Migraine Headache These abdominal migraines can be especially difficult to diagnose. The goodnews is that some of the same medications that are effective for adults also http://www.cnn.com/HEALTH/library/DS/00120.html
Extractions: PAIN MANAGEMENT Headache Migraine headache Tension headache Cluster headache Pain Migraine headache Back pain Complex regional pain syndrome Tension headache ... Sciatica INFORMATION CENTERS: Pick a category Health Centers Family Health Men's Health Women's Health Children's Health Seniors' Health Working Life Pain Management Condition Centers Immune System Allergy Alzheimer's Arthritis Respiratory System Cancer Endocrine System Digestive System Heart and Blood Infectious Disease Mental Health Note: All links within content go to MayoClinic.com Diseases and Conditions Migraine headache From MayoClinic.com Overview Fortunately, management of migraine headache pain has improved dramatically in the last decade. If you've seen a doctor in the past and had no success, it's time to make another appointment. Although there's still no cure, medications can help reduce the frequency of migraine headaches and stop the pain once it has started. The right medicines combined with self-help remedies and changes in lifestyle may make a tremendous difference for you. Signs and symptoms A typical migraine headache attack produces some or all of these signs and symptoms: When left untreated, a migraine headache typically lasts from four to 72 hours, but the frequency with which they occur can vary from person to person. You may have migraines several times a month or just once or twice a year.
International Pelvic Pain Society Single diagnosis curative treatment. Uncommon. Multiple diagnoses - management.abdominal migraine; Multidisciplinary treatment. Warning http://www.pelvicpain.org/clinical_problem.asp
Faculty Heuschkel R, Kim S, Korf B, Schneider G, Bousvaros A. abdominal migraine inchildren with neurofibromatosis type 1 a case series and review of Faculty/Bruce Korf.htm
Extractions: Chronic or recurrent abdominal pain (RAP) is one of the most commonly encountered events in childhood interfering in the normal lifestyle of up to 10-15 % of all children at some point and described first by Apley who emphasised the role of a thorough history and examination. (Apley 1958) A reasonable definition might be "at least 3 episodes of pain, severe enough to affect normal activity, over a period of greater than 3 months, and continuing in the year prior to investigation". Apley suggested that less than 10% had organic disease as a cause, especially if the site was peri-umbilical - however this has recently been challenged in light of the increased yield of specific organic diagnoses afforded by modern investigative tools and with the recognition of the potential importance of newly recognised aetiologies in its pathogenesis. (Farrell M 1993)
HSC: Kids' Health For many children with migraine, attacks can involve episodes of abdominal painwith vomiting. This form is called abdominal migraine. http://www.sickkids.ca/kidshealth/summer02vol3issue2/migraines.asp
Extractions: Migraine headaches are much more common in young people than most people think. Experts estimate that approximately 10 per cent of migraine sufferers are children under the age of 15. Children, even babies, can experience devastating effects, especially where a family history of migraine exists. Migraine is not just a bad headache. Migraine is a biological disorder of the central nervous system that is frequently inherited. Although migraine is not life threatening, the symptoms of a migraine attack can profoundly disrupt a sufferer's life, and can place enormous strain on families. While twice as many adult women as men suffer from migraine, boys are more likely than girls to experience attacks in childhood. The good news is that as many as one-third of all children outgrow their migraine. Enlist your child's help in searching for migraine triggers: Isolating and identifying your child's triggers things that may provoke an attack is an important first step in reducing the number of migraine attacks that are experienced.
CVS Research And Publications The periodic syndrome cyclic vomiting and abdominal migraine. Prevalence andclinical features of abdominal migraine compared with those of migraine http://freespace.virgin.net/cvsa.uk/research.html
Current Opinion In Pediatrics - UserLogin syndromes that are commonly precursors of migraine. The criteria establishedfor cyclical vomiting and abdominal migraine are shown in Tables 4 and 5. http://www.co-pediatrics.com/pt/re/copeds/fulltext.00008480-200412000-00005.htm
CVS Cyclic Vomiting Syndrome characterized by recurrent, prolonged attacks of severe nausea, vomiting andprostration with no apparent cause. Related term abdominal migraine. http://u.webring.com/hub?ring=cvsring
Answers About Encopresis A abdominal migraine is a real diagnosis. Many gastroenterologists believe thatabdominal migraine is on a continuum with something called cyclic vomiting http://www.aboutencopresis.com/ask/ask_03.html
Extractions: E-Mail Link Recent Questions Answers NEW ANSWERS Q: My 9-year-old grandson has encopresis but seems to have better control during the summer months, when he is not in school. He is harassed a lot by his 2 sisters because they are responsible for doing his laundry. Also, his mother doesn't seem to care about his problem and does nothing, dietary or otherwise, to help. How can I help the family get along better? Also, is the mother's lack of concern grounds for child abuse? A: I cannot comment on whether this is child abuse; I would need much, much more information. Many children who suffer from encopresis seem to do better during the summer months or during vacations. This may be because during the summer and during vacations, children have free access to the bathroom whenever they want. During school, children often must ask permission to use the toilet. Moreover, many children are very embarrassed or unwilling to defecate in school bathrooms. As children with encopresis get older, it is extremely important that they take a greater level of ownership over their toileting. I strongly emphasize that school-age children establish very regular toileting times. I recommend once in the morning, before they go to school, and then again in the evening, when they return home from school or after supper. Importantly, this schedule must be followed every day.
FIRSTConsult - Sdfdsf abdominal migraine may present as recurrent abdominal pains with pallor in abdominal migraine is a cause of recurrent abdominal pain during childhood http://www.firstconsult.com/?action=view_article&id=1016322&type=101&bref=1
Migraine Action Association Who gets migraine? Migraine treatments abdominal migraine. Often occurringin children, this form of migraine is characterised by recurrent, http://www.migraine.org.uk/content.aspx?cid=1
Portal Toolkit Invalid Site URL Double blind placebo controlled trial of pizotifen syrup in the treatment ofabdominal migraine. Symon, David NK; Russell, George. Abstract HTML http://ppv.ovid.com/pt/re/adch/toc.00000740-199501000-00000.htm
Portal Toolkit Invalid Site URL Double blind placebo controlled trial of pizotifen syrup in the treatment ofabdominal migraine. Christensen, Mogens Fjord http://ppv.ovid.com/pt/re/adch/toc.00000740-199508000-00000.htm
Extractions: Verified by National Institute of Child Health and Human Development (NICHD) March 2003 Sponsored by: National Institute of Child Health and Human Development (NICHD) Information provided by: National Institute of Child Health and Human Development (NICHD) ClinicalTrials.gov Identifier: Purpose This study will evaluate a new model for assessing and treating migraine and recurrent abdominal pain in children. The model combines behavioral techniques such as relaxation training with biologic components such as thermal biofeedback. Condition Intervention Migraine