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1. Won Buddhism* Article regarding the moral systems of Confucianism and Buddhism. http://ccbs.ntu.edu.tw/FULLTEXT/JR-JOCP/chung2.htm | |
2. BNEFICENCE AS THE MORAL FOUNDATION IN WON BUDDHISM P.194 In the ethics of won buddhism the duty to requite beneficence is not only a Requital of beneficence is thus a general moral duty in won buddhism. http://ccbs.ntu.edu.tw/FULLTEXT/JR-JOCP/chung1.htm | |
3. WonBuddhism Won Buddhism ¿øºÒ±³ ¿ø ºÒ ±³ Won Buddhism Introduction to Won. http://www.wonbuddhism.or.kr/eng_won/ | |
4. Headquarters Of Won Buddhism Welcome to Headquarters of won buddhism. Won Buddhist Headquarters, the centerof missionary works and administrative affairs of won buddhism is located in http://www.wonbuddhism.or.kr/eng_won/won5_e.html | |
5. Soe Tae San, Won Buddhism Sotae-san, the Founder of won buddhism - Sot aesan is his Dharma name, So-tae-san wrote the doctrine and institutional system of won buddhism. http://www.geocities.com/ganesha_gate/won.html | |
6. The International Association For Religious Freedom In Oslo, keynote speakers included the Venerable Chung Ok Lee, won buddhismInternational and Professor Abdelfattah Amor, UN Special Rapporteur on Freedom http://www.geocities.com/~iarf/un.html | |
7. Center Profile: Won Buddhist Meditation Center Of Richmond won buddhism is a Buddhist New Religious Movement derived from traditional Korean There are about fifteen members of the Won Buddhist Meditation http://www.pluralism.org/research/profiles/display.php?profile=73426 |
8. Photographs: Won Buddhist Meditation Center Of Richmond The painting shows Sot aesan, the founder of won buddhism, while the large blackcircle over the altar is the IrWonSang, the holy symbol of Won. http://www.pluralism.org/research/profiles/photos.php?profile=73426 |
9. Won Buddhism - Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia won buddhism, often written Wonbuddhism, is a modern religious movement based in Founded in 1924 by the venerable So Tae San, won buddhism combines http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wonbulgyo | |
10. Youngsan Won Buddhist University - Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia Youngsan Won Buddhist University is a private religious university It offersgraduate and undergraduate training in won buddhism and related matters. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Youngsan_Won_Buddhist_University | |
11. Ministers Of Manhattan Won Buddhism of Manhattan WonBuddhist Temple. Rev.Lee. Rev. Dr. Chung Ok Lee Rev. Lee is HeadMinister of Manhattan Temple of won buddhism of America, http://www.wonbuddhist.org/manhattan/minister/ | |
12. H-Net Review: Jin Y. Park On The Scriptures Of Won Buddhism: A Translation Of Th 3109), which discusses the history of won buddhism and its doctrines, The Korean language used in two scriptures of won buddhism translated by Chung http://www.h-net.org/reviews/showrev.cgi?path=32091079055661 |
13. H-Net Editors Directory - Jin Y. Park Buddhism and won buddhism,¡± Journal of Won Buddhist Study, Buddhism and WonBuddhism,¡± Won Buddhist Temple of New York, Flushing, NY, Jan. 10, 1998 http://www.h-net.org/people/editors/show.cgi?ID=124209 |
14. Won Buddhism Gerard Downey on reconciling Buddhism and scienceIf the view that I present is not the doctrinal position of won buddhism then The enterprises of science and promulgation of won buddhism can go hand in http://atheism.about.com/library/glossary/eastern/bldef_wonbuddhism.htm | |
15. Buddhist Web Resources Buddhist Centers/Institutes, Dictionaries/Glossaries, Won Institute Online won buddhism Detailed resources on won buddhism; available in Korean, http://www.woninstitute.org/lbry_buddhist.htm | |
16. Won Institute Of Graduate Studies The Won Institute of Graduate Studies is a Won Buddhist Graduate School with The former is generally reserved for students of won buddhism who have been http://www.woninstitute.org/default.asp?basePg=pos_wbs |
17. UCLA International Institute :: 404 Error Page won buddhism Homepage Information on won buddhism (in Korean) Won KwangUniversity The major university for won buddhism. http://www.international.ucla.edu/buddhist/kbinfo.asp | |
18. WAiB - Female Teachers - Pure Land/Mahayana Chung Ok Lee, NEW Dr. Chung Ok Lee is a prominent member of won buddhism in America.She serves as the Main Representative of won buddhism International to http://members.tripod.com/~Lhamo/2pure.htm | |
19. WAiB - Female Teachers In Buddhism GIF (326 bytes), Mahayana, Teachers of the Pure Land schools (such as Jodo Shinshu)and all other nonZen Mahayana traditions, eg won buddhism. BTN-S-GN. http://members.tripod.com/~Lhamo/2teach.htm | |
20. DIBO Web Links : Lineages, And Orders >> Won Introduction to won buddhism . - Review won buddhism - provides an introduction,a history, and links to temples and organizations. - Review http://www.buddhism.org/link/pages/Lineages_and_Orders/Won/ | |
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