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161. Great Theosophists--The Neoplatonic Revival (19 Of 29) Renaissance theosophy in the Platonic Academy and elsewhere. From WisdomWorld.org. http://www.wisdomworld.org/setting/revival.html | |
162. INDEX: Intro-166 Articles In The Book-Conclusion (68) theosophy and Scientific Discovery (Part 1 of 2) (69) theosophy and Scientific Discovery (95) Seeds and Seedlings A Sine Qua Non in theosophy http://www.wisdomworld.org/setting.html | |
163. Alpheus--Index: Theosophy This page organizes all material relevant to theosophy and includes an theosophy is the quite obvious spiritualintellectual background of this Web site http://www.alpheus.org/html/contentindices/theosophy_index.html | |
164. Theosophy And Mysticism For Joyceans 1575 birth of Jacob Boehme (d1624) calls work theosophy mbb409 Westminster Gazette expose on theosophy Isis Very Much Unveiled mbb104 http://www.robotwisdom.com/jaj/theosophy.html | |
165. HERE-NOW4U :Bosch, Lourens Peter Van Den :Theosophy Or Pantheism? HERENOW4U World Philosophers Meet 96 theosophy or Pantheism? Friedrich Max Müller s Gifford Lectures on Natural Religion by Lourens Peter van den Bosch. http://www.here-now4u.de/eng/theosophy_or_pantheism__friedr.htm | |
166. Theosophical University Press Online Online resources on theosophy including books by Blavatsky, Judge, Tingley, Purucker, and others. Based in Pasadena, California. http://www.theosociety.org/pasadena/tup-onl.htm | |
167. Theosophy. The Columbia Encyclopedia, Sixth Edition. 2001-05 theosophy. The Columbia Encyclopedia, Sixth Edition. 200105. http://www.bartleby.com/65/th/theosoph.html | |
168. Steve's Dinner: A Lecture In History, Religion And Mystery Series of lectures in history, religion and mystery, on Jiddu Krishnamurti, theosophy, Jesus Christ and ancient man and early Goddess worship. http://www.stevesdinner.plus.com/ | |
169. Theosophical Society In Australia The Theosophical Society in Australia, the Campbell Theosophical Research Library, and about theosophy, spirituality, yoga, religion, meditation and more. http://www.austheos.org.au/default.htm | |
170. Dustfall - Chapter XV - Mundy - Essays From The Theosophical Path theosophy explained by Talbot Mundy. http://www.geocities.com/Athens/Forum/7656/mundy_essay.html | |
171. THEOSOPHY Mystery, Suspense, History, Gothic, Literature, Books, Arts. http://www.blackmask.com/books52c/lafctheosdex.htm |
172. *EsotericPhilosopher* Science Of Cosmology & Psychology Links and articles on many subjects in theosophy. http://logos_endless_summer.tripod.com/ | |
173. THE NEW YORK Part of the TSAdyar. Information on activities. Committed to integrative education and to cultivate the spiritual growth of humanity. http://www.theosophy-ny.org/ | |
174. Magick Circle All about Magic, the cabala, occultism, theosophy, rosicrucianism and Golden Dawn. http://www.frateralastor.com |
175. Index Articles on how modern physics and theosophy agree. http://www.zeropoint.ca/ | |
176. Psychosophy | Esoteric Psychology The Secret Doctrine, theosophy, and the writings on astrology, psychology, and the seven rays. http://www.geocities.com/adijedi/psych.html | |
177. Theosophy Or Divine Wisdom Light on the Path written in 1888 by Mable Collins and other theosophical articles. http://www.spiritual.com.au/theosophy.html | |
178. Books & Pamphlets Online By C.W. Leadbeater On for instance theosophy, dreams, clairvoyance and devachan. http://blavatskyarchives.com/leadbeater2.htm | |
179. Home Page Of The Theosophical Society The homepage of The Theosophical Society, Pasadena has moved to http//www.theosociety.org Please change your references or bookmarks. http://members.aol.com/tstec/hmpage/tsintro.htm | |
180. Begin Hello World Xyend begin hello world xyend. http://www.blavatsky.org/ | |
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