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61. Penn State Eberly College Of Science Rao Receives US Army Wilks The award was established in 1981 in memory of samuel wilks, whose fundamentalcontributions to statistics greatly influenced the use of statistics in Army http://www.science.psu.edu/alert/Rao11-2000.htm |
62. Chesapeake Biological Laboratories, Inc. - About CBL Ph.D., Paul wilks, and samuel Cross to develop practical applications for wilks and Cross each invested $15000 in the Company to build and equip a http://www.cblinc.com/aboutcbl.htm | |
63. Lauderdale County wilks, samuel to Mily Perryman (6). Williams, James to Sarah I. Williams.Williams, Wm. P. to Margaret Moon (11). York, Edward to Sarah Hanna (7, 8) http://www.tvgs.org/Lauderdale.htm | |
64. (Robert WIGHTMAN - Joseph WILLIAMS ) samuel WIGHTMAN (ABT 1633 20 Nov 1695) samuel WIGHTMAN (2 Nov 1660 - AFT Christiana Amy wilks (25 Aug 1898 - ABT 1993) John Thomas wilks ( - ) http://www.dhayden.free-online.co.uk/ind0231.html | |
65. Verify Pharmacist _W_ wilks, samuel E. 05054, 02/18/1967. Willette, Beatrice F. 07108, 06/21/1982.Williams, Amanda S. 09710, 07/14/2003. Williams, Andrew W. 06903, 07/24/1981 http://www.mbp.state.ms.us/verify pharmacist _w_.html | |
66. Spy1 Robertson, Sir William Kendal. Brighton. 30. Tyndall, Prof. John, FRS. The ScientificUse of the Imagination. 30. wilks, Dr.samuel. Philsophical Pathology http://freespace.virgin.net/fine.art/spy1.htm |
67. Some VA Land Records 7//1797; Francis wilks of Franklin Co. to samuel Ozbin of the same place; 30 lbs.for 157 acres in Franklin Co. on the waters of Black Water River, http://home.att.net/~osborne-origins/va/valand.htm | |
68. Applegate Directory Ltd Walker, Samual Managing Director samuel Walker Holdings Ltd Walker, SarahManaging Director wilks, John Managing Director Glenwell Associates Ltd http://www.applegate.co.uk/indexes/people/all-w.htm | |
69. Psychometrika Obituary List Torgerson, Warren S. (19241999) Vol. 64, No. 1, March 1999 Not included onCD wilks, samuel S. (1906-1964) Vol. 29, No. 2, June 1964. Last Updated http://www.psychometrika.org/journal/PMjObits.html |
70. Sam Chapman - Armadillo Rev samuel Chapman has a number of publications and papers. Reverend Sam haspreviously PDF, Fabio Ciravegna, Sam Chapman, Alexiei Dingli, Yorick wilks http://www.dcs.shef.ac.uk/~sam/armadillo.html | |
71. Sam Chapman - Publications Rev samuel Chapman has a number of publications and papers. Reverend Sam haspreviously Fabio Ciravegna, Sam Chapman, Alexiei Dingli, Yorick wilks http://www.dcs.shef.ac.uk/~sam/publications.html | |
72. Marion County Mississippi Marriages SA BRYANT, PA 1898 February,20 wilks, samuel EVANS, Sallie 1893 October,01wilks, Stephen H HAMMOND, Henrietta J 1884 December,24 wilks, TP BURT, http://members.tripod.com/~mallen4896/Marriages/Marriages-Marion-TUVWYZ.html | |
73. Maple Grove Cemetery - Rockland County, New York wilks, samuel, 5/22/1870, d.44 yrs, h/o Susan wilks, Susan, 11/13/1890, d.75 yrs,w/o samuel wilks, William, b.10/30/1851, d.1/7/1918 h/o Emma http://www.interment.net/data/us/ny/rockland/maplegrove/maplegrove.htm | |
74. Baptisms Parish Of Caerleon St Cadoc's Church 1760 To 1769 - Caerleon Net 4 Jan 1766 samuel samuel Mary wilks 12 Jan 1766 Edward William Martha Kynvin 30 Apr 1768 Richard samuel Mary wilks nailer http://www.caerleon.net/history/records/stcadocs/baptisms/date1760.htm | |
75. Crohn's Disease In The UK Even though Sir samuel wilks described the first case of Ulcerative Colitis, andhence the discovery has been linked to his name, the true article that was http://groups.msn.com/CrohnsDiseaseintheUK/historyofibd.msnw | |
76. Index For Tennessee's Second Surveyors' District, Surveys 621-1035 1019, WHITESIDE, Jenkins. 1034, WHITWORTH, Jacob. 800, WILBOURN, William. 890,WILDER, Absolom, heirs of. 1031, wilks, samuel. 970, WILLIAMS, David http://www.tngenweb.org/warren/2sd/survey621_1035.html | |
77. Hamlett Cemetery, Chester County, Tennessee Their son samuel wilks Farrow was born Nov. 18, 1829 and died Mar. 7, 1873.He married Gillie Adaline Trice who was born Apr. 14, 1842 and Died Apr. 21, http://www.tngenweb.org/records/chester/cemeteries/c-hamlet.htm | |
78. My Family Jacob HALLER and Mary Ann wilks were married. samuel Thomas WILLIAMS died on8 Jun 1956 in Los Angeles, Los Angeles County, California. http://sneakers.pair.com/roots/b164.htm | |
79. Adams County Family History Assistance Charter members were Robert Childers, Henry Davis, Nancy Davis, samuel Wright, John Byler, Nancy Walker, Thomas Asher, samuel wilks, and Sarah wilks. http://www.carthage.lib.il.us/community/churches/primbap/FamHist-Adams.html | |
80. History And Genealogy Of The Wealthy Families Of America (Widener) Wetherill Albert Henry Wiggin - Elisha Packer Wilbur - ElizaLangdon (wilks) Stevens - Matthew Astor wilks - samuel Willets - Thomas Willett http://www.raken.com/american_wealth/OTHER/individuals_list_W2.asp | |
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