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61. Kelta-Wicca Hagyományõrzõk Egyháza - Fõoldal Az Åsi Eur³pa m¡gikus hitvil¡g¡nak ©s a modern nyugati wicca vall¡s tant¡sainak ¶tv¶z©s©bÅl sz¼letett egyh¡z http://www.wicca.hu/ | |
62. Wicca Lughnassadh. Mabon. Samhain. Esbats. Belief, History and Types of wicca wicca.Merry meet and Blessed be Please sign the guest book at the bottom of http://www.fortunecity.com/roswell/chaney/191/ | |
63. Www.paganforum.de - Die Seite Fuer Das Heidentum | Naturreligionen Esoterik Scha Das Forum f¼r Paganismus behandelt Themen zu wicca/Hexentum, Druidentum, Kelten, Germanischer Mythologie, Magie und Gesunde Lebensweise. http://www.paganforum.de | |
64. College Wicca - Http://www.collegewicca.com College wicca The total resource for wiccans, Pagans, and Witches in collegeand beyond. From those just beginning to those advanced in their religion, http://www.collegewicca.com/ | |
65. Wicca.no Fyldig informasjon om wicca, diskusjonsforum og gjestebok. http://akasha.wicca.no/ | |
66. Na Korze Brzozowej Spisane: Wicca / Written On Birch Bark: Wicca Wierzenia, obrzÄdy, spoÅecznoÅÄ, historia wicca. http://birch.wicca.pl/ | |
67. Witchcraft Of Wales, Dynion Mwyn, Cymry Wiccae And Celtic Neopaganism Legal Precedence for wicca and Witchcraft being a religion Who Hijacked theChristian Workshop For Understanding Witchcraft, wicca and Paganism. http://www.tylwythteg.com/ | |
68. RealMagick: Resource Of Articles And Information On Topics Beyond The Purview Of A resource and library dedicated to fostering research and sharing of knowledge in areas such as wicca, philosophy, parapsychology, and the paranormal. http://www.realmagick.com | |
69. Law Enforcement Guide To Witchcraft, Wicca And Other Earth Religions This is the Law Enforcement Guide to Witchcraft, wicca and Paganism. You willfind a honest description of what Witchcraft is and what it isn t. http://www.tylwythteg.com/lawguide1.html | |
70. Wicca's Katteside Beskrivelse af racen, billeder af tidligere killinger og information om kommende kuld. http://www.sitecenter.dk/mainecoonkatte | |
71. Traditional Witchraft And Wicca, Some Differences Differences in history, beliefs, rituals and ethics between traditional Witchcraftand wicca. http://www.branwenscauldron.com/witch_wicca.html | |
72. Www.wicca.fi - Etusivu wicca ryn yll¤pit¤m¤ sivusto. Sivuston tarkoitus on antaa lukijalle mahdollisimman monipuolista ja kattavaa informaatiota Suomessa harjoitettavasta wiccalaisuudesta. http://www.wicca.fi | |
73. Wicked Wicca's Web Fantasy animations and images. Includes wizards, witches, dragons, fairies, angels and horror animations and images and also PSP creations. http://geocities.com/wicked_wicca666/index.html |
74. Goddesses Focusing on the Goddess worship aspect of Neopaganism, and of wicca in particular as an affront to Christian principles. http://notendur.centrum.is/~snorrigb/Cult-fem.htm | |
75. Witchcraft, Wicca - Religious Cults, Sects And Movements Research resources on religious cults, sects, and alternative religions Witchcraft, wicca. http://www.apologeticsindex.org/w02.html | |
76. Welkom In Mysticworld, Alles Over Wicca, Tarot, Astrologie, Bach Bloesemtherapie Uitgebreide site over tarot, astrologie, wicca en runen. Geeft op de eerste pagina een citaat, en bij drukken op refresh komt er een nieuwe. http://www.mysticworld.nl | |
77. Wicca - By William Schnoebelen William Schnoebelen thought wicca was a harmless natureworshipping religion.He later learned it was one of Satan s most clever recruiting tools, http://www.chick.com/catalog/books/0179.asp | |
78. Arta Wicca OferÄ informaÅ£ii despre aceastÄ miÅcare spiritualÄ. http://www.wicca.home.ro/ | |
79. Wicca Na HErin - The Janet And Stewart Farrar, And Gavin Bone Web Pages Janet Farrar and Gavin Bones web site with much of the contents of Janet andStewart Farrars Book of Shadows on the site as well as articles and links. http://www.wicca.utvinternet.com/ |
80. Wicca 101 @ Red Deer's & Elenya's An introduction to wicca. Contains informational pages aimed at the bgeinning practitioner. http://www.unc.edu/home/reddeer/ |
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