- Proceedings of the 8th Panafrican Congress of Prehistory and Quaternary Studies: Nairobi, September 1977
- Holocene alluvial stratigraphy and landscape development in Soap Creek Watershed, Appanoose, Davis, Monroe, and Wapello counties, Iowa (Iowa Quaternary Studies Group contribution) by Elmer A Bettis, 1987
- Actes de IV Congres Panafricain de Prehistoire et de L'Etude de Quaternaire Section III. Pre- et Protohistoire (Pan-African Congress on Prehistory and Quaternary Studies) by Georges and Jacques Nenquin Mortelmans, 1962
- An outline on the present stage of study on late Quaternary marine molluscs in the Nordic realm (DGU reprint) by Kaj Strand Petersen, 1987
- Quaternary studies in the Paradox Basin, Southeastern Utah: Technical report (BMI/ONWI) by Norma Biggar, 1987
- Preliminary results of studies on the Quaternary geology of Argentine (Suomalaisen Tiedeakatemian Toimituksia annales Academiae Fennicae. Series A. III. Geologica-geographica) by Väinö Auer, 1951
- British Quaternary Studies, Recent Advances by F.W., Edited by Shotton, 1977-01-01
- Phase I survey for Ron Hoenes Wetland Project, Bluff Springs Township, Cass County, Illinois (Archaeological survey report / Illinois State Museum, Quaternary Studies Program) by Lisa K Ruppert, 1996
- A "pilot" study of Quaternary surface deformation, Saddle Mountains anticline, northern Pasco basin, Washington by Michael W West, 1994
- Palynological study of quaternary deposits at the summit area of Hakusan Volcano: The palynological study of Cenozois strata in Hokuriku Region, central Japan by Norio Fuji, 1960
- Field guide: Irish Association for Quaternary Studies
- Collection of papers on Antarctic scientific research. Vol. 1: studies of Late Quaternary geology and geomorphology in the Vestfold Hills, east Antarctica by Chʻing-sung Chang, 1985
- The Fribourg area, Switzerland: A study in Quaternary geology and soil development (Publicatie / Fysisch Geografisch en Bodemkundig Laboratorium) by J. J. M Van der Meer, 1982
- Souvenir by Indian Society for Prehistoric and Quaternary Studies, 1981