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121. SIDEBAR: Mere Transcendental Meditation - Christianity Today Magazine Christianity Today continues as a leader in providing informative editorial on current events, news from a Christian perspective, Christian doctrine, http://www.christianitytoday.com/ct/2001/001/12.76.html | |
122. 7/17-7/31 When Did You Learn Transcendental Meditation® ? ®transcendental meditation and TM are registered trademarks, This is a bona fide activity of the authentic transcendental meditation program of http://www.craigslist.org/cls/84896504.html |
123. 8/11-8/18 Transcendental Meditation Program Free Introductory Lectures on the transcendental meditation® program ®transcendental meditation and TM are registered trademarks, licensed to Maharishi http://www.craigslist.org/eve/89279699.html |
124. National Ledger - Study: Transcendental Meditation Expands Lifespan An eclectic mix of breaking news, pop culture and political commentary. http://www.nationalledger.com/artman/publish/article_272645.shtml | |
125. Alkalize For Health - Transcendental Meditation Improves Health! - Cancer Altern Individuals who practice transcendental meditation (TM) have about 55% less cancer (Psychosomatic Medicine 49 (1987) 493507). http://www.alkalizeforhealth.net/meditation.htm | |
126. Transcendental Meditation - Parapsychology And Magic - IN SEARCH FOR TRUTH - RIN transcendental meditation is unique and fundamentally different from any other systems of meditation and relaxation. http://istina.rin.ru/eng/para/text/591.html | |
127. Transcendental Meditation Promotes A Healthier, Longer Life ? transcendental meditation has been found to have far more impact on the body than was previously suspected and goes beyond just creating a laid back and http://www.news-medical.net/?id=9704 |
128. Transcendental Meditation transcendental meditation. (a brief) This short paper will discuss the meditation technique known as transcendental meditation (TM), its basic practice http://www.geocities.com/Athens/Olympus/3588/tm.htm | |
129. Transcendental Meditation Steven Alan Hassan, cult expert and mental health counselor provides counseling and extensive information on cult groups, terrorist organizations, http://www.freedomofmind.com/resourcecenter/groups/t/tm/ | |
130. Entertainment News Article Reuters.com Lynch said he had been practicing transcendental meditation himself for more than 30 years and had seen the benefits in some schools in Maryland, http://go.reuters.com/newsArticle.jhtml?type=entertainmentNews&storyID=9126740&s |
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