others many http://www.uky.edu/IT/SN/felisa/phobia.html
Extractions: This is a compilation of about 530 phobias by Fredd Culbertson. You can search the phobias by scrolling down the alphabet, or click to a specific letter. Fredd Culbertson has no medical background, but practices etymology as a hobby Words were found in a reference book or medical papers You are able to send in phobia names with references. If it is not already on the list, and the references clear, you will be credited for the submission in the site
FEAR OF Heights, Acrophobia, altophobia, Batophobia, Hypsiphobia or Hyposophobia. Hell,Hadephobia, Stygiophobia or Stigiophobia. Heredity, Patroiophobia. http://www.arcaini.com/Reference/PhobiasF-H.htm
Extractions: Fear of: Phobia Fabrics, certain Textophobia. Failure Atychiphobia or Kakorrhaphiophobia. Fainting Asthenophobia. Fatigue Kopophobia. Fearful situations: being preferred by a phobic Counterphobia. Feathers or being tickled by feathers Pteronophobia. Fecal matter, feces Coprophobia or Scatophobia. Female genitals Kolpophobia. Female genitalia Eurotophobia. Fever Febriphobia, Fibriphobia, Fidriophobia