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         Society Of Friends:     more books (100)
  1. The Contribution Of A Member Of The Society Of Friends, To A Lady's Album (1827) by Joseph John Gurney, 2009-11-21
  2. A brief view of the doctrines of the Christian religion: As professed by the Society of Friends in the form of question and answer, for the instruction of youth by John Bevans, 1877
  3. A.J. Muste, pacifist & prophet: His relation to the Society of Friends (Pendle Hill pamphlet) by Jo Ann Robinson, 1981
  4. A history of the Disciples of Christ, the Society of Friends, the United Brethren in Christ and the by Samuel Macauley Jackson, 2009-09-23
  5. Views of Christian doctrine held by the Religious Society of Friends, being passages taken from Barclay's Apology by Robert Barclay, 2010-09-08
  6. Educational Institutions in the Religious Society of Friends by Edward Hicks Magill, 2010-07-24
  7. Letters of Isaac Penington: an eminent minister of the gospel in the Society of Friends by Isaac Penington, 2010-08-21
  8. Friendly Letters to the Society of Friends On Some of Their Distinguishing Principles by Ralph Wardlaw, 2010-01-12
  9. Alexander Cowan Wilson, 1866-1955: His finances and his causes (Journal of the Friends Historical Society : Supplement ; no. 35) by Stephen Wilson, 1974
  11. Testimonies and practice of the Society of Friends by Jane Palen Rushmore, 1945
  12. The Quakers In Great Britain And America: The Religious And Political History Of The Society Of Friends From The Seventeenth To The Twentieth Century (1913) by Charles Frederick Holder, 2010-09-10
  13. John Woolman in England (Journal of the Friends' Historical Society, supplements / Friends' Historical Society) by Henry J. Cadbury, 1971-12
  14. History of the Society of Friends in America (Volume 2) by James Bowden, 2010-04-01

121. Society Of Friends - Doctrines: New & Used Books Category Search Result For Soci
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Religion Christianity Quakers Society Of Friends - Doctrines Add Review Quaker Spirituality: Selected Writings
By Spiritual Classics HarperCollins Douglas Van Steere (Editor), Rick Moody (Other)
Paperback / 164 Pages / Harper San Francisco / May 2005 / 0060578726
List Price $11.95 / Similar to Quaker Spirituality: Selected Writings
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By Douglas V. Steere (Editor), Elizabeth Vining (Editor)
Paperback / Paulist Pr / May 1984 / 0809125102
List Price $24.95 / Similar to Quaker Spirituality: Selected Writings Compare Prices Add To Wish List Details ... Add Review Quakers, Jews, And Science: Religious Responses to Modernity And the Sciences in Britain, 1650-1900 By Geoffrey Cantor G. N. Cantor Hardcover / 400 Pages / Oxford Univ Pr / November 2005 / 0199276684 List Price $100.00 / Similar to

122. Society Of Friends
The society of friends of the Allard Pierson Museum was founded before the Second World War, and supported the museum in the first difficult years.
The Society of Friends
The Society of Friends of the Allard Pierson Museum was founded before the Second World War, and supported the museum in the first difficult years. This Society was not able to maintain its status. In 1969 a new Society was therefore founded, which is at present one of the largest societies of musem friends in the Netherlands, with 1800 members. The Society wants to promote the interest of the public for the museum. To this purpose they organize lectures and bring forth publications. They also collect money for new acquisitions and mediate with private collectors who want to loan or give objects to the museum. With the Society's assistance, all kinds of activities can take place in the museum. All who consider themselves friends of the museum and want to support the purpose of the Society, are warmly invited to become a member. Members have free admittance to the museum and receive the Journals of the Society of Friends [Dutch]. Publications of objects from the museum and information on the exhibitions can be found in the journals. Members are also invited for guided tours, lectures, exhibitions and other activities in the museum. Lastly, the Society offers the use of the library of the Department Mediterranean Archaeology to her members.

123. Friends (Quakers) And Women, By Bill Samuel -
The attitude of the Religious society of friends (Quakers) towards the ministry of women. Also contains a listing of some Quaker women who have become well known for their ministry.
Your online source for information about the Religious Society of Friends (Quakers).
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var site="sm1QuakerInfo" Friends (Quakers) and Women
by Bill Samuel
Originally published August 1, 1998 at
At the beginning of the Friends movement in the 17th century, Friends were controversial for a number of reasons. One of the major ones was the belief of Friends that ministry came through women as well as men. In the early years of the Friends movement, there were a number of Friends traveling in the ministry often called the "Valiant Sixty" (there were actually more than 60 of them). These Friends evangelized Great Britain, Jamaica, what is now the United States, and a number of other places. There were women as well as men in this work. Friends in those years were often beaten and jailed for their witness. In a few cases, they were even executed. Perhaps the most famous Quaker martyr was Mary Dyer . In Boston, a law was passed in 1658 banishing Quakers under "pain of death." When Mary Dyer learned that two of her friends were jailed in Boston, she went to visit them in 1659 and was thrown in jail. She and her friends were released, but assured they would be executed if they returned. Less than a month later, she returned to Boston. She was imprisoned, saw her two friends hanged, and was to be executed herself, but was reprieved at the last moment with the rope around her neck. Still not deterred, she returned yet again and was hung on June 1, 1660.

124. Religious Society Of Friends (Quakers)
THE RELIGIOUS society of friends (QUAKERS). NMSU logo. Quaker Center The Las Cruces Monthly Meeting of the Religious society of friends (Quakers) is a
David Richman Last updated 2/21/2005 by InterFaith Council webmaster, Jim Ficklin (

125. Handbook Of Texas Online: RELIGIOUS SOCIETY OF FRIENDS
Few members of the Religious society of friends, commonly known as Quakers, The Estacado Monthly Meeting of the society of friends, established in
format this article to print
RELIGIOUS SOCIETY OF FRIENDS . Few members of the Religious Society of Friends, commonly known as Quakers, were to be found in Texas until after the Civil War. qv Their early opposition to slavery qv led the Friends to bypass the Gulf Coast states. Several monthly meetings (organizational units) of Friends made known their opposition to accepting slaveholding Texas into the Union, primarily because Texas reserved the right to divide into five slave states. Furthermore, a proslavery, antiabolitionist newspaper, the Austin Anti-Quaker qv appeared in March 1842. Several individual Quakers made their way to Texas before the 1870s, however, the most famous being Mifflin Kenedy. qv Early twentieth-century Quaker groups were in Lipscomb County (1910) and in View Point, Texas. Today there are two major Quaker organizations in the state, the Kansas Yearly Meeting, the earlier group, and the South Central Yearly Meeting. In 1964 the Kansas Yearly Meeting sponsored the Friends School in San Antonio. The school, located in the former Southern Christian College buildings, offered education, housing, and guidance to emotionally disturbed children who had been rejected by other child-care agencies. In 1970 approximately eighty students were being cared for. In 1963 the Kansas Meeting Friends joined an interdenominational group and established headquarters in Friendswood for CABCO (the Central African Broadcasting Company), known in Europe and Africa as CORDAC. The station, located in Bujumbura, Burundi, on the northeast shore of Lake Tanganyika, broadcasts daily missionary programs in five languages to a audience possibly as large as ten million.

126. How Friends (Quakers) Conduct Church Business, By Bill Samuel -
Information on how the Religious society of friends (Quakers) conducts church business its method of decision making.
Your online source for information about the Religious Society of Friends (Quakers).
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Bill Samuel

var site="sm1QuakerInfo" How Friends (Quakers)
Conduct Church Business

by Bill Samuel
Originally published September 1, 2000 at
Friends are not to meet [in meetings for business] like a company of people about town or parish business ... but to wait upon the Lord. (George Fox, Letters Friends (Quakers) do many things in a different manner than most do. One of these things is how Friends conduct their church business. In a study on this subject, Beyond Majority Rule (Philadelphia Yearly Meeting of the Religious Society of Friends, 1983), Michael J. Sheeran, S.J. states Friends "...may be the only modern Western community in which decision making achieves the group-centered decisions of traditional societies."
Democracy or Theocracy?
Some people, even some Friends, look at the open and participatory aspects of a Friends meeting for business, and conclude it is designed to be democratic. In fact, its intention is not to find what the most people want to do, but to find the will of God for the body that is meeting. Friends decision making is fundamentally theocratic rather than democratic. Friends decision making is a matter of spiritual discernment. It is based on a belief that God's will can be perceived by human beings. Furthermore, it assumes that God speaks consistently to all and therefore that all who genuinely seek the will of God can find unity in what it is.

127. Today In History: October 14
Penn joined the Religous society of friends five years later. At that time, Friends, commonly called Quakers, were subject to official persecution.
@import url(../css/am15_global_ss.css); @import url(ss/tih1_ss.css);
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Today in History
The Library of Congress American Memory Home
Today in History: October 14
sources archives yesterday For shame! For shame! You dare to cry out Liberty, when you hold us in places against our will, driving us from place to place as if we were beasts.
Sarah Winnemucca
Life Among the Piutes: Their Wrongs and Claims , p. 243-244.
Sarah Winnemucca, circa 1883-1890.
with permission of the Nevada Historical Society Sarah Winnemucca, whose Paiute* Indian name was Thocmetony or Shell Flower, died at her sister's home in Henry's Lake, Nevada on October 14 Life Among the Piutes: Their Wrongs and Claims , is an autobiographical account of her people during their first forty years of contact with explorers and settlers. Born "somewhere near 1844" in the Humbolt River and Pyramid Lakes area of western Nevada, Sarah Winnemucca was the daughter of Chief Winnemucca Po-i-to ) of the Northern Paiute people. Her grandfather, Chief Truckee (possibly Tru-ki-zo in Paiute) guided Malheur Reservation , designated a reservation for the northern Paiute by a series of Executive Orders issued by President U. S. Grant

128. North Cumbria Quakers
Guide to the meetings of The Religious society of friends (Quakers) in North Cumbria.
Quakers in North Cumbria - The Religious Society of Friends - Cumberland General Meeting QUAKERS IN NORTH CUMBRIA
Cumberland General Meeting
The Religious Society of Friends (Quakers)
Pardshaw Monthly Meeting ABOUT THE GENERAL MEETING Cumberland General Meeting comprises those Quaker Meetings situated in the northern part of Cumbria. This area extends northwards from the A66 to the Scottish borders and from the Solway Firth in the west to the hills of the Pennines in the east. The General Meeting district takes in the Northern Fells of the Lake District National Park, the Cumbrian plain northward to the Solway estuary and parts of the Eden Valley and northern Pennines. To the south, Cumberland General Meeting borders with Westmorland General Meeting , which encompasses the heartland of early Quakerism in Northern England. To the north, across the Solway Firth, our nearest neighbouring meetings are those in West Scotland Monthly Meeting, located in the Galloway peninsula. LINKS TO CONSTITUENT PREPARATIVE MEETINGS: PARDSHAW MM KESWICK COCKERMOUTH WHITEHAVEN PARDSHAW ... ALSTON Click here to see a map showing the locations of meetings in North Cumbria: LOCATION MAP Click here for more information about Cumberland General Meeting: MORE ABOUT CUMBERLAND GENERAL MEETING CLICK HERE FOR OTHER QUAKER WEB SITES: ABOUT QUAKERS

129. Cambridgeshire, EnglandGenWeb Project - Quakers
The society of friends was organised in a hierarchy of meetings named from the frequency with which they were convened. At the top was the London Yearly
Cambridgeshire - Society of Friends (Quakers)
A Christian sect founded (c. 1650) in England by George Fox. They hold that understanding and guidance come directly from 'inward light' of Holy Spirit and that sacrament, and formal worship are unnecessary for Christian life. The Society of Friends was organised in a hierarchy of meetings named from the frequency with which they were convened. At the top was the London Yearly Meeting; below that was the Quarterly Meeting, and below that again the Monthly Meeting . Below this again were the preparative meetings, sometimes called particular meetings or allowed meetings. Registers were generally kept by monthly or quarterly meetings, though a number of the preparative meetings also kept registers. The quarterly meetings were originally akin to counties in their areas, there being separate meetings for Cambridgeshire and Isle of Ely. The general tendency has been for Monthly Meeting s to amalgamate with one another, so that, with a similar tendency in Quarterly Meetings, the Monthly Meeting covered an area beyond that of Cambridgeshire and the Isle of Ely. The registers are held at the County Record Office, Cambridge.

130. Religion: Quaker Women
In contrast with almost every other organized religion, the society of friends (Quakers) have allowed women to serve as ministers since the early 1800s. Herstory is about equality within the society of friends
Religion: Quaker Women
Quaker Women
56 KB
In contrast with almost every other organized religion, the Society of Friends (Quakers) have allowed women to serve as ministers since the early 1800s. Herstory 1975 noted the work of Quaker ministers Alma G. Dale in Manitoba, and Eliza Brewer's work with the inmates of Kingston Penitentiary. In 1977, Herstory noted that the tradition of equality within the Society of Friends, and her strong faith, helped Emily Jennings Stowe during her long fight for recognition as Canada's first female doctor, and in her organization of the Dominion Women's Enfranchisement League in the 1890s.

131. Swarthmoor Hall - Considering The The Past, In The Light Of Present Experience,
Owned by the society of friends, The Quakers, and used for training and retreats. Also available for groups of people who might wish to organise their own events retreats, workshops - either on a self-catering or fully-catered basis.
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132. Quaker Environmentalism -
Article by Marshall Massey on history and principles of environmental concerns in the Religious society of friends.
Your online source for information about the Religious Society of Friends (Quakers).
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Bill Samuel

var site="sm1QuakerInfo" Quaker Environmentalism
by Marshall Massey
Originally published April 1, 1999 at Marshall Massey proposed the creation of the North American Quaker environmental organization the Friends Committee on Unity with Nature in a 1985 plenary address to Friends in California. He helped set up the actual organization at the annual gathering of Friends General Conference two years later. He presently serves as staff for the Environmental Projects Center in Colorado, and leads workshops on witnessing skills for religious and environmental groups. Marshall attends Iowa Yearly Meeting (Conservative) of the Religious Society of Friends (Quakers).
Quaker Environmentalism Different
Quaker environmentalism is different from most other kinds of religious environmentalism because Quakerism itself is different! And so, to understand the one, we need to start by looking at the other. Now, there are three things in our Quaker tradition that, in my opinion, explain nearly all the striking differences between our Religious Society and most other Christian bodies:

133. A Quaker Understanding Of Jesus Christ, Part 1, By Arthur O. Roberts - QuakerInf
An exploration of how the Religious society of friends (Quakers) views Jesus Christ, by Arthur O. Roberts, Professorat-large, George Fox University, Newberg, Oregon, USA.
Your online source for information about the Religious Society of Friends (Quakers).
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Bill Samuel

var site="sm1QuakerInfo" A Quaker Understanding
of Jesus Christ
Part 1 of 4

by Arthur O. Roberts Originally published October 1, 1999 at [EDITOR'S NOTE: This article is taken, by permission, from an article, "A Quaker Understanding of Jesus Christ", by Arthur O. Roberts in Quaker Religious Thought , Vol. 29, No. 3, July 1999. Due to the length of that article, it is published online in four parts. The article was adapted from a paper read at the Quaker Theological Discussion Group, Orlando, Florida, November 21, 1998, and responses to it. Arthur Roberts is a past Editor of Quaker Religious Thought . He is the author of many journal articles, poems, devotional pieces, books, and other writings. He has served in the past as Professor of Religion and Philosophy and as Dean of Faculty at George Fox University , as well as a pastor in Friends' (Quaker) churches.

134. Richmond Declaration Of Faith Of 1887 -
The Richmond Declaration of Faith of 1887 is the classic statement of faith of the Orthodox branch of the Religious society of friends (Quakers).
Your online source for information about the Religious Society of Friends (Quakers).
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Bill Samuel

var site="sm1QuakerInfo" Declaration of Faith Issued by the Richmond Conference in 1887
Section Links
EXPLANATORY NOTE: A conference of 95 delegates appointed by 12 Friends (Quaker) yearly meetings representing the Orthodox branch of Friends across the world met in Richmond, Indiana in September 1887. This conference issued a Declaration of Faith , which has been widely used by Orthodox Friends ever since. This is one of the three major doctrinal documents for Orthodox Friends. The others are the Letter to the Governor of Barbadoes and Essential Truths (N.B. It should be understood that the quotations from Scripture are made from the Authorized Version unless stated to be from the Revised Version.) It is under a deep sense of what we owe to Him who has loved us that we feel called upon to offer a declaration of those fundamental doctrines of Christian truth that have always been professed by our branch of the Church of Christ.
We believe in one holy, (Isa. 6:3, 58:15) almighty, (Gen. 17:1) all-wise, (Rom. 11:33, 16:27) and everlasting (Ps 90:1-2) God, the Father, (Matt 11:25-27) the Creator (Gen 1:1) and Preserver (Job 7:20) of all things; and in Jesus Christ, His only Son, our Lord, by whom all things were made, (John 1:30) and by whom all things consist; (Col 1:17) and in one Holy Spirit, proceeding from the Father and the Son, (John 15:26, 16:7) the Reprover (John 16:8) of the world, the Witness for Christ, (John 15:26) and the Teacher, (John 14:26) Guide, (John 16:13) and Sanctifier (2 Thess 2:13) of the people of God; and that these three are one in the eternal Godhead; (Matt 28:19, John 10:30, 17:21) to whom be honor, praise, and thanksgiving, now and forever. Amen.

135. Barclay's Apology
The premier classical doctrinal book of the Religious society of friends (Quakers).
You are here:
An Apology
for the
True Christian Divinity
Robert Barclay
first published in 1678
Quaker Heritage Press
16 Huber St.
Glenside, PA 19038
Peter D. Sippel
120 East Street Rd., G3-O4
Warminster, PA 18974
Contents Editor's Introduction [p. iii] Glossary [p. vii] Apology for the True Christian Divinity

136. Parkinson Society Ottawa
Dedicated to improving quality of life for those who suffer from this disease. The goal is to help people with Parkinson's, their families, friends and care givers in this region of Canada.
Parkinson Society
Ottawa is
Mailing Address:
1053 Carling Avenue Ottawa, Ontario
Contact Us: Tel: (613) 722-9238 Fax: (613) 722-3241
Located At: 1712 Carling Ave (ground floor)
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Free Hosting Provided By Welcome to Parkinson Society Ottawa If you or someone you know is suffering from Parkinson's disease, you have come to the right place because we are dedicated to improving your quality of life. Our goal is to help people with Parkinson's, their families, friends and caregivers in the Ottawa region by:
  • Working with family physicians and neurologists to offer advice, information and services; Providing specialized physiotherapy and Tai Chi classes designed to maintain flexibility and strength; Offering one-on-one counselling and support groups;

137. UK Golf Society
UK club formed in 1993 to celebrate a group of friends' birthdays by having a pleasant round of golf and then getting totally nailed in a bar somewhere. Includes club news, members, ladies section, events, player of the year, hall of fame, hall of shame, and poetry corner.
The Birthday Biff Golf Society was formed in the UK in 1993. It is a vehicle for celebrating a group of friends' birthdays by having a pleasant round of golf and then getting totally nailed in a bar somewhere.
From the humble beginnings of playing golf then dossing down on Smudger's floor and robbing his drink, the society has graduated to staying in upmarket hotels and robbing their drink. Membership of the Society is restricted to those players who have been invited to, and survived three biffs. It's not the golf but the drinking and the piss taking that's the problem for most people. It is peculiar among golf societies as there aren't actually any rules, but anyone breaking them never gets asked back. If by any chance you're one of those weirdos with a old or unusual browser you may not be able to see our menu on the left. Either upgrade it to Internet Explorer V5 or use our Site Map * Allegedly.

138. Friends Of Classics - Index
A society for anyone interested in the world of the ancient Greeks and Romans. Membership information, officers, publications and news, reviews, and calendar of events.
Site Updated
22nd August
Headlines "Spectator"
Competition Rules
"When in Rome"
by Alex Horne
Catch all the latest news at Friends of Classics Site Problems..... If you are having difficulty getting to any part of the site, please let me know Reviews at Friends of Classics Home Page Welcome to the Friends of Classics Website Friends of Classics FoC ) is the society for anyone who is fascinated by the world of the ancient Greeks and Romans. If you have some knowledge of the classical civilisations - however residual, from however many years ago - and, above all, if you wish to see classical subjects - Latin, Greek, classical civilisation and ancient history - flourishing in our schools, then Friends of Classics is for you. FoC has two main functions:
  • Raising money to encourage the study of the ancient world and its languages in schools,
  • Arranging activities for Friends to enjoy.

139. Friends Of Calligraphy
International society of amateur and professional calligraphers open to anyone who is interested in the lettering arts. Subscription information for two separate newsletters.
The Friends of Calligraphy is an international society of amateur and professional calligraphers. Our purpose is to promote the study of calligraphy and to encourage individual excellence in its practice. We also hope to foster a wider appreciation and deeper understanding of calligraphy, its history and applications. Our membership is open to anyone who is interested in the lettering arts. Members receive two publications. Bulletin a quarterly newsletter with information about classes, local and international events, book and workshop reviews, calls for entries and resources. Also, Alphabet , a journal of calligraphy published three times yearly which focuses on artists and their work. Members also gain access to fee-based workshops , lectures and other events with highly regarded professional calligraphers. Yearly membership fees are $30 within the USA and $45 international. For information please write:
Friends of Calligraphy, P.O. Box 425194, San Francisco, California 94142-5194. [ Return to Vellum Gallery ]

140. Bonsiart
Photo album with pictures of Richard and his friends, and views on drugs, sex, abortion, society, and others. Includes MIDIs and MP3s.
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