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Bose Satyendranath: more detail | |||||||
81. Www.biophysics-wur.nl satyendranath bose werd geboren op 1 januari 1894 in Calcutta, in India. Hij studeerde aan de universiteit van Calcutta en doceerde daar vervolgens in 1916. http://ntmf.mf.wau.nl/quantum/pers.html | |
82. Satyendranath Bose Université Montpellier II Translate this page satyendranath bose (1894-1974). Cette image et la biographie complète en anglais résident sur le site de luniversité de St Andrews Écosse http://ens.math.univ-montp2.fr/SPIP/article.php3?id_article=874 |
83. The Hindu : A Little Known Museum focussing on the work of India s great modern scientists, like Ramanujan, Raman, satyendranath bose and Chandrasekhar, and preserving in it memorabilia http://www.hindu.com/thehindu/mp/2003/02/05/stories/2003020500220300.htm | |
84. James Brody Reviews Sync: The Emerging Science Of Spontaneous Order By Steven St In 1924 satyendranath bose contacted Einstein about revisions to Planck s law of radiation and their collaboration led to predicting some very peculiar http://human-nature.com/nibbs/03/strogatz.html | |
85. Finding Aid To The Albert Einstein Archives bose, satyendranath, 18941974 Bothe, Walther W., 1891-1957 Bragg, William Henry, Sir , 1862-1942 Brandeis, Louis Dembitz, 1856-1941 http://www.alberteinstein.info/finding_aid/ | |
86. Al Islam - A frequent visitor to Dhaka, Professor Salam was an admirer of Professor satyendranath bose, Dhaka University s legendary worldrenowned theoretical http://www.alislam.org/library/articles/salam-20.htm | |
87. Physics4u-Satyendranath Bose (Ìðüïõæ) Ïãäüíôá ÷ñüíéá ðñïó The summary for this Greek page contains characters that cannot be correctly displayed in this language/character set. http://www.physics4u.gr/articles/2002/bose.html | |
88. NOVA | Einstein's Big Idea | Genius Among Geniuses | PBS boseEinstein condensates, a new form of matter that Einstein predicted in the in his honor and that of Indian physicist satyendranath bose (above). http://www.pbs.org/wgbh/nova/einstein/genius/ |
89. Award Recipients Recipients Of Medals/Lectures Awards Subjectwise Medal The satyendranath bose Medal; The Jagadis Chandra bose Medal The satyendranath bose Medal 1977 ECG Sudarshan 1980 CNR Rao 1983 MKV Bappu 1986 AN Mitra http://www.insaindia.org/Award Recepients/subject.htm | |
90. 1894_sc Translate this page bose, satyendranath (1894-Calcutta 1974) fisico teorico indiano, da cui la trattazione statistica bose-Einstein. Kapica, Pëtr Leonidovic (Kronstad http://www.viandante.it/sito24/work/XIX secolo/1894_sc.php | |
91. IndiensPortalen bose, satyendranath (18941974) arbejdede bl.a. med kvanteteori. Læs om ham på http//www.photonics.cusat.edu/Indian_scientists1.html http://indiensportalen.emu.dk/fagmappe/fy.htm |
92. Dia 4 Translate this page satyendranath bose. 1 de Janeiro · 1894 4 de Fevereiro · 1974. satyendranath bose nasceu em Calcutá em 1894. Foi nesta cidade. que fez os seus estudos, http://faraday.fc.up.pt/wyp/2/Dia-4.html | |
93. Schumayer Dániel Bemutatkozó Oldala. A boseEinstein kondenzátum jelenségét már 1924-ben satyendranath bose munkája alapján Albert Einstein megjósolta, de kisérleti megvalositása egészen http://newton.phy.bme.hu/~schumayer/ | |
94. Gluon - NUESTROS INVESTIGADORES Translate this page En 1925, los científicos satyendranath bose y Albert Einstein propusieron la existencia de los condensados que llevan sus nombres. http://www.fisica.unam.mx/gluon/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=15&Ite |
95. Oregon Blue Book: Notables- Carl E. Wieman The condensate, predicted in 1924 by satyendranath bose and Albert Einstein, is a new form of matter that occurs at just a few hundred billionths of a http://bluebook.state.or.us/notable/notwieman.htm | |
96. Noticias 10 De Octubre De 2001 - Oficina De Prensa FCEyN-UBA Translate this page En 1924 Albert Einstein recibió unos trabajos de su colega, el físico indio satyendranath bose, con una serie de cálculos estadísticos teóricos sobre http://www.fcen.uba.ar/prensa/noticias/2001/noticias_10oct_2001.html | |
97. Introduction - Sathyendranath Bose Largest Hindu and Indian Biographies site on the net. Contains comprehensive biographies of various Indian and Hindu leaders, ranging from Gods Goddesses, http://www.freeindia.org/biographies/greatscientists/sathyendranathbose/ | |
98. Bose http://www.mpq.mpg.de/bec-anschaulich/html/bose.html | |
99. Satyendra_Nath_Bose - Lexikon - Satyendra_Nath_Bose - Beschreibung - Physik http://www.physik-lexikon.de/wiki/index.php?title=Satyendra_Nath_Bose |
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