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         Vegetarianism:     more books (100)
  1. Vegetarianism: A History by Colin Spencer, 2004-02-20
  2. Yoga and Vegetarianism: The Path to Greater Health and Happiness by Sharon Gannon, 2008-11-18
  3. The Inner Art of Vegetarianism : Spiritual Practices for Body by Carol J. Adams, 2000-08
  4. Judaism and Vegetarianism by Richard H. Schwartz, 2001-02
  5. Religious Vegetarianism: From Hesiod to the Dalai Lama
  6. A NEW LOOK AT VEGETARIANISM: Its Positive Effects on Health and Disease Control by Dr. Sukhraj S. Dhillon, 2009-03-26
  7. Vegetarianism:Movement or Moment? by Donna Maurer, 2002-04
  8. Cultural Encyclopedia of Vegetarianism
  9. Ethical Vegetarianism
  10. The Vegetarianism of Jesus Christ: The Pacifism, Communalism and Vegetarianism of Primitive Christianity by Charles P. Vaclavik, 1989-01
  11. The Heretic's Feast: A History of Vegetarianism by Colin. Spencer, 1995-05-15
  12. Transition to Vegetarianism: An Evolutionary Step by Rudolph Ballentine, 1987-01-25
  13. The Inner Art of Vegetarianism Workbook: Spiritual Practices for Body and Soul by Carol J. Adams, 2001-02
  14. Diet For Transcendence: Vegetarianism and the World Religions by Steven Rosen, 1997-01

161. Animal/Environmental Issues & More
Provides directory of links to research site on animal rights (dissection, vegetarianism, and circuses) and environmental concerns (pollution, recycling, and global warming).
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This site is intended to provide information on many current animal rights/welfare issues as well as environmental topics. It is a great way to get started on research or understanding the basics. Please come again soon as I'm constantly updating the information. Please e-mail, and let me know what you were looking for when you came to this site; whether or not you found what you needed; what you like/dislike about this site; and any suggestions for improvement. Thank you for your time. Search this site for:
William McMullin [ Home ] Animal Rights Environmental Human Rights Media Reform ... Non-profit NGOs

162. MY VEGETARIAN WEBSITE ,information, Links, Pictures And Recipes
A personal site for information on vegetarianism. Includes articles, recipes, and quotes from famous people.
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I'm so glad you decided to visit.
My name is Elizabeth (AKA larika)
and I have been a vegetarian
for many years.
I would like to share my research,
recipes, pictures, links and information with you. INDEX Handmade Animal Greeting Cards Religion and Vegetarians Types of Vegetarians Health and Vegetarianism ...
An Extract and Reviews
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163. Allaahuakbar......An Invitation To Discover True Islaam [Salaf][Quran][Hadith][I
Promoters of vegetarianism gather data selectively and gear their arguments toward Dr. William T. Jarvis further states vegetarianism is riddled with
Salaah Ramadhaan Zakaah Hajj ... Discover is this the Face of our Past?
Is Non -Vegetarian Food Permitted Or
Prohibited For A Human Being?
The Question of consuming meat and non-vegetarian foods has been object if much criticism since past several centuries. Even today though quite a large number of Hindus along with Muslims and Christians consume meat, there are large numbers of people who prefer to be strictly vegetarian throughout their life. For some it is a religious injunction to abstain from non-vegetarian food. Whereas some make it a political issue saying Garv se kaho hum shakahari hain! (i.e. say proudly we are vegetarian). Those who insist on being pure vegetarian, feel that it is ruthless to kill the animals for feeding ourselves. The topic of this article is "Is Non - Vegetarian food permitted or prohibited for a human being?" It is not "Is Vegetarian food better than Non-Vegetarian food?" If I prove that mango is a better fruit than the apple, it does not mean that apple is prohibited for a human being.

Flash video about the meat industry in the United States, in the theme of the movie The Matrix. Includes links to local and generalinterest resources on vegetarianism and organic and sustainable farming.
If you can't hear the Meatrix, you can watch it with
subtitles in English
or other languages Join Leo as he awakens from his dreamworld of a family farm to discover the terrible realities of modern industrial agriculture. Moopheus the cow will be your host and will show you what you as a consumer can do to support family farms!

165. Concentric Dial-Up Internet
Why they are vegetarians, links to many vegetarian sites, favorite recipes, and books on vegetarianism.
Site not found
The URL you entered cannot be located at this site. The domain may no longer exist here, or you may have an invalid URL.

166. Books And Papers By Barry A Groves Exposing Dietary And Medical Misinformation
The dangers of vegetarianism and veganism. People are turning to vegetarianismbecause, they believe, it is healthier, or kinder to animals,
The Naive Vegetarian
People are turning to vegetarianism because, they believe, it is healthier, or kinder to animals, or the planet. . . The fact is that vegetarianism is less healthy; and if we all became vegetarians, we would starve.
Comparison of the digestive tracts

of a herbivore, a carnivore and Man, demonstrates that we must be a carnivorous species.
The following stories are examples of the tragic consequences for the young children of otherwise well-meaning parents who unquestioningly accept the dogma that vegetarianism is healthy. Fortunately, they seem to be few in number.
News story, New Zealand, 2002

that demonstrates the harm extreme vegetarianism can do to children.
News story, Miami, Florida, 2003

One child dead, four more seriously harmed by raw food diet.
Last updated 15 June 2003 Index Page About Barry Groves
Low-carb dieting
The Cancer Files ... Flight Archery

167. Welcome To Animal And Environmental Issues
Extensive link list activists, clothes, companion animals, dissection, experimentation, entertainment, environmental, organizations, vegetarianism and wildlife.
Animal and Environmental Issues
Business Phone:
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Products and Services:
THIS WEBSITE HAS MOVED TO Go there to access my database on animal rights/welfare and environmental issues.
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168. FUSION Anomaly. Vegetarianism
Varieties of vegetarianism. Different practices of vegetarianism include.* Ovolacto vegetarianism. This practice eschews the eating of all meat,
Telex External Link Internal Link Inventory Cache
This nOde last updated June 4th, 2005 and is permanently morphing...

(3 Ak'bal (Night) / 1 Zots ( Bat Herbivores: atomjack - vegetarian since 1988
vegan for 9 months in 1992
According to a study published in South Africa, vegetarians are more likely to be left-handed
A man of my spiritual intensity does not eat corpses.
George Bernard Shaw (1856-1950), Anglo-Irish playwright, critic. Quoted in: Hesketh Pearson, Bernard Shaw: His Life and Personality, ch. 9 (1942). Shaw, Pearson reported, believed vegetarians had radically different experiences from meat-eaters: "The odd thing about being a vegetarian is, not that the things that happen to other people don't happen to me- they all do- but that they happen differently: pain is different, pleasure different, fever different, cold different, even love different."
think of it this way. would you eat a dog? cats? monkeys? why not? in some asian and african cultures, it's perfectly acceptable. in some cultures, eating a cow is unheard of. eating pig, which are smarter than dogs, is okay within our culture, but to some it is perfectly unacceptable. so the difference is myopic culturalism. i figure, for survival sake, i understand, but if you are in a position (like i am) where you have a choice in the matter, why not let go of the need to eat flesh? it saves you a lot of money, you pay more attention to what you eat, and it makes it more fun to "hunt" for food you can eat. the alternatives are getting more

169. Vegetarian
A personal explanation of vegetarianism.
Updated August 2005
You do not see them suffer,
but they do
You do not hear them scream,
but they do
When you really love animals, eventually killing and eating them becomes an issue. The thought
of killing one of the raccoons in my yard is the same as killing one of my cats or the neighbors dog,
let alone skinning, slicing, dicing, gutting and deep frying them.
Several years ago I visited some friends who were raising a calf, the calf even had a name and they patted him as we walked by. In the kitchen, as they removed pork chops from the freezer, they told stories of the wonderful pig they had raised the year before.
How fat he was and what a funny guy and how the kids rode around on him. Then one day it was time to put the old boy in the back of the truck and take him to the butcher down the road. A road that the calf was soon to travel. The butcher asked them how many of what kinds of cuts they wanted and drew loin, shoulder, chops etc. on the funny, fat pig with a marker. Apparently this is when you go do other things and come back at another time to pick up what has now become "meat". Now here we were, standing in their kitchen with the pork chops defrosting on the sink, blood running down the drain and these people telling me this story.

170. Animal Rights Web Ring
Animal rights, animal abuse, veganism and vegetarianism. More than 300 sites. WebRing.

171. Veggies In Films
Information on how vegetarianism is portrayed in film. Movie descriptions, including photos and script citations.
Veggies in films Patrickhat's
U n i v e r s e o f
U n i q u e C o n t e n t
Composite list of best films
My favorite films

Vegetarian Stuff
Veggies in films

Video Games
Unisystem Page

H o m e p a g e Patrickhat's Home E m a i l How vegetarianism is portrayed in film. Yeah, unfortunately this page just isn't going to work. It began as a sort of sociological observation of how vegetarians are portrayed in popular culture. Since I'm a film buff I choose movies as my slice of the populur culture pie to observe. Much to my surprise I discovered vegetarianism pops up quite frequently in films, more than I could keep up with. I also discovered that it just isn't enjoyable watching a film only to look for a reference, especially when most of the films are mediocre or just plain crap. So I've decided to no longer update this page with my own personal evaluations. I will keep the page up, though, for anyone who's interested in the subject. Some of the references show vegetarianism in a positive light, others negative, but one thing is constantnone provide much information on the lifestyle, most provide only vague stereotypes. So if your a newbie vegetarian the lesson here is to research this lifestyle before making decisions about itdon't go by what you observe in the popular culture. Every social group is misunderstood to a certain extent by the stereotypes that exist about them. Babe (1995) Although it contains no stated reference to vegetarianism this film is concerned with animal rights issues. It begins in a hog growing plant with the narrator stating "There was a time not long ago when pigs were afforded no respect and treated with cruelty"a clever critique of the slaughterhouse of today. During the same scene a truck drives by with the ironic logo of Sunny Valley Meats painted on ita pun about how the meat industry hides the cruelty of their business. Later farmer Hoggit picks up a little pig (later to be called Babe of course) to try to guess its weight while the narrator states the pig and farmer regarded each othera nice pro-animal rights plug. There are a few other iffy references as well, but you get the idea.

172. Do Animals Have Rights? What Is The Objectivist Position On Animal Cruelty? What
Damian Moskovitz explains the Objectivist view of animal rights, animal cruelty and vegetarianism.
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Category Philosophy: Political Philosophy Source : Posted to the Web on 1/5/2002
FAQ: Animal Rights
Do animals have rights? What is the Objectivist position on animal cruelty? What is the Objectivist position on vegetarianism? Answer by Damian Moskovitz Many believe that animals have the right to be free from harm by people. In particular, they believe that animals should not be harmed in food production, clothing production, or medical research. This belief is the product of a misunderstanding of the nature of rights. Philosophers like Peter Singer argue that rights are derived from the capacity to experience pain, and since animals can experience pain just as people can, animals also have the right to be free from harm. However, rights are derived from the capacity to reason, and thus people have rights and animals do not. Both people and animals seek values such as food and shelter to sustain their lives. However, they do so by different means. Animals pursue values in their environment automatically. For example, an animal scavenges and finds food around it. People, on the other hand, use their faculties of reason to produce values volitionally. For example, a person can choose to study how plants grow and choose to plant and grow his own food. Moreover, people trade values with each other. For example, if one person grows vegetables and another person weaves clothing, the former can give the latter vegetables in exchange for clothing to their mutual benefit.

173. Why Vegetarian?
Personal site advocating vegetarianism due to the health, environment, and animal suffering associated with meat eating.
Warning: Due to so-called "food slander" laws, this page may be illegal! And perhaps you thought free speech was protected by the U.S. Constitution. Please oppose California State Senate Bill 1334. More information can be found here "So, Brett, just why ARE you a vegetarian? Do you eat chicken? Do you drink milk? Do you eat fish? What about eggs?" These are questions I hear often, and I must admit that sometimes I get tired of answering them. But the vegetarian lifestyle so important to me that I've decided to dedicate a page of my site to just these questions. The short answer is, I'm a vegetarian because I care. I care about protecting the rainforests. I care about preventing the suffering of innocent creatures. I care about preventing topsoil depletion. I care about preventing world hunger. I care about reducing energy consumption. I care about the air we breathe, and the water that flows in rivers. And I care about my own health. I honestly believe that the most significant thing I, as an individual, can do for any one of these things I care about is to consume only vegetarian food.
Real food for real people. Good for every body. Incredible edible. The "basic four" food groups. And the question almost every vegetarian is most tired of answering:

174. Animals, People And The Earth
Highlights connections between Animals, People and the Earth including animal rights, feminism, christianity and vegetarianism among others.

175. The Vegetarian/Vegan Society Of Queensland!
Organisation encouraging vegetarianism as a humane and responsible lifestyle. Includes a comprehensive guide to vegetarian/vegan recipes, forums, resources and restaurants.
sitemap forum free recipes shopping guide ...

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Welcome to the Vegetarian and Vegan Society of Queensland website! We have a large selection of articles, recipes and information available.
If you have a genuine interest in vegetarianism or veganism and would like to participate in positive discussion, you may join our forum
We have a brand new book for sale, Passionately Vegetarian, written and photographed by a very talented and lovely lady, Kayoko Govindasamy. It is written in both English and Japanese, is colourful and beautifully presented. Not only has she produced this book, she has donated 50 of them to us. For $20 (plus $2.50 postage) you can give yourself a treat and help the Society at the same time. To order email or phone (07) 3300 9320
Boycott Cruelty - Go Vegan!

Have variety recipes here. Are you a vegetarian? Would you like to becomeone but cannot find all the resources in one place? Look no more.

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Are you a vegetarian? Would you like to become one but cannot find all the resources in one place? Look no more. Here are the comprehensive resources for vegetarians. Vegetarian Grocery Stores Veggie Restaurant Listing How to Buy Fruits and Vegetable More... While we have an extensive collection of recipes that you can access from the menus on the left, we invite you to share your recipes with us. Help us build the largest vegetarian recipe site in the world. Just Click On This Link And Submit Your Recipe Hindus offer food to God first before consuming it, Hindus believe that the food can have profound impact on one's life, and appropriate diet can help in perusal one's chosen lifestyle. The Hindu compassion for all living beings, leads Hindus to vegetarian practices Why do we offer Food to God before Eating?
Ahimsa (The Non-Violence Ethic)
More... Join our forums and share your thoughts
To Be a Vegetarian or Not to Be
Hindus and Beef Cruelty Towards Animals Options for Vegetarians ... Environmentalism and Hindu Dharma Curry Masala Direction For Cooking Eat Healthy And Exercise Well Do Yoga!

177. No Such Page!
No Such Page! If you were looking for the Vegetarian Pages they have long sincemoved from here and in fact have seem to have been abandoned entirely.
If you were looking for the Vegetarian Pages they have long since moved from here and in fact have seem to have been abandoned entirely. You could try Happy Cow If you were looking for the Mountain Bike pages, they ceased to exist a very long time ago. Sorry. If you were looking for a Virtual Memorial, then the pages have been reorganised. Start at the Virtual Memorial Garden front page. If you were looking for Jungle or Nautilus, they are no longer available. Again, sorry. If you were spelling my name Lindsey, then it ought to be Lindsay.

178. Setstats 1
setstats. 1.

179. VegWeb - Recipes, Vegan And Vegetarian Personals, Cookbooks
VegWeb over 6000 vegan/vegetarian recipes, vegetarian cookbooks directory,coupons, singles area and more.

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by Erik Marcus In the Spotlight Organic Consumers Association Goodbaker Gourmet Vegan Baking Mixes - 20% off Try These Recipes Recipe of the Day Carrot Borscht (Carrot and Beetroot Soup) Recipe Category of the Day Basmati Rice Recipes New Recipe Comments Tahini Salad Dressing 09/07/05 14:21 Amber13 writes: I don't think this is very high-fat. I mean come on, it's jus... Happy Vegan Chocolate Chip Cookies 09/07/05 17:12 morningside writes: one good reason not to use soymilk is that it's terrible for yo...

180. - The World's Best Source For Vegetarian Meats, Health Tips, Recipes,
Quick Search for Healthy Food. All Categories, Breakfast, Burgers, Steak Chicken Turk Chili, Stews Chops, Cuts Dinner Entrees .

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