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         Society Of Friends:     more books (100)
  1. A portraiture of Quakerism. Taken from a view of the education and discipline, social manners, civil and political economy, religious principles and character, of the Society of Friends by Thomas Clarkson, 2010-08-30
  2. The principles of religion: As professed by the society of Christians, called Friends ; written for the instruction of their youth, and for the information of strangers / by Henry Tuke by Henry Tuke, 1819
  4. Journal of the life and religious labors of Thomas Scattergood: a minister of the gospel in the Society of Friends by Thomas Scattergood, 2010-09-07
  5. Observations On the Religious Peculiarities of the Society of Friends by Joseph John Gurney, 2010-01-12
  6. The Society Of Friends And What It Stands For by William Whiting, 2010-05-22
  7. An American View Of The Causes Which Have Led To The Decline Of The Society Of Friends In Great Britain And Ireland (1860) by Samuel Macpherson Janney, 2010-09-10
  8. Divisions in the Society of Friends by Thomas Henry Speakman, 2010-03-07
  9. A treatise on fundamental doctrines of the Christian religion: in which are illustrated the profession, ministry, worship, and faith of the Society of Friends by Jesse Kersey, 2010-09-01
  10. Biographical Notices Of Members Of The Society Of Friends V1: Containing The Life Of George Fox (1813) by Henry Tuke, 2008-08-18
  11. Journal of Ann Branson; A Minister of the Gospel in the Society of Friends by Ann Branson, 2010-03-26
  12. The Friends' Library: Comprising Journals, Doctrinal Treatises, and Other Writings of Members of the Religious Society of Friends, Volume 2 (German Edition) by Anonymous, 2010-03-05
  13. Further Proceedings of the Joint Committee Appointed by the Society of Friends: Constituting the Yearly Meetings of Genessee [!] New York, Philadelphia ... the Condition of the Seneca Nation of India
  14. A memoir of the life and religious labors of Edward Burrough: an eminent servant of Christ and minister of the Gospel in The Society of Friends by William Evans, 2010-09-07

81. New England Yearly Meeting Of Friends
George Fox, one of the early founders of the society of friends in seventeenth century England, had as a youth suffered great anguish as he sought an answer
New England Yearly Meeting of Friends
The Religious Society of Friends in New England
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Your donation helps strengthen Quaker community and Quaker witness throughout New England. Through youth and young adult programs, committee work, the annual Sessions, adult religious education and intervisitation programs, NEYM connects and supports meetings in our region. 901 Pleasant Street
Worcester, MA 01602-1908
voice: 508/754-6760
fax: 508/754-9401

Office hours: 9:00 am - 5:00 pm
Tues - Fridays
Closed Mondays For more details call the office, listen to the greeting. Click here for a list of useful NEYM email addresses. Index The Quaker Message Staff The Meeting for Worship 2005 Annual Sessions Information ... Other Quaker Yearly Meetings The Quaker Message George Fox, one of the early founders of the Society of Friends in seventeenth century England, had as a youth suffered great anguish as he sought an answer to his spiritual quest. His answer came, after much reading of the Scriptures and visits to many ministers and counselors, when he heard a voice within him which said: "There is One, even Christ Jesus, that can speak to thy condition." "And when I heard it," he later reported, "my heart did leap for joy." He had found God directly without the aid of ritual or clergy, and henceforth his distinctive message was: Christ speaks directly to each human heart who seeks Him; listen to the teacher within; He placed His light within each of us, and as we follow the way He directs we shall be led into life and Truth.

82. Society Of Friends. , American Philosophical Society
In October 1719, the Yearly Meeting of the society of friends for Cite as society of friends, Book of Discipline, American Philosophical Society.
Society of Friends.
Philadelphia Yearly Meeting
Book of Discipline
(1 vol., 25p.) American Philosophical Society 105 South Fifth Street * Philadelphia, PA 19106-3386 Table of contents Abstract In October 1719, the Yearly Meeting of the Society of Friends for Philadelphia and the Jersies reached consensus on a "book of discipline" governing the "establishment and order of meetings." The regulations covered both the conduct of the Quarterly and Monthly Meetings and the personal comportment of individual members, refining the bureaucratic structure of the meetings and laying out the powers of Overseers and other officials. It touches upon marriage (mandating endogamy), burial, and attendance at meetings, and cautions Friends to plainness of speech and dress, drinking, smoking, backbiting, and gaming. This version of the Book of Discipline is a manuscript copy made for the American Philosophical Society in 1820 "from and antient Copy in the possession of Timothy Matlack, Esqr."
  • Background note Administrative information Background note In October 1719, the Yearly Meeting of the Society of Friends for Philadelphia and the Jersies reached consensus on a "book of discipline" governing the "establishment and order of meetings." The regulations covered both the conduct of the Quarterly and Monthly Meetings and the personal comportment of individual members, refining the bureaucratic structure of the meetings and laying out the powers of Overseers and other officials. It touches upon marriage (mandating endogamy), burial, and attendance at meetings, and cautions Friends to plainness of speech and dress, drinking, smoking, backbiting, and gaming.

83. Society Of Friends
George Fox, the founder of the society of friends, was born in the village of Fermy society of friends (Quaker) Records of Fairfield Monthly Meeteing,
Society of Friends
by W. Arthur Allee, Ph.D., August 1995 George Fox, the founder of the Society of Friends, was born in the village of Fermy Dryton, Leicester, England, in July 1624 and died in London on 13 January 1690. He was a child of pious parents, Christopher Fox and Mary Lago; he was christened in the parish church; he was an avid reader of the Bible. He became a seeker for quality of life found in the Bible but not found in the church members and people about him. He sat patiently through the church services, but at the age of 11 began thinking things out for himself. At the age of 20 he started wandering throughout the country seeking answers to spiritual questions from professors and parish priest after parish priest. Finally, an inward light of understanding shown through his whole being, and he then started his public ministry. He acquired many followers who lived by his teachings and called themselves “Children of Light,” “Friends of Truth,” and finally “Society of Friends.”[note 1] “The Society of Friends is a Christian denomination or Church founded in England about 1650. Each member of this Church is a ‘Friend.’ A local congregation of Friends is a ‘Meeting,’ but this term also describes any group of Friends regularly gathering for worship or church business. Friends call a church building a ‘Meeting House’ (MH). Friends are often called ‘Quakers,’ a name put on them by an English judge after he was told to ‘tremble at the word of the Lord.’ For many years ‘Quaker’ was an insulting word, but Friends eventually came to use it themselves, and ‘Quaker’ and ‘Friend’ became synonymous.” [note 2]

84. Calendar Of Friends' (Quaker) Yearly Meetings -
Calendar of annual sessions of yearly meetings of the Religious society of friends (Quakers), and of important Quaker conferences and regional gatherings.
A service of
Calendar of Yearly Meetings
of the Religious Society of Friends (Quakers) Calendar of YMs
Africa The Americas

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var site="sm1QuakerInfo" Calendar of Friends' (Quaker) Yearly Meetings Last updated March 13, 2005 A Calendar of Yearly Meetings is produced annually by the Friends World Committee for Consultation (FWCC) , giving the dates, places, contacts and clerks for all Friends (Quaker) yearly meetings in the world for which the FWCC has information, along with information on some other conferences and regional gatherings. It is now usually published as an insert in their bulletin, Friends World News . If you do not get that publication, you can send a self-addressed stamped long envelope to your nearest FWCC office for a copy of the printed Calendar. The printed version of the 2005 Calendar is also available on the Web in PDF format The FWCC has given me permission to publish the information they collect on the Web. In addition, some yearly meetings have provided me with updated information. I also include e-mail or Web links where possible. I post future years' information as it becomes available, not waiting until FWCC has compiled its information, so it is helpful if Friends send information to me before or at the same time it is sent to FWCC. If you have updated information on any future sessions, or information on how to contact yearly meetings electronically by Web or e-mail, please use the

85. Tokyo Quakers Monthly Meeting - Religious Society Of Friends
Tokyo Monthly Meeting of the Religious society of friends (Quakers) unofficial page with introductions to Quakerism in Japan and in general.
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86. MSN Encarta - Quakers
The society of friends may be traced to the many Protestant bodies that appeared in Many doctrines of the society of friends were taken from those of
Web Search: Encarta Home ... Upgrade your Encarta Experience Search Encarta Upgrade your Encarta Experience Spend less time searching and more time learning. Learn more Tasks Related Items more... Further Reading Editors' picks for Friends, Society of
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Friends, Society of
Encyclopedia Article Multimedia 2 items Article Outline Introduction Beliefs Origins I
Print Preview of Section Friends, Society of (in full Religious Society of Friends), designation of a body of Christians more commonly known as Quakers. Their fundamental belief is that divine revelation is immediate and individual; all persons may perceive the word of God in their soul, and Friends endeavor to heed it. Terming such revelation the “inward light,” the “Christ within,” or the “inner light,” the first Friends identified this spirit with the Christ of history. They rejected a formal creed, worshiped on the basis of silence, and regarded every participant as a potential vessel for the word of God, instead of relying upon a special, paid clergy set apart from the rest. II
Print Preview of Section Quakerism emphasizes human goodness because of a belief that something of God exists in everyone. At the same time, however, it recognizes the presence of human evil and works to eradicate as much of it as possible. Quakerism is a way of life; Friends place great emphasis upon living in accord with Christian principles. Truth and sincerity are Quaker bywords; thus, Quaker merchants refuse to bargain, for bargaining implies that truth is flexible. Emulating Christ, the Friends attempt to avoid luxury and emphasize simplicity in dress, manners, and speech. Until late in the 19th century, they retained certain forms of speech known as plain speech, which employed “thee” as opposed to the more formal “you”; this usage indicated the leveling of social classes and the spirit of fellowship integral to Quaker teaching.

87. Evangelical Friends Church Southwest
Information about the faith, member churches, organization and programs of Evangelical Friends Church Southwest, a regional body of the society of friends in the Southwestern United States affiliated with Evangelical Friends International.
EFCSW is a gathering of forty-two (42) churches in the southwestern United States of America (California, Arizona, Nevada, and Utah). We assist our local churches in making more and better friends of Jesus Christ and equipping them to meet the spiritual needs in their communities. To this end, our office in Whittier, California serves approximately 9,000 members/attendees, working to fulfill Jesus' Great Commandment and Great Commission to equip, mobilize, and release workers to spread the love of Jesus.
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And they must be doing something right. Sales were up 19% and net earnings grew 25% in 2004. That's a lot of toothpaste. The effort to build an experience into every product is paying off. One of the newest ideas is to print Trivial Pursuit questions on each individual Pringle crisp (they really do this). Chips embossed with Guinness World Records are the next ­ no joke. The drive to create that distinguishing experience is pushing them to some amazing product innovations. What would it be like if anytime a person came in touch with a Christian, they had a distinguishing experience? If that were to happen, what would their encounter look like? What would it feel like? Jesus gave us the answer. "You are the salt of the earth. But if the salt loses its saltiness, how can it be made salty again? It is no longer good for anything, except to be thrown out and trampled by men." (Matthew 5:13)

88. The Religious Society Of Friends. (from Religion) --  Encyclopædia Britannica
The Religious society of friends. (from Religion) (For figures on Adherents of All Religions by Continent, e see /e tbl artclid= 124654 tocid= 9124654
Home Browse Newsletters Store ... Subscribe Already a member? Log in This Article's Table of Contents Introduction Overview Protestant Churches Anglican Communion. Baptist Churches. Christian Church (Disciples of Christ). Churches of Christ. ... Reformed, Presbyterian, and Congregational Churches. The Religious Society of Friends. Salvation Army. Seventh-day Adventist Church. Unitarian (Universalist) Churches. United Church of Canada. ... Print this Table of Contents Shopping Price: USD $1495 Revised, updated, and still unrivaled. The Official Scrabble Players Dictionary (Hardcover) Price: USD $15.95 The Scrabble player's bible on sale! Save 30%. Merriam-Webster's Collegiate Dictionary Price: USD $19.95 Save big on America's best-selling dictionary. Discounted 38%! More Britannica products Religion
 Encyclopædia Britannica Article Page 14 of 26
(For figures on Adherents of All Religions by Continent, see Table I ; for Adherents in the U.S.

89. Sidwell Friends School - About The Religious Society Of Friends
This revelation led to the birth of the Religious society of friends and has been at the heart of its life and witness ever since.
William Penn's Treaty with the Indians The Religious Society of Friends was originated by George Fox (1624-1691) during a period of political upheaval and social change in England. The established churches, Catholic and Anglican, were at a low ebb at this time, caught up in conflicts and preoccupied with forms and power struggles rather than religious witness. Neither provided much help to the victims of upheaval in a violent century, and so there were thousands of "seekers" who were looking for something that they could believe in and that would give meaning to their lives. One such seeker, George Fox, after years of spiritual questioning, had a revelation on Pendle Hill, in the heart of England's Lake District. This revelation led to the birth of the Religious Society of Friends and has been at the heart of its life and witness ever since. From this revelation, George Fox derived his essential insight, which was that there is "that of God" in everyone, and that one can gain access to the God within through stillness and the practice of silence. The belief that there is that of God in every person led as well to the Quaker practices of careful listening, compassion, non-violence, full equality of women, and social action in pursuit of social justice. Fox also believed that decisions in the religious community should be made by the "sense of the meeting," a spiritual step that seeks truth and is distinctive from consensus and voting, which seeks compromise or majority rule.

90. I Am New To The Society Of Friends. I Appreciate Any Help... - Q&A
I am new to the society of friends. I appreciate any help I am new to the society of friends. I appreciate any help from a learned Quaker to mine
I am new to the Society of Friends. I appreciate any help...
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Question by E. Vincent Submitted on 5/14/2004 Related FAQ: soc.religion.quaker Answers to Frequently Asked Questions Rating: Rate this question: N/A Worst Weak OK Good Great I am new to the Society of Friends. I appreciate any help from a learned Quaker to mine questions.
Are the Quakers also Puritans ~ does "Puritan Quakers" make sense?
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91. RE Directory: Religious Society Of Friends (Quakers)
Religious society of friends (Quakers). Friends House. 173177 Euston Road. LONDON. NW1 2BJ. Tel, 020 7663 1000. Fax, 020 7663 1001
Religious Society of Friends (Quakers)
Friends House 173-177 Euston Road LONDON Tel: Fax: Website:
Help and advice are available from Quaker Peace and Social Witness This organisation is a member of the RE Council.
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Page generated:22 March 2005 (Last full update: June 2004)
Culham Institute / Tony Parfitt / Melchior

92. New York Yearly Meeting
Official Web site of New York Yearly Meeting of the Religious society of friends, including directory of meetings, Faith and Practice, and the newsletter Spark.
Welcome Quakerism Peace, Conscientious
Military Counseling
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New York Yearly Meeting
of the Religious Society
of Friends (Quakers)
15 Rutherford Place
New York, NY 10003
QUAKERSA simple faith. A radical witness.
New! Minutes of 2005 sessions in HTML and PDF Summer 2005 InfoShare in HTML and PDF Bibliography from Committee on Conflict Transformation Linda Chidsey's testimony to NYS Legislature on death penalty HTML and PDF Linda Chidsey's testimony to NYC Council on Res. 367 HTML and PDF Welcome to the Web site of New York Yearly Meeting of the Religious Society of Friends (Quakers). Everyone is always welcome at a Quaker meeting for worship. New York Yearly Meeting is a gathering of Quaker meetings and worship groups in New York State, northern and central New Jersey, and southwestern Connecticut. In this site you will find lots of introductory materials to Quakerism , including our Faith and Practice , a calendar of Yearly Meeting activities, detailed descriptions of events, a directory of the regional meetings and the monthly meetings that make up the Yearly Meeting and directions on how to get to one near you, electronic versions of the Yearly Meeting's newsletters

93. Society Of Friends - - American Heritage Dictionary
Search for society of friends . TYPE IN YOUR WORD CLICK GO! society of friends n. A Christian denomination, founded in the mid17th century
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A Christian denomination, founded in the mid-17th century in England, that rejects formal sacraments, a formal creed, a priesthood, and violence; the Quakers.
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The American Heritage Dictionary of the English Language, Fourth Edition

94. The Society Of Friends (Quakers)
The reign of George III; the reign of George IV; the reign of William IV; Bute; Chatham; Grenville; Rockingham; the American War of Independence;
The Peel Web
Please note that this web site will soon move to a new location at
The Society of Friends (Quakers)
The Society of Friends owes its being to the personality of George Fox, who was born in 1624 in a Puritan home. Gradually he came to three 'truths':
  • outward profession of religion is not enough learning is not enough church-going is not enough
He wanted to call people from an unreal external religion to the true knowledge of God and the worship which is in spirit or in truth. From about 1648 he went out into the world challenging all that was merely conventional. He refused to doff his hat, bow or follow the usual social courtesies. He refused to use worldly titles or to take oaths. He attacked churches, calling them 'steeple-houses', and priests, since none could stand between man and God - this meant a refusal to pay tithes. He opposed war and preached truth and love. He was arrested, imprisoned, beaten, persecuted; yet he never returned violence for violence. The fundamental principle for which Quakers stood is usually today called the Inner Light, which is God in man. This direct experience of the Inner Light precluded any theological formulations, so Quakers did not have a Creed; neither did they make the Bible the primary source of their faith. Quaker services had no fixed form: they waited silently for the Spirit to move them. There were no ministers or priests or formal sacraments, since all life was deemed to be sacramental.

95. NZ Quaker Website
Faith, practices, activities and contact information for Aotearoa/New Zealand Yearly Meeting of the Religious society of friends (Quakers).
We often refer to ourselves as Friends, from our title "The Religious Society of Friends", and you are also welcome as a friend. This site allows you to find out Who We Are , with information on our beliefs, customs and practices, and organisation. There is a section on What We Are Doing , which details some of our Activities, Organisations and Committees. The How To Find Us subpage gives access to contact people as well as the times and locations of our regular Monthly Meetings and worship groups throughout the country. The fourth main section describes a number of documents and publications produced and used by New Zealand Quakers, as well as various interesting articles and book reviews. At the top of this page are links to FAQ (Questions often asked about Quakerism) useful contacts Quaker news and an events calendar You can also view some other interesting websites , including a number of Quaker sites worldwide.

96. Society Of Friends Of IES Page
The society of friends of the Institute of Ethiopian Studies, founded in 1968, has played a major role in introducing the Ethiopian and foreign community to
Society Of Friends of the Institute of Ethiopian Studies Anthropology Section
Art Gallery


Ethiopia CAN Center
Society of Friends of IES

Addis Ababa University
The Society of Friends of the Institute of Ethiopian Studies, founded in 1968, has played a major role in introducing the Ethiopian and foreign community to many aspects of Ethiopia's diverse and unique culture, and has also been instrumental in raising funds for the Institute's Museum most important ethnographic acquisitions. It strives to create awareness of the work of the Institute of Ethiopian Studies by promoting its objectives and activities. The Society holds regular lectures and slide shows throughout the academic year, and offers members of the Society free access to the Institute's Museum and its Library. Fund raised by members has enabled the Museum to many important acquisitions, particularly crosses, icons, and other paintings and manuscripts. The Society of Friends of the IES has been instrumental in enabling the IES Museum to emerge as the finest gallery of Ethiopian traditional art in the world and at the same time saved for posterity innumerable works of Ethiopian art which the country would almost certainly have lost.

97. Quakers [See Society Of Friends] - Godulike - An Irreverent Look At The Faith In
Quakers See society of friends by Mary M the Quakers are listed under Q. But for technical reasons the full description is under society of friends.

98. Quaker Faith Practice Of Britain Yearly Meeting
The official book of Christian discipline of Britain Yearly Meeting of the Religious society of friends.

99. Society Of Friends (Quakers) - Godulike - An Irreverent Look At The Faith Indust
society of friends (Quakers) When the sound of reflective silence is only broken with common sense solutions.

100. Bristol UWE Chaplaincy
society of friends. Ashton, Bedminster and Southville. Bedminster Meeting House Wedmore Vale Victoria Park Bedminster
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