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81. Library Mathematical Statistics, wilks, samuel S. John Wiley Sons 1963. Sampler onSampling, Williams, Bill, John Wiley Sons 1978 http://cs.nmu.edu/resources/library/library.htm | |
82. Collected Works In Mathematics And Statistics wilks, samuel Stanley, 19061964, Collected papers contributions to mathematicalstatistics, 1, QA 276 W497, Killam. Witt, Ernst, 1911-1991 http://www.mathstat.dal.ca/~dilcher/collwks.html | |
83. The Life Of Savage By samuel Johnson. The text is taken from George Birkbeck Hill s edition of The 41 Being thus obliged to depend upon the friendship of Mr. wilks, http://andromeda.rutgers.edu/~jlynch/Texts/savage.html | |
84. SSRN Author Page For Robert Bloomfield Robert J. Bloomfield and T. Jeffrey wilks Cornell University samuel CurtisJohnson Graduate School of Management and Brigham Young University http://papers.ssrn.com/author=48324 | |
85. FULL RESULTS 2, EVAN TAY, 31.65, 6, samuel wilks, 15.37. 3, RICHARD SITRANEN, 21.33. 4,JOHN POH, 18.95 1, samuel wilks, 38.67, 4, TSUYOSHI KAMINAGA, 15.00 http://www.swwf.org.sg/competitions/wakefest2004/results.html | |
86. IMS Awards wilks, samuel S. Williams, EJ Williams, Ruth Wilson, Susan R. Winsor, Charles P.Wishart, John Witting, Hermann Wold, HO Wolfe, Douglas A. Wolfowitz, Jacob http://www.imstat.org/awards/honored_fellows.htm | |
87. Sessions Text - The Proceedings Of The Old Bailey Timothy Thornbury, Andrew Cook, Joseph Bowler, Peter King, Moses Collwell, AmbroseHemborow, Thomas wilks, samuel Morris, George Palfrey, Brian Turbervill, http://www.oldbaileyonline.org/html_units/1690s/f16960708-2.html | |
88. Korsakoff's Psychosis And Syndrome (www.whonamedit.com) Subsequently, in 1868, Sir samuel wilks, physician at Guy s Hospital, London,gave an account of the characteristic mental symptoms in an article on http://www.whonamedit.com/synd.cfm/930.html | |
89. Thomas Addison (www.whonamedit.com) This caused samuel wilks seven days later in a letter to British Medical Journalto inform Sir samuel wilks (18241911) Quotation by Thomas Addison http://www.whonamedit.com/doctor.cfm/68.html | |
90. Lives Of The Poets By Samuel Johnson - RICHARD SAVAGE Lives of the Poets by samuel Johnson. As Mr. wilks was one of those to whomcalamity seldom complained without relief, he naturally took an unfortunate http://www.globusz.com/ebooks/Poets/00000013.htm | |
91. Billard Receives Statistics Award The samuel S. wilks Memorial Medal was established in 1964 as a tribute to samuelStanley wilks, who led the development of statistics in the United States. http://www.uga.edu/news/newsbureau/releases/1999releases/billard.html | |
92. Caundle Marsh Baptisms 1861-1900 21.4.1889; Charlotte Mary daughter of ; samuel wilks Anne Jane; GIBSON; CaundleMarsh; clerk in holy orders;. 12.5.1889; Lewis Frederick son of ; Thomas http://www.dorset-opc.com/CaundleMarshBaps1861-1900.htm | |
93. List Of Scientists By Field Translate this page wilks, samuel Stanley. Willdenow, Karl Ludwig. William of Auvergne. William ofSaint-Cloud. William of Sherwood. William the Englishman http://www.indiana.edu/~newdsb/w.html | |
94. Samuel Wilks Université Montpellier II Translate this page samuel wilks (1906-1964). Cette image et la biographie complète en anglais résidentsur le site de luniversité de St Andrews Écosse http://ens.math.univ-montp2.fr/SPIP/article.php3?id_article=1993 |
95. Manuscripts Guide -- W wilks, samuel Stanley (19061964) Mathematician, statistician, professor at Presented by Mrs. samuel S. wilks, 1964, and Princeton University, 1965 http://www.amphilsoc.org/library/mole/w.htm | |
96. Early Sumner County Marriage Records: Grooms - Wi wilks, Richard S. Lewis, Mary F. 11 November 1846, Warner, Hiram. wilks, samuel S.Stanfield, Mary, 17 September 1821, Winn, Woodson http://freepages.genealogy.rootsweb.com/~providence/marrgrwi.htm | |
97. WHMC-Columbia--Lewis John Stadler, Papers, 1927-1955 (C2429)--INDEX Whittinghill, Maurice; Wightman, AS; Wiidakes, William; Wilcox, Philip Edwin;wilks, samuel S. Willey, Malcolm M. Williams, Irven L. Williams, Roger J. http://www.umsystem.edu/whmc/invent/2429index.html | |
98. R V Mills, Chapman And Chapman, 1834 samuel Hill being sworn, said, I am a prisoner of the crown, and came here from the For the trial of Joseph wilks for forgery, see Rv wilks, 1834. http://www.law.mq.edu.au/scnsw/Cases1834/html/r_v_mills__chapman_and_chapman.htm | |
99. Emmerdale's Sam Pearson in the newly formed Emmerdale company, finding the responsibility too much hesold his shares to to Henry wilks for £500 which he used to train dogs. http://www.emmerdale.org/emmerdale/profiles/sam.htm | |
100. NBA Basketball Translate this page Les Philadelphia 76ers re-signent samuel Dalembert et Kyle Korver. Mike WilksSan Antonio Devin Brown San Antonio Robert Horry San Antonio http://www.basketblogger.com/ | |
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