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21. Abraham Ibn Ezra: Information From Answers.com Ibn ezra, abraham ben Meir ( mâr ) , c.10891164, Jewish grammarian, commentator,poet, philosopher, and astronomer, b. http://www.answers.com/topic/abraham-ibn-ezra | |
22. Abraham Ben Meir Ibn Ezra Ibn ezra, abraham ben Meir (The Columbia Encyclopedia, Sixth Edition). ben ezra (TheColumbia Encyclopedia, Sixth Edition). Rabbi ben ezra (The Columbia http://www.infoplease.com/ce6/people/A0824829.html | |
23. Rabbi Ben Ezra More on Rabbi ben ezra from Infoplease. abraham ben Meir Ibn ezra Ibn ezra, Ibn ezra, abraham ben Meir (The Columbia Encyclopedia, Sixth Edition) http://www.infoplease.com/ce6/people/A0917918.html | |
24. Ibn Ezra, Abraham Ben Meir - Columbia Encyclopedia® Article About Ibn Ezra, Abr Columbia Encyclopedia® article about Ibn ezra, abraham ben Meir. Ibn ezra, abrahamben Meir. Information about Ibn ezra, abraham ben Meir in the Columbia http://columbia.thefreedictionary.com/Ibn Ezra, Abraham ben Meir | |
25. Rabbi Ben Ezra - Columbia Encyclopedia® Article About Rabbi Ben Ezra Rabbi ben ezra see Ibn ezra, abraham ben Meir Ibn ezra, abraham ben Meir (mâr),c.10891164, Jewish grammarian, commentator, poet, philosopher, http://columbia.thefreedictionary.com/Rabbi Ben Ezra | |
26. The Columbia Encyclopedia, Sixth Edition: Ibn Ezra, Abraham Ben Meir@ HighBeam R The Columbia Encyclopedia, Sixth Edition Ibn ezra, abraham ben Meir@ HighBeamResearch. http://www.highbeam.com/ref/doc0.asp?docid=1E1:IbnEzra |
27. The Columbia Encyclopedia, Sixth Edition: Abraham Ben Meir Ibn Ezra@ HighBeam Re The Columbia Encyclopedia, Sixth Edition abraham ben Meir ibn ezra@ HighBeam Research. http://www.highbeam.com/ref/doc0.asp?docid=1E1:X-Abrahamb |
28. DECISION AND VERDICTS - DR. ABRAHAM BEN EZRA Dr. abraham benezra. The witness does not always know in advance where histestimony will lead and what will be done with words and sentences that he wrote http://www.e-mago.co.il/e-magazine/decision.html | |
29. Never Lose Hope - Dr. Avrahm Ben Ezra Never Lose Hope / Dr. abraham benezra. The testimony in the courthouse constitutesan irreversible event, which creates an on the spot the impression, http://www.e-mago.co.il/e-magazine/never.html | |
30. MSN Encarta - Ibn Ezra, Abraham Ben Meir Ibn ezra, abraham ben Meir (10921167), Spanish Jewish scholar, poet, and author,born in Tudela, Spain. He left his native country shortly before http://encarta.msn.com/encyclopedia_761560300/Ibn_Ezra_Abraham_ben_Meir.html | |
31. Abraham Ibn Ezra - Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia Rabbi abraham ben Meir Ibn ezra (also known as Ibn ezra, or Abenezra) (1092 or10931167), was one of the most distinguished Jewish men of letters and http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Abraham_ibn_Ezra | |
32. AllRefer.com - Ben Ezra (Judaism, Biography) - Encyclopedia ben ezra see Ibn ezra, abraham ben Meir. The Columbia Electronic Encyclopedia Topics that might be of interest to you. abraham ben Meir Ibn ezra http://reference.allrefer.com/encyclopedia/X/X-BenEzra.html | |
33. AllRefer.com - Rabbi Ben Ezra (Judaism, Biography) - Encyclopedia Rabbi ben ezra see Ibn ezra, abraham ben Meir. Topics that might be of interestto you. abraham ben Meir Ibn ezra http://reference.allrefer.com/encyclopedia/X/X-RabbiBen.html | |
34. Synagogue Of Ben Ezra, BEn Esra The Synagogue of ben ezra Originally was named El Shamieen Church, and therefore abraham ben ezra who came from Jerusalem bought the church in 882 AD, http://www.ask-aladdin.com/benezra.html | |
35. Alibris: Abraham Ben Meir Ibn Ezra Used, new outof-print books by author abraham ben Meir Ibn ezra. Offering over50 million titles from thousands of booksellers worldwide. http://www.alibris.com/search/books/author/Ibn Ezra, Abraham Ben Meir | |
36. Author Abraham Ben Meir Ibn Ezra, From The Oldpoetry Poetry Archive All poetry.com poets post poetry and share in a free encouraging friendlyenvironment. The best love, angst poems on the net! http://oldpoetry.com/authors/Abraham ben Meir ibn Ezra | |
37. Abraham Ibn Ezra abraham IBN ezra abraham ben Meir ibn ezra, also called Avenare, J. Egers,Diwan des abraham ibn ezra mit seiner Allegorie Hai ben Meqiz, B 1886, rep. http://www.kul.lublin.pl/efk/angielski/hasla/a/abraham_ibn_ezra.html | |
38. Abraham Ben Meir Ibn Ezra Quotes And Quotations Compiled By GIGA GIGA s compilation of quotes, quotations, statements, excerpts, proverbs, maximsand aphorisms by abraham ben Meir Ibn ezra. http://www.giga-usa.com/quotes/authors/ibn_ezra_a001.htm | |
39. IBN EZRA, ABRAHAM BEN MEÏR. De Nativitatibus / Henricus Bate. ezra, abraham ben MEÏR. De nativitatibus / Henricus Bate.68 imágenes y registro bibliográfico. Miniaturas, 1/5. siguiente http://www.fondoantiguo.us.es/obras/005/ | |
40. IBN EZRA, ABRAHAM BEN MEÏR. De Nativitatibus / Henricus Bate. ezra, abraham ben MEÏR. http://www.fondoantiguo.us.es/obras/005/imagelist.html | |
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