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         Wicca:     more books (100)
  1. Wicca: A Guide for the Solitary Practitioner (Includes Author's Book of Shadows) by Scott Cunningham, 1993-01-01
  2. Wicca for Beginners: Fundamentals of Philosophy & Practice (For Beginners (Llewellyn's)) by Thea Sabin, 2006-04-08
  3. Living Wicca: A Further Guide for the Solitary Practitioner (Llewellyn's Practical Magick Series) by Scott Cunningham, 2002-09-08
  4. The Complete Idiot's Guide to Wicca and Witchcraft, 3rd Edition by Denise Zimmermann, Katherine A. Gleason, 2006-08-01
  5. Wicca 101: A New Reference for the Beginner Wiccan: Wicca, Witchcraft, and Paganism: A Solitary Guide for the New Wiccan: Solitary Study for a Beginner: The New Practitioner of Wicca and Witchcraft by Kristina Benson, 2007-09-21
  6. Simple Wicca by Michele Morgan, 2008-04-01
  7. The Wicca Cookbook, Second Edition: Recipes, Ritual, and Lore by Jamie Wood, Tara Seefeldt, 2010-10-05
  8. The Wicca Spellbook: A Witch's Collection of Wiccan Spells, Potions, and Recipes by Gerina Dunwich, 2000-08-01
  9. Cunningham's Encyclopedia of Wicca in the Kitchen by Scott Cunningham, 2002-11-08
  10. The Wicca Bible: The Definitive Guide to Magic and the Craft (... Bible) by Ann-Marie Gallagher, 2005-08-01
  11. Wicca: A Year & a Day: 366 Days of Spiritual Practice in the Craft of the Wise by Timothy Roderick, 2005-02-08
  12. Solitary Wicca For Life: Complete Guide to Mastering the Craft on Your Own by Arin Murphy-Hiscock, 2005-08-01
  13. The Heart of Wicca: Wise Words from a Crone on the Path by Ellen Cannon Reed, 2000-11
  14. Wicca: The Complete Craft by D.J. Conway, 2001-09-09

161. Bob Larson Slanders Wicca And Wiccans
Links to various antiBob Larson references, published by a pagan.
Bob Larson
Slanders Wicca and Wiccans

162. All One Wicca
Online book which is a study in the Universal Eclectic wiccan tradition.
All One Wicca:
A Study in The Universal Eclectic Wiccan Tradition...
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163. Wicca
An informational site designed to teach the curious, or the beginning practioner, about wicca.
setAdGroup(''); var cm_role = "live" var cm_host = "" var cm_taxid = "/memberembedded" Search: Lycos Angelfire 40 Yr Old Virgin Share This Page Report Abuse Edit your Site ... Next Welcome!
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I would like to thank my friend Cielidh for working on this page with me and being a very big help. :-)

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164. What Is Wicca?
This then is my personal definition of what wicca is to me. First, because thereare so many misconceptions about wicca, let me define that what wicca is
What is Wicca?
There are probably as many definitions of Wicca (also known as "the Craft", Witchcraft, or the Old Religion) as there are practitioners one of the joys of this path is that there is no "one, true way"; intuition is as valuable as teaching. This then is my personal definition of what Wicca is to me. First, because there are so many misconceptions about Wicca, let me define that what Wicca is not is Satanism or devil-worship. Wiccans don't believe in an all-evil entity. Wicca is a religion based on experience of Deity as male and female. It is panentheisticseeing all things as part of God/dess, and seeing the Earth Herself as a living organism of whom we are part. It is also a religion of immanenceseeing God/dess present here and now, within all things, not "out there somewhere" but part of daily life. Wiccans reverence Nature in all her forms, and often are active environmentalists. Wiccans celebrate eight major holidays, the beginning and midpoint of each season. Wiccans also celebrate the phases of the moon. Each of these rituals or observances helps us attune with the ever-changing cycles of Nature. Wicca is also a Craft. We practice magic using meditation, chants, visualization and spells to help focus our will on what we want to happen. Wiccans believe that everything we do, good or ill, comes back to us tripled, which is why we don't hex or curse anyone. We also believe that many psychic talents are real and simply haven't been studied enough by science to be catalogued as such.

165. Music For The Goddess - Main Page
General historical, practical, and cultural information regarding the origins, beliefs and practices of some of the many modern followers of the Goddess with emphasis on wicca.
setAdGroup(''); var cm_role = "live" var cm_host = "" var cm_taxid = "/memberembedded" Search: Lycos Angelfire Dating Search Share This Page Report Abuse Edit your Site ... Next Welcome to Music for the Goddess! Whether you are a new beginner on the Path or an experienced practitioner ... or simply a curious friend or web surfer, may the time you spend here be blessed. General historical, practical, and cultural information regarding the origins, beliefs and practices of some of the many modern followers of the Goddess await you. Enjoy! If you have any questions, comments or suggestions, please click on the e-mail icon at the bottom of the page and let me know.
Past and Present Goddess Religions
Brief profiles of the mythology and practice of both ancient and existing Goddess religions from Assyrian to Yoruba. Includes an in-depth exploration of Wicca, currently the largest modern Goddess movement.
Goddess Worship in the Media
Reccomended websites and books, where to find Goddesses and Goddess Worshippers or Witches in music, TV and movies.
Odes to the Goddess; Chants, Songs and Poetry

166. Guia De Wicca
Translate this page Seleção dos melhores sites de wicca. Bruxaria, alquimia, encantamentos, feitiçaria,oráculos, paganismo, celtas, fadas, Gaia, herbanário, astrologia, tarô,
SobreSites Página Inicial do Guia Sites Gerais Deuses e Lendas Tradições Rituais e Feitiços ... Fale com a Editora Outros Guias Poesia Cinema Turismo Blues Wicca
Editora do seu Guia de Wicca na Internet Web TÓPICOS Sites Gerais - ATUALIZADO
Alguns dos principais sites Deuses e Lendas
do passado e do presente.
mais conhecidas
Alguns sites que comentam Magia
Parte integrante da Bruxaria e da magia natural , as ervas merecem destaque especial. Blogs
a vida dos bruxinhos internautas... Simbologia
Aprenda um pouco mais sobre eles. Gaia - Ecologia e Vida - ATUALIZADO
planetinha azul Lua e Astrologia Para saber mais sobre a lua, sua na magia e na vida, e os astros em geral. encanta expondo seus trabalhos. Bibliotecas - ATUALIZADO pesquisa Os jornais voltados para a comunidade wiccana ponto de encontro nada como rir Trabalhos Manuais vinculados a Magia Lojas Virtuais Procurando uma ferramenta Paganismo Projeto SobreSites Sala de Imprensa Usabilidade ... Torne-se Editor

167. Faithy's Magick Page
Een Nederlandse site over wicca, een natuurreligie, met rituelen, spreuken, eigen ervaringen en veel informatie.
  • Home
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  • Mijn Info
  • Wicca
  • Wat is Wicca? ...
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    Wat voor geloof heb JIJ?
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    Protestants Christelijk
    Katholiek Orthodox Islam Boedisme Hindoeïsme Wicca Anders Geen Current Results Free Web Polls The Site of [Faithy] Jij bent bezoeker nummer: Ik heet je van harte welkom op mijn homepage over Wicca, heksen, magie en alles daar omheen. Op deze site staat een heleboel info over de natuurreligie Wicca. Wiccans, of heksen, geloven in de Godin en de God, mensen leven in samenwerking met hen. Ik hoop dat je ook mijn religie leert begrijpen, respecteren. Via deze site, of, door mij gewoon vragen te stellen! Mail je vragen/opmerkingen naar Blessed Be, Faithy/Gerridwyn/Gaby Omdat ik me een hele tijd lang redelijk depressief voelde, heb ik iets geschreven. Als je het wilt lezen, klik dan HIER Klik HIER om te zien wat je in je vorige leven was! *Another site from Faithy© 2000* Ned.Pagan Community Last updated: 9 december 2001
  • 168. Mjolnir's Pagan And Wiccan Page
    Welcome to my humble little Pagan and wicca page. I want people who arefamiliar with Paganism and wicca to be able to use my area as a resource center,
    htmlAdWH('93212820', '728', '90'); Main
    Merry Meet and Blessed Be to ALL! WELCOME!
    Welcome to my humble little Pagan and Wicca page. Here you will find many different areas. Links to other Pagan and Wiccan home pages, links to informational Pagan and Wiccan pages, Pagan and Wiccan shopping areas, a special poem I wrote for my wife, search engines to help you find more Pagan and Wiccan areas, and even some free graphics I designed that are mainly related to the Pagan and Wiccan religions. Sit back, relax and enjoy yourself. I have constructed this page for everyone. I want it to be a place for all to come and browse through places of interest. You don't have to be Pagan or Wiccan to visit here. Regardless of your religious preferences, social background, or whatever, there are always things to learn and experiences to be had. The only requirement to visit here, is that you enter with an open heart and an open mind. Remember to love everyone, and judge no one. Always remember, we are all different, but equally important. I want people who are familiar with Paganism and Wicca to be able to use my area as a resource center, to enhance their own knowledge. Regardless of how much knowledge you have, you can never have enough.

    169. WiccaWorks Jewelry Chalices AltarTiles And More
    Jewelry, chalices, altar tiles.
    Click Here
    Wiccan Coins Pewter Pendants ...
    Teacher's Bag Online Catalog:
    Catalog Page 1

    Catalog Page 2

    Catalog Page 3

    Catalog Page 4
    Order Page

    Various Scribblings: A TRIQUETRA Self-Employment
    Welcome to Wicca Works!
    * Frame-Escape-New Window Picture *
    Click here if you're stuck in someone's framed site. WOMEN Will Drive the Web A WHAT for President? A Message To My Country EMAIL Facts of Life... ... Best Bewitchment Who Makes This Stuff? Staff Pictures! Need Samples? Click Here WOMENS' ... Clip Art Pray that those with power have common sense and pray that those with common sense get power. Julia Sugarbaker Resellers Please be sure you have the latest product pictures. Like This Internet Resource? Click to Recommend-It (r) to a friend! Ed Howdershelt

    170. Dimensão Wicca
    Translate this page Melhor visualizado em 1024 x 768 px.
    <ÁöÁtÀ ×eáÀÒå!Œs —FmñG'r)àÂئ) A•Bá±H½Ùxw¬ ËB“Û1Æãv

    171. Wicca
    Uppsats inriktad p¥ tv¥ grenar av wicca, den engelska Pagan Federation och den amerikanska Starhawk.
    Wicca -en nyreligiös rörelse Innehåll Inledning Kort faktabakgrund Människosyn, etik och moral Sammanfattning ... Käll- och litteraturförteckning Inledning Vi har valt att skriva om den nyreligiösa rörelsen Wicca. Inom Wicca finns det många olika grenar och vi har inriktat oss på två av dessa, nämligen engelsk Wicca (Pagan Federation) och amerikansk Wicca (Starhawk). Tron och åsikterna i dessa två grupper är i många avseenden mycket lika och då åsikterna överensstämmer särskiljer vi inte på grupperna. I de avseenden där rörelserna har olika uppfattningar kommer vi självklart att tala om vilken grupp som anser vad. Då vi i arbetet skriver "Wicca anser" eller dylikt, menar vi alltså Starhawk Wicca och Pagan Wicca. Vi har valt att dela in arbetet i fyra större delar: inledning, kort faktabakgrund, människosyn, etik och moral och egna åsikter . Huvudavsnittet, människosyn, etik och moral, har vi delat in i mindre avsnitt för att lättare få en inblick i vad Wicca anser i några frågor som vi anser är viktiga. Vi valde att ha människosyn, etik och moral under samma rubrik, då vi anser att dessa ämnen till stor del går in i varandra. Under tiden som vi skrev detta avsnitt diskuterade vi hur vi ställde oss till de åsikter som Wicca presenterade, för att till sist plocka ihop våra egna åsikter till det avslutande avsnittet. Tillbaka till innehåll Kort faktabakgrund Den egentliga grundaren till den ursprungliga Wicca-rörelsen är Gerald Gardner

    Alexandrian wiccaAlexandrian wicca. Copied with permission from Moonlight Magick. Founded by AlexSanders and his wife Maxine in the 1960 s, the Alexandrian Tradition

    173. ..::|| Arte Wicca ||::..
    La dimora di Shirin, Figlia della Luna Blu. Un luogo wicca dove discutere dell'amore per la Dea e la natura date storiche, la Dea Madre, Legge del Potere e altri argomenti wiccan.
    ac=433817 ; lang= 'en'; view = 1;
    Religione / Spiritualità

    Loreena McKennitt 'Prospero's Speech'

    174. The Old Religion: Websites On Wicca
    Celebration of nature is central to the practice of wicca, a contemporary religion Often referred to as The Old Religion, wicca is a lifeaffirming,
    The Old Religion: Websites on Wicca by Gail Wood Celebration of nature is central to the practice of Wicca, a contemporary religion that reconstructs pre-Christian religions of Europe and combines them with the modern sensibilities of self-improvement and creativity. Often referred to as The Old Religion, Wicca is a life-affirming, polytheistic religion that borrows from many traditions, and one may find a number of diverse influences in the practice of Wicca, including New Age philosophies, Buddhist, Hindu, Native American, Christian, and other traditions. The central beliefs in Wicca are gender equality, reverence for nature, and a creative sense of the Divine that manifests itself as God and Goddess. There are no scriptures and laws in Wicca other than a guiding principle called The Wiccan Rede. The Rede is "An it harm none, do what ye will," which implies both freedom and responsibility. Coupled with the Three-Fold Law - which states that every action good or bad returns to the person three-fold - the Rede guides the actions of Wicca practitioners. There are as many traditions and practices of Wicca as there are Wiccans. The absence of scriptures and proscribed behavior creates a wildly diverse spiritual community that actively disavows codification. The term "witch" is also used for Wicca. Many Wiccans use witch and witchcraft interchangeably with Wicca, and others make distinctions between the practice of Wicca and the practice of witchcraft. Many Wiccans disavow the word witch because of the historical witch-hunts and the ugly old witch of Halloween. One of the more unfortunate things that Wiccans must do when explaining their religion and spirituality is to define what they are

    175. An Ex-Wiccan Speaks - Testimony Of Donalyn Vaughn
    Why does wicca have the drawing power it has? Why is the ancient paganism behind it enjoying a modern revival? Donalyn Vaughn, former wiccan, answers these and other questions.
    the Spirit Watch In And Out Of Wicca - A Former Wiccan Speaks By Donalyn Vaughn In And Out Of Wicca: An Ex-Wiccan Speaks - Click Here To Listen By Real Audio H ow I got involved in paganism is all too common, I'm afraid. I was raised in a churched home. By that, I mean that we went to church but didn't live any differently than my friends who did not go to church. I was very active in the church growing up and as a teen. We attended the First Christian Church (independant), and I was active in youth group, Sunday School, choir. I was there everytime the doors were open. But I didn't have any strong background at home. I had always been fascinated by magic. I started off innocently enough reading my horoscope (my mom did this, and didn't see anything wrong with it). My favorite movies and TV shows as a kid were all about witches and magic, now I was living out my fantasy. Just like millions of people can drink a beer and never get addicted to alcohol, millions of people can watch a show like Bewitched and never think anything of it, but some people have a weakness in this area that leaves them vulnerable. I was one of those people. I had many experiences as a child that I know opened that door for me, and made me vulnerable. The pagans I met said I had a gift of the sight that ran in my family. I know now that Satan used my gifts that God had given me. All of the little openings into the occult in my childhood (the movies, TV shows, games I played, etc) opened a door, that Satan used to get me to serve him rather than God. One movie that really stuck out in my mind as starting the whole mess was a movie I watched that starred Melissa Sue Anderson as a bad witch, and another child actress as a good witch. I didn't know it at the time but it was all about Wicca, and that movie affected me greatly, and I believed opened the door to my fascination with witchcraft.

    176. Welcome.html
    This is a web site for wicca, witchcraft, white magick, Pagan spirituality,mythology, past lives, and global Pagan networking. It s also the cauldron where

    Eileen Holland

    This is a web site for Wicca, witchcraft, white magick, Pagan spirituality, mythology, past lives , and global Pagan networking . It's also the cauldron where I brew my books. "I accept the universe."
    Margaret Fuller Visitors since 1997:
    I stopped counting years ago, at 7 million. UPDATED: August, 2005
    The Glossary for Holland's Grimoire of Magickal Correspondences grew so extensive that it isn't going to fit into the book. It has been published here instead. I hope that readers will find their way to it because it makes this useful book even more useful. Site Map BOOKS

    My books are available in bookstores around the world,
    and online at Amazon for the newest book:
    pre-orders at Amazon , and coming to book shops this Fall Grimoire Eileen

    Pages from my Book of Shadows Past Life Memory Bank Updated 8/1/05 BOOKS IN PROGRESS
    Invocation for Witches
    The Witch's Cabinet Pharaoh's Bookstore

    177. Zahradovy Stránky
    Str¡nky o pohansk© tradici wicca.
    Vítejte na stránkách pohanské tradice souèasného èarodìjnictví!
    HEAR THEN THE LAW: That thou lovest all things in nature.
    That thou walkest humbly in the ways of men and the ways of the Gods. Also it is the law that contentment thou shalt learn, through suffering, and from long years, and from nobility of mind and of purpose.
    Their minds are nourished by living in the daylight of the Gods...
    (Kniha stínù) Vstupte skrze lùno Velké Bohynì...
    (c) 2004-2005
    Všechna práva vyhrazena, žádná èást textu tìchto stránek nesmí být reprodukována bez písemného svolení.
    (c) 2004-2005 You can visit the author of the beautiful magical graphic used above throught this link Minimální rozlišení: 1024 x 768
    Optimální rozlišení: 1152 x 864
    Poslední aktualizace: 11. 4. 2005

    178. Wicca And Witchcraft
    Read chapter 8 of his book, wicca Satan s Little White Lie. Even in thelower levels of wicca, the doctrines of Satan begin to creep in.
    HOME C O O L S T U F F The Battle Between Two Kingdoms C o l o r f u l on-line book filled with pictures animations music and built in game! How to Get to Heaven Kid's Page Online Bible ARTICLES Heaven or Hell? Defending the Faith Christian Growth New Believers ... Biblical Studies EXPOSING THE DARKNESS: Media Entertainment Ufo's The ... Bible Versions CHECK-OUT Free Graphics Testimonies Online-Books Evangelism ... Contact Us Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me. ( John 14:6) Is Reincarnation an Answer? by William Schnoebelen. Read chapter 8 of his book, Wicca: Satan's Little White Lie. Learn that there is absolutely no hope in reincarnation. I was a sold-out, goddess-worshipping witch! by William Schnoebelen. Satan's hoofprints are all over Wicca by William Schnoebelen. Even in the lower levels of Wicca, the doctrines of Satan begin to creep in. Reincarnation -Truth or Lie? by Kathy A. Smith. What does God's word say? Harry Potter - Seduction into the Dark World of the Occult -Part One - By Kathy A. Smith. Looking at the popular book series from a Biblical perspective. Is it for Christians? Harry Potter - Seduction into the Dark World of the Occult -Part Two - By Kathy A. Smith. Continue looking at the occult themes in the Potter series.

    179. Hekate
    Informationen ¼ber wicca und Numerologie, ein Verzeichnis der Sternbilder mit kurzen Erl¤uterungen, Forum und G¤stebuch.

    180. Wicca 101
    A site offering spell and ritual kits, spell candles, incense, books, music andinformation for people interested in wicca and other pagan paths.
    Wicca 101
    So you've found our site, and you're wondering what the heck this witch stuff is all about. Maybe you've seen the t.v. show "Charmed" or read an article in a newspaper or magazine, and you want to learn more.
    In this section, we'll go through the basics of our practice and beliefs. You can follow along in order, or you can skip around and pick different topics that are of interest to you. You can also check our bookstore for recommended books.
    We've done our best to represent our understanding of the teachings of the Craft, as we have learned them and as they are widely accepted amongst most Wiccans (note the use of the word most !). In our particularly eclectic branch of witchcraft, we like to think we're a little more innovative and practical than many of the more traditional, hierarchical traditions. Of course, they probably think that we're flakes, but that's the beauty of Wicca - we're each entitled to our own interpretations of the Craft, as long as we all follow some basic laws that have to do with respect and ethical behavior.
    We invite you to explore our Wicca 101 section, as well as the rest of our site, and please feel free to

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